Marc Ferro (French pronunciation:[maʁkfɛʁo]; 24 December 1924 – 21 April 2021) was a French historian. Author of several books, includingThe Use and Abuse of History.
He also directed and presented television documentaries on the rise of theNazis,Lenin and theRussian revolution and on the representation of history in cinema.[2]
La Révolution de 1917, Paris,Aubier Éditions Montaigne, 1967 [English translation:The Russian revolution of February 1917, translated by J.L. Richards, notes and bibliography translated by Nicole Stone, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972]
La Révolution de 1917 T.2: Octobre: Naissance D'une société, Paris,Aubier Éditions Montaigne, 1967 (reprinted in 1976, then in 1997 atAlbin Michel) [English translation:October 1917: a social history of the Russian revolution, translated by Norman Stone, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980]
La Grande Guerre, 1914-1918, Paris,Gallimard, 1968 (reprinted 1987) [English translation:The Great War, 1914-1918, 1972][5]
Cinéma et Histoire, Paris,Denoël, 1976 (réédité chez Gallimard en 1993) [English translation:Cinema and history, translated by Naomi Greene, 1988]
L'Occident devant la révolution soviétique, Brussels, Complexe, 1980
^Kevin J. Callahan "16 Marc Ferro (1924- )" in Philip Daileader & Philip Whalen,French Historians 1900-2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth-Century France, John Wiley & Sons (2010), p. 240