Inmathematics, amoment matrix is a special symmetric squarematrix whose rows and columns are indexed bymonomials. The entries of the matrix depend on the product of the indexing monomials only (cf.Hankel matrices.)
Moment matrices play an important role inpolynomial fitting, polynomial optimization (sincepositive semidefinite moment matrices correspond to polynomials which aresums of squares)[1] andeconometrics.[2]
Application in regression
[edit]A multiplelinear regression model can be written as

is the dependent variable,
are the independent variables,
is the error, and
are unknown coefficients to be estimated. Given observations
, we have a system of
linear equations that can be expressed in matrix notation.[3]


are each a vector of dimension
is thedesign matrix of order
, and
is a vector of dimension
. Under theGauss–Markov assumptions, the best linear unbiased estimator of
is the linearleast squares estimator
, involving the two moment matrices
defined as


is a squarenormal matrix of dimension
, and
is a vector of dimension