Mizuhanome (彌都波能売神[1] or みつはのめのかみ[2]) is adivinity of water inJapanese mythology. She was born from the urine ofIzanami.[3]
She is enshrined atAtago Shrine.[4] Ashiya Shrine[5] andNiukawakami Shrine are also dedicated to her.[6]
She is also referred to asMizuhanome[2] orItsu no Mitsuhanome no kami.[3] Inromaji her name is read asMitsuhanomenokami.[2]
Themitsu ormizu in her name means water andme is a feminine suffix.[3] Her name is explained aswater snake woman orwater dragon woman.[7]
According to directorMakoto Shinkai the name for the character Mitsuha Miyamizu from the movieYour Name is said to come from the goddess.[6]