Maleagant (alternatelyMalagant,Meleagan,Meleagant,Meliagant,Meliagaunt,Meliagant,Meliaganz,Meliagrance,Meliagrant,Mellegrans,Mellyagraunce) is a villain fromArthurian legend. In a number of versions of a popular episode, Maleagant abductsKing Arthur’s wife,Queen Guinevere, necessitating her rescue by Arthur and hisknights. The earliest surviving version of this episode names the abductorMelwas; as Maleagant, he debuts asLancelot's archenemy inChrétien de Troyes' French romanceLancelot, the Knight of the Cart. However, all surviving versions seem to be later adaptations of a stock narrative of significantly earlier provenance.
The earliest version of the popular abduction-of-Guinevere motif appears in the early 12th-centuryLatinLife of Gildas byCaradoc of Llancarfan. In that text, Melwas, king of the "Summer Country" (regnante in aestiua regione; a direct translation of theOld Welsh name forSomerset, Gwlad yr Haf), carries Guinevere (Gwenhwyfar) off to his stronghold ofGlastonbury.Arthur locates her after a year of searching and prepares to storm the castle, butGildas negotiates her safe return. Melwas also appears in a fragmentary Welsh dialogue, indicating that this story was widely known in Wales. An early 12th-century monumental carving on thearchivolt ofModena Cathedral in Italy contains a related scene, in which Arthur and his warriors besiege a castle where a character identified as Mardoc sits with Winlogee, presumably Guinevere.[1]
Roger Sherman Loomis regarded the form Maleagant or Meleagans as directly derivative of theBrythonic Melwas. He listed a number of variants, includingMehaloas,Melians andMalvasius.[2]
Maleagant (spelledMeliagant orMeliaganz) first appears under that name inLancelot, the Knight of the Cart byChrétien de Troyes, where he is said to be the son of KingBagdemagus, ruler of theotherworldly realm of Gorre (the Land of No Return), and brings the abducted Guinevere to his impenetrable castle out of his one-sided love for Arthur's wife. The queen is rescued byLancelot andGawain; this is the first major appearance of Lancelot in Arthurian legend. In this story, Maleagant has multiple sisters, one of whom betrays him to save an imprisoned Lancelot, who had earlier helped her by beheading her enemy.
Maleagant's role seems to have diminished asMordred became more popular. Nevertheless, he has continued to appear in most accounts of Guinevere's kidnapping. Notably, he plays that part in theLancelot-Grail cycle and consequently inThomas Malory'sLe Morte d'Arthur. In Malory's telling, Maleagant kidnaps Guinevere and her unarmed knights and holds them prisoner in his castle. After Maleagant's archers kill his horse, Lancelot has to ride to the castle in a cart in order to save the queen. Knowing Lancelot was on his way, Maleagant pleads with Guinevere for mercy, which she grants and then forces Lancelot to stifle his rage against Maleagant. Later, Maleagant learns of Guinevere's unfaithfulness to Arthur and is willing to fight in a duel at Arthur's court in an attempt to prove it to others. After Guinevere makes it known that she wants Maleagant dead, Lancelot kills him even though Maleagant begs for mercy. Maleagant is killed after he agrees to continue fighting with Lancelot's helmet and left side body armour removed and left hand tied behind his back. (Lancelot felt it necessary to finish the bout, but would not slay Maleagant unless Maleagant agreed to continue fighting).
In the romanceSone de Nansai, the hero Sone visits an island said to have been Meleagan's, whose father was Baudemagus; his grandfather was named Tadus. Meleagan's island is perfectly square and its walls are made of crystal; there is a palace at each corner and a fountain wells up through a gilded copper horn at the center. The Sword Bridge connects the island to a causeway, a bowshot away, which leads to the mainland. In Meleagan's day, many men were beheaded there.[3]
Maleagant appears in modern retellings likeMarion Zimmer Bradley'sThe Mists of Avalon andT. H. White'sThe Once and Future King (as Sir Meliagrance).