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History of China

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This article is about the general history of China from prehistoric times to the present. For the history of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1949, seeHistory of the Republic of China. For the history of the People's Republic of China since 1949, seeHistory of the People's Republic of China.

Part ofa series on the
History of China
History of China in Chinese characters and seal script
  • Xia(c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC)

  • Shang(c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC)
Late Shang(c. 1250 – c. 1046 BC)

  • Zhou(c. 1046 – c. 256 BC)
Western Zhou(1046–771 BC)
Eastern Zhou(771–256 BC)
Spring and Autumn(c. 770 – c. 476 BC)
Warring States(475–221 BC)
  • Qin(221–207 BC)

  • Han(206 BC – 220 AD)
Chu–Han Contention(206–202 BC)
Western Han(202 BC – 9 AD)
Xin(9–23 AD)
Eastern Han(25–220 AD)

Wei,Shu, andWu

Western Jin(266–316)
Eastern Jin(317–420)


Northern Song(960–1127)
Southern Song(1127–1279)


Thehistory of China spans several millennia across a wide geographical area. Each region now considered part of the Chinese world has experienced periods of unity, fracture, prosperity, and strife. Chinese civilization first emerged in theYellow River valley, which along with theYangtze basin constitutes the geographic core of theChinese cultural sphere. China maintains a rich diversity of ethnic and linguistic people groups. Thetraditional lens for viewing Chinese history is thedynastic cycle: imperial dynasties rise and fall, and are ascribed certain achievements. Throughout pervades the narrative that Chinese civilization can be traced as an unbroken threadmany thousands of years into the past, making it one of thecradles of civilization. At various times, states representative of a dominant Chinese culture have directly controlled areas stretching as far west as theTian Shan, theTarim Basin, and theHimalayas, as far north as theSayan Mountains, and as far south as thedelta of the Red River.

TheNeolithic period saw increasingly complex polities begin to emerge along theYellow andYangtze rivers. TheErlitou culture in thecentral plains of China is sometimes identified with theXia dynasty (3rd millennium BC) of traditionalChinese historiography. The earliest survivingwritten Chinese dates to roughly 1250 BC, consisting of divinations inscribed onoracle bones.Chinese bronze inscriptions, ritual texts dedicated to ancestors, form another large corpus of early Chinese writing. The earliest strata of received literature in Chinese includepoetry,divination, andrecords of official speeches. China is believed to be one of a very few loci of independent invention of writing, and the earliest surviving records display an already-mature written language. Theculture remembered by the earliestextant literature is that of theZhou dynasty (c. 1046 – 256 BC), China'sAxial Age, during which theMandate of Heaven was introduced, and foundations laid for philosophies such asConfucianism,Taoism,Legalism, andWuxing.

China wasfirst united under a single imperial state byQin Shi Huang in 221 BC.Orthography, weights, measures, and law were all standardized. Shortly thereafter, China entered its classical era with theHan dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), marking a critical period. A term for the Chinese language is still "Han language", and the dominant Chinese ethnic group is known asHan Chinese. The Chinese empire reached some of its farthest geographical extents during this period. Confucianism was officially sanctioned and itscore texts were edited into their received forms. Wealthy landholding families independent of the ancient aristocracy began to wield significant power. Han technology can be considered on par with that of the contemporaneousRoman Empire: mass production of paper aided the proliferation of written documents, and the written language of this period was employed for millennia afterwards. China became known internationally for itssericulture. When the Han imperial order finally collapsed after four centuries, China entered an equally lengthy period of disunity, during whichBuddhism began to have a significant impact on Chinese culture, whilecalligraphy, art, historiography, and storytelling flourished. Wealthy families in some cases became more powerful than the central government. The Yangtze River valley was incorporated into the dominant cultural sphere.

A period of unity began in 581 with theSui dynasty, which soon gave way to the long-livedTang dynasty (608–907), regarded as another Chinese golden age. The Tang dynasty saw flourishing developments in science, technology, poetry, economics, and geographical influence. China's only officially recognized empress,Wu Zetian, reigned during the dynasty's first century. Buddhism was adopted by Tang emperors. "Tang people" is the other common demonym for the Han ethnic group. After the Tang fractured, theSong dynasty (960–1279) saw the maximal extent of imperial Chinese cosmopolitan development.Mechanical printing was introduced, and many of the earliest surviving witnesses of certain texts arewood-block prints from this era. Song scientific advancement led the world, and theimperial examination system gave ideological structure to the political bureaucracy. Confucianism and Taoism were fully knit together inNeo-Confucianism.

Eventually, theMongol Empire conquered all of China, establishing theYuan dynasty in 1271. Contact with Europe began to increase during this time. Achievements under the subsequentMing dynasty (1368–1644) includeglobal exploration, fineporcelain, and many extant public works projects, such as those restoring theGrand Canal andGreat Wall. Three of the fourClassic Chinese Novels were written during the Ming. TheQing dynasty that succeeded the Ming was ruled by ethnicManchu people. TheQianlong emperor (r.  1735–1796) commissioneda complete encyclopaedia of imperial libraries, totaling nearly a billion words. Imperial China reached its greatest territorial extent of during the Qing, but China came into increasing conflict with European powers, culminating in theOpium Wars and subsequentunequal treaties.

The 1911Xinhai Revolution, led bySun Yat-sen and others, created theRepublic of China. From 1927 to 1949, acostly civil war roiled between the Republican government underChiang Kai-shek and the Communist-alignedChinese Red Army, interrupted by the industrializedEmpire of Japan invading the divided country until its defeat in the Second World War.

After theCommunist victory,Mao Zedong proclaimed the establishment of thePeople's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, with the ROC retreating to Taiwan. Both governments still claim sole legitimacy of the entire mainland area. The PRC has slowly accumulated the majority of diplomatic recognition, and Taiwan's status remains disputed to this day. From 1966 to 1976, theCultural Revolution in mainland China helped consolidate Mao's power towards the end of his life. After his death, the government beganeconomic reforms underDeng Xiaoping, and became the world'sfastest-growing major economy.[when?] China had been the most populous nation in the world for decades since its unification, until it was surpassed byIndia in 2023.


Main article:Prehistory of China

Paleolithic (1.7 Ma – 12 ka)

See also:List of Paleolithic sites in China
Traditional reconstruction of the Peking Man skull
Casts of the teeth of Yuanmou Man
Restoration of the skullShaanxi History Museum
LL-1 partials skull

Thearchaic human species ofHomo erectus arrived inEurasia sometime between 1.3 and 1.8million years ago (Ma) and numerous remains of its subspecies have been found in what is now China.[1] The oldest of these is the southwesternYuanmou Man (元谋人; inYunnan), dated toc. 1.7 Ma, which lived in a mixedbushland-forest environment alongsidechalicotheres,deer, the elephantStegodon,rhinos, cattle, pigs, and thegiant short-faced hyena.[2] The better-knownPeking Man (北京猿人; near Beijing) of 700,000–400,000BP,[1] was discovered in theZhoukoudian cave alongsidescrapers,choppers, and, dated slightly later, points,burins, and awls.[3] OtherHomo erectus fossils have been found widely throughout the region, including the northwesternLantian Man inShaanxi, as well minor specimens in northeasternLiaoning and southernGuangdong.[1] The dates of mostPaleolithic sites were long debated but have been more reliably established based on modernmagnetostratigraphy: Majuangou at 1.66–1.55 Ma, Lanpo at 1.6 Ma,Xiaochangliang at 1.36 Ma, Xiantai at 1.36 Ma,Banshan at 1.32 Ma, Feiliang at 1.2 Ma and Donggutuo at 1.1 Ma.[4] Evidence of fire use byHomo erectus occurred between 1–1.8 million years BP at the archaeological site ofXihoudu, Shanxi Province.[5]

The circumstances surrounding theevolution ofHomo erectus to contemporaryH. sapiens is debated; the three main theories include the dominant"Out of Africa" theory (OOA), theregional continuity model and the admixture variant of the OOA hypothesis.[1] Regardless, the earliest modern humans have been dated to China at 120,000–80,000 BP based on fossilized teeth discovered inFuyan Cave ofDao County, Hunan.[6] The larger animals which lived alongside these humans include the extinctAiluropoda baconi panda, theCrocuta ultima hyena, theStegodon, and thegiant tapir.[6] Evidence ofMiddle PalaeolithicLevallois technology has been found in the lithic assemblage ofGuanyindong Cave site in southwest China, dated to approximately 170,000–80,000 years ago.[7]


See also:List of Neolithic cultures of China
Further information:Yellow River civilization,Yangtze civilization, andLiao civilization
10,000-year-old pottery,Xianren Cave culture (18,000–7000 BC)
Bone Arrowheads,Peiligang culture (7000–5000 BC)
Butterfly-shaped ivory vessel with the pattern of two birds facing the sun,Hemudu culture (5500–3300 BC)
Pottery artifacts from Hemudu culture (5500–3300 BC)

TheNeolithic Age in China is considered to have begun about 10,000 years ago.[8] Because the Neolithic is conventionally defined by the presence of agriculture, it follows that the Neolithic began at different times in the various regions of what is now China. Agriculture in China developed gradually, with initial domestication of a few grains and animals gradually expanding with the addition of many others over subsequent millennia.[9] The earliest evidence of cultivated rice, found by the Yangtze River, was carbon-dated to 8,000 years ago.[10] Early evidence formillet agriculture in the Yellow River valley wasradiocarbon-dated to about 7000 BC.[11] TheJiahu site is one of the best preserved early agricultural villages (7000 to 5800 BC). AtDamaidi in Ningxia, 3,172cliff carvings dating to 6000–5000 BC have been discovered, "featuring 8,453 individual characters such as the sun, moon, stars, gods and scenes of hunting or grazing", according to researcher Li Xiangshi. Written symbols, sometimes calledproto-writing, were found at the site of Jiahu, which is dated around 7000 BC,[12] Damaidi around 6000 BC,Dadiwan from 5800 BC to 5400 BC,[13] andBanpo dating from the 5th millennium BC. With agriculture came increased population, the ability to store and redistribute crops, and the potential to support specialist craftsmen and administrators, which may have existed at late Neolithic sites likeTaosi and theLiangzhu culture in the Yangtze delta.[10] The cultures of the middle and late Neolithic in the central Yellow River valley are known, respectively, as theYangshao culture (5000 BC to 3000 BC) and theLongshan culture (3000 BC to 2000 BC). Pigs and dogs were the earliest-domesticated animals in the region, and after about 3000 BC domesticated cattle and sheep arrived from Western Asia. Wheat also arrived at this time but remained a minor crop. Fruit such aspeaches,cherries andoranges, as well as chickens and various vegetables, were also domesticated in Neolithic China.[9]

Bronze Age

See also:List of Bronze Age sites in China

Bronze artifacts have been found at theMajiayao culture site (between 3100 and 2700 BC).[14][15] The Bronze Age is also represented at theLower Xiajiadian culture (2200–1600 BC)[16] site in northeast China.Sanxingdui located in what is nowSichuan is believed to be the site of a major ancient city, of a previously unknown Bronze Age culture (between 2000 and 1200 BC). The site was first discovered in 1929 and then re-discovered in 1986. Chinese archaeologists have identified the Sanxingdui culture to be part of thestate of Shu, linking the artifacts found at the site to its early legendary kings.[17][18]

Ferrous metallurgy begins to appear in the late 6th century in theYangtze valley.[19] A bronze hatchet with a blade ofmeteoric iron excavated near the city ofGaocheng inShijiazhuang (nowHebei) has been dated to the 14th century BC. An Iron Age culture of theTibetan Plateau has tentatively been associated with theZhang Zhung culture described in early Tibetan writings.

Ancient China

See also:Outline of ancient China
Further information:Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

Chinese historians in later periods were accustomed to the notion of one dynasty succeeding another, but the political situation in early China was much more complicated. Hence, as some scholars of China suggest, the Xia and the Shang can refer to political entities that existed concurrently, just as the early Zhou existed at the same time as the Shang.[20] This bears similarities to how China, both contemporaneously and later, has been divided into states that were not one region, legally or culturally.[21]

The earliest period once considered historical was the legendary era of the sage-emperorsYao,Shun, andYu. Traditionally, theabdication system was prominent in this period,[22] with Yao yielding his throne to Shun, who abdicated to Yu, who founded the Xia dynasty.

Xia dynasty (c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC)

Main article:Xia dynasty
Decorative plaque from theErlitou culture

TheXia dynasty (c. 2070 – c. 1600 BC) is the earliest of the three dynasties described in much later traditional historiography, which includes theBamboo Annals andSima Qian'sShiji (c. 91 BC). The Xia is generally considered mythical by Western scholars, but in China it is usually associated with the early Bronze Age site atErlitou (1900–1500 BC) in Henan that was excavated in 1959. Since no writing was excavated at Erlitou or any other contemporaneous site, there is not enough evidence to prove whether the Xia dynasty ever existed. Some archaeologists claim that the Erlitou site was the capital of the Xia.[23] In any case, the site of Erlitou had a level of political organization that would not be incompatible with the legends of Xia recorded in later texts.[24] More importantly, the Erlitou site has the earliest evidence for an elite who conducted rituals using cast bronze vessels, which would later be adopted by the Shang and Zhou.[25]

Shang dynasty (c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC)

Main article:Shang dynasty
Further information:Bronze Age § China,Chinese ritual bronzes, andPredynastic Shang
The 12th-century BCHoumuwuding, the largestBronze Age bronzeware found anywhere in the world

Both archaeological evidence like oracle bones and bronzes, as well as transmitted texts attest the historical existence of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600 – c. 1046 BC). Findings from the earlier Shang period come from excavations atErligang (modernZhengzhou). Findings have been found atYinxu (near modernAnyang, Henan), the site of the final Shang capital during theLate Shang period (c. 1250–1050 BC).[26] The findings at Anyang include the earliest written record of the Chinese so far discovered: inscriptions of divination records in ancient Chinese writing on the bones or shells of animals—theoracle bones, dating fromc. 1250 – c. 1046 BC.[27]

A series of at least twenty-nine kings reigned over the Shang dynasty.[28] Throughout their reigns, according to theShiji, the capital city was moved six times.[29] The final and most important move was toYin during the reign ofWu Dingc. 1250 BC.[30] The term Yin dynasty has been synonymous with the Shang dynasty in history, although it has lately been used to refer specifically to the latter half of the Shang dynasty.[28]

Although written records found at Anyang confirm the existence of the Shang dynasty,[31] Western scholars are often hesitant to associate settlements that are contemporaneous with the Anyang settlement with the Shang dynasty. For example, archaeological findings atSanxingdui suggest a technologically advanced civilization culturally unlike Anyang. The evidence is inconclusive in proving how far the Shang realm extended from Anyang. The leading hypothesis is that Anyang, ruled by the same Shang in the official history, coexisted and traded with numerous other culturally diverse settlements in the area that is now referred to asChina proper.[32]

Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BC)

Main articles:Zhou dynasty andWestern Zhou
Further information:Iron Age China andPredynastic Zhou

The Zhou dynasty (1046 BC to about 256 BC) is the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history, though its power declined steadily over the almost eight centuries of its existence. In the late 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou dynasty arose in the Wei River valley of modern western Shaanxi Province, where they were appointed Western Protectors by theShang. A coalition led by the ruler of the Zhou,King Wu, defeated the Shang at theBattle of Muye. They took over most of the central and lower Yellow River valley and enfeoffed their relatives and allies in semi-independent states across the region.[33] Several of these states eventually became more powerful than the Zhou kings.

The kings of Zhou invoked the concept of theMandate of Heaven to legitimize their rule, a concept that was influential for almost every succeeding dynasty.[34] Like Shangdi, Heaven (tian) ruled over all the other gods, and it decided who would rule China.[35] It was believed that a ruler lost the Mandate of Heaven when natural disasters occurred in great number, and when, more realistically, the sovereign had apparently lost his concern for the people. In response, the royal house would be overthrown, and a new house would rule, having been granted the Mandate of Heaven.

The Zhou established two capitalsZongzhou (near modernXi'an) andChengzhou (Luoyang), with the king's court moving between them regularly. The Zhou alliance gradually expanded eastward into Shandong, southeastward into the Huai River valley, and southward into theYangtze River valley.[33]

Spring and Autumn period (722–476 BC)

Main article:Spring and Autumn period

In 771 BC,King You and his forces were defeated in theBattle of Mount Li by rebel states andQuanrong barbarians. The rebel aristocrats established a new ruler,King Ping, inLuoyang,[36]: 4  beginning the second major phase of the Zhou dynasty: the Eastern Zhou period, which is divided into the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. The former period is named after the famousSpring and Autumn Annals. The sharply reduced political authority of the royal house left a power vacuum at the center of the Zhou culture sphere. The Zhou kings had delegated local political authority to hundreds ofsettlement states, some of them only as large as a walled town and surrounding land. These states began to fight against one another and vie forhegemony. The more powerful states tended to conquer and incorporate the weaker ones, so the number of states declined over time.[37] By the 6th century BC most small states had disappeared by being annexed and just a few large and powerful principalities remained. Some southern states, such as Chu and Wu, claimed independence from the Zhou, who undertook wars against some of them (Wu and Yue). Many new cities were established in this period and society gradually became more urbanized and commercialized. Many famous individuals such asLaozi,Confucius andSun Tzu lived during this chaotic period.

Conflict in this period occurred both between and within states. Warfare between states forced the surviving states to develop better administrations to mobilize more soldiers and resources. Within states there was constant jockeying between elite families. For example, the three most powerful families in the Jin state—Zhao, Wei and Han—eventually overthrew the ruling family andpartitioned the state between them.

TheHundred Schools of Thought ofclassical Chinese philosophy began blossoming during this period and the subsequent Warring States period. Such influential intellectual movements asConfucianism,Taoism,Legalism andMohism were founded, partly in response to the changing political world. The first two philosophical thoughts would have an enormous influence on Chinese culture.

Warring States period (476–221 BC)

Main article:Warring States period
The Warring States,c. 260 BC

After further political consolidations, seven prominent states remained during the 5th century BC. The years in which these states battled each other is known as theWarring States period. Though theZhou king nominally remained as such until 256 BC, he was largely a figurehead that held little real power.

Numerous developments were made during this period in the areas of culture and mathematics—including theZuo Zhuan within theSpring and Autumn Annals (a literary work summarizing the preceding Spring and Autumn period), and the bundle of 21 bamboo slips from theTsinghua collection, dated to 305 BC—being the world's earliest known example of a two-digit, base-10 multiplication table. The Tsinghua collection indicates that sophisticated commercial arithmetic was already established during this period.[38]

As neighboring territories of the seven states were annexed (including areas of modernSichuan andLiaoning), they were now to be governed under an administrative system ofcommanderies andprefectures. This system had been in use elsewhere since the Spring and Autumn period, and its influence on administration would prove resilient—its terminology can still be seen in the contemporaneoussheng andxian ("provinces" and "counties") of contemporary China.

The state ofQin became dominant in the waning decades of the Warring States period, conquering theShu capital ofJinsha on the Chengdu Plain; and then eventually drivingChu from its place in the Han River valley. Qin imitated the administrative reforms of the other states, thereby becoming a powerhouse.[9] Its final expansion began during the reign ofYing Zheng, ultimately unifying the other six regional powers, and enabling him to proclaim himself as China's firstemperor—known to history asQin Shi Huang.

Imperial era

This section is about the ancient dynastic Chinese imperial state. For the empire founded by Yuan Shikai, seeEmpire of China (1915–1916).
See also:Chinese Empire andPolitical systems of Imperial China

Early imperial China

Qin dynasty (221–206 BC)

Main article:Qin dynasty
The massiveTerracotta Army ofQin Shi Huang, a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site

Ying Zheng's establishment of the Qin dynasty (秦朝) in 221 BC effectively formalised the region as a true empire for the first time in Chinese history, rather than a state, and its pivotal status probably led to "Qin" () later evolving into the Western term "China".[39] To emphasise his sole rule, Zheng proclaimed himselfShi Huangdi (; "First Emperor"); theHuangdi title, derived fromChinese mythology, became the standard for subsequent rulers.[40][a] Based inXianyang, the empire was a centralized bureaucratic monarchy, a governing scheme which dominated the future of Imperial China.[42][43] In an effort to improve the Zhou's perceived failures, this system consisted of more than 36commanderies (;jun),[b] made up ofcounties (;xian) and progressively smaller divisions, each with a local leader.[46]

Many aspects of society were informed byLegalism, a state ideology promoted by the emperor and hischancellorLi Si that was introduced at an earlier time byShang Yang.[47] In legal matters this philosophy emphasised mutual responsibility in disputes and severe punishments for crime, while economic practices included the general encouragement of agriculture and repression of trade.[47] Reforms occurred in weights and measures, writing styles (seal script) and metal currency (Ban Liang), all of which were standardized.[48][49] Traditionally, Qin Shi Huang is regarded as ordering amass burning of books and the live burial of scholars under the guise of Legalism, though contemporary scholars express considerable doubt on thehistoricity of this event.[47] Despite its importance, Legalism was probably supplemented in non-political matters byConfucianism for social and moral beliefs and the five-elementWuxing (五行) theories forcosmological thought.[50]

The Qin administration kept exhaustive records on their population, collecting information on their sex, age, social status and residence.[51] Commoners, who made up over 90% of the population,[52] "suffered harsh treatment" according to the historianPatricia Buckley Ebrey, as they were often conscripted into forced labor for the empire's construction projects.[53] This included a massive system of imperial highways in 220 BC, which ranged around 4,250 miles (6,840 km) altogether.[54] Other major construction projects were assigned to the generalMeng Tian, who concurrentlyled a successful campaign against the northernXiongnu peoples (210s BC), reportedly with 300,000 troops.[54][c] Under Qin Shi Huang's orders, Meng supervised the combining of numerous ancient walls into what came to be known as theGreat Wall of China and oversaw the building of a 500 miles (800 km) straight highway between northern and southern China.[56] The emperor also oversaw the construction of hismonumental mausoleum, which includes the well knownTerracotta Army.[57]

After Qin Shi Huang's death the Qin government drastically deteriorated and eventually capitulated in 207 BC after the Qin capital was captured and sacked by rebels, which would ultimately lead to the establishment of the Han Empire.[58][59]

Han dynasty (206 BC – AD 220)

Main article:Han dynasty
Further information:History of the Han dynasty
Western Han
Map showing the expansion of Han dynasty in the 2nd century BC

The Han dynasty was founded byLiu Bang, who emerged victorious in theChu–Han Contention that followed the fall of the Qin dynasty. Agolden age in Chinese history, the Han dynasty's long period of stability and prosperity consolidated the foundation of China as a unified state under a central imperial bureaucracy, which was to last intermittently for most of the next two millennia. During the Han dynasty, territory of China was extended to most of theChina proper and to areas far west.Confucianism was officially elevated to orthodox status and was to shape the subsequent Chinese civilization. Art, culture and science all advanced to unprecedented heights. With the profound and lasting impacts of this period of Chinese history, the dynasty name "Han" had been taken as the name of the Chinese people, now thedominant ethnic group in modern China, and had been commonly used to refer to Chinese language andwritten characters.

After theinitial laissez-faire policies of EmperorsWen andJing, the ambitiousEmperor Wu brought the empire to its zenith. To consolidate his power, he disenfranchised the majority of imperial relatives, appointing military governors to control their former lands.[60] As a further step, he extended patronage to Confucianism, which emphasizes stability and order in a well-structured society.Imperial Universities were established to support its study. At the urging of his Legalist advisors, however, he also strengthened the fiscal structure of the dynastywith government monopolies.

Left image: Western-Han painted ceramic jar decorated with raisedreliefs ofdragons,phoenixes, andtaotie
Right image: Reverse side of a Western-Hanbronze mirror with painted designs of a flower motif

Major military campaigns were launched to weaken the nomadicXiongnu Empire, limiting their influence north of the Great Wall. Along with the diplomatic efforts led byZhang Qian, the sphere of influence of the Han Empire extended to thestates in the Tarim Basin, opened up theSilk Road that connected China to the west, stimulating bilateral trade and cultural exchange. To the south, various small kingdoms far beyond the Yangtze River Valley were formally incorporated into the empire.

Emperor Wu also dispatched aseries of military campaigns against theBaiyue tribes. The Han annexedMinyue in 135 BC and 111 BC,Nanyue in 111 BC, andDian in 109 BC.[61] Migration and military expeditions led to the cultural assimilation of the south.[62] It also brought the Han into contact with kingdoms in Southeast Asia, introducing diplomacy and trade.[63]

After Emperor Wu the empire slipped into gradual stagnation and decline. Economically, the state treasury was strained by excessive campaigns and projects, while land acquisitions by elite families gradually drained the tax base. Variousconsort clans exerted increasing control over strings of incompetent emperors and eventually the dynasty was briefly interrupted by the usurpation ofWang Mang.

Xin dynasty

Main article:Xin dynasty

In AD 9 the usurperWang Mang claimed that theMandate of Heaven called for the end of the Han dynasty and the rise of his own, and he founded the short-lived Xin dynasty. Wang Mang started an extensive program of land and other economic reforms, including the outlawing of slavery and land nationalization and redistribution. These programs, however, were never supported by the landholding families, because they favored the peasants. The instability of power brought about chaos, uprisings, and loss of territories. This was compounded by mass flooding of theYellow River; silt buildup caused it to split into two channels and displaced large numbers of farmers. Wang Mang was eventually killed inWeiyang Palace by an enraged peasant mob in AD 23.

Eastern Han

Emperor Guangwu reinstated the Han dynasty with the support of landholding and merchant families atLuoyang,east of the former capital Xi'an. Thus, this new era is termed theEastern Han dynasty. With the capable administrations of EmperorsMing andZhang, former glories of the dynasty were reclaimed, with brilliant military and cultural achievements. TheXiongnu Empire wasdecisively defeated. The diplomat and generalBan Chao further expanded the conquests across thePamirs to the shores of theCaspian Sea,[64]: 175  thus reopening theSilk Road, and bringing trade, foreign cultures, along with thearrival of Buddhism. With extensive connections with the west, the first of severalRoman embassies to China were recorded in Chinese sources, coming from the sea route in AD 166, and a second one in AD 284.

The Eastern Han dynasty was one of themost prolific eras of science and technology in ancient China, notably the historic invention ofpapermaking byCai Lun, and the numerous scientific and mathematical contributions by the famouspolymathZhang Heng.

Six Dynasties

Three Kingdoms (AD 220–280)

Main article:Three Kingdoms

By the 2nd century, the empire declined amidst land acquisitions, invasions, and feuding betweenconsort clans andeunuchs. TheYellow Turban Rebellion broke out in AD 184, ushering in an era ofwarlords. In the ensuing turmoil, three states emerged, trying to gain predominance and reunify the land, giving this historical period its name. The classic historical novelRomance of the Three Kingdoms dramatizes events of this period.

The warlordCao Cao reunified the north in 208, and in 220 his son accepted the abdication ofEmperor Xian of Han, thus initiating theWei dynasty. Soon, Wei's rivalsShu andWu proclaimed their independence. This period was characterized by a gradual decentralization of the state that had existed during the Qin and Han dynasties, and an increase in the power of great families.

In 266, theJin dynasty overthrew the Wei and later unified the country in 280, but this union was short-lived.

Jin dynasty (AD 266–420)

Main article:Jin dynasty (266–420)
Further information:History of the Jin dynasty (266–420)
Jin dynasty (AD 266–420)
View of Maijishan hill caves, grottoes and stairways.

TheJin dynasty reunited China proper for the first time since the end of theHan dynasty, ending theThree Kingdoms era. However, the Jin dynasty was severely weakened by theWar of the Eight Princes and lost control of northern China afternon-Han Chinese settlers rebelled and capturedLuoyang andChang'an. In 317, the Jin princeSima Rui, based in modern-dayNanjing, became emperor and continued the dynasty, now known as the Eastern Jin, which held southern China for another century. Prior to this move, historians refer to the Jin dynasty as the Western Jin.

Sixteen Kingdoms (AD 304–439)

Main article:Sixteen Kingdoms

Northern China fragmented into a series of independent states known as theSixteen Kingdoms, most of which were founded byXiongnu,Xianbei,Jie,Di andQiang rulers. These non-Han peoples were ancestors of theTurks,Mongols, andTibetans. Many had, to some extent, been "sinicized" long before their ascent to power. In fact, some of them, notably theQiang and the Xiongnu, had already been allowed to live in the frontier regions within theGreat Wall since late Han times. During this period, warfare ravaged the north and prompted large-scale Han Chinese migration south to the Yangtze River Basin and Delta.

Northern and Southern dynasties (AD 420–589)

Main article:Northern and Southern dynasties
Northern and Southern dynasties (AD 420–589)
Southern and Northern Dynasties, 440 AD
Hanging Monastery, a temple with the combination ofTaoism,Buddhism, andConfucianism.

In the early 5th century China entered a period known as the Northern and Southern dynasties, in which parallel regimes ruled the northern and southern halves of the country. In the south, the Eastern Jin gave way to theLiu Song,Southern Qi,Liang and finallyChen. Each of these Southern dynasties were led by Han Chinese ruling families and usedJiankang (modern Nanjing) as the capital. They held off attacks from the north and preserved many aspects of Chinese civilization, while northern barbarian regimes began tosinify.

In the north the last of the Sixteen Kingdoms was extinguished in 439 by theNorthern Wei, a kingdom founded by theXianbei, a nomadic people who unified northern China. The Northern Wei eventually split into theEastern andWestern Wei, which then became theNorthern Qi andNorthern Zhou. These regimes were dominated by Xianbei or Han Chinese who had married into Xianbei families. During this period most Xianbei people adopted Han surnames, eventually leading to complete assimilation into the Han.

Despite the division of the country, Buddhism spread throughout the land. In southern China, fierce debates about whetherBuddhism should be allowed were held frequently by the royal court and nobles. By the end of the era, Buddhists andTaoists had become much more tolerant of each other.[65]

Mid-imperial China

Sui dynasty (581–618)

Main article:Sui dynasty
Sui dynasty (AD 581–618)
Sui dynastyc. 609
Yang Guang depicted as Emperor Yang of Sui

The short-lived Sui dynasty was a pivotal period in Chinese history. Founded byEmperor Wen in 581 in succession of theNorthern Zhou, the Sui went on to conquer theSouthern Chen in 589 to reunify China, ending three centuries of political division. The Sui pioneered many new institutions, including the government system ofThree Departments and Six Ministries,imperial examinations for selecting officials from commoners, while improved on the systems offubing system of the army conscription and theequal-field system of land distributions. These policies, which were adopted by later dynasties, brought enormous population growth, and amassed excessive wealth to the state.Standardized coinage was enforced throughout the unified empire. Buddhism took root as a prominent religion and was supported officially. Sui China was known for its numerous mega-construction projects. Intended for grains shipment and transporting troops, theGrand Canal was constructed, linking the capitalsDaxing (Chang'an) andLuoyang to the wealthysoutheast region, and in another route, to the northeast border. TheGreat Wall was also expanded, while series of military conquests and diplomatic maneuvers further pacified its borders. However, the massive invasions of theKorean Peninsula during theGoguryeo–Sui War failed disastrously, triggering widespread revolts that led tothe fall of the dynasty.

Tang dynasty (618–907)

Main article:Tang dynasty
See also:Wu Zhou
Tang dynasty (AD 618–907)
Tang Dynasty in 742 AD
The Fengxian cave (c. 675 AD) of theLongmen Grottoes, commissioned byWu Zetian.
Inside a cave ofLongmen Grottoes, a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site.
TheDunhuang map is to date the world's oldest complete preserved star atlas.

The Tang dynasty was agolden age of Chinese civilization, a prosperous, stable, and creative period with significant developments in culture, art, literature, particularlypoetry, and technology.Buddhism became the predominant religion for the common people.Chang'an (modernXi'an), the national capital, was thelargest city in the world during its time.[66]

The first emperor,Emperor Gaozu, came to the throne on 18 June 618, placed there by his son, Li Shimin, who became the second emperor,Taizong, one of the greatestemperors in Chinese history. Combined military conquests and diplomatic maneuvers reduced threats from Central Asian tribes, extended the border, and brought neighboring states intoa tributary system. Military victories in theTarim Basin kept the Silk Road open, connecting Chang'an to Central Asia and areas far to the west. In the south, lucrative maritime trade routes from port cities such asGuangzhou connected with distant countries, and foreign merchants settled in China, encouraging acosmopolitan culture. The Tang culture and social systems were observed and adapted by neighboring countries, most notablyJapan. Internally theGrand Canal linked the political heartland in Chang'an to the agricultural and economic centers in the eastern and southern parts of the empire.Xuanzang, a ChineseBuddhist monk, scholar, traveller, and translator travelled to India on his own and returned with "over six hundred Mahayana and Hinayana texts, seven statues of the Buddha and more than a hundredsarira relics."

The prosperity of the early Tang dynasty was abetted by a centralized bureaucracy. The government was organized as "Three Departments and Six Ministries" to separately draft, review, and implement policies. These departments were run by royal family members and landed aristocrats, but as the dynasty wore on, were joined or replaced byscholar officials selected byimperial examinations, setting patterns for later dynasties.

Under the Tang "equal-field system" all land was owned by the Emperor and granted to each family according to household size. Men granted land were conscripted for military service for a fixed period each year, a military policy known as thefubing system. These policies stimulated a rapid growth in productivity and a significant army without much burden on the state treasury. By the dynasty's midpoint, however,standing armies had replaced conscription, and land was continuously falling into the hands of private owners and religious institutions granted exemptions.

Central Asian influence can also be seen in the shape of this cup. The metropolitan and multicultural influences of this era can also be seen in the myriad depictions of foreigners in TangSancai ceramics and wall murals.
A Tang periodgilt-silver jar, shaped in the style of northernnomad's leather bag decorated with ahorse dancing with a cup of wine in its mouth, as the horses ofEmperor Xuanzong were trained to do.[67]

The dynasty continued to flourish under the rule of EmpressWu Zetian, the only officialempress regnant in Chinese history, and reached its zenith during the long reign ofEmperor Xuanzong, who oversaw an empire that stretched from thePacific to theAral Sea with at least50 million people. There were vibrant artistic and cultural creations, including works of the greatest Chinesepoets,Li Bai andDu Fu.

At the zenith of prosperity of the empire, theAn Lushan Rebellion from 755 to 763 was a watershed event. War, disease, and economic disruptiondevastated the population and drastically weakened the central imperial government. Upon suppression of the rebellion, regional military governors, known asjiedushi, gained increasingly autonomous status as the central government lost its ability to control them. With loss of revenue from land tax, the central imperial government came to rely heavily on itssalt monopoly. Externally, former submissive states raided the empire and the vast border territories were lost for centuries. Nevertheless, civil society recovered and thrived amidst the weakened imperial bureaucracy.

In late Tang period the empire was worn out by recurring revolts of the regional military governors, while scholar-officials engaged in fiercefactional strife and corruptedeunuchsamassed immense power. Catastrophically, theHuang Chao Rebellion, from 874 to 884, devastated the entire empire for a decade. The sack of the southern portGuangzhou in 879 was followed by themassacre of most of its inhabitants, especially the large foreign merchant enclaves.[68][69] By 881, both capitals,Luoyang andChang'an, fell successively. The reliance on ethnicHan andTurkicwarlords in suppressing the rebellion increased their power and influence. Consequently, the fall of the dynasty followingZhu Wen's usurpation led to anera of division.

In 808, 30,000 Shatuo under Zhuye Jinzhong defected from the Tibetans to Tang China and the Tibetans punished them by killing Zhuye Jinzhong as they were chasing them.[70] The Uyghurs also fought against an alliance of Shatuo and Tibetans at Beshbalik.[71] The Shatuo Turks under Zhuye Chixin (Li Guochang) served the Tang dynasty in fighting against their fellow Turkic people in theUyghur Khaganate. In 839, when the Uyghur khaganate (Huigu) general Jueluowu (掘羅勿) rose against the rule of then-reigningZhangxin Khan, he elicited the help from Zhuye Chixin by giving Zhuye 300 horses, and together, they defeated Zhangxin Khan, who then committed suicide, precipitating the subsequent collapse of the Uyghur Khaganate. In the next few years, when Uyghur Khaganate remnants tried to raid Tang borders, the Shatuo participated extensively in counterattacking the Uyghur Khaganate with other tribes loyal to Tang.[72] In 843, Zhuye Chixin, under the command of the Han Chinese officerShi Xiong with Tuyuhun, Tangut and Han Chinese troops, participated in a raid against the Uyghur khaganate that led to the slaughter of Uyghur forces at Shahu mountain.[73]

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907–960)

Main article:Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (AD 907–960)
Five Dynasties Ten Kingdoms Period 947 AD
Yunyan Pagoda in Jiangsu Province of Eastern China.
Coins of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Section and detail ofNight Revels ofHan Xizai, byGu Hongzhong

The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, lasted from 907 to 960. During this half-century, China was in all respects a multi-state system. Five regimes, namely, (Later)Liang,Tang,Jin,Han andZhou, rapidly succeeded one another in control of the traditional Imperial heartland in northern China. Among the regimes, rulers of (Later)Tang,Jin andHan weresinicizedShatuo Turks, which ruled over an ethnic majority ofHan Chinese in the north. More stable and smaller regimes of mostly ethnic Han rulers coexisted in south and western China over the period, cumulatively constituted the "Ten Kingdoms".

Amidst political chaos in the north, the strategicSixteen Prefectures (region along today'sGreat Wall) were ceded to the emergingKhitan Liao dynasty, which drastically weakened the defense ofChina proper against northern nomadic empires. To the south, Vietnamgained lasting independence afterbeing a Chinese prefecture formany centuries. With wars dominating in Northern China, there were mass southward migrations of population, which further enhanced the southward shift of cultural and economic centers in China. The era ended with the coup ofLater Zhou generalZhao Kuangyin, and the establishment of theSong dynasty in 960, which eventually annihilated the remains of the "Ten Kingdoms" and reunified China.

Late imperial China

Song, Liao, Jin, and Western Xia dynasties (960–1279)

Main articles:Song dynasty,Liao dynasty,Western Xia, andJin dynasty (1115–1234)
Further information:History of the Song dynasty
See also:Dali Kingdom andQara Khitai
Song, Liao, Jin, and Western Xia dynasties (AD 960–1279)
A woodenBodhisattva from the Song dynasty.
Earliest knownwritten formula forgunpowder, from theWujing Zongyao of 1044 AD.

In 960, the Song dynasty was founded byEmperor Taizu, with its capital established inKaifeng (then known asBianjing). In 979, the Song dynasty reunified most ofChina proper, while large swaths of the outer territories were occupied bysinicizednomadic empires. TheKhitan Liao dynasty, which lasted from 907 to 1125, ruled overManchuria,Mongolia, and parts ofNorthern China. Meanwhile, in what are now the north-western Chinese provinces ofGansu,Shaanxi, andNingxia, theTangut tribes founded theWestern Xia dynasty from 1032 to 1227.

Aiming to recover the strategicsixteen prefectures lost in theprevious dynasty,campaigns were launched against theLiao dynasty in theearly Song period, which all ended in failure. Then in 1004, the Liaocavalry swept over the exposedNorth China Plain and reached the outskirts of Kaifeng, forcing the Song's submission and then agreement to theChanyuan Treaty, which imposed heavy annual tributes from the Song treasury. The treaty was a significant reversal of Chinese dominance of the traditionaltributary system. Yet the annual outflow of Song's silver to the Liao was paid back through the purchase of Chinese goods and products, which expanded the Song economy, and replenished its treasury. This dampened the incentive for the Song to further campaign against the Liao. Meanwhile, this cross-border trade and contact induced further sinicization within theLiao Empire, at the expense of its military might which was derived from its nomadic lifestyle. Similar treaties and social-economical consequences occurred in Song's relations with theJin dynasty.

Within the Liao Empire theJurchen tribes revolted against their overlords to establish the Jin dynasty in 1115. In 1125, the devastating Jincataphract annihilated the Liao dynasty, while remnants of Liao court members fled to Central Asia to found theQara Khitai Empire (Western Liao dynasty).Jin's invasion of the Song dynasty followed swiftly. In 1127, Kaifeng was sacked, a massive catastrophe known as theJingkang Incident, ending theNorthern Song dynasty. Later theentire north of China was conquered. The survived members of Song court regrouped in the new capital city ofHangzhou, and initiated theSouthern Song dynasty, which ruled territories south of theHuai River. In the ensuing years, the territory and population of China were divided between the Song dynasty, the Jin dynasty and the Western Xia dynasty. The era ended with theMongol conquest, as Western Xia fell in 1227, theJin dynasty in 1234, and finally theSouthern Song dynasty in 1279.

Liaodi Pagoda, Song dynasty

Despite its military weakness, the Song dynasty is widely considered to be the high point of classical Chinese civilization. TheSong economy, facilitated by technological advancement, had reached a level of sophistication probably unseen in world history before its time. The population soared to over100 million and the living standards of common people improved tremendously due to improvements in rice cultivation and the wide availability of coal for production. The capital cities of Kaifeng and subsequently Hangzhou were both themost populous cities in the world for their time, and encouraged vibrant civil societies unmatched by previous Chinese dynasties. Although land trading routes to the far west were blocked by nomadic empires, there was extensivemaritime trade with neighbouring states, such as inSouth-east Asia, which facilitated the use of Song coinage as the de facto currency of exchange. Giant wooden vessels equipped withcompasses traveled throughout theChina Seas and northern Indian Ocean. The concept of insurance was practised by merchants to hedge the risks of such long-haul maritimeshipments. With prosperous economic activities, the historically first use ofpaper currency emerged in the western city ofChengdu, as a cheaper supplement to the existing coppercoins.

The Song dynasty was considered to be the golden age of great advancements in science and technology of China, thanks to innovative scholar-officials such asSu Song (1020–1101) andShen Kuo (1031–1095). Inventions such as the hydro-mechanical astronomical clock, the first continuous and endless power-transmitting chain,woodblock printing andpaper money were all invented during the Song dynasty, further cementing its status.

There was court intrigue between the political reformers and conservatives, led by the chancellorsWang Anshi andSima Guang, respectively. By the mid-to-late 13th century, the Chinese had adopted the dogma ofNeo-Confucian philosophy formulated byZhu Xi. Enormous literary works were compiled during the Song dynasty, such as the innovative historical narrativeZizhi Tongjian ("Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government"). The invention ofmovable-type printing further facilitated the spread of knowledge. Culture and the arts flourished, with grandiose artworks such asAlong the River During the Qingming Festival andEighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute, along with great Buddhist painters such as the prolificLin Tinggui.

City views of Song dynasty from paintings. Clockwise from upper left: A Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127) era Chinese painting of a water-powered mill for grain, with surrounding river transport. The bridge scene fromZhang Zeduan's (1085–1145) paintingAlong the River During Qingming Festival.Chinese boats fromAlong the River During Qingming Festival.Leifeng Pagoda in the Southern Song Dynasty byLi Song.

The Song dynasty was also a period of major innovation in thehistory of warfare.Gunpowder, while invented in theTang dynasty, was first put into practical use on the battlefield by the Song army, inspiring a succession of newfirearms andsiege engines designs. During the Southern Song dynasty, as its survival hinged decisively on guarding theYangtze andHuai River against the cavalry forces from the north, the first standing navy in China was assembled in 1132, with its admiral's headquarters established atDinghai.Paddle-wheel warships equipped withtrebuchets could launchincendiary bombs made of gunpowder and lime to effect, as recorded in Song's victory over the invading Jin forces at theBattle of Tangdao in theEast China Sea, and theBattle of Caishi on the Yangtze River in 1161.

The advances in civilisation during the Song dynasty came to an abrupt end following the devastating Mongol conquest of the North and subsequently other areas of the empire, during which the population sharply dwindled, with a marked contraction in economy. Despite viciouslyhalting Mongol advances for more than three decades, the Southern Song capital Hangzhou fell in 1276, followed by the final annihilation of the Song standing navy at theBattle of Yamen in 1279.

Yuan dynasty (1271–1368)

Main article:Yuan dynasty
Further information:History of the Yuan dynasty
See also:Mongol Empire andNorthern Yuan
Yuan dynasty (AD 1271–1368)
The White Stupa ofMiaoying Temple in Beijing.
Yuan periodfirearm with inscription dated the 3rd year of the Zhiyuan era (1332). Yuan Dynasty (1206–1368). Discovered at the Yunju Temple, Fangshan, Beijing, 1935.
Yuan dynasty banknote with its printing wood plate, 1287 AD.
Mongol successor khanates

TheYuan dynasty was formally proclaimed in 1271, when theGreat Khan of Mongol,Kublai Khan, one of the grandsons ofGenghis Khan, assumed the additional title ofEmperor of China, and consideredhis inherited part of the Mongol Empire as aChinese dynasty. In the preceding decades, the Mongols had conquered the Jin dynasty in Northern China, and the Southern Song dynasty fell in 1279 after a protracted and bloody war. TheMongol Yuan dynasty became the firstconquest dynasty in Chinese history to rule the entirety ofChina proper andits population as anethnic minority. The dynasty also directly controlled theMongol heartland and other regions, inheriting the largest share of territory of theeastern Mongol empire, which roughly coincided with the modern area of China and nearby regions in East Asia. Further expansion of the empire was halted after defeats in theinvasions of Japan andVietnam. Following the previous Jin dynasty, the capital of Yuan dynasty was established atKhanbaliq (also known as Dadu, modern-day Beijing). TheGrand Canal was reconstructed to connect the remote capital city to lively economic hubs in southern part of China, setting the precedence and foundation for Beijing to largely remain as thecapital of the successive regimes of the unified Chinese mainland.

A series ofMongol civil wars in the late 13th century led to thedivision of the Mongol Empire. In 1304 the emperors of the Yuan dynasty were upheld as the nominalKhagan over western khanates (theChagatai Khanate, theGolden Horde and theIlkhanate), which nonetheless remainedde facto autonomous. The era was known asPax Mongolica, when much of the Asian continent was ruled by the Mongols. For the first and only time in history, theSilk Road was controlled entirely by a single state, facilitating the flow of people, trade, and cultural exchange. A network of roads and apostal system were established to connect the vast empire. Lucrative maritime trade, developed from the previous Song dynasty, continued to flourish, withQuanzhou andHangzhou emerging as the largest ports in the world. Adventurous travelers from the far west, most notably theVenetian,Marco Polo, would settle in China for decades. Upon his return, his detailtravel record inspired generations ofmedieval Europeans with the splendors of the far East. The Yuan dynasty was the first ancient economy, wherepaper currency, known at the time asJiaochao, was used as the predominant medium of exchange. Its unrestricted issuance in the late Yuan dynasty inflictedhyperinflation, which eventually brought the downfall of the dynasty.

Dengfeng Observatory, the first in a series of 27 astronomical observatories built in the early Yuan dynasty.
The Pagoda of Bailin Temple, an octagonal-based brick pagoda built in 1330 during the reign ofEmperor Wenzong, ruler of the Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368).

While the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty adopted substantially to Chinese culture, theirsinicization was of lesser extent compared to earlierconquest dynasties in Chinese history. For preserving racial superiority as the conqueror and ruling class, traditional nomadic customs and heritage from theMongolian Steppe were held in high regard. On the other hand, the Mongol rulers also adopted flexibly to a variety of cultures from many advanced civilizations within the vast empire. Traditional social structure and culture in China underwent immense transform during the Mongol dominance. Large groups offoreign migrants settled in China, who enjoyed elevated social status over the majority Han Chinese, while enriching Chinese culture with foreign elements. The class ofscholar officials and intellectuals, traditional bearers of elite Chinese culture, lost substantial social status. This stimulated the development of culture of the common folks. There were prolific works inzaju variety shows andliterary songs (sanqu), which were written in a distinctivepoetry style known asqu. Novels of vernacular style gained unprecedented status and popularity.

TheAyuwang Stupa in northernShanxi, China.
Astupa on top of an arch (crossing street tower), is a common form of architecture during Yuan period.

Before the Mongol invasion, Chinese dynasties reported approximately120 million inhabitants; after the conquest had been completed in 1279, the 1300 census reported roughly60 million people.[74] This major decline is not necessarily due only to Mongol killings. Scholars such as Frederick W. Mote argue that the wide drop in numbers reflects an administrative failure to record rather than an actual decrease; others such asTimothy Brook argue that the Mongols created a system ofenserfment among a huge portion of the Chinese populace, causing many to disappear from the census altogether; other historians including William McNeill and David Morgan consider thatplague was the main factor behind the demographic decline during this period. In the 14th century China suffered additional depredations from epidemics of plague, estimated to have killed around a quarter of the population of China.[75]: 348–351 

Throughout the Yuan dynasty, there was some general sentiment among the populace against the Mongol dominance. Yet rather than the nationalist cause, it was mainly strings of natural disasters and incompetent, corrupt governance that triggered widespread peasant uprisings since the 1340s. After themassive naval engagementat Lake Poyang,Zhu Yuanzhang prevailed over other rebel forces in the south. He proclaimed himselfemperor and founded theMing dynasty in 1368. The same year his northern expedition army captured the capital Khanbaliq. The Yuan remnants fled back to Mongolia andsustained the regime, but the period of Yuan dominance was effectively over for good. Other Mongol Khanates in Central Asia continued to exist after the fall of Yuan dynasty in China.

Ming dynasty (1368–1644)

Main article:Ming dynasty
Further information:History of the Ming dynasty
See also:Southern Ming
Ming dynasty (AD 1368–1644)
Haihui Temple Pagodas, built in the Ming period.
Da Ming Baochao, a series of banknotes issued by the Ming government.
Porcelain Tower, fromAn embassy from the East-India Company (1665) by Johan Nieuhof. It was first discovered by the Western world when travelers likeJohan Nieuhof visited it, sometimes listing it as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Pagoda of Chongjue Temple, dated to the Song dynasty. The onion-shapedSōrin was a Ming dynasty addition.
Dongyang Luzhai
Residence of the Lu Family in Dongyang, built in the Ming period.
XiAn CityWall DiLou
City wall of Xi'an, a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site built during the early Ming dynasty
Fenghuang old town
Fenghuang County, an ancient town that harbors many architectural remains of Ming and Qing styles.
Yixian Hongcun
Hongcun, a village in Yi County in the historical Huizhou region of southern Anhui Province.
Xinye, a village noted for its well-preserved Ming and Qing era architecture and ancient residential buildings.

TheMing dynasty was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368, who proclaimed himself as theHongwu Emperor. The capital was initially set atNanjing, and was later moved toBeijing fromYongle Emperor's reign onward.

Urbanization increased as the population grew and as the division of labor grew more complex. Large urban centers, such as Nanjing and Beijing, also contributed to the growth of private industry. In particular, small-scale industries grew up, often specializing in paper, silk, cotton, and porcelain goods. For the most part, however, relatively small urban centers with markets proliferated around the country. Town markets mainly traded food, with some necessary manufactures such as pins or oil.

Despite thexenophobia and intellectual introspection characteristic of the increasingly popular new school ofneo-Confucianism, China under the early Ming dynasty was not isolated. Foreign trade and other contacts with the outside world, particularly Japan, increased considerably. Chinese merchants explored all of the Indian Ocean, reaching East Africa with thevoyages of Zheng He.

The Hongwu Emperor, being the only founder of aChinese dynasty who was also of peasant origin, had laid the foundation of a state that relied fundamentally in agriculture. Commerce and trade, which flourished in the previousSong andYuan dynasties, were less emphasized. Neo-feudal landholdings of the Song and Mongol periods were expropriated by the Ming rulers. Land estates were confiscated by the government, fragmented, and rented out. Private slavery was forbidden. Consequently, after the death of the Yongle Emperor, independent peasant landholders predominated in Chinese agriculture. These laws might have paved the way to removing the worst of the poverty during the previous regimes. Towards later era of the Ming dynasty, with declining government control, commerce, trade and private industries revived.

The dynasty had a strong and complex central government that unified and controlled the empire. The emperor's role became more autocratic, although Hongwu Emperor necessarily continued to use what he called the "Grand Secretariat" to assist with the immense paperwork of the bureaucracy, includingmemorials (petitions and recommendations to the throne), imperial edicts in reply, reports of various kinds, and tax records. It was this same bureaucracy that later prevented the Ming government from being able to adapt to changes in society, and eventually led to its decline.

The Yongle Emperor strenuously tried to extend China's influence beyond its borders by demanding other rulers send ambassadors to China to present tribute. A large navy was built, including four-masted ships displacing 1,500 tons. A standing army of 1 million troops was created. The Chinese armiesconquered andoccupied Vietnam for around 20 years, while theChinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian Ocean, cruising as far as the east coast of Africa. The Chinese gained influence in easternMoghulistan. Several maritime Asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor. Domestically, the Grand Canal was expanded and became a stimulus to domestic trade. Over 100,000 tons of iron per year were produced. Many books were printed using movable type. The imperial palace in Beijing'sForbidden City reached its current splendor. It was also during these centuries that the potential of south China came to be fully exploited. New crops were widely cultivated and industries such as those producing porcelain and textiles flourished.

In 1449Esen Tayisi led anOirat Mongol invasion of northern China which culminated in the capture of theZhengtong Emperor atTumu. Since then, the Ming became on the defensive on the northern frontier, which led to theMing Great Wall being built. Most of what remains of the Great Wall of China today was either built or repaired by the Ming. The brick and granite work was enlarged, the watchtowers were redesigned, and cannons were placed along its length.

At sea the Ming became increasingly isolationist after the death of the Yongle Emperor. The treasure voyages which sailed the Indian Ocean were discontinued, and themaritime prohibition laws were set in place banning the Chinese from sailing abroad. European traders who reached China in the midst of theAge of Discovery were repeatedly rebuked in their requests for trade, with the Portuguese beingrepulsed by the Ming navy atTuen Mun in 1521 and againin 1522. Domestic and foreign demands for overseas trade, deemed illegal by the state, led to widespreadwokou piracy attacking the southeastern coastline during the rule of theJiajing Emperor (1507–1567), which only subsided after the opening of ports inGuangdong andFujian andmuch military suppression.[76] In addition to raids from Japan by thewokou, raids from Taiwan and thePhilippines by the Pisheye also ravaged the southern coasts.[77] The Portuguese were allowed to settle inMacau in 1557 for trade, which remained in Portuguese hands until 1999. After the Spanish invasion of the Philippines, trade with theSpanish at Manila imported large quantities ofMexican and Peruvian silver from theSpanish Americas to China.[78]: 144–145  The Dutch entry into the Chinese seas was also met with fierce resistance, with the Dutch being chased off thePenghu islands in theSino-Dutch conflicts of 1622–1624 and were forced to settle in Taiwan instead.The Dutch in Taiwan fought with the Ming in theBattle of Liaoluo Bay in 1633 and lost, and eventually surrendered to the Ming loyalistKoxinga in 1662, after the fall of the Ming dynasty.

In 1556, during the rule of theJiajing Emperor, theShaanxi earthquake killed about 830,000 people, the deadliest earthquake of all time.

The Ming dynasty intervened deeply in theJapanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598), which ended with the withdrawal of all invading Japanese forces in Korea, and the restoration of theJoseon dynasty, its traditional ally andtributary state. Theregional hegemony of the Ming dynasty was preserved at a toll on its resources. Coincidentally, with Ming's control inManchuria in decline, theManchu (Jurchen) tribes, under their chieftainNurhaci, broke away from Ming's rule, and emerged as a powerful, unified state, which waslater proclaimed as theQing dynasty. It went on to subdue the much weakenedKorea as itstributary, conqueredMongolia, and expanded its territory to the outskirt of the Great Wall. The most elite army of the Ming dynasty was to station at theShanhai Pass to guard the last stronghold against the Manchus, which weakened its suppression of internalpeasants uprisings.

Qing dynasty (1644–1912)

Main article:Qing dynasty
Further information:History of the Qing dynasty
See also:Later Jin (1616–1636),High Qing era,Century of humiliation, andSelf-Strengthening Movement
Qing dynasty (AD 1644–1912)
1836 map of China published by C. Picque.
Pilgrim flask,porcelain with underglaze blue and iron-red decoration.
A military attire of the Qianlong Emperor
A Qing period geomantic compass (c. 1760)
Dongyang Luzhai
Summer Palace, an imperial garden in Qing dynasty.
XiAn CityWall DiLou
Putuo Zongcheng Temple, a Buddhist temple complex built between 1767 and 1771. The temple was modeled after thePotala Palace ofTibet.
TheHouse of the Huangcheng Chancellor, a 10-hectare walled estate on Phoenix Hill in southeasternShanxi, China.
Flower Theatre, a Qing period guildhall.
A residential building ofQiao Family Compound, built in the Qing period.

The Qing dynasty (1644–1912) was the last imperial dynasty in China. Founded by theManchus, it was the secondconquest dynasty to rule the entirety ofChina proper, and roughly doubled the territory controlled by the Ming. The Manchus were formerly known asJurchens, residing in the northeastern part of the Ming territory outside the Great Wall. They emerged as the major threat to the late Ming dynasty afterNurhaci united all Jurchen tribes and his son,Hong Taiji, declared the founding of the Qing dynasty in 1636. The Qing dynasty set up theEight Banners system that provided the basic framework for the Qing military conquest.Li Zicheng's peasant rebellion captured Beijing in 1644 and theChongzhen Emperor, the last Ming emperor, committed suicide. The Manchus allied with the Ming generalWu Sangui to seize Beijing, which was made the capital of the Qing dynasty, and then proceeded to subdue theMing remnants in the south. During theMing-Qing transition, when the Ming dynasty and later the Southern Ming, the emerging Qing dynasty, and several other factions like theShun dynasty andXi dynasty founded by peasant revolt leaders fought against each another, which, along with innumerablenatural disasters at that time such as those caused by theLittle Ice Age[79] andepidemics like theGreat Plague during the last decade of the Ming dynasty,[80] caused enormous loss of lives andsignificant harm to the economy. In total, these decades saw the loss of as many as25 million lives, but the Qing appeared to have restored China's imperial power and inaugurate another flowering of the arts.[81] The early Manchu emperors combined traditions ofInner Asian rule with Confucian norms of traditional Chinese government and were considered a Chinese dynasty.

The Manchus enforced a 'queue order', forcing Han Chinese men to adopt the Manchuqueue hairstyle. Officials were required to wear Manchu-style clothingChangshan (bannermen dress andTangzhuang), but ordinary Han civilians were allowed to weartraditional Han clothing. Bannermen could not undertake trade or manual labor; they had to petition to be removed from banner status. They were considered aristocracy and were given annual pensions, land, and allotments of cloth. TheKangxi Emperor ordered the creation of theKangxi Dictionary, the most complete dictionary of Chinese characters that had been compiled.

Over the next half-century, all areas previously under the Ming dynasty were consolidated under the Qing.Conquests in Central Asia in the eighteenth century extended territorial control. Between 1673 and 1681, the Kangxi Emperor suppressed theRevolt of the Three Feudatories, an uprising of three generals in Southern China who had been denied hereditary rule of large fiefdoms granted by theprevious emperor. In 1683, the Qing staged an amphibious assault on southern Taiwan, bringing down the rebelKingdom of Tungning, which was founded by the Ming loyalistKoxinga (Zheng Chenggong) in 1662 after the fall of the Southern Ming, and had served as a base for continued Ming resistance in Southern China. The Qingdefeated the Russians at Albazin, resulting in theTreaty of Nerchinsk.

By the end ofQianlong Emperor's long reign in 1796, the Qing Empire was atits zenith. The Qing ruled more thanone-third of the world's population, and had the largest economy in the world. By area it wasone of the largest empires ever.

A map of theQing dynasty,c. 1820
Official map of the Qing Empire published in 1905

In the 19th century the empire was internally restive and externally threatened by western powers. The defeat by theBritish Empire in theFirst Opium War (1840) led to theTreaty of Nanking (1842), under whichHong Kong was ceded to Britain and importation ofopium (produced by British Empire territories) was allowed. Opium usage continued to grow in China, adversely affecting societal stability. Subsequent military defeats andunequal treaties with other western powers continued even after the fall of the Qing dynasty.

Internally theTaiping Rebellion (1851–1864), a Christian religious movement led by the "Heavenly King"Hong Xiuquan swept from the south to establish theTaiping Heavenly Kingdom and controlled roughly a third of China proper for over a decade. The court in desperation empowered Han Chinese officials such asZeng Guofan to raise local armies. After initial defeats, Zeng crushed the rebels in theThird Battle of Nanking in 1864.[82] This was one of the largest wars in the 19th century in troop involvement; there was massive loss of life, with a death toll of about 20 million.[83] A string of civil disturbances followed, including thePunti–Hakka Clan Wars,Nian Rebellion,Dungan Revolt, andPanthay Rebellion.[84] All rebellions were ultimately put down, but at enormous cost and with millions dead, seriously weakening the central imperial authority. China never rebuilt a strong central army, and many local officials used their military power to effectively rule independently in their provinces.[82]

A scene of theTaiping Rebellion

Yet the dynasty appeared to recover in theTongzhi Restoration (1860–1872), led by Manchu royal family reformers and Han Chinese officials such as Zeng Guofan and his protegesLi Hongzhang andZuo Zongtang. TheirSelf-Strengthening Movement made effective institutional reforms, imported Western factories and communications technology, with prime emphasis on strengthening the military. However, the reform was undermined by official rivalries, cynicism, and quarrels within the imperial family. The defeat ofYuan Shikai's modernized "Beiyang Fleet" in theFirst Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895) led to the formation of theNew Army. TheGuangxu Emperor, advised byKang Youwei, then launched a comprehensive reform effort, theHundred Days' Reform (1898).Empress Dowager Cixi, however, feared that precipitous change would lead to bureaucratic opposition and foreign intervention and quickly suppressed it.

In the summer of 1900, theBoxer Uprising opposed foreign influence and murdered Chinese Christians and foreign missionaries. When Boxers entered Beijing, the Qing government ordered all foreigners to leave, but they and many Chinese Christians werebesieged in the foreign legations quarter. AnEight-Nation Alliance sent theSeymour Expedition of Japanese, Russian, British, Italian, German, French, American, and Austrian troops to relieve the siege, but they were routed and forced to retreat by Boxer and Qing troops at theBattle of Langfang. Afterthe Alliance's attack on the Dagu Forts, the court declared war on the Alliance and authorised the Boxers to join with imperial armies. Afterfierce fighting at Tianjin, the Alliance formed the second, much largerGaselee Expedition andfinally reached Beijing; the Empress Dowager evacuated toXi'an. TheBoxer Protocol ended the war, exacting a tremendousindemnity.

The Qing court then instituted administrative and legal reforms known as thelate Qing reforms, including abolition of theexamination system. But young officials, military officers, and students debated reform, perhaps aconstitutional monarchy, or the overthrow of the dynasty and the creation of a republic. They were inspired by an emerging public opinion formed by intellectuals such asLiang Qichao and the revolutionary ideas ofSun Yat-sen. A localised military uprising, theWuchang uprising, began on 10 October 1911, inWuchang (today part ofWuhan), and soon spread. The Republic of China was proclaimed on 1 January 1912, ending 2,000 years of dynastic rule.

Modern China

Rulers of the world at the beginning of the 20th century

Republic of China (since 1912)

Main articles:1911 Revolution,History of the Republic of China,Republic of China (1912–1949), andTaiwan
See also:History of Taiwan,History of Taiwan (1945–present), andRetreat of the government of the Republic of China to Taiwan
Flag of theFirst Guangzhou uprising
Nanjing Road duringXinhai Revolution, 1911

Theprovisional government of the Republic of China was formed inNanjing on 12 March 1912. Sun Yat-sen becamePresident of the Republic of China, but he turned power over toYuan Shikai, who commanded theNew Army. Over the next few years, Yuan proceeded to abolish the national and provincial assemblies, and declared himself as the emperor ofEmpire of China in late 1915, in the style of anabsolute monarchy. Yuan's imperial ambitions were fiercely opposed by his subordinates; faced with the rapidly growing prospect of violent rebellion, he abdicated in March 1916 and died of natural causes in June.

Sun Yat-sen, the intellectual leader of the Revolution
Yuan Shikai, the first official president of the Republic of China

Yuan's death in 1916 left a power vacuum; the republican government (that had been nearly brought to its knees by his policies) was all but shattered. This opened the way for theWarlord Era, during which much of China was ruled by shifting coalitions of competing provincial military leaders and theBeiyang government, ushering in a short-lived period of uncertainty. Intellectuals, disappointed in the failure of the Republic, launched theNew Culture Movement.

Beijing college students rallied during theMay Fourth Movement, dissatisfied with Article 156 of theTreaty of Versailles for China (Shandong Problem).

In 1919, theMay Fourth Movement began as a response to the pro-Japanese terms imposed on China by theTreaty of Versailles following World War I. It quickly became a nationwide protest movement. The protests were a moral success as the cabinet fell and China refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which had awarded German holdings ofShandong to Japan. Memory of the mistreatment at Versailles fuels resentment into the 21st century.[85]

Political and intellectual ferment waxed strong throughout the 1920s and 1930s. According to Patricia Ebrey:

"Nationalism, patriotism, progress, science, democracy, and freedom were the goals; imperialism, feudalism, warlordism, autocracy, patriarchy, and blind adherence to tradition were the enemies. Intellectuals struggled with how to be strong and modern and yet Chinese, how to preserve China as a political entity in the world of competing nations."[86]
Flag of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1928
Blue Sky White Sun Wholly Red Earth
Flag of the Republic of China from 1928 to now

In the 1920s Sun Yat-sen established a revolutionary base in Guangzhou and set out to unite the fragmented nation. He welcomed assistance from theSoviet Union (itself fresh from Lenin's Communist takeover) and he entered into an alliance with the fledglingChinese Communist Party (CCP). After Sun's death from cancer in 1925, one of his protégés,Chiang Kai-shek, seized control of theNationalist Party (KMT) and succeeded in bringing most of south and central China under its rule in theNorthern Expedition (1926–1927). Having defeated the warlords in the south and central China bymilitary force, Chiang was able to secure the nominal allegiance of the warlords in the North and establish theNationalist government in Nanjing. In 1927, Chiang turned on the CCP and relentlessly purged the Communists elements in hisNRA. In 1934, driven from their mountain bases such as theChinese Soviet Republic, the CCP forces embarked on theLong March across China's most desolate terrain to the northwest, a feat transformed into legend, where they established a guerrilla base atYan'an in Shaanxi. During the Long March, the communists reorganised under a new leader,Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung).

Chinese soldiers in house-to-house fighting in the Battle of Tai'erzhuang
The Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Special Naval Landing Forces troops in gas masks prepare for an advance in the rubble of Shanghai, China.
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek announced the Kuomintang policy of resistance against Japan at Lushan on 10 July 1937, three days after theSeventy-seven Incident.

The bitterChinese Civil War between the Nationalists and the Communists continued, openly or clandestinely, through the 14-year-long Japanese occupation of various parts of the country (1931–1945). The two Chinese parties nominally formed a United Front to oppose the Japanese in 1937, during theSecond Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), which became a part ofWorld War II, although this alliance was tenuous at best and disagreements, sometimes violent, between the forces were still common. Japanese forces committed numerouswar atrocities against the civilian population, including biological warfare (seeUnit 731) and theThree Alls Policy (Sankō Sakusen), namely being: "Kill All, Burn All and Loot All".[87] During the war, China was recognized as one of the Allied "Big Four" in theDeclaration by United Nations, as a tribute to its enduring struggle against the invading Japanese.[88] China was one of the four majorAllies of World War II, and was later considered one of the primary victors in the war.[89]

Following the defeat of Japan in 1945, the war between the Nationalist government forces and the CCP resumed, after failed attempts at reconciliation and a negotiated settlement. By 1949, the CCP had established control over most of the country.Odd Arne Westad says the Communists won the Civil War because they made fewer military mistakes than Chiang, and because in his search for a powerful centralized government, Chiang antagonised too many interest groups in China. Furthermore, his party was weakened in the war against the Japanese. Meanwhile, the Communists told different groups, such as peasants, exactly what they wanted to hear, and cloaked themselves in the cover of Chinese Nationalism.[90] During the civil war both the Nationalists and Communists carried out mass atrocities, with millions of non-combatants killed by both sides.[91] These included deaths from forced conscription and massacres.[92]

The Nationalists were slowly routed towards the South. When the Nationalist government forces were defeated by CCP forces in mainland China in 1949, the Nationalist government fled toTaiwan with its forces, along with Chiang and a large number of their supporters; the Nationalist government had taken effective control of Taiwan at the end of WWII as part of the overall Japanese surrender, when Japanese troops in Taiwan surrendered to the Republic of China troops there.[93]

Until the early 1970s the ROC was recognised as thesole legitimate government of China by the United Nations, the United States and most Western nations, refusing to recognise the PRC on account of its status as a communist nation during the Cold War. This changed in 1971 when thePRC was seated in the United Nations, replacing the ROC. The KMT ruled Taiwan under martial law until 1987, with the stated goal of being vigilant against Communist infiltration and preparing to retake mainland China. Therefore, political dissent was not tolerated during that period, and crackdowns against dissidents were common.

In the 1990s the ROC underwent a major democratic reform, beginning with the 1991 resignation of the members of theLegislative Yuan andNational Assembly elected in 1947. These groups were originally created to represent mainland China constituencies. Also lifted were the restrictions on the use of Taiwanese languages in the broadcast media and in schools. In 1996, the ROC heldits first direct presidential election, and the incumbent president, KMT candidateLee Teng-hui, was elected. In 2000, the KMT status as the ruling party ended when the DPP took power, only to regain its status in the2008 election byMa Ying-jeou.

Due to the controversial nature ofTaiwan's political status, the ROC is currently recognised bymerely 12 UN member states and the Holy See as of 2024[update] as the legitimate government of "China".

People's Republic of China (since 1949)

Main articles:History of the People's Republic of China andChina
See also:Proclamation of the People's Republic of China
Map of theChinese Civil War

Major combat in the Chinese Civil War ended in 1949 with the KMT pulling out of the mainland, with the government relocating toTaipei and maintaining control only over a few islands. The CCP was left in control ofmainland China. On 1 October 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China.[94] "Communist China" and "Red China" were two common names for the PRC.[95]

The PRC was shaped by aseries of campaigns andfive-year plans. TheGreat Leap Forward, a radical campaign that encompassed numerous attempted economic and social reforms, resulted in tens of millions of deaths.[96][better source needed] Mao's government carried out mass executions of landowners, institutedcollectivisation and implemented theLaogai camp system. Execution, deaths from forced labor and other atrocities resulted in millions of deaths under Mao. In 1966 Mao and his allies launched theCultural Revolution, which continued until Mao's death a decade later. The Cultural Revolution, motivated by power struggles within the Party and a fear of theSoviet Union, led to a major upheaval in Chinese society.

Following theSino-Soviet split and motivated by concerns of invasion by either the Soviet Union or the United States, China initiated theThird Front campaign to develop national defense and industrial infrastructure in its rugged interior.[97]: 44  Through its distribution of infrastructure, industry, and human capital around the country, the Third Front created favorable conditions for subsequent market development and private enterprise.[97]: 177 

In 1972, at the peak of the Sino-Soviet split, Mao andZhou Enlai met U.S. presidentRichard Nixon in Beijing to establish relations with the US. In the same year, thePRC was admitted to the United Nations in place of the Republic of China, with permanent membership of the Security Council.

A power struggle followed Mao's death in 1976. TheGang of Four were arrested and blamed for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution, marking the end of a turbulent political era in China.Deng Xiaoping outmaneuvered Mao's anointed successor chairmanHua Guofeng, and gradually emerged as thede facto leader over the next few years.

Deng Xiaoping was theParamount Leader of China from 1978 to 1992, although he never became the head of the party or state, and his influence within the Party led the country tosignificant economic reforms. The CCP subsequently loosened governmental control over citizens' personal lives and thecommunes were disbanded with many peasants receiving multiple land leases, which greatly increased incentives and agricultural production. In addition, there were many free market areas opened. The most successful free market area was Shenzhen. It is located in Guangdong and the property tax free area still exists today. This turn of events marked China's transition from a planned economy to a mixed economy with an increasingly open market environment, a system termed by some[98] asmarket socialism, and officially by the CCP asSocialism with Chinese characteristics. The PRC adopted its currentconstitution on 4 December 1982.

In 1989 the death of former general secretaryHu Yaobang helped to spark theTiananmen Square protests of that year, during which students and others campaigned for several months, speaking out against corruption and in favour of greater political reform, including democratic rights and freedom of speech. However, they were eventually put down on 4 June whenArmy troops and vehicles entered and forcibly cleared the square, resulting inconsiderable numbers of fatalities. This event was widely reported, and brought worldwide condemnation and sanctions against the communist government.[99][100]

CCP general secretary and PRC presidentJiang Zemin and PRC premierZhu Rongji, both former mayors of Shanghai, led post-Tiananmen PRC in the 1990s. Under Jiang and Zhu's ten years of administration, the PRC's economic performance pulled an estimated 150 million peasants out of poverty and sustained an average annual gross domestic product growth rate of 11.2%.[101][better source needed] The country formally joined theWorld Trade Organization in 2001. By1997 and1999, former European colonies ofBritish Hong Kong andPortuguese Macau became the Hong Kong and Macauspecial administrative regions of the People's Republic of China, respectively.

Although the PRC needed economic growth to spur its development, the government began to worry that rapid economic growth was degrading the country's natural resources and environment. Another concern was that certain sectors of society were not sufficiently benefiting from the PRC's economic development; one example of this was the wide gap between urban and rural areas in terms of development and prevalence of updated infrastructure. As a result, under former CCP general secretary and PresidentHu Jintao and PremierWen Jiabao, the PRC initiated policies to address issues of equitable distribution of resources, but the outcome was not known as of 2014[update].[102] More than 40 million farmers were displaced from their land,[103] usually for economic development, contributing to 87,000 demonstrations and riots across China in 2005.[104] For much of the PRC's population, living standards improved very substantially and freedom increased, but political controls remained tight and rural areas poor.[105]

According to theU.S. Department of Defense, as many as 3 millionUyghurs and members of otherMuslim minority groups are being held in China'sinternment camps which are located in theXinjiang region and which Western news reports often label as "concentration camps".[106] The camps were established in late 2010s underXi Jinping'sadministration.[107][108]Human Rights Watch says that they have been used to indoctrinate Uyghurs and other Muslims since 2017 as part of apeople's war on terror, a policy announced in 2014.[109][110][107] The use of these centers appears to have ended in 2019 following international pressure.[111] AcademicKerry Brown attributes their closures beginning in late 2019 to the expense required to operate them.[112]: 138  China has repeatedly denied this, asserting that the West has never been able to produce reliably-sourced satellite footage of any such detainment or resulting detention of minority groups. Although no comprehensive independent surveys of such centres have been performed as of June 2024, spot checks by journalists have found such sites converted or abandoned.[111] In 2022, a Washington Post reporter checked a dozen sites previously identified as reeducation centres and found "[m]ost of them appeared to be empty or converted, with several sites labeled as coronavirus quarantine facilities, teachers' schools and vocational schools."[111] In 2023,Amnesty International said that they were "witnessing more and more arbitrary detention", but that detained individuals were being moved from the camps into theformal prison system.[113]

The novel coronavirusSARS-CoV-2, which causes the diseaseCOVID-19, was first detected inWuhan, Hubei in 2019 and led to aglobal pandemic, causing the majority of the world to enter a period of lockdown for at least a year following.

See also



  1. ^In his lifetime, Ying Zheng would have been known as simplyShi Huangdi, but after the Qin's fall it became standard practice to include the dynasty's name when referring to him. In its fullest form, Ying's name would be Qin Shi Huangdi (秦始皇帝), though it is commonly abbreviated toQin Shi Huang (秦始皇).[41]
  2. ^TheShiji's description of the Qin including of 36commanderies has now been disproven by archaeological evidence indicating more. The exact number is unknown;[44] The sinologistDerk Bodde noted that probably "four and possibly as many as half a dozen were added by 210 to the original thirty-six".[45]
  3. ^Other tribes of the north, collectively called theWu Hu by the Qin, were free from Chinese rule during the majority of the dynasty.[55]


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  77. ^Isorena, Efren B. (2004). "The Visayan Raiders of the China Coast, 1174–1190 Ad".Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society.32 (2):73–95.JSTOR 29792550.Chau Ju-Kua, writing in the thirteenth century, probably was the first to mention that certain ferocious raiders of China'sFukien coast probably came by way of the southern portion of the island ofFormosa, He referred to them as the Pi-sho-ye.
  78. ^Schottenhammer, Angela (2019)."Connecting China with the Pacific World?".Orientierungen.31. Gossenberg: Ostasien:111–171.ISSN 0936-4099.
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  82. ^abKuhn, Phillip (1970).Rebellion and its Enemies in Late Imperial China: Militarization and Social Structure, 1796–1864. Harvard East Asian series. Vol. 49. Harvard University Press. Chapter 6.ISBN 9780674749511.
  83. ^White, Matthew."Statistics of Wars, Oppressions and Atrocities of the Nineteenth Century". Retrieved11 April 2007.
  84. ^Harper, Damsan; Fallon, Steve; Gaskell, Katja; Grundvig, Julie; Heller, Carolyn; Huhti, Thomas; Maynew, Bradley; Pitts, Christopher (2005).Lonely Planet China (9 ed.). Lonely Planet.ISBN 1-74059-687-0.
  85. ^Foot, Rosemary (2019). "Remembering the past to secure the present: Versailles legacies in a resurgent China".International Affairs.95 (1):143–160.doi:10.1093/ia/iiy211.
  86. ^Ebrey 1999, p. 271.
  87. ^Fairbank, John King;Goldman, Merle (2006).China: A New History (2nd ed.).Harvard University Press. p. 320.ISBN 978-0674018280.
  88. ^
  89. ^
  90. ^Westad, Odd Arne (2012).Restless Empire: China and the World Since 1750. p. 291.
  91. ^Rummel, Rudolph (1994).Death by Government.
  92. ^Valentino, Benjamin A. (2005).Final solutions: mass killing and genocide in the twentieth century.Cornell University Press. p. 88.
  93. ^"Surrender Order of the Imperial General Headquarters of Japan". 2 September 1945., "(a) The senior Japanese commanders and all ground, sea, air, and auxiliary forces within China (excluding Manchuria),Formosa, andFrench Indochina north of 16 degrees north latitude shall surrender to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek."
  94. ^The Chinese people have stood up. UCLA Center for East Asian Studies. Retrieved 16 April 2006.Archived 6 September 2015 at theWayback Machine
  95. ^Smith, Joseph; Davis, Simon (2005).The A to Z of the Cold War. A to Z guides. Vol. Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest volume 8 no. 28.Scarecrow Press.ISBN 978-0-8108-5384-3.
  96. ^Akbar, Arifa (17 September 2010)."Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'".The Independent. London. Retrieved30 October 2010.
  97. ^abMarquis, Christopher; Qiao, Kunyuan (2022).Mao and Markets: The Communist Roots of Chinese Enterprise. New Haven:Yale University Press.doi:10.2307/j.ctv3006z6k.ISBN 978-0-300-26883-6.JSTOR j.ctv3006z6k.OCLC 1348572572.S2CID 253067190.
  98. ^Hart-Landsberg, Martin; Burkett, Paul (2010).China and Socialism: Market Reforms and Class Struggle. Monthly Review Press.ISBN 978-1-58367-123-8. Retrieved30 October 2008.
  99. ^Youngs, R. (2002).The European Union and the Promotion of Democracy.Oxford University Press.ISBN 978-0-19-924979-4..
  100. ^Carroll, J. M. (2007).A Concise History of Hong Kong.Rowman & Littlefield.ISBN 978-0-7425-3422-3..
  101. ^"China's Average Economic Growth in 90s Ranked 1st in World".People's Daily. 1 March 2000.
  102. ^"China worried over pace of growth". BBC. Retrieved16 April 2006.
  103. ^"China: Migrants, Students, Taiwan".Migration News.13 (1). January 2006.
  104. ^"In Face of Rural Unrest, China Rolls Out Reforms".The Washington Post. 28 January 2006.
  105. ^Thomas, Antony (11 April 2006)."Frontline:The Tank Man transcript".Frontline. PBS. Retrieved12 July 2008.
  106. ^Chan, Tara Francis (22 May 2019)."As the U.S. Targets China's 'Concentration Camps', Xinjiang's Human Rights Crisis is Only Getting Worse".Newsweek.
    Beachum, Lateshia (17 November 2019)."Uighurs and their supporters decry Chinese 'concentration camps', 'genocide' after Xinjiang documents leaked".The Washington Post.
  107. ^abRamzy, Austin; Buckley, Chris (16 November 2019)."'Absolutely No Mercy': Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims".The New York Times.ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved16 November 2019.
  108. ^O'Keeffe, Kate; Ferek, Katy Stech (14 November 2019)."Stop Calling China's Xi Jinping 'President', U.S. Panel Says".The Wall Street Journal.
  109. ^"China: Free Xinjiang 'Political Education' Detainees". Human Rights Watch. 10 September 2017. Retrieved10 September 2017.
  110. ^"A Summer Vacation in China's Muslim Gulag".Foreign Policy. 28 February 2018. Retrieved28 February 2018.
  111. ^abc"As crackdown eases, China's Xinjiang faces long road to rehabilitation".The Washington Post. 23 September 2022. Retrieved6 October 2022.
  112. ^Brown, Kerry (2023).China Incorporated: The Politics of a World Where China is Number One. London:Bloomsbury Academic.ISBN 978-1-350-26724-4.
  113. ^Willemyns, Alex (19 September 2023)."Uyghur event in NY goes ahead despite Beijing's warning".Radio Free Asia. Retrieved21 September 2023.


Further reading

For a more comprehensive list, seeBibliography of Chinese history.

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