Mikhail Tal[a] (9 November 1936 – 28 June 1992)[1] was a Soviet and Latvianchess player and the eighthWorld Chess Champion. He is considered a creativegenius and is widely regarded asone of the most influential players in chess history. Tal played in an attacking and daring combinatorial style.[2][3] His play was known above all for improvisation and unpredictability.Vladislav Zubok said of him, "Every game for him was as inimitable and invaluable as a poem".[4]
His nickname was "Misha", adiminutive forMikhail, and he earned the nickname "The Magician fromRiga". BothThe Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games[5] andModern Chess Brilliancies[6] include more games by Tal than any other player. He also held the record for the longest unbeaten streak in competitive chess history with 95 games (46 wins, 49 draws) between 23 October 1973 and 16 October 1974, untilDing Liren's streak of 100 games (29 wins, 71 draws) between 9 August 2017 and 11 November 2018.[7][8] In addition, Tal was a highly regarded chess writer.
Tal was born in Riga, Latvia, into aJewish family.[9] According to his friendGennadi Sosonko, his true father was a family friend identified only as "Uncle Robert";[10] however, this was vehemently denied by Tal's third wife Angelina.[11] Uncle Robert had been a taxi driver inParis in the 1920s and had lost all his family inWorld War II. His mother, Ida Grigoryevna, was the eldest of four sisters; Tal frequently visited theNetherlands to see his aunt, Riva, and another of his aunts settled in theUnited States but visited Riga.[10]
Kholmov vs. Tal, 1949
Play continued 18.axb5 Rxf3 19.Rxa7 Qxb5 20.gxf3 Qg5+ 21.Kh1 Rg80–1[12]
Alexander Koblents began tutoring him in 1949, after which Tal's game rapidly improved, and by 1951 he had qualified for theLatvian Championship. In the 1952 Latvian Championship, Tal finished ahead of his trainer. Tal won his first Latvian title in 1953, and was awarded the title of Candidate Master. He became a SovietMaster in 1954 by defeating Vladimir Saigin in a qualifying match. That same year he also scored his first win over a grandmaster whenYuri Averbakh lost on time in adrawn position. Tal graduated inLiterature from theUniversity of Latvia, writing a thesis on the satirical works ofIlf and Petrov, and taught school in Riga for a time in his early twenties. He was a member of the Daugava Sports Society, and represented Latvia in internal Soviet team competitions.
In 1959, he married 19-year-old Salli Landau, an actress with the RigaYouth Theatre; they divorced in 1970. In 2003, Landau published a biography inRussian of her late ex-husband.
Tal made his first significant appearance at the1956 USSR Chess Championship, sharing 5th–7th place withLev Polugaevsky and Ratmir Kholmov.[14]Grigory Levenfish called him "the most colourful figure of the championship" and a "great talent" who strove for "sharp and complicated play".[14] However, he was criticised by the media for taking unnecessary risks and having restricted creative views.[14] Tal then went to play on board three at the students' championship inSweden, scoring 6 out of 7.[15]
He became the youngest player to win the1957 USSR Chess Championship, at the age of 20. He had not played in enough international tournaments to qualify for the title ofGrandmaster, butFIDE decided at its 1957 Congress to waive the normal restrictions and award him the title because of his achievement in winning the Soviet Championship. At that time theSoviet Union was dominant in world chess, and Tal had beaten several of the world's top players to win the tournament.[16]
Tal made three appearances for the USSR at Student Olympiads in 1956–1958, winning three team gold medals and three board gold medals. He won nineteen games, drew eight, and lost none, for 85.2 percent.[17]
In 1959, Tal won a very strong tournament inZurich,Switzerland. Following the Interzonal, the top players carried on to theCandidates' Tournament, Yugoslavia, 1959. Tal won with 20/28 points, ahead ofPaul Keres with 18½, followed byTigran Petrosian,Vasily Smyslov,Bobby Fischer,Svetozar Gligorić,Friðrik Ólafsson, andPal Benko. Tal's victory was attributed to his dominance over the lower half of the field;[18] whilst scoring only one win and three losses versus Keres, he won all four individual games against Fischer, and took 3½ points out of 4 from each of Gligorić, Olafsson, and Benko.[19] When Benko arrived for his match with Tal, he wore dark glasses in order to avert the gaze of Tal, which could be intimidating. In response and as a joke, Tal wore large sunglasses which he borrowed from a member of the crowd.[20]
In 1960, at the age of 23, Tal defeated the strategically-mindedMikhail Botvinnik in a World Championship match, held in Moscow, by 12½–8½ (six wins, two losses, and thirteen draws),[20] making him the youngest-ever World Champion (a record later broken byGarry Kasparov, who earned the title at 22, and broken again byGukesh Dommaraju who earned the title at age 18). Botvinnik, who had never faced Tal before the title match began, won the return match against Tal in 1961, also held in Moscow, by 13–8 (ten wins to five, with six draws).[20] In the period between the matches Botvinnik had thoroughly analysed Tal's style, and turned most of the return match's games into slow wars of maneuver orendgames, rather than the complicated tactical melees which were Tal's happy hunting ground.[21] Tal's chronickidney problems contributed to his defeat, and his doctors in Riga advised that he should postpone the match for health reasons. Yuri Averbakh claimed that Botvinnik would agree to a postponement only if Tal was certified unfit by Moscow doctors, and that Tal then decided to play.[22] His short reign atop the chess world made him one of the two so-called "winter kings" who interrupted Botvinnik's long reign from 1948 to 1963 (the other was Smyslov, world champion 1957–58).
His highestElo rating was 2705, achieved in 1980. His highest Historical Chessmetrics Rating was 2799, in September 1960.
Soon after losing the rematch with Botvinnik, Tal won the 1961Bled supertournament inSFR Yugoslavia, by one point over Fischer, despite losing their individual game, scoring 14½ from nineteen games (+11−1=7) with the world-class players Petrosian, Keres, Gligorić,Efim Geller, andMiguel Najdorf among the other participants.
Tal played in a total of six Candidates' Tournaments and match cycles, though he never again earned the right to play for the world title. In 1962 atCuraçao,Netherlands Antilles, he had serious health problems, having undergone a major operation shortly before the tournament, and had to withdraw three-quarters of the way through, scoring just seven points (+3−10=8) from 21 games. He tied for first place at the 1964Amsterdam Interzonal to advance to matches. Then in 1965, he lost the final match againstBoris Spassky, after defeatingLajos Portisch andBent Larsen in matches. Exempt from the 1967 Interzonal inSousse, Tunisia, he defeated Gligorić 5½-3½ in Belgrade in 1968, but then lost the semi-final match againstViktor Korchnoi in Moscow.
Poor health caused a slump in his play from late 1968 to late 1969, but he recovered his form after having akidney removed. He won the 1979 Riga Interzonal with an undefeated score of 14/17, but the next year lost a quarter-final match to Lev Polugaevsky, one of the players to hold a positive score against him. He also played in the 1985Montpellier (France) Candidates' Tournament, around-robin of 16 qualifiers, finishing in a tie for fourth and fifth places, and narrowly missing further advancement after drawing a playoff match withJan Timman, who held the tiebreak advantage from the tournament proper.
From July 1972 to April 1973, Tal played a record 86 consecutive games without a loss (47 wins and 39 draws). Between 23 October 1973 and 16 October 1974, he played 95 consecutive games without a loss (46 wins and 49 draws), shattering his previous record. These were the two longest unbeaten streaks in competitive chess for more than four decades,[7] untilDing Liren broke the record in 2018 with 100 games, although with far fewer wins than either of Tal's streaks (29 wins, 71 draws).
Tal remained a formidable opponent as he got older. He playedAnatoly Karpov 22 times, 12 of them during the latter's reign as World Champion, with a record of +0−1=19 in classical games and +1−2=19 overall.
One of Tal's greatest achievements during his later career was an equal first place with Karpov (whom he seconded in a number of tournaments and world championships) in the 1979Montreal (Canada) "Tournament of Stars", with an unbeaten score of (+6−0=12), the only undefeated player in the field, which also included Spassky, Portisch,Vlastimil Hort,Robert Hübner,Ljubomir Ljubojević,Lubomir Kavalek, Jan Timman and Larsen.
Tal played in 21Soviet Championships,[b] winning it six times (1957, 1958,1967,1972,1974,1978). He was also a five-time winner of the International Chess Tournament inTallinn,Estonian SSR, with victories in 1971, 1973, 1977, 1981, and 1983.
Tal also had successes inblitz chess; in 1970, he took second place to Fischer, who scored 19/22, in a blitz tournament atHerceg Novi, SFR Yugoslavia, ahead of Korchnoi, Petrosian and Smyslov. In 1988, at the age of 51, he won the second officialWorld Blitz Championship (the first was won by Kasparov the previous year inBrussels,Belgium) atSaint John, Canada, ahead of such players as Kasparov, the reigning world champion, and ex-champion Anatoly Karpov. In the final, he defeatedRafael Vaganian by 3½–½.
On 28 May 1992, at the Moscow blitz tournament (which he left the hospital to play), he defeated Kasparov. He died one month later.
In Chess Olympiad play, Mikhail Tal was a member of eight Soviet teams, each of which won team gold medals (1958,1960,1962,1966,1972,1974,1980, and1982), won 65 games, drew 34, and lost only two games (81.2%). This percentage makes him the player with the best score among those participating in at least four Olympiads. Individually, Tal won seven Olympiad board medals, including five gold (1958, 1962, 1966, 1972, 1974), and two silver (1960, 1982).[17]
Tal also represented the Soviet Union at sixEuropean Team Chess Championships (1957, 1961, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1980), winning team gold medals each time, and three board gold medals (1957, 1970, and 1977). He scored 14 wins, 20 draws, and three losses, for 64.9%.[17]Tal played board nine for the USSR in the first match against the Rest of the World team atBelgrade, SFR Yugoslavia in 1970, scoring 2 out of 4. He was on board seven for the USSR in the second match against the Rest of the World team atLondon,United Kingdom in 1984, scoring 2 out of 3. The USSR won both team matches. He was an Honoured Master of Sport.[23]
From 1950 (when he won the Latvian junior championship) to 1991, Tal won or tied for first in 68 tournaments (see table below). During his 41-year career he played about 2,700 tournament or match games, winning over 65% of them.
Tal was aheavy drinker andchain smoked. His already fragile health suffered as a result, and he spent a great deal of time in the hospital, including an operation to remove a kidney in 1969.[24] He was also briefly addicted tomorphine, prescribed due to intense pain.[25]
On 28 June 1992,[1] Tal died in a Moscow hospital, officially of ahemorrhage in theesophagus. His friend and fellow Soviet grandmasterGennadi Sosonko reported that "effectively his entire organism had ceased to function."[26]
Tal had the congenital deformity ofectrodactyly in his right hand (visible in some photographs). Despite this, he was a skilledpiano player.[27]
Tal was known as "The Magician from Riga", and his style of play was very aggressive and involved heavy calculation. His approach over the board was very pragmatic—in that respect, he is one of the heirs of ex-world championAlexander Alekhine. He oftensacrificedmaterial in search of activity and initiative[20] which is defined as the ability to make threats to which the opponent must respond. Many masters found it difficult to refute Tal's ideas, looking at how many problems he created, though deeper post-game analysis found flaws in some of his calculations. The famous sixth game of his first world championship match with Botvinnik is typical in that regard: Tal sacrificed a knight with little compensation but prevailed when the unsettled Botvinnik failed to find the correct response. Tal's style of play was so intimidating thatJames Eade listed Tal as one of the three players whom contemporaries were most afraid of playing against (the others being Capablanca and Fischer). However, while Capablanca and Fischer were feared because of their extreme technical skill, Tal was feared because of the possibility of being on the wrong side of a soon-to-be-famous brilliancy.[28] Although Tal's sacrifices were formidable, his style of play was very risky, contributing to his negative record against world-class defensive players. These included Spassky, Petrosian, Polugaevsky, Korchnoi, Keres, Smyslov, and Stein. (Tal has a positive record against Fischer with his four wins from the 1959 candidates tournament, when Fischer was only 16 years old, but never beat Fischer again.)
Although his playing style at first was scorned by ex-world champion Vasily Smyslov as nothing more than "tricks", Tal convincingly beat many notable grandmasters with his trademark aggression. Prevailing against Tal's aggression required extraordinary ability. It is also notable that he adopted a more sedate and positional style in his later years; for many chess lovers, the apex of Tal's style corresponds with the period (approximately from 1971 to 1979) when he was able to integrate the solidity of classical chess with the imagination of his youth.[29]
Of the current top-level players, the LatvianAlexei Shirov has been most often compared to Tal. In fact, he studied with Tal as a youth. Many other Latvian grandmasters and masters, for instanceAlexander Shabalov andAlvis Vītoliņš, have played in a similar vein, causing some to speak of a "Latvian School of Chess".[30]
Tal contributed little to opening theory, despite having a deep knowledge of most systems, theSicilian and theRuy Lopez in particular. There are a few openings named after him, however, such as the Tal Variation in theCaro-Kann and in theSicilian Scheveningen. But his aggressive use of theModern Benoni, particularly in his early years, led to a complete re-evaluation of this variation. Avariation of the Nimzo-Indian Defence also bears his name.
Boris Spassky vs. Tal, USSR Championship, Riga 1958,Nimzo-Indian Defence, Sämisch Variation (E26),0–1.[32] Spassky plays for a win to avoid a playoff for an Interzonal berth, but Tal hangs on by his fingernails before turning the tables in a complexendgame; with the win, he captures his second straight Soviet title.
Tal vs. Vasily Smyslov, Yugoslavia Candidates' Tournament 1959, Caro–Kann Defence (B10), 1–0.[33] A daring piece sacrifice to win abrilliancy prize.
Robert James Fischer vs. Tal, Belgrade, Candidates' Tournament 1959, Sicilian Defence,Fischer–Sozin Attack (B87), 0–1.[34] Their games from this period are full of interesting tactics.
Mikhail Botvinnik vs. Tal, World Championship Match, Moscow 1960, 6th game,King's Indian Defence,Fianchetto Variation, Classical Main line (E69), 0–1.[35] An excellent sample of Tal's style from the first Botvinnik–Tal match. Tal sacrifices a knight for the attack and Botvinnik is unable to find a good defence in the given time; his 25th move is a mistake that spoils his game.
Boris Spassky vs. Tal, Tallinn tt 1973, Nimzo-Indian Defence,Leningrad Variation (E30), 0–1.[37] A game fuelled with tactics from its first moves. Black attacks in thecentre and then starts aking chase.
Tal vs. Tigran Petrosian, 8th Soviet Team Cup, Moscow 1974, rd 5,Pirc Defence,Classical System, (B08), 1–0.[38] Tal destroys perhaps the greatest defensive player of all time in aminiature.
Tal vs.Joel Lautier, Barcelona 1992. In his final tournament before his death at age 55, the Magician from Riga produces one last masterpiece against a Grandmaster from the next generation.[39]
Tal was a prolific and highly respected chess writer, penning a number of books and serving as editor of the Latvian chess magazineŠahs ("Chess") from 1960 to 1970. His books are renowned for the detailed narrative of his thinking during the games. American GrandmasterAndrew Soltis reviewed his book on the world championship match as "simply the best book written about a world championship match by a contestant. That shouldn't be a surprise because Tal was the finest writer to become world champion."New Zealand GrandmasterMurray Chandler wrote in the introduction to the 1997 reissued algebraic edition ofThe Life and Games of Mikhail Tal that the book was possibly the best chess book ever written.
Only official tournament or match games have been taken into account. '+' corresponds to Tal's wins, '−' to his losses and '=' to draws. Winning records in bold.
Moscow – Match for the World title withMikhail Botvinnik (+6−2=13) Hamburg – Match West Germany vs. USSR, 1st (7½/8) Leipzig 1960 Olympiad, board 1, silver medal (11/15)
Tal, Mikhail (2001) [1970].Tal–Botvinnik, 1960. Russell Enterprises.ISBN1-888690-08-9.
Tal, Mikhail (1973).World Championship: Petrosian vs. Spassky 1966. Chess Digest.
Tal, Mikhail (2003) [1975]. "Mikhail Tal, The Score Isn't Everything, Victory in the Ending". In Keene, Raymond (ed.).Learn from the Grandmasters. Batsford. pp. 5–16.ISBN0713481382.
Tal, Mikhail & Alexander Koblencs (2013) [1978].Study Chess with Tal. Batsford.ISBN978-1849941099.
Tal, Mikhail & Viktor Khenkin (1979).Tal's Winning Chess Combinations: The Secrets of Winning Chess Combinations Described and Explained by the Russian Grandmaster Mikhail Tal. Simon and Schuster.ISBN0671242628.
Tal, Mikhail; Roshal, Aleksandr; Chepizhny, V. (1980).Montreal 1979: Tournament of Stars. Pergamon Press.ISBN0080241328.
Tal, Mikhail & E.B. Edmondson (1981).Chess Scandals: The 1978 World Chess Championship. Pergamon Press.ISBN008024145X.
Tal, Mikhail (1988). "The chess calculator's confession". In Estrin, Yakov; Romanov, Isaac (eds.).The World Champions Teach Chess. A & C Black. pp. 102–112.ISBN0713655968.
Tal, Mikhail; Damsky, Iakov; Neat, Ken (tr.) (1994).Attack with Mikhail Tal. Everyman Chess.ISBN1-85744-043-9.
^abcTal's gravestone has 27 June as the date of his death. All other sources consulted give 28 June, including Kasparov, Garry,My Great Predecessors, part II, p. 382, andThe Life and Games of Mikhail Tal, p. 6.
^Zubok, V. M. (2011)Zhivago's children: the last Russian intelligentsia, Harvard University Press,ISBN0674062329
^Clarke, P. H. (1969)Tal's Best Games of Chess, Bell,ISBN0713502045
^Zubok, Vladislav.Zhivago's Children. Harvard University Press, 2009. p. 179ISBN9780674033443
Gallagher, Joe (2001).The Magic of Mikhail Tal.Everyman Chess.ISBN1-85744-266-0. This covers Tal's career post 1975, and can therefore be seen as a sort of sequel to Tal's own autobiography and games collection, which covers his career up to that point.
Kirillov, Valentin (2017).Team Tal: An Inside Story. Moscow: Elk and Ruby Publishing House.ISBN978-5-950-04330-7.
Landau, Sally (2019).Checkmate! The Love Story of Mikhail Tal and Sally Landau. Moscow: Elk and Ruby Publishing House.ISBN978-5-604-17696-2.
Winter, Edward G., ed. (1981).World chess champions. Pergamon.ISBN0-08-024094-1.