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Place of worship for Muslims
"Masjed" and "Musjid" redirect here. For the Iranian villages, seeMasjed, Iran (disambiguation). For the 19th-century British racehorse, seeMusjid (horse).
TheProphet's Mosque (al-Masjid an-Nabawi) inMedina, one of the holiest mosques in Islam
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Amosque (/mɒsk/MOSK), also called amasjid (/ˈmæsɪd,ˈmʌs-/MASS-jid,MUSS-),[note 1] is aplace of worship forMuslims.[1] The term usually refers to a covered building, but can be any place whereIslamic prayers are performed; such as an outdoor courtyard.[2][3]

Originally, mosques were simple places of prayer for theearly Muslims, and may have been open spaces rather than elaborate buildings.[4] In the first stage ofIslamic architecture (650–750 CE), early mosques comprised open and closed covered spaces enclosed by walls, often withminarets, from which theIslamic call to prayer was issued on a daily basis.[5] It is typical of mosque buildings to have a special ornamental niche (amihrab) set into the wall in the direction of the city ofMecca (theqibla), which Muslims must face during prayer,[1] as well as a facility for ritual cleansing (wudu).[1][6] The pulpit (minbar), from which public sermons (khutbah) are delivered on the event ofFriday prayer, was, in earlier times, characteristic of the central city mosque, but has since become common in smaller mosques.[7][1] To varying degrees, mosque buildings are designed so that there aresegregated spaces for men and women.[1] This basic pattern of organization has assumed different forms depending on the region, period, andIslamic denomination.[6]

In addition to being places of worship inIslam, mosques also serve as locations forfuneral services andfuneral prayers, marriages (nikah), vigils duringRamadan, business agreements, collection and distribution ofalms, and homeless shelters.[1][7] To this end, mosques have historically been multi-purpose buildings functioning as community centres, courts of law, andreligious schools. In modern times, they have also preserved their role as places of religious instruction and debate.[1][7] Special importance is accorded to, in descending order of importance:al-Masjid al-Haram in the city of Mecca, whereHajj andUmrah are performed; theProphet's Mosque in the city ofMedina, whereMuhammad is buried; andal-Aqsa Mosque in the city ofJerusalem, where Muslims believe thatMuhammad ascended to heaven to meet God around 621 CE.[1] There's a growing realization among scholars that the present-day perception of mosques doesn't fully align with their original concept. Early Islamic texts and practices highlight mosques as vibrant centers integral to Muslim communities, supporting religious, social, economic, and political affairs.[8]

During and after theearly Muslim conquests, mosques were established outside ofArabia in the hundreds; manysynagogues,churches, andtemples wereconverted into mosques and thus influenced Islamic architectural styles over the centuries.[7] While most pre-modern mosques were funded by charitable endowments (waqf),[1] the modern-day trend of government regulation of large mosques has been countered by the rise of privately funded mosques, many of which serve as bases for different streams ofIslamic revivalism and social activism.[7]



The word 'mosque' entered theEnglish language from theFrench wordmosquée, probably derived fromItalianmoschea (a variant of Italianmoscheta), from eitherMiddle Armenianմզկիթ (mzkit),MedievalGreek:μασγίδιον (masgídion), or Spanishmezquita, fromArabic:مسجد,romanizedmasjid (meaning "site of prostration (in prayer)" and hence a place of worship), either fromNabataeanmasgĕdhā́ or from ArabicArabic:سَجَدَ,romanizedsajada (meaning "toprostrate"), probably ultimately fromNabataean Arabicmasgĕdhā́ orAramaicsĕghēdh.[9]




See also:List of the oldest mosques

Islam was established in Arabia during the lifetime ofMuhammad in the 7th century CE.[10] Thefirst mosque in history could be either the sanctuary built around theKa'bah inMecca, known today asAl-Masjid al-Haram ('The Sacred Mosque'), or theQuba Mosque inMedina, the first structure built by Muhammad upon hisemigration from Mecca in 622CE,[11] both located in the Hejaz region in present-day Saudi Arabia.[12]

Other scholars reference Islamic tradition[13][14][15] and passages of the Quran,[16][17][18] according to which Islam as a religion precedes Muhammad, and includes previous prophets such as Abraham.[19] In Islamic tradition,Abraham is credited with having built theKa'bah in Mecca, and consequently its sanctuary,Al-Masjid al-Haram, which is seen by Muslims as the first mosque that existed.[20][21][22][23] Ahadith inSahih al-Bukhari states that the sanctuary of theKa'bah was the first mosque on Earth, with the second mosque beingAl-Aqsa inJerusalem,[24] which is also associated with Abraham.[21] Since as early as 638 CE, the Sacred Mosque of Mecca has been expanded on several occasions to accommodate the increasing number of Muslims who either live in the area or make the annual pilgrimage known asHajj to the city.[25]

Either way, after the Quba Mosque,Muhammad went on to establish another mosque in Medina, which is now known asAl-Masjid an-Nabawi ('The Prophet's Mosque'). Built on the site of his home, Muhammad participated in the construction of the mosque himself and helped pioneer the concept of the mosque as the focal point of the Islamic city.[26] The Prophet's Mosque is considered by some scholars ofIslamic architecture to be the first mosque.[27][28] The mosque had a roof supported by columns made of palm tree trunks[29] and it included a large courtyard, a motif common among mosques built since then.[26] Rebuilt and expanded over time,[30] it soon became a largerhypostyle structure.[28] It probably served as a model for the construction of early mosques elsewhere.[27][28][29] It introduced some of the features still common in today's mosques, including the niche at the front of the prayer space known as themihrab (first added in theUmayyad period)[30] and the tiered pulpit called theminbar.[31]

Diffusion and evolution

TheUmayyad Mosque inDamascus, built during theUmayyad Caliphate

TheUmayyad Caliphate was particularly instrumental in spreading Islam and establishing mosques within theLevant, as the Umayyads constructed among the most revered mosques in the region —Al-Aqsa Mosque andDome of the Rock inJerusalem, and theUmayyad Mosque inDamascus.[32] The designs of the Dome of the Rock and the Umayyad Mosque were influenced byByzantine architecture, a trend that continued much later with the rise of theOttoman Empire.[33]

TheGreat Mosque of Kairouan in present-dayTunisia was the first mosque built in theMaghreb (northwest Africa), with its present form (dating from the ninth century) serving as a model for other Islamic places of worship in the Maghreb. It was the first in the region to incorporate a squareminaret, which was characteristic of later Maghrebi mosques, and includesnaves akin to abasilica.[34][35] Those features can also be found inAndalusi mosques, including theGreat Mosque of Cordoba, as they tended to reflect the architecture of theMoors instead of theirVisigoth predecessors.[35] Still, some elements ofVisigothic architecture, likehorseshoe arches, were infused into the mosque architecture of Spain and the Maghreb.[36]

Faisal Mosque inIslamabad is the largest mosque in Pakistan and in South Asia with a capacity of 300,000

Muslim empires were instrumental in the evolution and spread of mosques. Although mosques were first established in India during the seventh century, they were not commonplace acrossthe subcontinent until the arrival of theMughals in the 16th and 17th centuries. Reflecting theirTimurid origins,Mughal-style mosques includedonion domes,pointed arches, and elaborate circular minarets, features common in thePersian andCentral Asian styles.[37] TheJama Masjid inDelhi and theBadshahi Mosque inLahore, built in a similar manner in the mid-17th century,[38] remain two of the largest mosques on the Indian subcontinent.[39]

The first mosque inEast Asia was established in the eighth century inXi'an. TheGreat Mosque of Xi'an, whose current building dates from the 18th century, does not replicate the features often associated with mosques elsewhere.[40] Minarets were initially prohibited by the state.[41] Following traditionalChinese architecture, the Great Mosque of Xi'an, like many other mosques in eastern China, resembles apagoda, with a green roof instead of the yellow roof common on imperial structures in China. Mosques in western China were more likely to incorporate elements, like domes and minarets, traditionally seen in mosques elsewhere.[40]

Kampung Hulu Mosque, the oldest mosque in Malaysia

A similar integration of foreign and local influences could be seen on theIndonesian islands ofSumatra andJava, where mosques, including theDemak Great Mosque, were first established in the 15th century.[42] Early Javanese mosques took design cues fromHindu,Buddhist, and Chinese architectural influences, with tall timber, multi-level roofs similar to the pagodas ofBalinese Hindu temples; the ubiquitous Islamic dome did not appear in Indonesia until the 19th century.[41][43] In turn, the Javanese style influenced the styles of mosques in Indonesia'sAustronesian neighbors—Malaysia,Brunei, and the Philippines.[42]

Several of the early mosques in the Ottoman Empire were originally churches or cathedrals from theByzantine Empire, with theHagia Sophia (one of those converted cathedrals) informing the architecture of mosques from after theOttoman conquest of Constantinople.[44] The Ottomans developedtheir own architectural style characterized by large central domes (sometimes surrounded by multiple smaller domes), pencil-shaped minarets, and open façades.[45]

Namazgah Mosque in 2018. It was the largest mosque in theBalkans at the time of completion.

Mosques from the Ottoman period are still scattered acrossEastern Europe, but the most rapid growth in the number of mosques in Europe has occurred within the past century as more Muslims have migrated to the continent. Many major European cities are home to mosques, like theGrand Mosque of Paris, that incorporate domes, minarets, and other features often found with mosques in Muslim-majority countries.[46] The first mosque in North America was founded byAlbanian Americans in 1915, but the continent's oldest surviving mosque, theMother Mosque of America, was built in 1934.[47] As in Europe, the number of American mosques has rapidly increased in recent decades as Muslim immigrants, particularly fromSouth Asia, have come in the United States. Greater than forty percent of mosques in the United States were constructed after 2000.[48]

Inter-religious conversion

See also:Conversion of non-Muslim places of worship into mosques,List of former mosques in Spain, andList of former mosques in Portugal
TheHagia Sophia inIstanbul, Turkey, was converted into a mosque after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453

According to earlyMuslim historians, towns that surrendered without resistance and made treaties with the Muslims were allowed to retain their churches and the towns captured by Muslims had many of their churches converted to mosques.[49] One of the earliest examples of these kinds of conversions was inDamascus, Syria, where in 705UmayyadcaliphAl-Walid I bought the church ofSt. John from theChristians and had it rebuilt as a mosque in exchange for building a number of new churches for the Christians in Damascus. Overall,Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (Al-Waleed's father) is said to have transformed 10 churches in Damascus into mosques.[50]

The process of turning churches into mosques were especially intensive in the villages where most of the inhabitantsconverted to Islam.[citation needed] TheAbbasid caliphal-Ma'mun turned many churches into mosques.Ottoman Turks converted nearly all churches, monasteries, and chapels inConstantinople, including the famousHagia Sophia, into mosques immediately aftercapturing the city in 1453. In some instances mosques have been established on the places ofJewish or Christian sanctuaries associated withBiblical personalities who were also recognized by Islam.[51]

Mosques have also been converted for use by other religions, notably in southern Spain, following the conquest of the Moors in 1492.[52] The most prominent of them is theGreat Mosque of Cordoba, itself constructed on the site of a church demolished during the period of Muslim rule. Outside of theIberian Peninsula, such instances also occurred in southeastern Europe once regions were no longer under Muslim rule.

Religious functions

See also:Congregational mosque


Inside the Mosque,Dhaka,Bangladesh, duringEid ul-Fitr

There are two holidays (Eids) in theIslamic calendar:ʿĪd al-Fiṭr andʿĪd al-Aḍḥā, during which there are special prayers held at mosques in the morning. TheseEid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups, and so, in the absence of an outdoorEidgah, a large mosque will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques. Some mosques will even rentconvention centers or other large public buildings to hold the large number of Muslims who attend. Mosques, especially those in countries where Muslims are the majority, will also host Eid prayers outside in courtyards,town squares or on the outskirts of town in anEidgah.[53][54]


Iftar atTaipei Grand Mosque, Taiwan duringRamadan

Islam's holiest month,Ramaḍān, is observed through many events. As Muslims mustfast during the day during Ramadan, mosques will hostIfṭār dinners after sunset and the fourth required prayer of the day, that isMaghrib. Food is provided, at least in part, by members of the community, thereby creating dailypotluck dinners. Because of the community contribution necessary to serveiftar dinners, mosques with smaller congregations may not be able to host theiftar dinners daily. Some mosques will also holdSuḥūr meals beforedawn to congregants attending the first required prayer of the day,Fajr. As with iftar dinners, congregants usually provide the food for suhoor, although able mosques may provide food instead. Mosques will often invite poorer members of the Muslim community to share in beginning and breaking the fasts, as providingcharity during Ramadan is regarded in Islam as especially honorable.[55]

Following the last obligatory daily prayer (ʿIshāʾ) special, optionalTarāwīḥ prayers are offered in larger mosques. During each night of prayers, which can last for up to two hours each night, usually one member of the community who has memorized the entire Quran (aHafiz) will recite a segment of the book.[56] Sometimes, several such people (not necessarily of the local community) take turns to do this. During the last ten days of Ramadan, larger mosques will host all-night programs to observeLaylat al-Qadr, the night Muslims believe that Muhammad first received Quranic revelations.[56] On that night, betweensunset andsunrise, mosques employ speakers to educate congregants in attendance about Islam. Mosques or the community usually provide meals periodically throughout the night

Vault ceiling of theNasir al-Mulk Mosque inShiraz, Iran

During the last ten days ofRamadan, larger mosques within the Muslim community will hostIʿtikāf, a practice in which at least one Muslim man from the community must participate. Muslims performing itikaf are required to stay within the mosque for ten consecutive days, often in worship or learning about Islam. As a result, the rest of the Muslim community is responsible for providing the participants with food, drinks, and whatever else they need during their stay.[56]


Adina Mosque, once the largest mosque in South Asia, inPandua, the first capital of theBengal Sultanate.

The third of theFive Pillars of Islam states that Muslims are required to give approximately one-fortieth of their wealth to charity asZakat.[57] Since mosques form the center of Muslim communities, they are where Muslims go to both givezakat and, if necessary, collect it. Before the holiday ofEid ul-Fitr, mosques also collect a specialzakat that is supposed to assist in helping poor Muslims attend the prayers and celebrations associated with the holiday.

Frequency of attendance


The frequency by which Muslims attend mosque services vary greatly around the world. In some countries, weekly attendance at religious services is common among Muslims while in others, attendance is rare. A study of American Muslims did not find differences in mosque attendance by gender or age.[58]

Percentage of Muslims who attend mosque at least once a week, 2009–2012[59]
Democratic Republic of the CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo
United KingdomUnited Kingdom[note 2][60]
ThailandThailand[note 3]
YemenYemen[note 4][62]
IsraelIsrael[note 5][63]
CanadaCanada[note 6][65]
AlgeriaAlgeria[note 7][66]
United StatesUnited States of America[67]
AustraliaAustralia[note 8][68]
GermanyGermany[note 9][69]
LibyaLibya[note 10][62]
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnia and Herzegovina
FranceFrance[note 11][70]
IranIran[note 12][66]
Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia[note 13][66]
BulgariaBulgaria[note 14][73]
RussiaRussian Federation
Georgia (country)Georgia[note 15][73]


Further information:Islamic architecture


A 14th-century mosque ofMir Sayyid Ali Hamadani inSrinagar,Jammu and Kashmir, India

Arab-plan orhypostyle mosques are the earliest type of mosques, pioneered under the Umayyad Dynasty. These mosques have square or rectangular plans with an enclosed courtyard (sahn) and covered prayer hall. Historically, in the warm Middle Eastern andMediterranean climates, the courtyard served to accommodate the large number of worshippers during Friday prayers. Most early hypostyle mosques had flat roofs on prayer halls, which required the use of numerouscolumns andsupports.[51] One of the most notable hypostyle mosques is the Great Mosque of Cordoba in Spain, the building being supported by over 850 columns.[74] Frequently, hypostyle mosques have outerarcades (riwaq) so that visitors can enjoy the shade. Arab-plan mosques were constructed mostly under the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. The simplicity of the Arab plan limited the opportunities for further development, the mosques consequently losing popularity.[51]

Huseina Čauša džamija (a.k.a. Džindijska), 17th-century traditional wooden mosque inTuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The first departure within mosque design started in Persia (Iran). ThePersians had inherited a richarchitectural legacy from the earlier Persian dynasties, and they began incorporating elements from earlierParthian andSassanid designs into their mosques, influenced by buildings such as thePalace of Ardashir and theSarvestan Palace.[75] Thus,Islamic architecture witnessed the introduction of such structures as domes and large, arched entrances, referred to asiwans. DuringSeljuq rule, asIslamic mysticism was on the rise, thefour-iwan arrangement took form. The four-iwan format, finalized by the Seljuqs, and later inherited by theSafavids, firmly established the courtyard façade of such mosques, with the towering gateways at every side, as more important than the actual buildings themselves.[75] They typically took the form of a square-shaped central courtyard with large entrances at each side, giving the impression of gateways to the spiritual world.[76] The Persians also introducedPersian gardens into mosque designs. Soon, a distinctlyPersian style of mosques started appearing that would significantly influence the designs of laterTimurid, and alsoMughal, mosque designs.

Great Mosque of Xi'an in China built in 742

The Ottomans introduced central dome mosques in the 15th century. These mosques have a large dome centered over the prayer hall. In addition to having a large central dome, a common feature is smaller domes that exist off-center over the prayer hall or throughout the rest of the mosque, where prayer is not performed.[77] This style was heavily influenced by Byzantine architecture with its use of large central domes.[51]

Islam forbidsfigurative art, on the grounds that the artist must not imitate God's creation. Mosques are, therefore, decorated withabstract patterns and beautiful inscriptions. Decoration is often concentrated around doorways and themiḥrāb. Tiles are used widely in mosques. They lend themselves to pattern-making, can be made with beautiful subtle colors, and can create a cool atmosphere, an advantage in the hot Arab countries. Quotations from theQuran often adorn mosque interiors. These texts are meant to inspire people by their beauty, while also reminding them of the words of Allah.[78]

Prayer hall


The prayer hall, also known as themuṣallá (Arabic:مُصَلَّى), rarely has furniture; chairs and pews are generally absent from the prayer hall so as to allow as many worshipers as possible to line the room.[79] Some mosques haveIslamic calligraphy and Quranic verses on the walls to create a more religious atmosphere for worshippers.[56]

Often, a limited part of the prayer hall is sanctified formally as amasjid in thesharīʿah sense (although the termmasjid is also used for the larger mosque complex as well). Once designated, there are onerous limitations on the use of this formally designatedmasjid, and it may not be used for any purpose other than worship; restrictions that do not necessarily apply to the rest of the prayer area, and to the rest of the mosque complex (although such uses may be restricted by the conditions of thewaqf that owns the mosque).[80]

In many mosques, especially the early congregational mosques, the prayer hall is built in thehypostyle form (the roof held up by a multitude of columns).[81] One of the finest examples of the hypostyle-plan mosques is theGreat Mosque of Kairouan inTunisia.[82]

Usually opposite the entrance to the prayer hall is theqibla wall (the direction ofMecca, and thus the direction towards whichMuslims should face for prayer), the visually emphasized area inside the prayer hall. Theqibla wall should, in a properly oriented mosque, be set perpendicular to a line leading toMecca, where theKaaba is located.[83] Congregants pray in rows parallel to the qiblah wall and thus arrange themselves so they face Mecca. In theqibla wall, usually at its center, is themiḥrāb, a niche or depression indicating the direction of Mecca. Usually themihrab is not occupied by furniture either. A raisedminbar (pulpit) is located to the right side of themihrab for akhaṭīb (preacher), or some other speaker, to offer akhuṭbah (sermon) during the ritual Friday prayers.

Themihrab serves as the location where theimam ormullah leads the five daily prayers on a regular basis.[84] Left to themihrab, in the front left corner of the mosque, sometimes there is akursu (Turkish:kürsü, Bosnian:ćurs/ћурс), a small elevated plateau (rarely with a chair or other type of seat) used for less formal preaching and speeches.

Women's prayer hall

Stairs toward themaqfil
View of themaqfil

Women who pray in mosques are separated from men. Their part for prayer is calledmaqfil[85] (Bosnian:makfil/макфил). It is located above the main prayer hall, elevated in the background as stairs-separated gallery or plateau (surface-shortened to the back relative to the bottom main part). It usually has a perforated fence at the front, through which theimam ormullah and the other male worshippers in the main hall can be partially seen.


Mihrab inAl-Masjid an-Nabawi,Medina, Saudi Arabia

Amiḥrāb, also spelled asmehrab is a semicircularniche in the wall of a mosque that faces theqiblah (i.e. the "front" of the mosque); the imam stands in this niche and leads prayer. Given that the imam typically stands alone in the frontmost row, this niche's practical effect is to save unused space.[86] Theminbar is apulpit from which the Friday sermon is delivered. While theminbar of Muhammad was a simple chair, later it became larger and attracted artistic attention. Some remained made of wood, albeit exquisitely carved, while others were made of marble and featuredfriezes.[87]


Main article:Minaret
One of the oldest standing minarets in the world, at the Great Mosque of Kairouan, in Tunisia

A common feature in mosques is the minaret, the tall, slender tower that usually is situated at one of the corners of the mosque structure. The top of the minaret is always the highest point in mosques that have one, and often the highest point in the immediate area.

Two minarets made of clay with twenty layers of horizontal protruding wooden sticks from theGreat Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso

The origin of the minaret and its initial functions are not clearly known and have long been a topic of scholarly discussion.[88][89] The earliest mosques lacked minarets, and the call to prayer was often performed from smaller structures or elevated platforms.[90][91][92] The early Muslim community of Medina gave the call to prayer from the doorway or the roof of the house ofMuhammad, which doubled as a place for prayer.[93] The first confirmed minarets in the form of towers date from the early 9th century under Abbasid rule and they did not become a standard feature of mosques until the 11th century.[94][95] These first minaret towers were placed in the middle of the wall opposite the qibla wall.[96] Among them, the minaret of the Great Mosque of Kairouan in Tunisia, dating from 836, is well-preserved and is one of the oldest surviving minarets in the world today.[97][95][98]

Before the five required daily prayers, aMu'adhdhin (Arabic:مُـؤَذِّن) calls the worshippers to prayer from the minaret. In many countries like Singapore where Muslims are not the majority, mosques are prohibited from loudly broadcasting theAdhān (Arabic:أَذَان, Call to Prayer), although it is supposed to be said loudly to the surrounding community. Theadhan is required before every prayer. Nearly every mosque assigns amuezzin for each prayer to say theadhan as it is a recommended practice orSunnah (Arabic:سُـنَّـة) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. At mosques that do not have minarets, theadhan is called instead from inside the mosque or somewhere else on the ground.[56] TheIqâmah (Arabic:إِقَـامَـة), which is similar to theadhan and proclaimed right before the commencement of prayers, is usually not proclaimed from the minaret even if a mosque has one.


The201 Dome Mosque in Tangail District, Bangladesh

Domes have been a prominent feature in mosque architecture for centuries, evolving both in form and function. Traditionally placed above the main prayer hall, they symbolize the connection between the earthly and divine, often representing the vaults of heaven and sky.[99] Initially, domes were small structures above the mihrab, but over time, they expanded to cover the entire roof of the prayer hall. The shape of the dome evolved from simple hemispherical forms to more complex designs, with the Mughals in India popularizing the onion-shaped dome, which became a hallmark of South Asian and Arabic mosque architecture.[100] The design and function of domes have been influenced by various cultures, including Persian, Byzantine, and Central Asian traditions, each contributing to the techniques and aesthetics used in their construction. Today, domes continue to serve both structural and spiritual purposes, with modern innovations further enhancing their functionality and sustainability.

Structural and functional roles

Domes not only serve as architectural focal points but also enhance mosque acoustics, amplifying the sound of the prayer and the sermon. Structurally, they allow vast interior spaces with minimal internal supports and they make the mosque appear bigger on the inside. Their placement above the prayer hall symbolizes the connection between the earthly and the divine, reinforcing the mosque's spiritual purpose.[101]

Origin of mosque domes

The origin of domes in mosque architecture can be traced back to the early Islamic period, particularly under the Umayyad Caliphate (661–750 AD). The Umayyads, played a key role in incorporating domes into mosque architecture, drawing heavily from pre-Islamic Byzantine and Sassanian traditions. One of the earliest and most significant examples is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, constructed in 691 AD by the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik. This structure was not a mosque but a shrine, yet it set a precedent for the use of domes in Islamic architecture, symbolizing the vault of heaven and the connection between the divine and earthly realms.[102]

Initially, domes in mosques were modest in size and positioned above the mihrab, emphasizing their symbolic function as markers of spiritual focus.[citation needed]  As the Islamic empire expanded, architects incorporated techniques from different regions.

Persian and Byzantine influences

Whilst squinches and pendentives were not first used in mosques, they were later incorporated in dome design and were essential in transitioning from square rooms to circular domes.[103] Squinches, which originated in Persian and Roman architecture, fill the corners of a square space to support a dome, while pendentives, a Byzantine innovation, allowed smooth transitions from a square base to a circular dome.[103] These techniques are exemplified by the Dome of Soltaniyeh.

Domes in South Asian mosque architecture

Domes became a defining feature of South Asian mosque architecture during the Delhi Sultanate and reached their peak under the Mughal Empire. Influenced by Persian and Central Asian traditions, the Mughals introduced the iconic onion-shaped domes, seen in landmarks like the Jama Masjid in Delhi and the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore.[citation needed] These domes were not only visually striking but also represented remarkable engineering, using techniques such as iron dowels for strength and timber centering for precision. The Mughal architectural style still influences mosque design today.[citation needed]

Modern innovations

One prime example of modern innovation is the Masjid Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah in Malaysia, which features a Low-E (low emissivity) glass dome. The use of Low-E glass allows for significant energy efficiency by reducing heat gain while still allowing natural light to illuminate the interior space.[104] This technique helps to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the mosque, minimizing reliance on air conditioning, and promoting sustainability.

Ablution facilities

Thewudu ("ablution") area, where Muslims wash their hands, forearm, face and feet before they pray. Example from theBadshahi Mosque, Lahore, Pakistan

Asritual purification precedes all prayers, mosques often haveablution fountains or other facilities for washing in their entryways or courtyards. Worshippers at much smaller mosques often have to use restrooms to perform their ablutions. In traditional mosques, this function is often elaborated into a freestanding building in the center of a courtyard.[74] This desire for cleanliness extends to the prayer halls where shoes are disallowed to be worn anywhere other than the cloakroom. Thus, foyers with shelves to put shoes and racks to hold coats are commonplace among mosques.[79]

Contemporary features


Modern mosques have a variety of amenities available to their congregants. As mosques are supposed to appeal to the community, they may also have additional facilities, fromhealth clinics andclubs (gyms) tolibraries togymnasiums, to serve the community.[105]



Certain symbols are represented in a mosque's architecture to allude to different aspects of the Islamic religion. One of these feature symbols is the spiral. The "cosmic spiral" found in designs and on minarets is a references to heaven as it has "no beginning and no end".[106] Mosques also often have floral patterns or images of fruit and vegetables. These are allusions to the paradise after death.[106]

Rules and etiquette


Prayer leading


Appointment of a prayer leader is considered desirable, but not always obligatory.[107] The permanent prayer leader (imam) must be a free honest individual and is authoritative in religious matters.[107] In mosques constructed and maintained by the government, the prayer leader is appointed by the ruler;[107] in private mosques, appointment is made by members of the congregation throughmajority voting. According to theHanafischool of Islamic jurisprudence, the individual who built the mosque has a stronger claim to the title of imam, but this view is not shared by the other schools.[107]

Leadership at prayer falls into three categories, depending on the type of prayer: five daily prayers, Friday prayer, or optional prayers.[107] According to the Hanafi andMaliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, appointment of a prayer leader for Friday service is mandatory because otherwise the prayer is invalid. TheShafi'i andHanbali schools argue that the appointment is not necessary and the prayer is valid as long as it is performed in a congregation. A slave may lead a Friday prayer, but Muslim authorities disagree over whether the job can be done by a minor.[107] An imam appointed to lead Friday prayers may also lead at the five daily prayers;Muslim scholars agree to the leader appointed for five daily services may lead the Friday service as well.[107]

All Muslim authorities hold the consensus opinion that only men may lead prayer for men.[107] Nevertheless, women prayer leaders are allowed to lead prayer in front of all-female congregations.[108]


See also:Ritual purity in Islam
Storage for shoes

All mosques have rules regarding cleanliness, as it is an essential part of the worshippers' experience. Muslims before prayer are required to cleanse themselves in an ablution process known aswudu. Shoes must not be worn inside the carpeted prayer hall. Some mosques will also extend that rule to include other parts of the facility even if those other locations are not devoted to prayer. Congregants and visitors to mosques are supposed to be clean themselves. It is also undesirable to come to the mosque after eating something that smells, such as garlic.[109]



Islam requires that its adherents wearclothes that portraymodesty. Men are supposed to come to the mosque wearing loose and clean clothes that do not reveal the shape of the body. Likewise, it is recommended that women at a mosque wear loose clothing that covers to the wrists and ankles, and cover their heads with aḤijāb (Arabic:حِجاب), or other covering. Many Muslims, regardless of their ethnic background, wear Middle Eastern clothing associated with Arabic Islam to special occasions and prayers at mosques.[56]



As mosques are places of worship, those within the mosque are required to remain respectful to those in prayer. Loud talking within the mosque, as well as discussion of topics deemed disrespectful, is forbidden in areas where people are praying. In addition, it is disrespectful to walk in front of or otherwise disturb Muslims in prayer.[110] The walls within the mosque have few items, except for possibly Islamic calligraphy, so Muslims in prayer are not distracted.[111] Muslims are also discouraged from wearing clothing with distractingimages andsymbols so as not to divert the attention of those standing behind them during prayer. In many mosques, even the carpeted prayer area has no designs, its plainness helping worshippers to focus.

Gender separation

See also:Gender segregation and Islam,Women's mosques, andIslamic Bill of Rights for Women in the Mosque
A women-only mosque inByblos, Lebanon

There is nothing written in the Qur'an about the issue of space in mosques and gender separation. Traditional rules have segregated women and men. By traditional rules, women are most often told to occupy the rows behind the men. In part, this was a practical matter as the traditional posture for prayer – kneeling on the floor, head to the ground – made mixed-gender prayer uncomfortably revealing for many women and distracting for some men. Traditionalists try to argue that Muhammad preferred women to pray at home rather than at a mosque, and they cite aḥadīth in which Muhammad supposedly said: "The best mosques for women are the inner parts of their houses," although women were active participants in the mosque started by Muhammad. Muhammad told Muslims not to forbid women from entering mosques. They are allowed to go in.[112] The second Sunni caliph 'Umar at one time prohibited women from attending mosques especially at night because he feared they might be sexually harassed or assaulted by men, so he required them to pray at home.[113] Sometimes a special part of the mosque was railed off for women; for example, the governor of Mecca in 870 had ropes tied between the columns to make a separate place for women.[51]

Many mosques today will put the women behind a barrier or partition or in another room. Mosques inSouth andSoutheast Asia put men and women in separate rooms, as the divisions were built into them centuries ago. In nearly two-thirds of American mosques, women pray behind partitions or in separate areas, not in the main prayer hall; some mosques do not admit women at all due to the lack of space and the fact that some prayers, such as the Friday Jumuʻah, are mandatory for men but optional for women.[114] Although there are sections exclusively for women and children, the Grand Mosque in Mecca is desegregated.[115]

Non-Muslim inclusion

PresidentGeorge W. Bush inside theIslamic Center ofWashington D.C., US

Under most interpretations ofsharia, non-Muslims are permitted to enter mosques provided that they respect the place and the people inside it.[additional citation(s) needed] A dissenting opinion and minority view is presented by followers of theMaliki school of Islamic jurisprudence, who argue that non-Muslims may not be allowed into mosques under any circumstances.[107]

The Quran addresses the subject of non-Muslims, and particularlypolytheists, in mosques in two verses in its ninth chapter,Sura At-Tawba. The seventeenth verse of the chapter prohibits those whojoin gods with Allah—polytheists—from maintaining mosques:

It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques of Allah while they openly profess disbelief. Their deeds are void, and they will be in the Fire forever.

— Surah At-Tawbah9:17

The twenty-eighth verse of the same chapter is more specific as it only considers polytheists in theMasjid al-Haram in Mecca:

O believers! Indeed, the polytheists are ˹spiritually˺ impure, so they should not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year. If you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you out of His bounty, if He wills. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

— Surah At-Tawbah9:28

According toAhmad ibn Hanbal, these verses were followed to the letter at the times of Muhammad, whenJews and Christians, consideredmonotheists, were still allowed toAl-Masjid Al-Haram. The Umayyad caliphUmar II later forbade non-Muslims from entering mosques, and his ruling remains in practice in present-day Saudi Arabia.[51] Today, the decision on whether non-Muslims should be allowed to enter mosques varies. With few exceptions, mosques in the Arabian Peninsula as well as Morocco do not allow entry to non-Muslims. For example, the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is one of only two mosques in Morocco currently open to non-Muslims.[116]

There are many other mosques in the West and Islamic world which non-Muslims are welcome to enter. Most mosques in the United States, for example, report receiving non-Muslim visitors every month. Many mosques throughout the United States welcome non-Muslims as a sign of openness to the rest of the community as well as to encourage conversions to Islam.[117][118]

In modern-day Saudi Arabia, the Grand Mosque and all of Mecca are open only to Muslims. Likewise, Al-Masjid Al-Nabawi and the city ofMedina that surrounds it are also off-limits to those who do not practice Islam.[119] For mosques in other areas, it has most commonly been taken that non-Muslims may only enter mosques if granted permission to do so by Muslims, and if they have a legitimate reason. All entrants regardless ofreligious affiliation are expected to respect the rules anddecorum for mosques.[56]

In modern Turkey, non-Muslim tourists are allowed to enter any mosque, but there are some strict rules. Visiting a mosque is allowed only between prayers; visitors are required to wear long trousers and not to wear shoes, women must cover their heads; visitors are not allowed to interrupt praying Muslims, especially by taking photos of them; no loud talk is allowed; and no references to other religions are allowed (no crosses on necklaces, no cross gestures, etc.) Similar rules apply to mosques in Malaysia, where larger mosques that are also tourist attractions (such as theMasjid Negara) provide robes and headscarves for visitors who are deemed inappropriately attired.[120]

In certain times and places, non-Muslims were expected to behave a certain way in the vicinity of a mosque: in some Moroccan cities, Jews were required to remove their shoes when passing by a mosque;[121] in 18th-century Egypt, Jews and Christians had to dismount before several mosques in veneration of their sanctity.[122][better source needed]

The association of the mosque with education remained one of its main characteristics throughout history,[123] and the school became an indispensable appendage to the mosque. From the earliest days of Islam, the mosque was the center of the Muslim community, a place for prayer, meditation, religious instruction, political discussion, and a school. Anywhere Islam took hold, mosques were established, and basic religious and educational instruction began.[124]

Role in contemporary society

See also:Political aspects of Islam
TheEast London Mosque was one of the first in Britain to be allowed to useloudspeakers to broadcast theadhan[125]

Political mobilization


The late 20th century saw an increase in the number of mosques used for political purposes. While some governments in the Muslim world have attempted to limit the content of Friday sermons to strictly religious topics, there are also independent preachers who deliverkhutbas that address social and political issues, often in emotionally charged terms. Common themes include social inequalities, necessity ofjihad in the face of injustice, and the universal struggle between good and evil.[1] In Islamic countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, political subjects are preached by imams at Friday congregations on a regular basis.[126] Mosques often serve as meeting points for political opposition in times of crisis.[1]

Countries with a minority Muslim population are more likely than Muslim-majority countries of theGreater Middle East to use mosques as a way to promote civic participation.[127] Studies of US Muslims have consistently shown a positive correlation between mosque attendance and political involvement. Some of the research connects civic engagement specifically with mosque attendance for social and religious activities other than prayer.[128] American mosques hostvoter registration and civic participation drives that promote involving Muslims, who are often first- or second-generation immigrants, in the political process. As a result of these efforts as well as attempts at mosques to keep Muslims informed about the issues facing theMuslim community, regular mosque attendants are more likely to participate inprotests, signpetitions, and otherwise be involved in politics.[127] Research on Muslim civic engagement in other Western countries "is less conclusive but seems to indicate similar trends".[128]

Political controversy

Historic woodenKruszyniany Mosque, used by thePolish Tatar community, and targeted by an Islamophobic attack in 2014

In the western world, and in the United States in particular, anti-Muslim sentiment and targeted domestic policy has created challenges for mosques and those looking to build them. There has been government and police surveillance of mosques in the US[129] and local attempts to ban mosques and block constructions,[130] despite data showing that in fact, most Americans oppose banning the building of mosques (79%) and the surveillance of U.S. mosques (63%) as shown in a 2018 study done by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.[131][clarification needed]

Since 2017,Chinese authorities have destroyed or damaged two-thirds of themosques in China'sXinjiang province.[132]Ningxia officials were notified on 3 August 2018 that theWeizhou Grand Mosque would be forcibly demolished because it had not received the proper permits before construction.[133][134][135] Officials in the town said that the mosque had not been given proper building permits, because it is built in aMiddle Eastern style and includes numerousdomes andminarets.[133][134] The residents of Weizhou alarmed each other throughsocial media and finally stopped the mosque destruction by public demonstrations.[134]

Role in violent conflicts

See also:Islamophobia andIsraeli–Palestinian conflict
Mosque inGaza, destroyed during theGaza War in 2009

As they are considered important to the Muslim community, mosques, like other places of worship, can be at the heart of social conflicts. TheBabri Mosque in India was the subject of such a conflict up until the early 1990s when it was demolished. Before a mutual solution could be devised, the mosque was destroyed on December 6, 1992, as the mosque was built byBabur allegedly on the site of a previousHindu temple marking the birthplace ofRama.[136] The controversy surrounded the mosque was directly linked torioting in Bombay (present-dayMumbai) as well asbombings in 1993 that killed 257 people.[137]

Bombings in February 2006 andJune 2007 seriously damaged Iraq'sal-Askari Mosque and exacerbated existing tensions. Other mosque bombings in Iraq, both before and after the February 2006 bombing, have been part of the conflict between the country's groups of Muslims. In June 2005, asuicide bombing killed at least 19 people at an AfghanShia mosque near Jade Maivand.[138] In April 2006,two explosions occurred at India's Jama Masjid.[139] Following the al-Askari Mosque bombing in Iraq, imams and other Islamic leaders used mosques andFriday prayers as vehicles to call for calm and peace in the midst of widespread violence.[140]

A study 2005 indicated that while support for suicide bombings is not correlated with personal devotion to Islam among Palestinian Muslims, it is correlated with mosque attendance because "participating in communal religious rituals of any kind likely encourages support for self-sacrificing behaviors that are done for the collective good."[141]

Following theSeptember 11 attacks, several American mosques were targeted in attacks ranging from simplevandalism toarson.[142] Furthermore, theJewish Defense League was suspected of plotting to bomb the King Fahd Mosque inCulver City, California.[143] Similar attacks occurred throughout the United Kingdom following the7 July 2005 London bombings. Outside the Western world, in June 2001, theHassan Bek Mosque was the target of vandalism and attacks by hundreds of Israelis after a suicide bomber killed 19 people in a night club in Tel Aviv.[144][145][146] Although mosquegoing is highly encouraged for men, it is permitted to stay at home when one feels at risk from Islamophobic persecution.[147]

Saudi influence


Although the Saudi involvement in Sunni mosques around the world can be traced back to the 1960s, it was not until later in the 20th century that the government of Saudi Arabia became a large influence in foreign Sunni mosques.[148] Beginning in the 1980s, the Saudi Arabian government began to finance the construction of Sunni mosques in countries around the world. An estimated US$45 billion has been spent by the Saudi Arabian government financing mosques and Sunni Islamic schools in foreign countries.Ain al-Yaqeen, a Saudi newspaper, reported in 2002 that Saudi funds may have contributed to building as many as 1,500 mosques and 2,000 other Islamic centers.[149]

Saudi citizens have also contributed significantly to mosques in theIslamic world, especially in countries where they see Muslims as poor and oppressed. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, in 1992, mosques in war-torn Afghanistan saw many contributions from Saudi citizens.[148] The King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, California and the Islamic Cultural Center of Italy inRome represent two of Saudi Arabia's largest investments in foreign mosques as former Saudi kingFahd bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud contributed US$8 million[148] and US$50 million[150] to the two mosques, respectively.

See also



  1. ^Arabic:مَسْجِد[ˈmasdʒid] (lit.'place ofritual prostration')
  2. ^Survey was conducted in 2016, not 2009–2012.
  3. ^Survey was only conducted in the southern five provinces.
  4. ^Survey was conducted in 2013, not 2009–2012. Sample was taken from entire population of Yemen, which is approximately 99% Muslim.
  5. ^Survey was conducted in 2015, not 2009–2012.
  6. ^Survey was conducted in 2016, not 2009–2012.
  7. ^Survey was conducted in 2008, not 2009–2012.
  8. ^Survey was conducted in 2015, not 2009–2012.
  9. ^Survey was conducted in 2008, not 2009–2012.
  10. ^Survey was conducted in 2013, not 2009–2012. Sample was taken from entire population of Libya, which is approximately 97% Muslim.
  11. ^Survey was conducted in 2016, not 2009–2012.
  12. ^Survey was conducted in 2008, not 2009–2012.
  13. ^Survey was conducted in 2008, not 2009–2012.
  14. ^Survey was conducted in 2017, not 2009–2012.
  15. ^Survey was conducted in 2017, not 2009–2012.




  1. ^abcdefghijkJohn L. Esposito, ed. (2014)."Mosque".The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Oxford University Press. Archived fromthe original on December 25, 2017.
  2. ^Longhurst, Christopher E., "Theology of a Mosque: The Sacred Inspiring Form, Function and Design in Islamic Architecture",Lonaard Journal. Mar 2012, Vol. 2 Issue 8, pp. 3–13 [11]. "Since submission to God is the essence of divine worship, the place of worship is intrinsic to Islam's self-identity. This 'place' is not a building per se but what is evidenced by the etymology of the word 'mosque' which derives from the Arabic 'masjid' meaning 'a place of sujud (prostration).'
  3. ^Colledge, R. (1999). "The mosque". In:Mastering World Religions. Macmillan Master Series. Palgrave, London.doi:10.1007/978-1-349-14329-0_16 "A mosque is a building where Muslims bow before Allah to show their submission to His will. It is not necessary to have a building to do this. Muhammad said that 'Wherever the hour of prayer overtakes you, you shall perform the prayer. That place is the mosque'. In his early days in Makkah there was no mosque, so he and his friends would pray anywhere."
  4. ^Grabar 1969, p. 34: "The main characteristic, then, of this first stage was the creation of a space which served exclusively Muslim purposes and which, in cities that were entirely Muslim, existed on two separate levels of exclusivity. The word masjid is always associated with these spaces, but it does not yet possess any formal structure nor does it have any precise function other than that of excluding non-Muslims."
  5. ^Grabar 1969, pp. 34–35: "A second stage occurred between 650 and 750. To my knowledge, twenty-seven masjids from this period are archaeologically definable... All mosques had a certain relationship between open and closed covered spaces. The problems posed by this relationship pertain primarily to the history of art, except on one point, which is the apparent tendency to consider the covered parts as the bayt al-salat, i.e. place of prayer, and the rest of the building as an overflow area for prayer. All these buildings were enclosed by walls and did not have an exterior façade. Their orderly form appeared only from the inside where the balance between open and covered spaces served, among other things, to indicate the direction of qibla. Their only outward symbol was the minaret, a feature which appeared early in mosques built in old cities with predominantly non-Muslim populations and only later in primarily Muslim ones."
  6. ^abNuha N. N. Khoury (2009). "Mosque". In Juan Eduardo Campo (ed.).Encyclopedia of Islam. Infobase Publishing.
  7. ^abcdePatrick D. Gaffney (2004). "Masjid". In Richard C. Martin (ed.).Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. MacMillan Reference.
  8. ^Utaberta, Nangkula; Asif, Nayeem; Rasdi, Mohd Tajuddin Mohd; Yunos, Mohd Yazid Mohd; Ismail, Nor Atiah; Ismail, Sumarni (2015-04-01)."The Concept of Mosque Based on Islamic Philosophy: A Review Based on Early Islamic Texts and Practices of the Early Generation of the Muslims".Advances in Environmental Biology.9 (5):371–375.Archived from the original on 2024-02-24. Retrieved2024-03-03.
  9. ^For the word's origin from French and probable origin from Italianmoscheta, see "mosque, n.".OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press.[1]Archived 2014-08-10 at theWayback Machine. For the derivation ofmoscheta from Arabicsajada see "mesquita, n.".OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press.[2]Archived 2014-08-10 at theWayback Machine. For the probable origin of "sajada" from Aramaic, and the meanings ofsajada andmasjid in Arabic, see "masjid, n.".OED Online. December 2011. Oxford University Press.[3]. For the inclusion of Spanishmesquita, possible derivation from Nabataeanmasgĕdhā́, and the Aramaicsĕghēdh, see Klein, E.,A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language (Elsevier Publishing, 1966), p. 1007.
  10. ^Watt, William Montgomery (2003).Islam and the Integration of Society. Psychology Press. p. 5.ISBN 978-0-415-17587-6.Archived from the original on 2023-01-16. Retrieved2019-06-30.
  11. ^Tajuddin 1998, p. 135
  12. ^Palmer, Allison Lee (2016).Historical Dictionary of Architecture (2nd ed.).Rowman & Littlefield. p. 236.ISBN 978-1-4422-6309-3.Archived from the original on 2023-12-26. Retrieved2023-12-26.The first mosque is considered to be either the one built around the Kaaba, or "House of God", in Mecca, now called Al-Masjid Al-Haram, or the Quba Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia, built when Muhammad arrived there from Mecca in 622.
  13. ^Esposito, John (1998).Islam: The Straight Path (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. pp. 9, 12.ISBN 978-0-19-511234-4.
  14. ^Esposito (2002b), pp. 4–5.
  15. ^Peters, F.E. (2003).Islam: A Guide for Jews and Christians. Princeton University Press. p. 9.ISBN 978-0-691-11553-5.
  16. ^Quran2:7-286
  17. ^Quran3:96
  18. ^Quran22:25-37
  19. ^Alli, Irfan (2013).25 Prophets of Islam. 978-1-4566-1307-5.Archived from the original on 2021-04-14. Retrieved2019-06-30.
  20. ^Kuban 1974, p. 1
  21. ^abMichigan Consortium for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (1986). Goss, V.P.; Bornstein, C. V. (eds.).The Meeting of Two Worlds: Cultural Exchange Between East and West During the Period of the Crusades. Vol. 21. Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University. p. 208.ISBN 978-0-9187-2058-0.Archived from the original on 2023-12-28. Retrieved2019-06-30.
  22. ^Mustafa Abu Sway."The Holy Land, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Qur'an, Sunnah and other Islamic Literary Source"(PDF).Central Conference of American Rabbis. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2011-07-28.
  23. ^Dyrness, W. A. (2013).Senses of Devotion: Interfaith Aesthetics in Buddhist and Muslim Communities. Vol. 7.Wipf and Stock Publishers. p. 25.ISBN 978-1-62032-136-2.
  24. ^"55. Prophets – Sahih Al-Bukhari – 585" from the original on 2018-06-13. Retrieved2018-06-05.
  25. ^Dumper & Stanley 2007, p. 241
  26. ^abChiu 2010, pp. 67–8
  27. ^abPetersen 1996, pp. 195–196: "The first mosque was the house of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina. This was a simple rectangular (53 by 56 m) enclosure containing rooms for the Prophet and his wives and a shaded area on the south side of the courtyard which could be used for prayer in the direction of Mecca. This building became the model for subsequent mosques which had the same basic courtyard layout with a prayer area against the qibla wall."
  28. ^abcBloom & Blair 2009, p. 549,Mosque: "The first mosque, a building that Muhammad erected at Medina in 622, is usually described as the Prophet's house but was probably intended from the outset as a community center as well. Initially, it was a rectangular enclosure of unbaked brick, a little over 50 m square, but a portico of palm trunks supporting a roof of palm-frond thatch was quickly erected on the north side of the court, facing Jerusalem, the first qibla, or direction in which Muslims sent their prayers [...]. In 624 when the qibla was changed to Mecca, another such arcade was built on the south side, facing that city. Muhammad and his family lived in rooms built on to one side of the enclosure, and Muhammad was buried in one of these rooms in 632. During the 7th and early 8th centuries, Muhammad's mosque was repeatedly enlarged and rebuilt, becoming a flat-roofed hypostyle structure with a central court and a prayer-hall deeper than the three other porticos. [...] The form of the mosque of the Prophet was closely imitated in the early congregational mosques built in the Iraqi cities of Wasit, Kufa and Basra, and in the mosque built at Daybul in Sind (now Banbhore, Pakistan)."
  29. ^abTabbaa, Yasser (2007). "Architecture". In Fleet, Kate; Krämer, Gudrun; Matringe, Denis; Nawas, John; Rowson, Everett (eds.).Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill.ISBN 978-90-04-16165-8.If Mecca provided the first Muslim shrine, the city of Medina, to which Muḥammad migrated in 622 C.E., may have provided the germ of the idea for the Muslim place of prayer, the masjid, in the form of the house of the Prophet himself. Descriptions of the house allow us to reconstruct it as a mud-brick rectangular enclosure consisting of an open courtyard, a three-aisled roofed space to the south, a one-bay space inside the northern wall, and eight separate rooms annexed to the eastern wall. The eight rooms housed Muḥammad's wives; the northern vestibule was a waiting area; the southern space served various residential, official, and ritual functions. The roof was supported by palm trunks and its southern wall, after 6/628, contained a three-stepped platform (minbar), from which Muḥammad spoke and adjudicated. Despite its rudimentary form and construction, Muḥammad's house would provide the basic model for the first mosques.
  30. ^abPetersen 1996, pp. 182–184.
  31. ^Cosman & Jones 2008, p. 610
  32. ^Kuban 1985, p. 27
  33. ^Flood 2001, pp. 101–103
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  36. ^Ruggles 2002, p. 38
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  39. ^Asher 1992, p. 202
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  41. ^abAhmed 2002, p. 109
  42. ^abBloom & Blair 2009, p. 439
  43. ^Bloom & Blair 2009, p. 281
  44. ^Essa & Ali 2010, pp. 230–231
  45. ^Essa & Ali 2010, pp. 231–232
  46. ^Bloom & Blair 2009, p. 193
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  • Bellows, Keith, ed. (2008).Sacred Places of a Lifetime: 500 of the World's Most Peaceful and Powerful Destinations. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Books.ISBN 978-1-4262-0336-7.
  • Bloom, Jonathan M.; Blair, Sheila, eds. (2009).The Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture. Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press.ISBN 978-0-19-530991-1.
  • Bloom, Jonathan M. (2013).The minaret. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.ISBN 978-0-7486-3725-6.OCLC 856037134.
  • Budge, E. A. Wallis (2001).Budge's Egypt: A Classic 19th-Century Travel Guide. Toronto: Courier Dover Publications.ISBN 978-0-486-14953-0.
  • Chiu, Y. C. (2010).An Introduction to the History of Project Management: From the Earliest Times to A.D. 1900, Part 1900. Delft, the Netherlands: Eburon Uitgeverij B.V.ISBN 978-90-5972-437-2.
  • Cosman, Madeleine Pelner; Jones, Linda Gale (2008).Handbook to Life in the Medieval World. New York: Infobase Publishing.ISBN 978-1-4381-0907-7.
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  • Essa, Ahmed; Ali, Othman (2010).Title Studies in Islamic Civilization: The Muslim Contribution to the Renaissance. Herndon, Va.: The International Institute of Islamic Thought.ISBN 978-1-56564-350-5.
  • Flood, Finbarr Barry (2001).The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies on the Makings of an Ummayyad Visual Culture. Islamic History and Civilization. Leiden, the Netherlands: BRILL.ISBN 978-90-04-11638-2.
  • Goldschmidt, Arthur Jr.; Davidson, Lawrence (2005).A Concise History of the Middle East (8th ed.). Westview Press.ISBN 978-0-8133-4275-7.
  • Hillenbrand, Robert (1994).Islamic Architecture: Form, Function, and Meaning (Casebound ed.). New York: Columbia University Press.ISBN 978-0-231-10132-5.OCLC 30319450.Archived from the original on 2023-03-26. Retrieved2023-02-22.
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  • Kuban, Doğan (1985).Muslim Religious Architecture: Development of Religious Architecture in Later Periods. Iconography of Religions: Islam. Leiden, the Netherlands: E.J. Brill.ISBN 978-90-04-07084-4.
  • Netton, Ian Richard (1996).Seek Knowledge: Thought and Travel in the House of Islam (annotated ed.). Abingdon, Eng.: Psychology Press.ISBN 978-0-7007-0340-1.
  • Nielsen, Jørgen Schøler; Akgönül, Samim; Alibašić, Ahmet; Goddard, Hugh; Maréchal, Brigitte, eds. (2011).Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Vol. 3. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.ISBN 978-90-04-20516-1.
  • Nimer, Mohamed (2002).The North American Muslim Resource Guide: Muslim Community Life in the United States and Canada. New York: Taylor & Francis.ISBN 978-0-415-93728-3.
  • Petersen, Andrew (1996).Dictionary of Islamic Architecture. Routledge.ISBN 978-0-203-20387-3.
  • Ruggles, D. Fairchild (2002).Gardens, Landscape, and Vision in the Palaces of Islamic Spain. University Park: Penn State Press.ISBN 978-0-271-04272-5.
  • Tajuddin, Mohamed (1998).The Mosque as a Community Development Centre: Programme and Architectural Design Guidelines for Contemporary Muslim Societies. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit UTM.ISBN 978-983-52-0131-8.

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