Moshe Shertok (Sharett) (standing, right) at a meeting with Arab leaders at theKing David Hotel, Jerusalem, 1933. Also pictured areHaim Arlosoroff (sitting, center) withChaim Weizmann (to his right), andYitzhak Ben-Zvi (standing, to Shertok's right)
The success of these negotiations and others was a hallmark of Sharett's more cerebral approach to practical problems. He met with Tel Aviv-bound Hungarian Jewish refugee representativeJoel Brand, fresh off the plane fromBudapest. Yishuv leadership mistrusted Brand, and the British thought him a criminal.
Sharett's response was to hand the self-appointed liberator over to the British authorities, who drove Brand to prison in Egypt. Sharett'sGeneral Zionism was deeply concerned in making Palestine a commercially viable home land; secondary was the deep emotional concerns of the murder in theDiaspora, which, by 1942, wasin German hands.
Like Weizmann, whom he admired, Sharett was a principledZionist, an implacable opponent offascism, and a practical realist, prepared to co-operate fully with the Mandate authorities.[15]
Sharett, as Ben-Gurion's ally, denouncedIrgun's assassination squads on 13 December 1947, accusing them of playing to public feelings. Sharett held the foreign policy post under the Jewish Agency until theestablishment of Israel in 1948.[16]
Sharett was one of the signatories of Israel'sDeclaration of Independence. Sharett was elected to theKnesset in thefirst Israeli election in 1949, and served as Minister of Foreign Affairs during the1948 Arab–Israeli War. On 10 March he was made part of thefirst cabinet.[17] Anarmistice was signed with Lebanon that led to Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon on 23 March. International negotiations hosted by Britain took place on the Greek island ofRhodes at Suneh,King Abdullah's residence when Israel's emissaries,Yigael Yadin andWalter Eytan signed withTransjordan. Knowing the Jordanian position on theHebron Hills, Yadin told Sharett that surrounded by hostile Arab states, Israel had to sign the Transjordan over to Iraq. AmericanDr. Ralph Bunche, who drafted theUnited Nations (UN) treaty for Sharett's office, received theNobel Peace Prize. Thefinal agreement was signed at the "Grande Albergo delle Rose" inRhodes (now the Casino Rodos) on 3 April 1949.
Ominous violence lay ahead for the new state, warned Sharett during a debate on 15 June, in which he reminded the Jewish people of their vital interests. Afourth and final agreement was signed with Syria on 17 July; the1947–1949 Palestine war had lasted one year and seven months. In theelections that followed,Mapai formed acoalition, deliberately excludingHerut and theCommunists at Ben-Gurion's behest.[18]
As Foreign Minister, Sharett established diplomatic relations with many nations, and helped to bring about Israel's admission to the UN.[19] He continuously held this role until he retired in June 1956, including during his tenure as Prime Minister.[20]
Sharett met withPius XII in 1952 in an attempt to improve relations with theHoly See, although this was to no avail.[21]
David Ben-Gurion withdrew from politics in 1953, and Sharett was chosen by the party to take his place.[17] During his time as Prime Minister (thefifth andsixth governments of Israel), the Arab-Israeli conflict intensified, particularly withNasser's Egypt. TheLavon Affair, which resulted in the resignation ofPinhas Lavon, theDefense Minister, and brought down thegovernment. When Ben-Gurion returned to the cabinet, Lavon was a civilian adviser to Prime Minister Sharett. But when he returned from the war, he was presented with afait accompli; it had been the convention, but no longer for a career diplomat, to be chosen to become a Minister of Defense, a portfolio once controlled by the Prime Minister's office, now taken by Ben-Gurion.[17]
In 1954, three cells of local Jews living in Egypt and one from Israel proper were activated as terror groups to sabotage inAlexandria andCairo on the orders of a secretive Unit 131 ofIsraeli Intelligence.[citation needed] The Israelis welcomed the British presence in Nasser's Egypt.[citation needed] Israel had formed an alliance with the European powers Britain and France. Britain had helped found the State of Israel, encouraged socialism, and fostered a sense of accountable democracy. Israel viewed Britain's historic role in Cairo as a convenient buffer against potential threatening incursions into Israel's borders.[citation needed]
A group of Israeli youths were ardent Zionist military trainees, but had little real experience of war.[clarification needed] They were influenced by their charismatic leader and handler, Avri Elad. In July 1954 they threwfirebombs into the American libraries of Cairo and Alexandria, with little damage, and cinemas in Cairo. But 13 youths were arrested, and then tortured by the Egyptians. Two of the prisoners, including the Israeli agentMeir Max Bineth, committed suicide, and three were sent to prison. Sharett soon discovered that operations were being prepared for execution in other Arab capitals. When the news broke overCairo Radio in summer 1954, Sharett turned to Minister for LabourGolda Meir for help. The Minister of Defense, Pinchas Lavon, and his Head of Military Intelligence,Benjamin Gibli, both declared each other as the responsible party. The real orders were transmitted in code over the radio in the form of housewives cookery recipes.[22]
Mapai was split over the crisis. Sharett called for a Public Inquiry led by a Judge of the Supreme Court,Yitzhak Olshan, and a former Chief of Staff,Ya'akov Dori. Sharett had wanted to appointMoshe Dayan as Minister of Defense but was aware that he was a controversial figure. There were those who defended his stubbornness as a military genius, and those who saw him as divisive. But criticism of Lavon was mounting. Mapai demanded the resignation of Dayan, Gibli and Lavon. Sharett appealed to a sense of fairness from Colonel Nasser, but to no avail. A guilty verdict was entered over the heads of the prisoners in Cairo. On 31 January 1955 two of the defendants,Moshe Marzouk andShmuel Azar [he] were hanged, found guilty of spying.[23]
Lavon offered to resign from the Defense Ministry on 2 February 1955, the same day Sharett and Golda Meir traveled toSde Boker to see Ben-Gurion. Lavon's resignation was accepted on 18 February. Ben-Gurion agreed to come out of retirement to fill the defense portfolio, and four months later he replaced Sharett as PM, while Sharett stayed as Foreign Minister.[24] Olshan-Dori's final judicial report exposed the difficulty of political management in the Defense Ministry with the cabinet conflicts emerging from Ben-Gurion's stewardship.[25]
Sharett's efforts to unblock the diplomatic impasse had failed. Nasser still prevented access to the Suez Canal. Israeli shipments of arms to defend the state dried up at a time when Arab belligerency was rising. Sharett might have learned from Weizmann's experience at befriending the consummate politician Ben-Gurion; Sharett also believed he could install him as his subordinate. Ben-Gurion had been out of office for a year, but returned to demand that Dayan be reappointed. Ben-Gurion spoke regularly with socialist leaders Dayan andShimon Peres. A few weeks later an Israeli was murdered by infiltrators near the border. Ben-Gurion and Dayan immediately demanded approval of the plannedOperation Black Arrow, which involved attacking Gaza. Sharett had attempted to be pacifistic and restrained during his premiership, but was overtaken by the vocal elements in Mapai and their growing electoral support in the run-up to a General election.[26]
After the military disaster atQibya, in which Dayan had caused civilians to be killed, he was forced to changeIsraeli Defense Forces (IDF) policy towards targeting military installations on 28 February 1955. Sharett was concerned that casualties should be kept to an absolute minimum; 8 Israelis and 37 Egyptians[27] died in an operation that was the most bloody since the armistice of 1949. An adjutant at the ministry, Nehemia Argov, wrote to Foreign Minister and PM Sharett to report the Gaza Raid as 8 dead and 8 wounded. The wounded were sent to Kaplan Hospital.[28]
Sharett's diary included passages in which he bewailed the senseless denigration of duty lacking credibility. He harked back to the days ofHavlagah when in the 1930s both he, Sharett and Ben-Gurion had pursued a policy of self-restraint in matters military. Sharett abhorred vengeful killing, he regarded these acts as emotional over-wrought responses in which involuntary killing was devoid of moral sentiment. A policy of reprisal merely sought to justify the excessive use of force.[29] Sharett's pacific doctrine was diluted by both Ben-Gurion and Minister of Defense Dayan, and Operational commander of the Paratroop Brigade, Sharon. Sharett opposed any move that would attract moral outcry of European powers and an arms trade embargo.[30]
At the next elections in November 1955, Ben-Gurion replaced Sharett as head of the list and became prime minister again. Sharett retained his role as Foreign Minister under the new government of Ben-Gurion.[31] Ben-Gurion justified much of his policy on the siege mentality of a minority of Jews living within 57 times as many Arabs living in 215 times the land area. Sharett came to see Nasser as "suffering from delusions of grandeur" with an almost Hitlerite ambition to export revolution abroad.[32]
Shimon Peres was sent to London and Paris to drum up arms. He made a significant deal with France for jets and artillery. Peres, later a Prime Minister of Israel, was praised from the Knesset for handling the complexities of the 4th Republic.[33] The uneasy diplomatic language between Nasser and Israel that had characterised the post-1949 period turned into open hostility. Nasser ended even secretive clandestine contacts. Within days of theGaza Raid Iraq aligned in a Baghdad Pact with Turkey.[34]
Ben-Gurion decided to replace Sharett as Foreign Minister with someone more sympathetic to his views, Golda Meir. The cabinet voted 35 to 7 in favour of resignation, but 75 members of the Central Committee abstained.[35] The British and French would provide a shield for Israel against sanctions. Nasser proclaimed a determination to set the Palestinians free. The Egyptian army was very certain of success; the Syrians announced a "war against imperialism, Zionism and Israel". According to Ben-Gurion, the Soviet Encyclopaedia now declared the Arab-Israeli War of Independence in 1948 "was caused by American Imperialism".[citation needed]
After stepping down as Minister of Foreign Affairs on 18 June 1956, in protest at the new government's bellicose policy which he thought dangerously precipitate, Sharett decided to retire. During his retirement he became chairman ofAm Oved publishing house, Chairman ofBeit Berl College, and Chairman of theWorld Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. He died in Jerusalem in 1965, and was buried in Tel Aviv'sTrumpeldor Cemetery.[36]
A portrait of Moshe Sharett on the 20New sheqalim banknote issued by the Bank of Israel
Sharett's personal diaries, first published by his son Yaakov in 1978, have proved to be an important source for Israeli history.[37] In 2007, the Moshe Sharett Heritage Society, the foundation that Yaakov established to care for Sharett's legacy, discovered a file of thousands of passages that had been omitted from the published edition.[37] They included "shocking revelations" about defense ministerPinhas Lavon.[38] A new edition published was complete, apart from a few words still classified.[38]
From 1988 to 2017, Sharett appeared on the 20NIS bills. The bill first featured Sharett, with the names of his books in small print, and with a small image of him presenting the Israeli flag to the United Nations in 1949. On the back of the bill, there was an image of theHerzliya Hebrew High School, from which he graduated.[45] In 1998, the bill went through a graphic revision, with the list of Sharett's books on the front side being replaced by part of his 1949 speech to the UN. The back side then featured an image ofJewish Brigade volunteers, part of a speech by Sharett on the radio after visiting the Brigade in Italy, and the list of his books in small print.[46] In November 2017, Sharett's portrait was replaced with that ofRachel Bluwstein.[47]
^Kessler, Oren (2023).Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. xiv, 4,38–39.ISBN978-1-5381-4880-8.
^Sharett, Yoman Ishi, 30 oct 1956, p. 1806 in The 1956 Sinai Campaign Viewed from Asia: Selections from Moshe Sharett's Diaries, Neil Caplan (ed.), Israel Studies vol.7 no.1, p. 89; Shindler, 115
Bialer, Uri (1990).Between East and West: Israel's Foreign Policy Orientation, 1948-1956. London: Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, Israel (1945).The Zionist Movement. London: Frederick Muller.
Louise Fischer, ed. (2009).Moshe Sharett: The Second Prime Minister, Selected Documents (1894–1965). Jerusalem: Israel State Archives.ISBN978-965-279-035-4.
Russell, Bertrand (1941).Zionism and the Peace Settlement in Palestine: A Jewish Commonwealth in Our Time. Washington.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
Sheffer, Gabriel (1996).Moshe Sharett: Biography of a Political Moderate. London and New York: Clarendon Press of Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-827994-9.
Zohar, David M. (1974).Political Parties in Israel: The Evolution of Israel's Democracy. New York.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)