Metasomatism (from the Greek μετάmetá "change" and σῶμαsôma "body") is the chemical alteration of arock byhydrothermal and other fluids.[1] It is traditionally defined as metamorphism which involves a change in the chemical composition, excluding volatile components.[2] It is the replacement of one rock by another of different mineralogical and chemical composition. The minerals which compose the rocks are dissolved and newmineral formations are deposited in their place.Dissolution and deposition occur simultaneously and the rock remains solid.
Synonyms of the wordmetasomatism aremetasomatosis[3] andmetasomatic process. The wordmetasomatose can be used as a name for specific varieties of metasomatism (for exampleMg-metasomatose andNa-metasomatose).[4]
Metasomatism can occur via the action of hydrothermal fluids from anigneous ormetamorphic source.
In theigneous environment, metasomatism producesskarns,greisen, and may affecthornfels in thecontact metamorphic aureole adjacent to anintrusive rock mass. In the metamorphic environment, metasomatism is driven bymass transfer from a volume ofmetamorphic rock at higherstress andtemperature into a zone with lower stress and temperature, with metamorphic hydrothermal solutions acting as asolvent. This can be envisaged as the metamorphic rocks within the deepcrust losing fluids and dissolvedmineral components as hydrous minerals break down, with this fluid percolating up into the shallow levels of the crust to chemically change and alter these rocks.
This mechanism implies that metasomatism is open system behaviour, which is different from classicalmetamorphism which is the in-situ mineralogical change of a rock without appreciable change in the chemistry of the rock. Because metamorphism usually requireswater in order to facilitate metamorphic reactions, metamorphism nearly always occurs with metasomatism.
Further, because metasomatism is a mass transfer process, it is not restricted to the rocks which are changed by addition ofchemical elements and minerals or hydrouscompounds. In all cases, to produce a metasomatic rock some other rock is also metasomatised, if only bydehydration reactions with minimal chemical change. This is best illustrated bygold ore deposits which are the product of focused concentration of fluids derived from many cubic kilometres of dehydratedcrust into thin, often highly metasomatised and alteredshear zones andlodes. The source region is often largely chemically unaffected compared to the highly hydrated, altered shear zones, but both must have undergone complementary metasomatism.
Metasomatism is more complicated in theEarth's mantle, because the composition ofperidotite at high temperatures can be changed by infiltration ofcarbonate andsilicate melts and bycarbon dioxide-rich and water-rich fluids, as discussed by Luth (2003).[5] Metasomatism is thought to be particularly important in changing the composition of mantle peridotite belowisland arcs as water is driven out ofoceanlithosphere duringsubduction. Metasomatism has also been considered critical for enriching source regions of somesilica-undersaturatedmagmas.Carbonatite melts are often considered to have been responsible for enrichment of mantle peridotite inincompatible elements.
Metasomatism can be similar to other endogenic processes and is separated by four main features.[6] The first of these is the ion-by-ion replacement inminerals, this can happen from the precipitation of new minerals at the same time as the dissolution of existing minerals.[6] The second feature used to identify metasomatism is that it is from the preservation of rocks in its solid state during replacement.[6] The third distinctive feature is from isochemical metamorphism, or the addition or subtraction of major elements other thanwater (H2O) andcarbon dioxide (CO2).[6] The last feature is the distinct zones of metasomatism. These are formed frommagmatism and metamorphism and form a characteristic pattern of a metasomatic column.[6]
Metasomatic rocks can be extremely varied. Often, metasomatised rocks are pervasively but weaklyaltered, such that the only evidence of alteration is bleaching, change in colour or change in the crystallinity of micaceous minerals.
In such cases, characterising alteration often requires microscope investigation of the mineral assemblage of the rocks to characterise the minerals, any additional mineral growth, changes in protolith minerals, and so on.
In some cases, geochemical evidence can be found of metasomatic alteration processes. This is usually in the form of mobile, soluble elements such asbarium,strontium,rubidium,calcium and somerare earth elements. However, to characterise the alteration properly, it is necessary to compare altered with unaltered samples.
When the process becomes extremely advanced, typical metasomatites can include:
Effects of metasomatism in mantle peridotite can be either modal or cryptic. In cryptic metasomatism, mineral compositions are changed, or introduced elements are concentrated on grain boundaries and the peridotite mineralogy appears unchanged. In modal metasomatism, new minerals are formed.
Cryptic metasomatism may be caused as rising or percolating melts interact with surrounding peridotite, and compositions of both melts and peridotite are changed. At high mantle temperatures, solid-statediffusion can also be effective in changing rock compositions over tens of centimeters adjacent to melt conduits: gradients in mineral composition adjacent topyroxenite dikes may preserve evidence of the process.
Modal metasomatism may result in formation ofamphibole andphlogopite, and the presence of these minerals in peridotitexenoliths has been considered strong evidence of metasomatic processes in the mantle. Formation of minerals less common in peridotite, such asdolomite,calcite,ilmenite,rutile, andarmalcolite, is also attributed to melt or fluid metasomatism.
There are two main schemes discussed for the manifestation of metasomatism in nature in granitic systems.[9] Diffusion metasomatism, which was mentioned in the types of metasomatites section, and infiltration metasomatism. Infiltration takes place in cracks or fractures that promote fluid flow in areas of high permeability.[9] Diffusion takes place when fluid is incorporated into the pores of the rock, this is determined by theporosity. Rocks altered by infiltration metasomatism will be less altered than rocks altered by diffusion because of the dispersion effects during fluid advection.[10]
These two methods are commonly used for transportation from one region to another. These effected regions can be either enriched or depleted in the components transported relative to the premetasomatic state.[11] Chemical weathering strongly effects the levels and contents of the metasomatic liquid and the major element geochemistry and mineralogy of siliciclastic sediments.[12]
Investigation of altered rocks in hydrothermal ore deposits has highlighted several ubiquitous types ofalteration assemblages which form distinct groups of metasomatic alteration effects, textures, and mineral assemblages.
Rarer types of hydrothermal fluids may include highly carbonic fluids, resulting in advanced carbonation reactions of the host rock typical ofcalc-silicates, and silica-hematite fluids resulting in production ofjasperoids,manto ore deposits and pervasive zones ofsilicification, typically indolomitestrata. Stressed minerals and country rocks of granitic plutons are replaced by porphyroblasts of orthoclase and quartz in the Papoose Flat quartz monzonites.[14]