The N001 radar for the Su-27 was designed by Viktor Grishin. Pushing the state of the art for theUSSR, the original design, known as Mech, was supposed to draw heavily on technologies developed for the experimental Soyuz radar program led by NPO Istok. It was intended to have a great deal of commonality with theMiG-29'sN019 Rubin radar. N001 has a 1.075m antenna diameter twist-cassegrain antenna. Apulse-doppler design operating in the 3 cm band using medium and highPRFs for optimumlookdown capability, the N001 has a search range of 80–100 km against a 3m2RCS target in a headon engagement, 140 km against a large bomber. It can track a 3m2 target at 65 km. In a pursuit engagement, search range for a 3m2 target falls to just 40 km. Azimuth limits are ±60. Initial units had aMTBF of only 5 hours, but later type is 100 hours; MTBF was eventually brought up to 200 hours. TheSu-33 used an updated SUV-33 control system, the N001 radar was largely unchanged but with sea optimised lookdown capability and support for the carrier-basedGCI system.
Processor replaced TS101M capable of single target engagement and simultaneously tracking 10 targets during an engagement.
N001VE (RLPK-27VE)
Fitted toChineseSu-30MKK. This will substantially improve air-to-air performance, and increase air-to-ground resolution. N001VE incorporated themoving target indication (MTI) and mapping capabilities, and capability to detect low flying orhoveringhelicopters. Processor replaced Baguet series BCVM-486-6, capable of simultaneously engaging two of ten targets tracked withsemi-active radar homingair-to-air missiles and compatibility forR-77/RVV-AE.[1] Tracking distance is extended up to 70 km.
Fitted toSu-30MK2 and the upgradedSu-27SMx. New processor Baguet series 55-04.02 make it being able to concurrently track 10 targets while engaging up to four air targets or two ground targets. Detection range against fighter aircraft of 150 km and detection range against bomber extended to 300 km. Compatible with advanced anti-surface ammunition such asKh-31 andKh-35.
N001VEP's Twist cassegrain antenna replaced the newPeropassive phased arrayantenna, developed by NIIP and RyazanGRPZ.[2] The radar simultaneously engage 6 aerial targets, or 4 ground targets, and Extended up to 190 km detection range against fighter. Also called "Panda".