Mexicans (Spanish:Mexicanos) are the citizens and nationals ofMexico. The Mexican people have varied origins with the most spoken language beingSpanish, but many also speak languages from 68 differentIndigenous linguistic groups and other languages brought to Mexico byexpatriates or recent immigration. In 2020, 19.4% of Mexico's population identified asIndigenous.[2] There are currently about 12 million Mexican nationals residing outside Mexico, with about 11.7 million[47] living in the United States. The larger Mexicandiaspora can also include individuals that trace ancestry to Mexico andself-identify as Mexican but are not necessarilyMexican by citizenship. The United States has the largest Mexican population in the world after Mexico at 37,186,361 in 2019.[48]
The modern nation of Mexico achieved independence from theSpanish Empire in 1821, after a decade-long war for independence starting in 1810; this began the process of forging a national identity that fused the cultural traits of Indigenous pre-Columbian origin with those of Spanish and African ancestry. This led to what has been termed "a peculiar form of multi-ethnic nationalism"[49] which was more invigorated and developed after theMexican Revolution when theConstitution of 1917 officially established Mexico as an indivisible pluricultural nation founded on its indigenous roots.[50][51]
Mexicano (Mexican) is derived from the wordMexico itself.[52] In the principal model to createdemonyms in Spanish, the suffix-ano is added to the name of the place of origin. However, inNahuatl language, the original demonym becomesMexica. The area that is now modern-day Mexico has cradled many predecessor civilizations, going back as far as theOlmec which influenced the latter civilizations ofTeotihuacan (200 BC to 700 AD) and the much debatedToltec people who flourished around the 10th and 12th centuries AD, and ending with the last great indigenous civilization before the Nahuatl language was a common tongue in the region of modern Central Mexico during the Aztec Empire, but after the arrival of Europeans and theSpanish Conquest, theconquest of the Aztec empire (February 1519 to 13 August 1521) the common language of the region became Spanish.[53]
The Spanish re-administered the land and expanded their own empire beyond the former boundaries of the Aztec, adding more territory to the Mexican sphere of influence which remained under the Spanish Crown for 300 years. It has been suggested that the name of the country is derived fromMextli or Mēxihtli, a secret name for the god of war and patron of the Mexicas,Huitzilopochtli, in which case Mēxihco means "Place where Huitzilopochtli lives".[54] Another hypothesis[55] suggests thatMēxihco derives from the Nahuatl words for "Moon" (Mētztli) and navel (xīctli). This meaning ("Place at the Center of the Moon") might then refer to Tenochtitlan's position in the middle ofLake Texcoco. The system of interconnected lakes, of which Texcoco formed the center, had the form of a rabbit, which the Mesoamericanspareidolically associated with theMoon. Still another hypothesis suggests that it is derived from Mēctli, the goddess ofmaguey.[55]
PresidentPorfirio Díaz was of partial Mestizo descent.
The majority of Mexicans have varying degrees ofSpanish andMesoamerican ancestry and have been classified as "Mestizos". In the modern meaning of the term this means that they identify fully neither with any indigenous culture nor with a Spanish cultural heritage, but rather identify with the uniquely Mexican identity which incorporates elements from both Spanish and indigenous traditions. By the deliberate efforts of post-revolutionary governments the "Mestizo identity" was constructed as the base of the modern Mexican national identity, through a process of cultural synthesis referred to asmestizaje[mestiˈsaxe]. Mexican politicians and reformers such asJosé Vasconcelos andManuel Gamio were instrumental in building a Mexican national identity based on the aforementioned cultural policies,[56][57] which were designed with the main goal of "helping" indigenous peoples to achieve the same level of progress as the rest of society by transforming indigenous communities into Mestizo ones, eventually assimilating them into the Mestizo Mexican society.[58]
As the Mestizo identity promoted by the government is more of a cultural identity, it has achieved a strong influence in the country and has caused many people who may not qualify as "Mestizos" in its original sense to be counted as such in Mexico's demographic investigations and censuses, with many people who may be considered "White" being historically classified as Mestizos.[59] A similar situation occurs regarding the distinctions between Indigenous peoples and Mestizos: while the termMestizo in English has the meaning of a person with mixed indigenous and European ancestry, this usage does not conform to the Mexican social reality where a person of pure Indigenous genetic heritage would be considered Mestizo either by rejecting his indigenous culture or by not speaking an indigenous language,[60] and a person with none or a very low percentage of indigenous genetic heritage would be considered fully indigenous either by speaking an indigenous language or by identifying with a particular indigenous cultural heritage.[61][62][63] In certain areas of Mexico the word Mestizo has a different meaning: in the Yucatán peninsula it has been used to refer to theMaya-speaking populations living in traditional communities, because during thecaste war of the late 19th century those Maya who did not join the rebellion were classified as Mestizos[60] whereas in the state of Chiapas the word "Ladino" is used instead of "mestizo".[64]
Since the word Mestizo has had different definitions through Mexico's history, estimates of the Mexican Mestizo population vary widely. According to theEncyclopædia Britannica, which uses a biology-based approach, about three-fifths of the Mexican population is Mestizo.[65] A culture-based criteria estimates the percentage of Mestizos as high as 90%.[66] Paradoxically, the word "Mestizo" has long been dropped from popular Mexican vocabulary with the word even having pejorative connotations, further complicating attempts to quantify Mestizos via self-identification,[60] recent research based on self-identification indeed has observed that many Mexicans do not actually identify as mestizos and would not agree to be labeled as such[67] with "static" racial labels such as White, Indian, Black etc. being more commonly used.[68]
While for most of its history the concept of Mestizo andmestizaje has been lauded by Mexico's intellectual circles, in recent times it has been target of criticism, with its detractors claiming that it delegitimizes the importance of race in Mexico under the idea of racism "not existing here [in Mexico], as everybody is Mestizo".[69] In general, the authors conclude that Mexico introducing a real racial classification and accepting itself as a multicultural country opposed to a monolithic Mestizo country would bring benefits to the Mexican society as a whole.[70]
White Mexicans areMexicans of total or predominantlyEuropean orWest Asian ancestry.[71][72][73][74][75][76][77] Europeans begun arriving in Mexico during theSpanish conquest of the Aztec Empire; while during the colonial period most European immigration was Spanish, in the 19th and 20th centuries European and European-derived populations fromNorth andSouth America did immigrate to the country. According to 20th- and 21st-century academics, large scale intermixing between theEuropean immigrants and the nativeindigenous peoples would produce a Mestizo group which would become the overwhelming majority of Mexico's population by the time ofindependence.[78] However, according to church registers from thecolonial times, the majority of Spanish men married with Spanish women. Said registers also put in question other narratives held by contemporary academics, such as European immigrants who arrived to Mexico being almost exclusively men or that "pure Spanish" people were all part of a small powerful elite, as Spaniards were often the most numerous ethnic group in the colonial cities[79][80] and there were menial workers and people in poverty who were of complete Spanish origin.[81]
Estimates of Mexico's white population differ greatly in both methodology and percentages given. Extra-official sources such as the CIAWorld Factbook which use the 1921 census results as the base of their estimations calculate Mexico's white population as only 10%,[83] the results of the 1921 census however, have been contested by various historians and are deemed inaccurate nowadays.[84] Other sources suggest higher percentages:Encyclopædia Britannica estimates them at around 30% of the population,[85][failed verification] field surveys that use the presence ofblond hair as reference to classify a Mexican as white such as one by theMetropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico calculated the percentage of said ethnic group at 23%,[86] with a similar methodology theAmerican Sociological Association obtained a percentage of 18.8%, having its higher frequency on the North region (22.3%–23.9%) followed by the Center region (18.4%–21.3%) and the South region (11.9%).[87] Another study made by theUniversity College London in collaboration with Mexico'sNational Institute of Anthropology and History found that the frequencies of blond hair and light eyes in Mexicans are 18% and 28% respectively.[88] Surveys that use as reference skin color such as those made by Mexico'sNational Council to Prevent Discrimination, theNational Institute of Statistics and Geography and contemporary sources such asEncyclopædia Britannica reporting results that estimate them at about one-third of the country's population.[89][90][91][92][93][94] The use of skin color palettes as the primary criteria to estimate the ethnoracial groups that inhabit a given country has its origin in the investigations produced by Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities, which found it to be more accurate than self-identification particularly in Latin America, where the different discourses that exist in regards to national identity have rendered previous attempts to estimate ethnic groups unreliable.[95]
Mexico's northern and western regions have the highest percentages ofwhite population, with the majority of the people not having native admixture or being of predominantly European ancestry.[96] In the north and west of Mexico the indigenous tribes were substantially smaller and unlike those found in central and southern Mexico they were mostly nomadic, therefore remaining isolated from colonial population centers, with hostilities between them and Mexican colonists often taking place.[97] This eventually led the northeast region of the country to become the region with the highest proportion of whites during theSpanish colonial period albeit recent migration waves have been changing its demographic trends.[98]
Benito Juárez was the first President of Indigenous descent in Mexico
The 2003General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous Peoples recognizes 62indigenous languages as "national languages" which have the same validity as Spanish in all territories in which they are spoken.[99] The recognition of indigenous languages and the protection of indigenous cultures is granted not only to the ethnic groups indigenous to modern-day Mexican territory, but also to other North American indigenous groups that migrated to Mexico from theUnited States, such as theKikapú[100] in the 19th century and those who immigrated fromGuatemala in the 1980s.[101] The category ofindigena (indigenous) in Mexico has been defined based on different criteria through history; this means that the percentage of the Mexican population defined as "indigenous" varies according to the definition applied. It can be defined narrowly according to linguistic criteria including only persons that speak an indigenous language. Based on this criterion, approximately 5.4% of the population is Indigenous.[102] Nonetheless, activists for the rights of indigenous peoples have referred to the usage of this criterion for census purposes as "statistical genocide".[103][104]
Other surveys made by the Mexican government do count as Indigenous all persons who speak an indigenous language and persons who neither speak indigenous languages nor live in indigenous communities but self-identify as Indigenous. According to this criterion, theNational Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, or CDI in Spanish) and theINEGI (Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography), stated that there are 15.7 million indigenous people in Mexico of many different ethnic groups,[105] which constitute 14.9% of the population in the country.[a] According to the latest intercensal survey carried out by the Mexican government in 2015, Indigenous people make up 21.5% of Mexico's population. In this occasion, people who self-identified as "Indigenous" and people who self-identified as "partially Indigenous" were classified in the "Indigenous" category altogether.[108][109] In the 2020 Mexican census 19.4% of the country's population self-identified as indigenous[2] and 9.36% were reported to live in Indigenous households.[110]
The absolute indigenous population is growing, but at a slower rate than the rest of the population so that the percentage of indigenous peoples is nonetheless falling.[102][111][112] The majority of the indigenous population is concentrated in the central-southern and south-eastern states, with the majority of the indigenous population living in rural areas. Some indigenous communities have a degree of autonomy under the legislation of"usos y costumbres" (usages and customs), which allows them to regulate some internal issues undercustomary law.
Afro-Mexicans are an ethnic group that predominate in certain areas of Mexico such as theCosta Chica of Oaxaca and theCosta Chica of Guerrero, Veracruz (e.g.Yanga) and in some towns in northern Mexico, mainly inMúzquiz Municipality, Coahuila. The existence of individuals of African descent in Mexico has its origins in the slave trade that took place during colonial times and that did not end until 1829. Historically, the presence of this ethnic group within the country has been difficult to assess for a number of reasons: their small numbers, heavy intermarriage with other ethnic groups, and Mexico's tradition of defining itself as a Mestizo society or mixing of European and indigenous only.[115] Nowadays this ethnic group also includes recent immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere in the Americas.[98]
The majority of Mexico's Afro-descendants areAfromestizos, i.e. "mixed-race". According to the intercensal survey carried out in 2015, 1.2% of the population self-identified as Afro-Mexican[116] with 64.9% (896,829) of them also identifying as indigenous and 9.3% being speakers ofindigenous languages.[108] In the 2020 census survey carried out by the Mexican government, Afro-Mexicans were reported to make up 2.04% of the country's population.[2]
A Jewish, specificallySephardic, population has existed in Mexico since the start of the Spanish invasion and occupation of Mexico. The current Jewish population in Mexico mostly consists of those who have descended from immigrants from the 19th and early 20th centuries with nationwide totals estimated between 80,000 and 90,000, about 75% of whom are in Mexico City.[117][118] The exact numbers are not known. One main source for figures is theComité Central Israelita in Mexico City but its contact is limited toOrthodox andConservative congregations with no contact with Jews that may be affiliated with theReform movement or those who consider themselves secular. The Mexican government census lists religion but its categories are confusing, confusing those of some Protestant sects which practice Judaic rituals with Jewish groups. There is also controversy as to whether to count thosecrypto-Jews who have converted (back) to Judaism.[118] Sixty-two percent of the population over fifteen is married, three percent divorced and four percent widowed. However, younger Jewish women are more likely to be employed outside the home (only 18% of women are housewives) and fertility rates are dropping from 3.5 children of women over 65 to 2.7 for the overall population now. There is a low level of intermarriage with the general Mexican population, with only 3.1% of marriages being mixed.[117] Although the Jewish community is less than one percent of Mexico's total population, Mexico is one of the few countries whose Jewish population is expected to grow.[119][120]
Marion Reimers is a prominent Mexican sports journalist known for her extensive work in football broadcasting and sports commentary.
German Mexicans (German:Deutschmexikaner[121] orDeutsch-Mexikanisch, Spanish:germano-mexicano oralemán-mexicano) are Mexicans ofGerman descent or origin.
Most ethnic Germans arrived in Mexico during the mid-to-late 19th century, spurred by government policies ofPorfirio Díaz. Although a good number of them took advantage of the liberal policies then valid in Mexico and went into merchant, industrial and educational ventures, others arrived with no or limited capital, as employees or farmers.[122] Most settled in Mexico City, Veracruz, Yucatán, andPuebla. Significant numbers of German immigrants also arrived during and after the First and Second World Wars. ThePlautdietsch language is also spoken by theMexican Mennonites, descendants of German and Dutch immigrants in the states ofChihuahua,Durango,Zacatecas andAguascalientes. Other German towns lie in the states ofNuevo León,Jalisco,Sinaloa,Yucatán,Chiapas,Quintana Roo, and other parts of Puebla, where the German culture and language have been preserved to different extents.
The German Mexican community has largely integrated into Mexican society as a whole whilst retaining some cultural traits and in turn exerted cultural and industrial influences on Mexican society. Especially after the First World War intense processes of transculturation can be observed, particularly in Mexico City,Jalisco,Nuevo León, Puebla and, notably, with theMaya inChiapas. These include social, cultural and identity aspects.[122]
An Arab Mexican is a Mexican citizen ofArab origin who can be of various ancestral origins. The vast majority of 450,000 Mexicans who have at least partial Arab descent trace their ancestry to what is nowLebanon andSyria.[123] Immigration of Arabs in Mexico has influenced Mexican culture, in particular food, where they have introducedkibbeh,tabbouleh, and even created recipes such astacos árabes. By 1765,dates, which originated from the Middle East, were introduced into Mexico by the Spaniards. The fusion between Arab and Mexican food has highly influenced theYucatecan cuisine.[124]
During the Israel–Lebanon war in 1948 and during the Six-Day War, thousands of Lebanese left Lebanon and went to Mexico. They first arrived in Veracruz.
The first wave ofRoma arrived in Mexico in the 1890s, when they came to the Americas fromHungary,Poland andRussia and mainly settled in the United States and Brazil, but also in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Venezuela. There are Romani communities in the cities of Mexico City, Veracruz, Puebla, Guadalajara and Monterrey. There is also a large Romani community in San Luís Potosí.[127]
Although Asian Mexicans make up less than 1% of the total population of modern Mexico, they are nonetheless a notable minority. Due to the historical and contemporary perception in Mexican society of what constitutes Asian culture (associated with the Far East rather than theNear East), Asian Mexicans typically refers to those ofEast Asian descent, and may also include those ofSouth andSoutheast Asian descent while Mexicans ofWest Asian descent are referred to asArab Mexicans.
Asian immigration began with the arrival ofFilipinos to Mexico during the colonial period. For two and a half centuries, between 1565 and 1815, many Filipinos and Mexicans sailed back and forth between Mexico and the Philippines as crews, prisoners, adventurers and soldiers in theManila-Acapulco Galleon assisting Spain in its trade between Asia and the Americas. Also, on these voyages, thousands of Asian individuals (mostly males) were brought to Mexico as slaves and were called "Chino",[128] which means Chinese, although in reality they were of diverse origins, including Koreans, Japanese, Malays, Filipinos, Javanese, Cambodians, Timorese, and people from Bengal, India, Ceylon, Makassar, Tidore, Terenate, and China.[129][130][131] A notable example is the story ofCatarina de San Juan (Mirra), anIndian girl captured by the Portuguese and sold into slavery in Manila. She arrived inNew Spain and eventually she gave rise to theChina Poblana.
Later groups of Asians, predominantly Chinese, became Mexico's fastest-growing immigrant group from the 1880s to the 1920s, exploding from about 1,500 in 1895 to more than 20,000 in 1910,[134] but also met with stronganti-Chinese sentiment, especially in Sonora and Sinaloa, which led to deportations and illegal expulsions of many of them and their descendants.
Historically, population studies and censuses have never been up to the standards that a population as diverse and numerous such as Mexico's require. The first racial census was made in 1793, being also Mexico's (then known asNew Spain) first ever nationwide population census. Of it, only part of the original datasets survive. Thus most of what is known of it comes from essays made by researchers who used the census' findings as reference for their own works. More than a century would pass until the Mexican government conducted a new racial census in 1921 (some sources assert that the census of 1895 included a comprehensive racial classification,[78] however according to the historic archives ofMexico's National Institute of Statistics that was not the case).[135] While the 1921 census was the last time the Mexican government conducted a census that included a comprehensive racial classification, in recent time it has conducted nationwide surveys to quantify most of the ethnic groups who inhabit the country as well as the social dynamics and inequalities between them.
New Spain in 1819 with the boundaries established at theAdams-Onís Treaty
Also known as the "Revillagigedo census" due to its creation being ordered by the Count of the same name, this census was Mexico's (then known as theViceroyalty of New Spain) first ever nationwide population census. Most of its original datasets have reportedly been lost, thus most of what is now known about it comes from essays and field investigations made by academics who had access to the census data and used it as reference for their works such as Prussian geographerAlexander von Humboldt. Each author gives different estimations for each racial group in the country although they do not vary much, with Europeans ranging from 18% to 22% of New Spain's population, Mestizos ranging from 21% to 25%, Amerindians ranging from 51% to 61% and Africans being between 6,000 and 10,000, The estimations given for the total population range from 3,799,561 to 6,122,354. It is concluded then, that across nearly three centuries of colonization, the population growth trends of Europeans and Mestizos were even, while the total percentage of the Indigenous population decreased at a rate of 13%–17% per century. The authors assert that rather than Europeans and mestizos having higher birthrates, the reason for the Indigenous population's numbers decreasing lies on them suffering of higher mortality rates, due living in remote locations rather than on cities and towns founded by the Spanish colonists or being at war with them. It is also for these reasons that the number of Indigenous Mexicans presents the greater variation range between publications, as in cases their numbers in a given location were estimated rather than counted, leading to possible overestimations in some provinces and possible underestimations in others.[136]
~Europeans are included within the Mestizo category.
Regardless of the possible imprecisions related to the counting of Indigenous peoples living outside the colonized areas, the effort that New Spain's authorities put on considering them as subjects is worth mentioning, as censuses made by other colonial or post-colonial countries did not consider Amerindians to be citizens/subjects, as example the censuses made by theViceroyalty of the Río de la Plata would only count the inhabitants of the colonized settlements.[137] Other example would be the censuses made by theUnited States, that did not include Indigenous peoples living among the general population until 1860, and indigenous peoples as a whole until 1900.[138]
The new constitution was approved on 5 February 1917. This picture shows the Constituent Congress of 1917 swearing fealty to the new Constitution.
Made right after the consummation of the Mexican revolution, the social context on which this census was made makes it particularly unique, as the government of the time was in the process of rebuilding the country and was looking forward to unite all Mexicans under a single national identity. The 1921 census' final results in regards to race, which assert that 59.3% of the Mexican population self-identified as Mestizo, 29.1% as Indigenous and only 9.8% as White were then essential to cement the "mestizaje" ideology (that asserts that the Mexican population as a whole is product of the admixture of all races) which shaped Mexican identity and culture through the 20th century and remain prominent nowadays, with extraofficial international publications such asThe World Factbook using them as a reference to estimate Mexico's racial composition up to this day.[139]
Nonetheless in recent times the census' results have been subjected to scrutiny by historians, academics and social activists alike, who assert that such drastic alterations on demographic trends with respect to the 1793 census are not possible and cite, among other statistics, the relatively low frequency of marriages between people of different continental ancestries in colonial and early independent Mexico.[140] It is claimed that the "mestizaje" process sponsored by the state was more "cultural than biological" which resulted on the numbers of the Mestizo Mexican group being inflated at the expense of the identity of other races.[141] Controversies aside, this census constituted the last time theMexican Government conducted a comprehensive racial census with the breakdown by states being the following (foreigners and people who answered "other" not included):[142]
When the 1921 census' results are compared with the results of Mexico's recent censuses[108] as well as with modern genetic research,[143] high consistence is found in regards to the distribution of Indigenous Mexicans across the country, with states located in south and south-eastern Mexico having both, the highest percentages of population that self-identifies as Indigenous and the highest percentages of Amerindian genetic ancestry. However this is not the case when it comes to European Mexicans, as there are instances on which states that have been shown to have a considerably high European ancestry per scientific research are reported to have very small white populations in the 1921 census, with the most extreme case being that of the state of Durango, where the aforementioned census asserts that only 0.01% of the state's population (33 persons) self-identified as "white" while modern scientific research shows that the population of Durango has similar genetic frequencies to those found onEuropean peoples (with the state's Indigenous population showing almost no foreign admixture either).[144] Various authors theorize that the reason for these inconsistencies may lie in the Mestizo identity promoted by the Mexican government, which reportedly led to people who are not biologically Mestizos to be classified as such.[145][146]
Ana de la Reguera Mexican actress who has starred in telenovelas, films, the HBO television seriesEastbound & Down andCapadocia.
Since the end of theMexican Revolution, the official identity promoted by the government for non-indigenous Mexicans has been the Mestizo one (a mix of European and indigenous culture and heritage),[78] established with the original intent of eliminating divisions and creating a unified identity that would allow Mexico to modernize and integrate with the international community.[147] Even though nowadays the large majority of the country's population consider themselves Mexicans, differences on physical features and appearance continue playing an important role on everyday social interactions,[78][148][149] taking this into account, on recent time Mexico's government has begun conducting ethnic investigations to cuantify the different ethnic groups that inhabit the country with the aim of reducing social inequalities between them. According to these recent investigations, 19.4% of Mexico's population self-identify as Indigenous[150] and 2.04% self-identify as Afro-Mexican,[150][151] there is no definitive census that quantifies White Mexicans, with estimates from the Mexican government and contemporary sources reporting results that estimate them at about one-third of the country's population,[152][90][153][92] with this figure being based on phenotypical traits instead of self-identification of ancestry.
Generally speaking ethnic relations can be arranged on an axis between the two extremes of European and Amerindian cultural heritage, this is a remnant of the Spanish caste system which categorized individuals according to their perceived level of biological mixture between the two groups although in practice the classificatory system has become fluid, mixing socio-cultural traits with phenotypical traits allowing individuals to move between categories and define their ethnic and racial identities situationally,[154] the presence of considerable portions of the population with African and Asian heritage makes the situation more complex.[60][155] Even though there is a large variation in phenotypes among Mexicans, European looks are still strongly preferred in Mexican society, with lighter skin receiving more positive attention, as it is associated with higher social class, power, money, and modernity.[147][149] In contrast, Indigenous ancestry is often associated with having an inferior social class, as well as lower levels of education.[78][156] These distinctions are strongest inMexico City, where the most powerful of the country's elite are located.[147]
Luis Miguel, always referred to asThe Sun of Mexico.
Despite Mexico's government not using racial terms related toEuropean orwhite people officially for almost a century (resuming using such terms after 2010), the concepts of "white people" (known asgüeros orblancos inMexican Spanish) and of "being white" didn't disappear[157] and are still present in everyday Mexican culture: different idioms of race are used in Mexico's society that serve as mediating terms between racial groups. It is not strange to see street vendors calling a potential costumerGüero orgüerito, sometimes even when the person is not light-skinned. In this instance it is used to initiate a kind of familiarity, but in cases where social/racial tensions are relatively high, it can have the opposite effect.[147] The lack of a clear dividing line between white and mixed race Mexicans has made the concept of race relatively fluid, with descent being more of a determining factor than biological traits,[78][147] however contemporary sociologists and historians agree that, given that the concept of "race" has a psychological foundation rather than a biological one and to society's eyes a Mestizo with a high percentage of European ancestry is considered "white" and a Mestizo with a high percentage of Indigenous ancestry is considered "Indian," a person who identifies with a given ethnic group should be allowed to, even if biologically doesn't completely belong to that group.[148]
Distribution of Admixture Estimates for Individuals from Mexico City and Quetalmahue.[159]
Genetic studies in Mexico can be divided on three groups: studies made on self-identified Mestizos, studies made on Indigenous peoples and studies made on the general Mexican population. Studies that focus on Mexicans of predominantly European descent or Afro-Mexicans have not been made. Mexicans who self-identify as Mestizos are primarily ofEuropean andNative American ancestry. The third largest component isAfrican, in coastal areas this is partly a legacy of the slavery inNew Spain[160] (200,000 black slaves). However, the authors of this study state that the majority of African ancestry in Mexicans is of North and Sub-Saharan African origin and was brought by the Spaniards themselves as a diluted part of their genetic ancestry.[161]
PCA of modern African and Eurasian human genomes. Mexicans are positioned along a cline between the 'Native American' (or 'Asian') cluster and between the European cluster.[162]
According to the average of various studies, Mexicans are on average 50% Spanish, 45% Amerindian, and 5% African. However this varies greatly by methodology and study, some point toward a greater Amerindian admixture whereas others point toward a greater Spanish admixture. Admixture varies by region, wealth, and even study. However, it can be generally assessed that Mexicans (on average) are an even mixture of Native American and Spanish with minor African contribution, with neither European or Native being more dominant in the genetic admixture.[163][164] According to these studies, Native admixture is more dominant in the Central and Southern regions of Mexico whereas Spanish admixture is more dominant in the Western and Northern regions of Mexico. Mestizos and Amerindians tend to have slightly more dominant Amerindian admixture whereas Mexicans considered White tend to have dominant European admixture.
Regional Variation of ancestry according to a study made by Ruiz-Linares in 2014, each dot represents a volunteer, with most coming from south Mexico and Mexico City.[88]Trivate for ancestry, from the same study as the image above (Ruiz-Linares in 2014).[88]
Those DNA studies on Mexicans show a significant genetic variation depending on the region analyzed, with the central region of Mexico showing a balance between indigenous and European components,[165] and the latter gradually increasing as one travels northwards and westwards, where European ancestry becomes the majority of the genetic contribution[166] up until cities located at theMexico–United States border, where studies suggest there is a significant resurgence of indigenous and African admixture. In southern Mexico there is prevalent indigenous Meso-American, but also European admixture, and a small but higher than averageAfrican genetic contributions.[167]
According to numerous studies, on average, the largest genetic component of Mexicans who self-identify as being Mestizos is indigenous, although the difference in incidence between the indigenous and European composites is relatively small, both representing well over 40% of the genetic composition of Mestizos.[168]
In two studies of Mexicans from Mexico City and the United States, researchers noted that Mexicans had mostly European ancestry, with Native American ancestry making up 44% of the general ancestry of Mexicans. However, Native AmericanX chromosomal ancestry exceeded 50%, and other studies found that approximately 90% of Mexicans carried a Native Americanmaternal haplogroup. The authors suggest that this is consistent with theethnogenesis ofLatinos, through intermarriages that mostly involved European men and Native American women.[169][170]
Extant research suggests that geographic location plays a more significant role on determining the genetic makeup of the average Indigenous person than cultural traits do, an example of this is the indigenous population ofTlapa in the state ofGuerrero that despite for the most part speaking Spanish and having the same cultural customs non-indigenous Mexicans have, shows an indigenous ancestry of 95%.[171] In contrast, one study showsNahua-speaking Indigenous peoples from Coyolillo,Veracruz, having a mean European ancestry of 42% and an African ancestry of 22%.[172]
The Mestizaje ideology, which has blurred the lines of race at an institutional level has also had a significant influence in genetic studies done in Mexico:[173] As the criterion used in studies to determine if a Mexican is Mestizo or indigenous often lies in cultural traits such as the language spoken instead of racial self-identification or a phenotype-based selection there are studies on which populations who are considered to be Indigenous per virtue of the language spoken show a higher degree of European genetic admixture than the one populations considered to be Mestizo report in other studies.[172] The opposite also happens, as there instances on which populations considered to be Mestizo show genetic frequencies very similar to continental European peoples in the case of Mestizos from the state ofDurango[144] or toEuropean derived Americans in the case of Mestizos from the state ofJalisco.[174]
In 1991, an autosomal study was performed in Mexicans from the states of Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí, with a sample pool of 207. It found the average admixture to be 78.46% Spanish and 21.54% "Mexican Indian" (Indigenous). The data also shows younger generations having higher Native American admixture compared to older ones. In the report, the oldest generation had an averaged total of 91.14% Spanish ancestry.[175]
Mexican states by population density
A 2006 study conducted by Mexico'sNational Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), which genotyped 104 samples, reported that mestizo Mexicans are 58.96% European, 35.05% "Asian" (Native American), and 5.03% Black. Of the six states that participated in the Study, the state of Sonora showed the highest European ancestry being approximately 70% while the State of Guerrero presented the lowest European ancestry, at around 50%.[176] However is 2009, the same team published an updated finding, which sampled 300 Mexicans who self-identified as Mestizos, the average admixture was calculated to be 55.2% percent Native American, 41.8% European, 2% African, and 0.5% Asian.[168]
In 2014, researchers looked through approximately twenty previous studies done on the admixture of Mexicans. Their general conclusion was the average Mexican is more Native American than European.[177]
Subsequently, in 2015, a separate team of researchers performed a meta-analysis, incorporating the findings of many previous studies with additional research. This comprehensive analysis revealed a genetic composition with an average of 62% Native American, 32% European, and 6% African.[178]
A 2017 study reported highly variable ancestry in Mexican Mestizos, ranging from 70.2%–46.2% Amerindian; 25.4%–48.7% European; 2.8%–5.2% African (Martínez-Cortés et al., 2017).[179]
In 2014, a genetic study gave results of 56.0% Amerindian; 37.0% European; and 5.0% African for Mexican Mestizos.[88] The authors reported similar findings of geographical variation, as in other studies. Native American ancestry is lower in northerly regions of Mexico, and higher in the south. African ancestry is generally quite low across most of Mexico, with the exception of a small number of coastal communities.
Mexican states by total number of inhabitants
An autosomal study performed in Mestizos from Mexico's three largest cities reported that Mestizos from Mexico city had an average ancestry of 50% European, 5% African and 49% Amerindian whereas Mestizos from the cities of Monterrey and Guadalajara had both a European ancestry of 60% and an indigenous ancestry of 40% in average.[180]
An autosomal study performed in Mexico City reported that Mexican mestizos' mean ancestry was 57% European, 40% Amerindian and 3% African. However, the sample pool was extremely low at only 19. Researchers Francisco Mauro Salzano and Mónica Sans referred to it as an "anomalous value" in their report mentioned earlier.[159][177]
Additional studies suggests a tendency relating a higher European admixture with a higher socioeconomic status and a higher Amerindian ancestry with a lower socioeconomic status: a study made exclusively on low income Mestizos residing in Mexico City found the mean admixture to be 0.590, 0.348, and 0.162 for Amerindian, European and African respectively whereas the European admixture increased to an average of around 70% on mestizos belonging to a higher socioeconomical level.[181]
An autosomal genetic study which included the states ofMexico,Morelos,Puebla,Queretaro andMexico City determined the average ancestry of the central region of Mexico to be 52% European 39% Amerindian, and 9% African.[182]
An autosomal genetic study performed in the town ofMetztitlan in thestate of Hidalgo reported that the average genetic ancestry of the town's autochthonous (indigenous) population was 64% Amerindian, 25% European and 11% African.[183]
Depending on the region, some may have small traces of Asian admixture due to the thousands of Filipinos andChinos (Asian slaves of diverse origins, not just Chinese) that arrived on theNao de China. More recent Asian immigration (specifically Chinese) may help explain the comparatively high Asian contribution in Northwest Mexico (i.e., Sonora).[168]
Etiological studies are genetic studies on which volunteers suffer of a specific health condition/disease, as diseases tend to manifest on higher frequencies on people with a determinated genetic ancestry, the results of said studies are not accurate to represent the genetics of the population said volunteers belong to as a whole
56.0% Amerindian; 38% European; 6% African for northeast de México (Martínez-Fierro et al., 2009).[188]
61.0% Amerindian; 37.0% European; 2.0% African for Ciudad de México (Kosoy et al., 2009).[189]
65.0% Amerindian; 30.0% European; 5.0% African for Ciudad de México.[190]
Albeit not as numerous or with a history as long as genetic research in the country, studies regarding the presence of different phenotypical traits (hair color, hair shape, eye color etc.) in Mexicans have been made. Those studies have recently gained the attention of Mexico's government which has begun conducting its own nationwide investigations, with the aim of document dynamics and inequalities on interactions between Mexicans of different ethnicities/races as well as to have a more concise idea of the ethnic composition of the country (a field that has been long neglected at an institutional level in Mexico). The results of these studies effectively refute misconceptions regarding Mexico's population, showing that Mexico is an exceptionally diverse country, where any color or type of trait can be found with ease in any region.[191]
Some studies, such as the one published by theAmerican Sociological Association refute misconceptions that are very prevalent even among Mexicans themselves, as it found the differences in the frequencies of phenotypical traits such asblond hair between the population of the Northern regions of Mexico (where this trait has a frequency of 22.3%–23.9%) and the population of the Central regions of Mexico (with a frequency of 18.9%–21.3%) are not as pronounced as are commonly thought to be. Per the methodology of the study, the presence of blond hair was required for a Mexican to be classified as white as "unlike skin color, blond hair does not darken with sun exposure".[87] With a similar methodology, other study, made by theMetropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico calculated the frequency of blond hair at 23%, Mexicans withred hair were classified as "other".[86]
Most samples (approximately 90%) came from Mexico City and the southern states of Mexico, meaning that the northern and western states of Mexico were underrepresented, as about45% of Mexico's population lives there.[88]
Results of the survey conducted by the CONAPRED in 2010.[192]
Nationwide surveys sponsored by the Mexican government that quantify the percentage of the different skin tones present on Mexico's population have been made, the first in 2010 by theCONAPRED (Mexico's National Bureau for Prevention of Discrimination)[92] and the second in 2017 by theINEGI (Mexico's National Institute of Statistics).[77][94] Each study used a different color palette, in the case of CONAPRED's study it was a palette with 9 color choices developed by the institute itself whereas in the case of the INEGI study the palette used was the palette for the PERLA (Latin American Race and Ethnicity Project) with 11 color categories.
Skin Type
Percentage(inegi 2017)
As the progression from the darker tones to the lightest ones is not as uniform in the palette used by the INEGI (some tones are practically the same while there are marked differences between others) as it is in the CONAPRED's palette, two color categories ended up containing nearly 70% of surveyed Mexicans whereas there were color categories that had less than 1% of Mexicans each. Even though Mexico's government has downplayed the racial connotations of said studies by opting for using the term "light-skinned Mexican" to refer to the segment of Mexico's population who possess European physical traits/appearance and "dark-skinned Mexican" to refer the segment of Mexico's population who does not, the publication of said studies has not been free of controversy, specially in the case of the study published in 2017 as besides skin color it also accounted for different socioeconomic factors such as educational achievements and occupational profiles, with media outlets bringing to Mexico's mainstream opinion circles concepts such assystemic racism,white privilege, andcolonialism.[193][194] Nonetheless it is agreed that to acknowledge that Mexico is a diverse country constitutes a step in the right direction to fight social inequalities.
In 2018, the new edition of the ENADIS was published, this time being a joint effort by the CONAPRED and the INEGI with collaboration of theUNAM, theCONACyT and theCNDH.[90] Like its 2010 antecessor, it surveyed Mexican citizens about topics related to discrimination and collected data related to phenotype and ethnic self-identification. It concluded that Mexico is still a fairly conservative country regarding minority groups such as religious minorities, ethnic minorities, foreigners, members of the LGBT collective etc. albeit there are pronounced regional differences, with states in the south-center regions of Mexico having in general notoriously higher discrimination rates towards the aforementioned social groups than the ones states in the western-north regions have.[90] For the collecting of data related to skin color the palette used was again the PERLA one. This time 11.4% of Mexicans were reported to have the "darkest skin tones (A–E)" 59.2% to have "medium skin tones (F–G)" and 29.4% to have the "lightest skin tones (H–K)".[90] The reason for the huge difference regarding the reported percentages of Mexicans with light skin (around 18% lower) and medium skin (around 16% higher) in the relation to previous nationwide surveys lies in the fact that the ENADIS 2017 prioritized the surveying of Mexicans from "vulnerable groups" which among other measures meant that states with known high numbers of people from said groups surveyed more people.[195] In 2023, the 2022 edition of the ENADIS by the INEGI was published, this time 21.1% of Mexicans reported to belong to the "darkest skin tones" (A-E), 49.7% were reported to belong to "medium skin tones (F-G)" and 29.2% were reported to belong to the group of the "lightest skin tones (H-K)".[196] On a similar manner to its predecessor, the survey was conducted with special attention on disadvantaged social groups, meaning that states with a known higher presence of such groups conducted more surveys proportionally.[197]
The following tables (the first from a study published in 2002[198] and the second from a study published in 2018[199]) show the frequencies of different blood types in various Mexican cities and states, as Mexico's Amerindian/Indigenous population exclusively exhibits the "O" blood type, the presence of other blood groups can give an approximate idea of the amount of foreign influence there is in each state that has been analyzed. The results of this studies however, should not be taken as exact, literal estimations for the percentages of different ethnic groups that there may be in Mexico (i.e. A+B blood groups = percentage of White Mexicans) for reasons such as the fact that a Mestizo Mexican can have A, B etc. blood types or the fact that the O blood type does exist in Europe, with it having a frequency of 44% in Spain for example.[200]
Both studies find similar trends regarding the distribution of different blood groups, with foreign blood groups being more common in the North and Western regions of Mexico, which is congruent with the findings of genetic studies that have been made in the country through the years. It is also observed that A and B blood groups are more common among younger volunteers whereas AB and O are more common in older ones. The total number of analyzed samples in the 2018 study was 271,164.
A study performed in hospitals of Mexico City reported that on average 51.8% of Mexican newborns presented thecongenital skinbirthmark known as theMongolian spot whilst it was absent in 48.2% of the analyzed babies.[201] The Mongolian spot appears with a very high frequency (85–95%) in Asian, Native American and African children.[202] The skin lesion reportedly almost always appears on South American[203] and Mexican children who are raciallyMestizos[204] while having a very low frequency (5–10%) in Caucasian children.[205] According to theMexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) nationwide, around half of Mexican babies have the Mongolian spot.[206]
Map for the year 2000 of the indigenous languages of Mexico having more than 100,000 speakers
Mexicans are linguistically diverse, with many speaking European languages as well as variousIndigenous Mexican Languages. Spanish is spoken by approximately 92.17% of Mexicans as their first language making them the largest Spanish speaking group in the world[207] followed byColombia (45,273,925), Spain (41,063,259)[208] andArgentina (40,134,425). The most numerous indigenous language spoken by Mexicans isNahuatl, which is spoken by 1.7% of the population in Mexico over the age of 5.[209] Approximately 7,364,645 Mexicans (6.1% of the population) speak an indigenous language according to the 2020 Mexican Census.[citation needed] There are also Mexicans living abroad which speak indigenous languages mostly in the United States but their number is unknown.[210] Although the great majority speak Spanish, the second most populous language among Mexicans isEnglish due to the regional proximity of the United States which calls for a bilingual relationship in order to conduct business and trade as well as the migration of Mexicans into that country who adopt it as a second language.[211]
Mexican Spanish is distinct in dialect, tone and syntax to thePeninsular Spanish spoken in Spain. It contains a large amount of loan words from indigenous languages, mostly from theNahuatl language such as:chocolate,tomate,mezquite,chile, andcoyote.[212]
Mexico has no officialde jure language,[213] but as of 2003 it recognizes 68 indigenous Amerindian languages as "national languages" along with Spanish which are protected under Mexican National law giving indigenous peoples the entitlement to request public services and documents in their native languages.[214] The law also includes other Amerindian languages regardless of origin, that is, it includes the Amerindian languages of other ethnic groups that are non-native to the Mexican national territory. As such, Mexico'sNational Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples recognizes the language of theKickapoo who immigrated from the United States,[215] and recognizes the languages ofGuatemalan Amerindian refugees.[216]
Mexican culture reflects the complexity of thecountry's history through the blending of indigenous cultures and theculture of Spain, imparted during Spain's 300-year colonization of Mexico. Exogenous cultural elements mainly from the United States have been incorporated into Mexican culture.[217]
The Porfirian era (elPorfiriato), in the last quarter of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20th century, was marked by economic progress and peace. After four decades of civil unrest and war, Mexico saw the development of philosophy and the arts, promoted by President Díaz himself. Since that time, as accentuated during theMexican Revolution, cultural identity has had its foundation in themestizaje, of which the indigenous (i.e. Amerindian) element is the core. In light of the various ethnicities that formed the Mexican people,José Vasconcelos in his publicationLa Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race) (1925) defined Mexico to be the melting pot of all races (thus extending the definition of themestizo) not only biologically but culturally as well.[218] This exalting ofmestizaje was a revolutionary idea that sharply contrasted with the idea of a superior pure race prevalent in Europe at the time.[219]
The literature of Mexico has its antecedents in the literatures of the indigenous settlements of Mesoamerica. The most well known prehispanic poet isNezahualcoyotl. Modern Mexican literature was influenced by the concepts of the Spanish colonialization ofMesoamerica. Outstanding writers and poets from the Spanish period includeJuan Ruiz de Alarcón andJuana Inés de la Cruz.[220]
In light of the various ethnicities that formed the Mexican people,José Vasconcelos in his publicationLa Raza Cósmica (The Cosmic Race) (1925) defined Mexico to be the melting pot of all races, biologically as well as culturally.[218]
TheNational Autonomous University of Mexico was officially established in 1910,[222] and the university become one of the most important institutes of higher learning in Mexico.[223] UNAM provides world class education in science, medicine, and engineering.[224] Many scientific institutes and new institutes of higher learning, such asNational Polytechnic Institute (founded in 1936),[225] were established during the first half of the 20th century. Most of the new research institutes were created within UNAM. Twelve institutes were integrated into UNAM from 1929 to 1973.[226] In 1959, theMexican Academy of Sciences was created to coordinate scientific efforts between academics.
In 1995 the Mexican chemistMario J. Molina shared theNobel Prize in Chemistry withPaul J. Crutzen andF. Sherwood Rowland for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone.[227] Molina, an alumnus of UNAM, became the first Mexican citizen to win the Nobel Prize in science.[228]
In recent years, the largest scientific project being developed in Mexico was the construction of theLarge Millimeter Telescope (Gran Telescopio Milimétrico, GMT), the world's largest and most sensitive single-aperture telescope in its frequency range.[229] It was designed to observe regions of space obscured by stellar dust.
Mexican society enjoys a vast array of music genres, showing the diversity of Mexican culture. Traditional music includesmariachi,banda,Norteño,ranchera,cumbia, andcorridos; on an everyday basis most Mexicans listen to contemporary music such aspop, rock, etc. in both English and Spanish. Mexico has the largest media industry in Hispanic America, producing Mexican artists who are famous in Central and South America and parts of Europe, especially Spain.[230]
For the artistic relevance of many of Mexico's architectural structures, including entire sections of prehispanic and colonial cities, have been designatedWorld Heritage. The country has the first place in number of sites declared World Heritage Site byUNESCO in the Americas.[237]
TheDay of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) is an important Mexican holiday observed by Mexicans. The holiday is influenced by Mesoamerican ritual, European religion and Spanish culture.[239] The holiday traces its roots to the Aztecs and the tradition was first practiced thousands of years ago by indigenous peoples such as the Aztecs and the Toltecs.[240]
Mexico has no officialreligion, but most Mexicans declare themselves Roman Catholic.[242][243][244] Mexico is often seen as a very observant Catholic society. Most Mexicans tend to have opinions that are more in line withCatholic social teaching.[245][242][246] Mexico has been resistant toProtestant incursion partly because Protestantism in Mexico has long been associated with the United States,[246] which leads to the reinforcement of Catholicism as part of the Mexican identity.[246]
TheConstitution of 1917 imposed limitations on the church and sometimes codified state intrusion into church matters. The government does not provide financial contributions to the church, nor does the church participate in public education. However,Christmas is a national holiday and every year duringEaster and Christmas all schools in Mexico, public and private, send their students on vacation.
In 1992, Mexico lifted almost all restrictions on religion, including granting all religious groups legal status, conceding them limited property, and lifting restrictions on the number of priests in the country.[247]
TheCatholic Church is the dominant religion in Mexico, with about 80% of the population as of 2017,[241] which is the world's second largest number of Catholics, surpassed only byBrazil.[248] Movements of return and revival of the indigenousMesoamerican religions (Mexicayotl,Toltecayotl) have also appeared in recent decades.[249][250]
^Defined as persons who live in a household where an indigenous language is spoken by one of the adult family members, and or people who self identified as indigenous ("Criteria del hogar: De esta manera, se establece, que los hogares indígenas son aquellos en donde el jefe y/o el cónyuge y/o padre o madre del jefe y/o suegro o suegra del jefe hablan una lengua indígena y también aquellos que declararon pertenecer a un grupo indígena."[106] and persons who speak an indigenous language but who do not live in such a household ("Por lo antes mencionado, la Comisión Nacional Para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de México (CDI) considera población indígena (PI) a todas las personas que forman parte de un hogar indígena, donde el jefe(a) del hogar, su cónyuge y/o alguno de los ascendientes (madre o padre, madrastra o padrastro, abuelo(a), bisabuelo(a), tatarabuelo(a), suegro(a)) declaro ser hablante de lengua indígena. Además, también incluye a personas que declararon hablar alguna lengua indígena y que no forman parte de estos hogares")[107]
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^Salazar-Flores, J.; Zuñiga-Chiquette, F.; Rubi-Castellanos, R.; Álvarez-Miranda, J.L.; Zetina-Hérnandez, A.; Martínez-Sevilla, V.M.; González-Andrade, F.; Corach, D.; Vullo, C.; Álvarez, J.C.; Lorente, J.A.; Sánchez-Diz, P.; Herrera, R.J.; Cerda-Flores, R.M.; Muñoz-Valle, J.F.; Rangel-Villalobos, H. (2015)."Admixture and genetic relationships of Mexican Mestizos regarding Latin American and Caribbean populations based on 13 CODIS-STRS".Homo.66 (1):44–59.doi:10.1016/j.jchb.2014.08.005.hdl:11336/15953.PMID25435058.Price, Alkes L.; Patterson, Nick; Yu, Fuli; Cox, David R.; Waliszewska, Alicja; McDonald, Gavin J.; Tandon, Arti; Schirmer, Christine; Neubauer, Julie; Bedoya, Gabriel; Duque, Constanza; Villegas, Alberto; Bortolini, Maria Catira; Salzano, Francisco M.; Gallo, Carla; Mazzotti, Guido; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela; Riba, Laura; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A.; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Menjivar, Marta; Klitz, William; Henderson, Brian; Haiman, Christopher A.; Winkler, Cheryl; Tusie-Luna, Teresa; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Reich, David (June 2007)."A Genomewide Admixture Map for Latino Populations".The American Journal of Human Genetics.80 (6):1024–1036.doi:10.1086/518313.PMC1867092.PMID17503322.Price, Alkes L.; Patterson, Nick; Yu, Fuli; Cox, David R.; Waliszewska, Alicja; McDonald, Gavin J.; Tandon, Arti; Schirmer, Christine; Neubauer, Julie; Bedoya, Gabriel; Duque, Constanza; Villegas, Alberto; Bortolini, Maria Catira; Salzano, Francisco M.; Gallo, Carla; Mazzotti, Guido; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela; Riba, Laura; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A.; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Menjivar, Marta; Klitz, William; Henderson, Brian; Haiman, Christopher A.; Winkler, Cheryl; Tusie-Luna, Teresa; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Reich, David (June 2007)."A Genomewide Admixture Map for Latino Populations".The American Journal of Human Genetics.80 (6):1024–1036.doi:10.1086/518313.PMC1867092.PMID17503322.
^abWang, Sijia; Ray, Nicolas; Rojas, Winston; Parra, Maria V.; Bedoya, Gabriel; Gallo, Carla; Poletti, Giovanni; Mazzotti, Guido; Hill, Kim; Hurtado, Ana M.; Camrena, Beatriz; Nicolini, Humberto; Klitz, William; Barrantes, Ramiro; Molina, Julio A.; Freimer, Nelson B.; Bortolini, Maria Cátira; Salzano, Francisco M.; Petzl-Erler, Maria L.; Tsuneto, Luiza T.; Dipierri, José E.; Alfaro, Emma L.; Bailliet, Graciela; Bianchi, Nestor O.; Llop, Elena; Rothhammer, Francisco; Excoffier, Laurent; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés (21 March 2008)."Geographic Patterns of Genome Admixture in Latin American Mestizos".PLOS Genetics.4 (3): e1000037.doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000037.PMC2265669.PMID18369456.
^Price, Alkes L.; Patterson, Nick; Yu, Fuli; Cox, David R.; Waliszewska, Alicja; McDonald, Gavin J.; Tandon, Arti; Schirmer, Christine; Neubauer, Julie; Bedoya, Gabriel; Duque, Constanza; Villegas, Alberto; Bortolini, Maria Catira; Salzano, Francisco M.; Gallo, Carla; Mazzotti, Guido; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela; Riba, Laura; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A.; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Menjivar, Marta; Klitz, William; Henderson, Brian; Haiman, Christopher A.; Winkler, Cheryl; Tusie-Luna, Teresa; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Reich, David (June 2007)."A Genomewide Admixture Map for Latino Populations".The American Journal of Human Genetics.80 (6):1024–1036.doi:10.1086/518313.PMC1867092.PMID17503322.
^Hernández-Gutiérrez, S.; Hernández-Franco, P.; Martínez-Tripp, S.; Ramos-Kuri, M.; Rangel-Villalobos, H. (30 June 2005). "STR data for 15 loci in a population sample from the central region of Mexico".Forensic Science International.151 (1):97–100.doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.09.080.PMID15935948.
^Cerda-Flores, Ricardo M.; Villalobos-Torres, Maria C.; Barrera-Saldaña, Hugo A.; Cortés-Prieto, Lizette M.; Barajas, Leticia O.; Rivas, Fernando; Carracedo, Angel; Zhong, Yixi; Barton, Sara A.; Chakraborty, Ranajit (2002). "Genetic admixture in three mexican mestizo populations based on D1S80 and HLA-DQA1 Loci".American Journal of Human Biology.14 (2):257–263.doi:10.1002/ajhb.10020.PMID11891937.S2CID31830084.
^Loya Méndez, Yolanda; Reyes Leal, G.; Sánchez González, A.; Portillo Reyes, V.; Reyes Ruvalcaba, D.; Bojórquez Rangel, G. (1 February 2015). "Variantes genotípicas del SNP-19 del gen de la CAPN 10 y su relación con la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en una población de Ciudad Juárez, México" [SNP-19 genotypic variants of CAPN 10 gene and its relation to diabetes mellitus type 2 in a population of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico].Nutrición Hospitalaria (in Spanish).31 (2):744–750.doi:10.3305/nh.2015.31.2.7729.PMID25617558.S2CID196279677.
^Kumar, Satish; Bellis, Claire; Zlojutro, Mark; Melton, Phillip E.; Blangero, John; Curran, Joanne E. (7 October 2011)."Large scale mitochondrial sequencing in Mexican Americans suggests a reappraisal of Native American origins".BMC Evolutionary Biology.11 (1): 293.Bibcode:2011BMCEE..11..293K.doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-293.PMC3217880.PMID21978175.For mtDNA variation, some studies have measured Native American, Spanish and African contributions to Mexican and Mexican American populations, revealing 85 to 90% of mtDNA lineages are of Native American origin [53,54], with the remainder having Spanish (5–7%) or African ancestry (3–5%). Thus the observed frequency of Native American mtDNA in Mexican/Mexican Americans is higher than was expected on the basis of autosomal estimates of Native American admixture for these populations i.e. ~ 30-46%. The difference is indicative of directional mating involving preferentially immigrant men and Native American women. This type of genetic asymmetry has been observed in other populations, including Brazilian individuals of African ancestry, as the analysis of sex specific and autosomal markers has revealed evidence for substantial European admixture that was mediated mostly through men.
^Price, Alkes L.; Patterson, Nick; Yu, Fuli; Cox, David R.; Waliszewska, Alicja; McDonald, Gavin J.; Tandon, Arti; Schirmer, Christine; Neubauer, Julie; Bedoya, Gabriel; Duque, Constanza; Villegas, Alberto; Bortolini, Maria Catira; Salzano, Francisco M.; Gallo, Carla; Mazzotti, Guido; Tello-Ruiz, Marcela; Riba, Laura; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A.; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Menjivar, Marta; Klitz, William; Henderson, Brian; Haiman, Christopher A.; Winkler, Cheryl; Tusie-Luna, Teresa; Ruiz-Linares, Andrés; Reich, David (June 2007)."A Genomewide Admixture Map for Latino Populations".The American Journal of Human Genetics.80 (6):1024–1036.doi:10.1086/518313.PMC1867092.PMID17503322.Results are reported in table 2 and indicate higher total Native American ancestry for LA Latinos and Mexicans (45% and 44%, respectively) than for Brazilians and Colombians (18% and 19%, respectively), which is in line with previous studies. We also observed uniformly higher Native American ancestry on the X chromosome (57% for LA Latinos, 54% for Mexicans, 33% for Brazilians, and 27% for Colombians), which is consistent with evidence of predominantly European patrilineal and Native American matrilineal ancestry in Latino populations.
^abBuentello-Malo L, Peñaloza-Espinosa RI, Salamanca-Gómez F, Cerda-Flores RM (2008). "Genetic admixture of eight Mexican indigenous populations: based on five polymarker, HLA-DQA1, ABO, and RH loci".American Journal of Human Biology.20 (6):647–650.doi:10.1002/ajhb.20747.PMID18770527.S2CID28766515.
^Cerda-Flores, Ricardo; Kshatriya, Gautam; Barton, Sara; Leal-Garza, Carlos; Garza-Chapa, Raul; Schull, William; Chakraborty, Ranajit (27 January 2014). "Genetic Structure of the Populations Migrating from SanLuis Potosi and Zacatecas to Nuevo León in Mexico".Human Biology.63 (3):309–27.JSTOR41464178.PMID2055589.
^Rodrigues de Moura, Ronald; Coelho, Antonio Victor Campos; de Queiroz Balbino, Valdir; Crovella, Sergio; Brandão, Lucas André Cavalcanti (10 September 2015). "Meta-analysis of Brazilian genetic admixture and comparison with other Latin America countries".American Journal of Human Biology.27 (5):674–680.doi:10.1002/ajhb.22714.hdl:11368/2837176.PMID25820814.
^Martínez-Cortés, Gabriela; Zúñiga-Castellanos, Rubí Alejandra; García-Aceves, Mayra Elizabeth; Salcido, Victor Hugo; Cortés-Trujillo, Irán; Rangel-Villalobos, H. (December 2017). "Genetic diversity of Mexican-Mestizo populations using 114 INDEL polymorphisms".Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series.6:e423 –e425.doi:10.1016/j.fsigss.2017.09.153.
^Cerda-Flores RM, Villalobos-Torres MC, Barrera-Saldaña HA, Cortés-Prieto LM, Barajas LO, Rivas F, Carracedo A, Zhong Y, Barton SA, Chakraborty R (2002). "Genetic admixture in three Mexican Mestizo populations based on D1S80 and HLA-DQA1 loci".American Journal of Human Biology.14 (2):257–263.doi:10.1002/ajhb.10020.PMID11891937.S2CID31830084.
^Gorostiza A, González-Martín A, Ramírez CL, Sánchez C, Barrot C, Ortega M, Huguet E, Corbella J, Gené M (2007). "Allele frequencies of the 15 AmpF/Str Identifiler loci in the population of Metztitlán (Estado de Hidalgo), México".Forensic Science International.166 (2–3):230–232.doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2005.12.007.PMID16436322.
^ab"In the total population sample, paternal ancestry was predominately European (64.9%), followed by Native American (30.8%) and African (4.2%). However, the European ancestry was prevalent in the north and west (66.7–95%) and, conversely, Native American ancestry increased in the center and southeast (37–50%), whereas the African ancestry was low and relatively homogeneous (2–8.8%)." (Martínez-Cortés et al., 2012).[184]
^Magaña, Mario; Valerio, Julia; Mateo, Adriana; Magaña-Lozano, Mario (April 2005)."Alteraciones cutáneas del neonato en dos grupos de población de México" [Skin lesions two cohorts of newborns in Mexico City].Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México (in Spanish).62 (2):117–122.Archived from the original on 30 June 2021. Retrieved27 February 2018.