TheNES Four Score and NES Satellite aremultitap accessories produced byNintendo for theNintendo Entertainment System (NES). With supported games, both peripherals allow the connection of up to four controllers to input simultaneously on the NES;[1] they are interchangeable in their compatibility with supported games.[2]
The major difference between the NES Four Score and the NES Satellite is that the former connects directly to the NES, while the latter usesinfrared wireless communication instead; the latter acts as a range extender adaptor for all wired controllers, extending the usable range from around 3 feet (for a standard controller) to 15 feet.[2][3] The Satellite consists of two units: a small infrared receiver that plugs into the console's controller ports, and a main unit that is powered by sixC batteries and must have aline of sight to the receiver.[4] Both devices have four controller ports and two "Turbo" switches to simulate rapid pressing of the A and B buttons.[4][5] The NES Satellite includes a switch to enable either a controller or light gun (NES Zapper) mode; the NES Four Score does not have such a switch and is incompatible with the latter peripheral as well as thePower Pad, but includes a different switch that enables either a two-controller or four-controller mode.[4][5]
NES games released prior to the introduction of the multitaps required the sharing of an NES controller if they supported more than two players (such asAnticipation); such games do not support the multitaps' individual controller feature as a result.[6][7] Both devices were shown at the 1990 WinterConsumer Electronics Show.[8]
Nintendo initially revealed the NES Satellite, designed byRare Coin-It,[9] to journalists in June 1989;[10] it was previewed in the September–October 1989 issue ofNintendo Power[7] before releasing in North America in December 1989 at anMSRP ofUS$39.95[11][12] and was also featured in the NES Sports Set console bundle, which retailed for $150.[3] The adapter was released in Sweden in February 1991 for 525kr.[13] The NES Four Score was released in North America in March 1990 forUS$24.95.[12][14]