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Metacarpal bones

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Bones of hand
This article usesanatomical terminology.
Metacarpal bones
Metacarpals shown in red. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.
The five metacarpal bones, numbered. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.

os primum metacarpale / os metacarpale I

os secundum metacarpale / os metacarpale II

os tertium metacarpale / os metacarpale III

os quartum metacarpale / os metacarpale IV

os quintum metacarpale / os metacarpale V
OriginsCarpal bones ofwrist
Latinos metacarpale
pl. ossa metacarpalia
Anatomical terms of bone

Inhuman anatomy, themetacarpal bones ormetacarpus, also known as the "palm bones", are theappendicularbones that form the intermediate part of thehand between thephalanges (fingers) and thecarpal bones (wrist bones), whicharticulate with theforearm. The metacarpal bones arehomologous to themetatarsal bones in thefoot.


Left hand shown with thumb on left.

The metacarpals form a transverse arch to which the rigid row of distal carpal bones are fixed. The peripheral metacarpals (those of the thumb and little finger) form the sides of the cup of the palmar gutter and as they are brought together they deepen this concavity. The index metacarpal is the most firmly fixed, while the thumb metacarpal articulates with the trapezium and acts independently from the others. The middle metacarpals are tightly united to the carpus by intrinsic interlocking bone elements at their bases. The ring metacarpal is somewhat more mobile while the fifth metacarpal is semi-independent.[1]

Each metacarpal bone consists of a body or shaft, and two extremities; thehead at the distal or digital end (near the fingers), and thebase at the proximal or carpal end (close to the wrist).



Thebody (shaft) isprismoid in form, and curved, so as to be convex in the longitudinal direction behind, concave in front. It presents three surfaces: medial, lateral, and dorsal.

  • Themedial andlateral surfaces are concave, for the attachment of theinterosseus muscles, and separated from one another by a prominent anterior ridge.
  • Thedorsal surface presents in its distal two-thirds a smooth, triangular, flattened area which is covered in by the tendons of the extensor muscles. This surface is bounded by two lines, which commence in small tubercles situated on either side of the digital extremity, and, passing upward, converge and meet some distance above the center of the bone and form a ridge which runs along the rest of the dorsal surface to the carpal extremity. This ridge separates two sloping surfaces for the attachment of theinterossei dorsales.
  • To the tubercles on the digital extremities are attached the collateral ligaments of themetacarpophalangeal joints.[2]



Thebase (basis) orcarpal extremity is of a cuboidal form, and broader behind than in front. It articulates with thecarpal bones and with the adjoining metacarpal bones while its dorsal and volar surfaces are rough, for the attachment ofligaments.[2]



Thehead (caput) ordigital extremity presents an oblong surface markedly convex from before backward, less so transversely, and flattened from side to side; it articulates with theproximal phalanx. It is broader, and extends farther upward, on the volar than on the dorsal aspect, and is longer in the antero-posterior than in the transverse diameter. On either side of the head is a tubercle for the attachment of the collateral ligament of themetacarpophalangeal joint.

The dorsal surface, broad and flat, supports the tendons of theextensor muscles.

The volar surface is grooved in the middle line for the passage of the flexor tendons, and marked on either side by an articular eminence continuous with the terminal articular surface.[2]



The neck, orsubcapital segment, is the transition zone between the body and the head.



Besides themetacarpophalangeal joints, the metacarpal bonesarticulate bycarpometacarpal joints as follows:

  1. thefirst with thetrapezium;
  2. thesecond with the trapezium,trapezoid,capitate and third metacarpal;
  3. thethird with the capitate and second and fourth metacarpals;
  4. thefourth with the capitate,hamate, and third and fifth metacarpals;
  5. and thefifth with the hamate and fourth metacarpal;
  • Carpometacarpal joints of the left hand. Thumb on left.
    Carpometacarpal joints of the left hand. Thumb on left.
  • Carpometacarpal joints of the left hand. Thumb on left.
    Carpometacarpal joints of the left hand. Thumb on left.
  • X-ray



Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus/Brevis: Both insert on the base of metacarpal II; Assist with wrist extension and radial flexion of the wrist

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris: Inserts on the base of metacarpal V; Extends and fixes wrist when digits are being flexed; assists with ulnar flexion of wrist

Abductor Pollicis Longus: Inserts on the trapezium and base of metacarpal I; Abducts thumb in frontal plane; extends thumb at carpometacarpal joint

Opponens Pollicis: Inserts on metacarpal I; flexes metacarpal I to oppose the thumb to the fingertips

Opponens digiti minimi: Inserts on the medial surface of metacarpal V; Flexes metacarpal V at carpometacarpal joint when little finger is moved into opposition with tip of thumb; deepens palm of hand.[3]

  • Metacarpus (yellow). Insertions are shown in red. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.
    Metacarpus (yellow). Insertions are shown in red. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.
  • Metacarpus (yellow). Insertions are shown in red. Left hand, posterior (dorsal) view.
    Metacarpus (yellow). Insertions are shown in red. Left hand, posterior (dorsal) view.

Clinical significance


Congenital disorders


The fourth and fifth metacarpal bones are commonly "blunted" or shortened, inpseudohypoparathyroidism andpseudopseudohypoparathyroidism.

A blunted fourth metacarpal, with normal fifth metacarpal, can signifyTurner syndrome.

Blunted metacarpals (particularly the fourth metacarpal) are a symptom ofnevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome.



The neck of a metacarpal is a common location for aboxer's fracture, but all parts of the metacarpal bone (including head, body and base) are susceptible to fracture. During their lifetime, 2.5% of individuals will experience at least one metacarpal fracture.Bennett's fracture (base of the thumb) is the most common.[4] Several types of treatment exist ranging from non-operative techniques, with or without immobilization, to operative techniques using closed oropen reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Generally, most fractures showing little or no displacement can be treated successfully without surgery.[5] Intraarticular fracture-dislocations of the metacarpal head or base may require surgical fixation, as fragment displacement affecting the joint surface is rarely tolerated well.[5]

Other animals

The principle ofhomology illustrated by the adaptive radiation of the metacarpal bones of mammals. All conform to the basicpentadactyl pattern but are modified for different usages. The third metacarpal is shaded throughout; the shoulder is crossed-hatched.

In four-legged animals, the metacarpals form part of the forefeet, and are frequently reduced in number, appropriate to the number of toes. Indigitigrade andunguligrade animals, the metacarpals are greatly extended and strengthened, forming an additional segment to the limb, a feature that typically enhances the animal's speed. In bothbirds andbats, the metacarpals form part of the wing.





The GreekphysicianGalen used to refer to themetacarpus as μετακάρπιον.[6][7] The Latin formmetacarpium[6][8][9][10] more truly resembles[6] its Ancient Greek predecessor μετακάρπιον than metacarpus.[11][12]Meta– is Greek for beyond and carpal from Ancient Greekκαρπός (karpós, “wrist”).In anatomic Latin, adjectives likemetacarpius,[13]metacarpicus,[14]metacarpiaeus,[15]metacarpeus,[16]metacarpianus[17] andmetacarpalis[12] can be found. The formmetacarpius is more true[9][13] to the later Greek form μετακάρπιος.[13]Metacarpalis, as inossa metacarpalia in the current official Latin nomenclature,Terminologia Anatomica[12] is a compound consisting of Latin and Greek parts.[14] The usage of such hybrids in anatomic Latin is disapproved by some.[9][14]

Additional images

  • Metacarpus of the left hand (shown in red). Animation.
    Metacarpus of the left hand (shown in red). Animation.
  • X-ray image of right hand with thumb on left.
    X-ray image of right hand with thumb on left.
  • Multiple fractures of the metacarpals (aka broken hand). (Right hand shown with thumb on left.)
    Multiple fractures of the metacarpals (aka broken hand). (Right hand shown with thumb on left.)
  • X-ray image of human infant left hand.
    X-ray image of human infant left hand.
  • Micro-radiography of 8 weeks human embryo hand
    Micro-radiography of 8 weeks human embryo hand
  • Right hand. Deep dissection. Anterior (palmar) view.
    Right hand. Deep dissection. Anterior (palmar) view.
  • Right hand. Deep dissection. Posterior (dorsal) view.
    Right hand. Deep dissection. Posterior (dorsal) view.

See also

This article usesanatomical terminology.



Public domainThis article incorporates text in thepublic domain frompage 227 of the 20th edition ofGray's Anatomy(1918)

  1. ^Tubianaet al 1998, p 11
  2. ^abcGray's Anatomy. (See infobox)
  3. ^Saladin, Kenneth S. "Capt. 10." Anatomy & Physiology: the Unity of Form and Function. Dubuque: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 361-64. Print.
  4. ^Goru, Poornanand; Haque, Syed; Verma, Gopalkrishna G.; Mustafa, Abubakar; Ebinesan, Ananthan (2022)."Bennett's Fracture Management: A Systematic Review of Literature".Cureus.14 (11): e31340.doi:10.7759/cureus.31340.ISSN 2168-8184.PMC 9733783.PMID 36514567.
  5. ^abGREEN'S OPERATIVE HAND SURGERY : 2-volume set. [S.l.]: ELSEVIER - HEALTH SCIENCE. 2022.ISBN 978-0-323-69793-4.OCLC 1255690810.
  6. ^abcHyrtl, J. (1880).Onomatologia Anatomica. Geschichte und Kritik der anatomischen Sprache der Gegenwart. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller. K.K. Hof- und Universitätsbuchhändler.
  7. ^Liddell, H.G. & Scott, R. (1940).A Greek-English Lexicon. revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones. with the assistance of. Roderick McKenzie. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  8. ^Schreger, C.H.Th.(1805).Synonymia anatomica. Synonymik der anatomischen Nomenclatur. Fürth: im Bureau für Literatur.
  9. ^abcTriepel, H. (1908). Memorial on the anatomical nomenclature of the anatomical society. In A. Rose (Ed.),Medical Greek. Collection of papers on medical onomatology and a grammatical guide to learn modern Greek (pp. 176-193). New York: Peri Hellados publication office.
  10. ^Triepel, H. (1910).Nomina Anatomica. Mit Unterstützung von Fachphilologen. Wiesbaden: Verlag J.F. Bergmann.
  11. ^His, W. (1895).Die anatomische Nomenclatur. Nomina Anatomica. Der von der Anatomischen Gesellschaft auf ihrer IX. Versammlung in Basel angenommenen Namen. Leipzig: Verlag Veit & Comp.
  12. ^abcFederative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) (1998).Terminologia Anatomica. Stuttgart: Thieme
  13. ^abcTriepel, H. (1910).Die anatomischen Namen. Ihre Ableitung und Aussprache. Mit einem Anhang: Biographische Notizen.(Dritte Auflage). Wiesbaden: Verlag J.F. Bergmann.
  14. ^abcTriepel, H. & Stieve, H. (1936).Die anatomischen Namen. Ihre Ableitung und Aussprache. Anhang: Eigennamen, die früher in der Anatomie verwendet wurden.(Achtzehnte Auflage). Berlin/Heidelberg:Springer-Verlag.
  15. ^Siebenhaar, F.J. (1850).Terminologisches Wörterbuch der medicinischen Wissenschaften. (Zweite Auflage). Leipzig: Arnoldische Buchhandlung.
  16. ^International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee (1966).Nomina Anatomica . Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Foundation.
  17. ^Foster, F.D. (1891-1893).An illustrated medical dictionary. Being a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French, and German languages. New York: D. Appleton and Company.

Further reading

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Bones of thearm
Shoulder girdle,clavicle
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