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(Redirected fromLupin)
Genus of leguminous plants
"Lupin" redirects here. For the bean, seeLupin bean. For Maurice Leblanc’s gentleman-burglar, seeArsène Lupin. For other uses, seeLupin (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with the similar looking fodder croplucerne.

Large-leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Type species
Lupinus albus
  • Lupinus
  • Platycarpos (S.Wats)Kurl.

Lupinus, commonly known aslupin,lupine,[note 1] or regionallybluebonnet, is agenus of plants in the legume familyFabaceae. The genus includes over 199species, withcentres of diversity inNorth andSouth America.[1] Smaller centres occur inNorth Africa and theMediterranean.[1][2] They are widely cultivated, both as a food source and as ornamental plants, but are invasive to some areas.



The species are mostlyherbaceousperennial plants 0.3–1.5 metres (1–5 feet) tall, but some areannual plants and a few areshrubs up to 3 m (10 ft) tall. An exception is thechamis de monte (Lupinus jaimehintonianus) ofOaxaca inMexico, which is atree up to 8 m (26 ft) tall.[3]

Lupins have soft green to grey-green leaves which may be coated in silvery hairs, often densely so. The leaf blades are usuallypalmately divided into five to 28 leaflets, or reduced to a single leaflet in a few species of thesoutheastern United States and easternSouth America.[4]

The flowers are produced in dense or open whorls on an erect spike, each flower 1–2 centimetres (3834 inch) long. The pea-like flowers have an upper standard, or banner, two lateral wings, and two lowerpetals fused into a keel. The flower shape has inspired common names such asbluebonnets andquaker bonnets.

The fruit is apod containing several seeds. The seeds containalkaloids which lend them a bitter taste.


Main article:List of Lupinus species

The genusLupinus L. and, in particular, its North American species were divided bySereno Watson (1873) into three sections:Lupinus,Platycarpos, andLupinnelus. Differences in habitat and in the number ofovules were the basis for this classification. A majority of the perennial and annual species from the American continent described by Watson were referred toLupinus. Some annual species with two ovules in the ovary and two seeds in the pod (L. densiflorus,L. microcarpus, etc.) were attributed to thePlatycarpos section. SectionLupinnelus consisted of one species (L. uncialis), with axillary and solitary flowers, scarcely reflexed banner, and also with two ovules in the ovary.

While Watson's work was predominantly based on study of North American species, the later research of Ascherson and Graebner (1907) extended his principle of classification to cover all lupins from the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, also using number of ovules (seedbuds) in the ovary (and thus of seeds in the pod) as the criterion for this division. They described two subgenera,Eulupinus andPlatycarpos. Most of the described species were referred to subgen. A.Eulupinus. Subgen. B.Platycarpos included several annual species from the Eastern Hemisphere with two seedbuds and seeds in the bean (the same species, as the one specified by S. Watson).

A current schema retains this distinction, but uses the nomenclature for the subgenera ofPlatycarpos andLupinus. In this schema, subgenusPlatycarpos (S.Wats.)Kurl. contains perennial and annual species from the Western Hemisphere, with a minimum two or more ovules or seedbuds. SubgenusLupinus consists of 12 species from Africa and the Mediterranean, with a minimum of four ovules or seedbuds.[5]

The taxonomy ofLupinus has always been confusing. How many distinct species exist or how they might be organized within the genus is not clear. The plants are variable and the taxa are not always distinct from one another. Some American taxa have been described ascomplexes rather than separate species.[6] Estimates of the number of lupine species generally fall between 200 and 500.[2] One authority places the estimate at approximately 267 species worldwide.[1] Currently, twosubgenera are recognized.


Main article:Lupinus subg. Platycarpos

The ovary contains two and more ovules or seedbuds. The seed are predominantly small-sized, with an underdeveloped embryo and small amount of endosperm. Cotyledons are small-sized, with long caulicles. The first pair of true leaves is alternate. The stem is predominantly naked withwaxen coating. Dominating is the monopodial type of branching. Leaflets are smooth, with waxen coating or slightpubescence, predominantly narrow. Pods are flat or orbicular, with two or more seeds. Represented by frutcuilose, fruticose and herbaceous perennial forms, or less often annual ones. Plants are cross-pollinated.Chromosome number 2n is either 36, 48, or 96.[7] This subgenus is distributed throughout North, Central and South America, predominantly in the mining systems of the Andes and Cordillera. Some species are cultivated (L. mutabilis,L. polyphyllus). This subgenus includes several hundred species, requiring further analysis of their authenticity.

It comprises the following species:[8][9][10]



In its currentcircumscription,[7] subgenusLupinus includes 12 species from the Mediterranean region and Africa with at least four ovules or seedbuds in the ovary:

  • Lupinus albusL. 1753 – white lupine
    • subsp.albusL.
    • subsp.graecus(Boiss. & Spruner) Franco & P.Silva
    • subsp.termis(Forsk.) Ponert.
  • Lupinus angustifoliusL. 1753 – blue lupin, narrow-leafed lupin
    • var.angustifoliusL.
    • var.albopunctatusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.griseomaculatusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.chalybensKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.corylinusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.purpureusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.rubidusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.atabekovaeKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.sparsiusculusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.brunneusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.albosyringeusTaran.
    • var.albidusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.candidusKuptzov. etKurl.
  • Lupinus atlanticusGladstones 1974
  • Lupinus cosentiniiGuss. 1828 – sandplain lupin
  • Lupinus digitatusForsk. 1775[40]
  • Lupinus hispanicusBoiss. & Reut. 1842
    • subsp.bicolor(Merino) Gladst.
    • subsp.hispanicusBoiss. & Reut.
  • Lupinus luteusL. 1753 – yellow lupin
    • var.luteusL.
    • var.maculosusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.kazimierskiiKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.arcellusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.sempolovskii(Atab)Kurl. et Stankev.
    • var.melanospermusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.nigerKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.cremeusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.leucospermusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.sulphureus(Atab.) Kurl. et Stankev.
    • var.stepanovaeKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.ochroleucusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.aurantiacusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.croceusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.aureusKurl. et Stankev.
    • var.albicansKurl. et Stankev.
    • var. sinskayaeKurl. et Stankev.
  • Lupinus micranthusGuss. 1828
  • Lupinus palaestinusBoiss. 1849 – white-grey lupine
  • Lupinus pilosusMurr. 1774 – blue lupine
  • Lupinus princeiHarms 1901
  • Lupinus somaliensisBaker f. 1895

Species names with uncertain taxonomic status


The status of the following binomials is unresolved:[10]

  • Lupinus acaulisLarrañaga
  • Lupinus achilleaphilusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus acutilobusA.Heller
  • Lupinus aegr-AoviumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus africanusLour.
  • Lupinus agninusGand.
  • Lupinus agropyrophilusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus alaimandusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus albicaulisDouglas ex Hook.
  • Lupinus alicanescensC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus aliclementinusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus aliumbellatusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus altissimusSessé & Moc.
  • Lupinus alturasensisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus alveorumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus amabilisA.Heller
  • Lupinus amniculi-cerviC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus amniculi-salicisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus amniculi-vulpumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus andersonianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus anemophilusGreene
  • Lupinus angustifoliusBlanco
  • Lupinus aphronorusBlank.
  • Lupinus apodotropisA.Heller
  • Lupinus aralloiusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus arborescensAmabekova & Maisuran
  • Lupinus arceuthinusGreene
  • Lupinus argyraeusDC.
  • Lupinus atacamicusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus aureusJ.Agardh
  • Lupinus axillarisBlank.
  • Lupinus barkeriaeKnowles & Westc.
  • Lupinus bartolomeiM.E.Jones
  • Lupinus bassett-maguireiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus beaneanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus biddleiiL.F.Hend.
  • Lupinus bimaculatusHook. ex D.Don
  • Lupinus bimaculatusDesr.
  • Lupinus bivoniiC.Presl
  • Lupinus blankinshipiiA.Heller
  • Lupinus blaschkeanusFisch. & C.A.Mey.
  • Lupinus brevior(Jeps.) J.A. Christian & D.B. Dunn
  • Lupinus brittoniiAbrams
  • Lupinus caespitosusNutt.
  • Lupinus californicusK.Koch
  • Lupinus campbelliaeEastw.
  • Lupinus campestrisCham. & Schltdl.
  • Lupinus campestris-florumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus candicansRydb.
  • Lupinus canusHemsl.
  • Lupinus capitatusGreene
  • Lupinus capitis-amniculiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus carolus-bucariiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus chachasOchoa ex C. P. Smith
  • Lupinus chamissonisEschscholtz
  • Lupinus chiapensisRose
  • Lupinus chihuahuensisS.Watson
  • Lupinus christianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus chrysomelasCasar.
  • Lupinus clementinusGreene
  • Lupinus comatusRydb.
  • Lupinus consentiniiWalp.
  • Lupinus cymb-AegressusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus dasyphyllusGreene
  • Lupinus davisianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus debilisEastw.
  • Lupinus decaschistusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus diaboli-septemC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus dichrousGreene
  • Lupinus dispersusA.Heller
  • Lupinus dissimulansC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus durangensisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus eatonanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus equi-coeliC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus equi-collisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus erectusL.F.Hend.
  • Lupinus erminensS.Watson
  • Lupinus ermineusS.Watson
  • Lupinus falciferNutt.
  • Lupinus falsoerectusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus falsoformosusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus falsograyiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus fieldiiRose ex J. F. Macbr.
  • Lupinus filicaulisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus finitusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus flavescensRydb.
  • Lupinus foliosusHook.
  • Lupinus foliosusNutt.
  • Lupinus forskahleiBoiss.
  • Lupinus franciscanusGreene
  • Lupinus fraxinetorumGreene
  • Lupinus fruticosusSteud.
  • Lupinus fruticosusDum.Cours.
  • Lupinus garcianusBennett & Dunn
  • Lupinus geophilusRose
  • Lupinus geraniophilusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus glabellusM.Martens & Galeotti
  • Lupinus graciliflorusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus gratusGreene
  • Lupinus gredensisGand.
  • Lupinus guadalupensisGreene
  • Lupinus guadiloupensisSteud.
  • Lupinus guatimalensisauct.
  • Lupinus gussoneanusJ.Agardh
  • Lupinus habrocomusGreene
  • Lupinus haudcytisoidesC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus helleriGreene
  • Lupinus hexaedrusE. Fourn.
  • Lupinus hintoniiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus huigrensisRose ex C.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus humicolusA.Nelson
  • Lupinus humifususBenth.
  • Lupinus humilisRose ex Pittier
  • Lupinus hyacinthinusGreene
  • Lupinus idoneusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus inamoenusGreene ex C.F.Baker
  • Lupinus indutusGreene ex C.F.Baker
  • Lupinus insignisGlaz. ex C. P. Smith
  • Lupinus integrifoliusL.
  • Lupinus intergrifoliusDesr.
  • Lupinus ione-grisetaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus ione-walkeraeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus jamesonianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus javanicusBurm.f.
  • Lupinus jorgensenanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus jucundusGreene
  • Lupinus kellerrnanianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus kyleanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus labiatusNutt.
  • Lupinus lacticolorTamayo
  • Lupinus lacus-huntingtoniiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus lacuum-trinitatumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus larsonanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus lassenensisEastw.
  • Lupinus latissimusGreene
  • Lupinus laxifoliusA.Gray
  • Lupinus leptostachyusGreene
  • Lupinus lesueuriiStandl.
  • Lupinus linearifoliusLarrañaga
  • Lupinus lingulaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus longilabrumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus lorentzianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus louise-bucariaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus louise-grisetaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus lucidusBenth. ex Loudon
  • Lupinus lyman-bensoniiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus lysichitophilusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus macrocarpusHook. & Arn.
  • Lupinus macrocarpusTorr.
  • Lupinus macrophyllusBenth.
  • Lupinus macrorhizosGeorgi
  • Lupinus magnistipulatusPlanchuelo & Dunn
  • Lupinus maissurianiiAtabek. & Polukhina
  • Lupinus marcusianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus mariae-josephaeH.Pascual
  • Lupinus markleanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus marschallianusSweet
  • Lupinus mearnsiiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus meli-campestrisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus meridanusMoritz ex C. P. Smith
  • Lupinus mexiaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus micensisM.E.Jones
  • Lupinus micheneriGreene
  • Lupinus milleriJ.Agardh
  • Lupinus minearanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus minutissimusTamayo
  • Lupinus molleA.Heller
  • Lupinus mollissifoliusDavidson
  • Lupinus monettianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus muellerianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus multicincinnisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus neglectusRose
  • Lupinus nemoralisGreene
  • Lupinus nigerWehmer
  • Lupinus noldekaeEastw.
  • Lupinus nutcanusSpreng.
  • Lupinus nutkatensisJ.G.Cooper
  • Lupinus obtunsusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus octablomusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus opsianthusAmabekova & Maisuran
  • Lupinus pavonumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus pendeltoniiA.Heller
  • Lupinus pendletoniiA.Heller
  • Lupinus perconfertusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus perplexusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus philistaeusBoiss.
  • Lupinus pinus-contortaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus piperiB.L.Rob. ex Piper
  • Lupinus piperitusDavidson
  • Lupinus platanophilusM.E.Jones
  • Lupinus plebeiusGreene ex C.F.Baker
  • Lupinus prato-lacuumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus proliferDesr.
  • Lupinus propinquusGreene
  • Lupinus proteanusEastw.
  • Lupinus psoraleoidesPollard
  • Lupinus pumviridisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus puroviridisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus purpurascensA.Heller
  • Lupinus pygmaeusTamayo
  • Lupinus quercus-jugiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus quercuumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus rainierensisEastw.
  • Lupinus regiusRudolph ex Torr. & A.Gray
  • Lupinus rhodanthusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus rickeriC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus rivetianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus rydbergiiBlank.
  • Lupinus sabuliC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus salicisociusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus salinensisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus sativusGaterau
  • Lupinus scaposusRydb.
  • Lupinus scheuberaeRydb.
  • Lupinus schickendantziiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus schiedeanusSteud.
  • Lupinus schumanniiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus seclususC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus semiaequusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus semiverticillatusDesr.
  • Lupinus sergentiTamayo ex Pittier
  • Lupinus sergentiiTamayo
  • Lupinus serradentumC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus shreveiC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus sierrae-zentaeC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus sileriS.Watson
  • Lupinus sinus-meyersiiC.P. Sm.
  • Lupinus sparhawkianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus spatulataLarrañaga
  • Lupinus speciosusVoss
  • Lupinus spruceanusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus standleyensisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus stationisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus stiveriKellogg
  • Lupinus stoloniferusL.
  • Lupinus strigulosusGand.
  • Lupinus subhirsutusDavidson
  • Lupinus subvolutusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus suksdorfiiB.L. Rob. ex Piper
  • Lupinus summersianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus sylvaticusHemsl.
  • Lupinus thermisGasp.
  • Lupinus thermusSt.-Lag.
  • Lupinus tilcaricusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus timotensisTamayo
  • Lupinus tricolorGreene
  • Lupinus tricolorG.Nicholson
  • Lupinus trifidusTorr. ex S.Watson
  • Lupinus tristisSweet
  • Lupinus trochophyllusHoffmanns.
  • Lupinus tuckeranusC.P. Sm.
  • Lupinus vaginansBenth.
  • Lupinus valdepallidusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus vandykeaeEastw.
  • Lupinus variegatusA.Heller
  • Lupinus variegatusPoir.
  • Lupinus varneranusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus vaviloviiAtabekova & Maissurjan
  • Lupinus venustusBailly
  • Lupinus violaceusA.Heller
  • Lupinus viridicalyxC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus volcanicusGreene
  • Lupinus watsoniiA.Heller
  • Lupinus westianaSmall
  • Lupinus wolfianusC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus yanlyensisC.P.Sm.
  • Lupinus yaruahensisC.P.Sm.



The following hybrids have been described:[10]

  • Lupinus ×alpestris(A. Nelson) D.B. Dunn & J.M. Gillett
  • Lupinus ×hispanicoluteusW.Święcicki & W.K.Święcicki
  • Lupinus ×hybridusLem.
  • Lupinus ×insignisLem.
  • Lupinus ×regalis(auct.) Bergmans—rainbow lupin (Lupinus arboreus ×Lupinus polyphyllus)
  • Lupinus ×versicolorCaball.



While some sources believe the origin of the name to be in doubt[citation needed], the Collins Dictionary definition asserts that the word is 14th century in origin, from the Latinlupīnus "wolfish" fromlupus "wolf"[41] as it was believed that the plant ravenously exhausted the soil.[42]But a more likely explanation is thatlupinus meant that the plants were as dangerous to livestock as wolves, because the alkaloid poisons of lupines can sicken or kill grazing animals, especially sheep. Farmers have known since ancient Rome[43] that lupines improve soil by adding nitrogen and loosening compacted earth with their strong root systems, so the Collins explanation is improbable.


Canadian tiger swallowtail onwild perennial lupine,Gatineau,Quebec

Certain species, such as theyellow bush lupin (L. arboreus), are consideredinvasiveweeds when they appear outside their native ranges. InNew Zealand, lupines are viewed as invasive and a severe threat in some cases.[44]L. polyphyllus has escaped into the wild and grows in large numbers along main roads and streams on theSouth Island. A similar spread of the species has occurred inSweden,Finland andNorway after the non-native species was first deliberately planted in thelandscaping along the main roads.[citation needed] Lupins have been planted in some parts of Australia with a considerably cooler climate, particularly in ruralVictoria andNew South Wales.

Lupins are importantlarval food plants for manylepidopterans (butterflies and moths). These include:



Lupinus polyphyllus, the garden lupin, andLupinus arboreus, the tree lupin, are popularornamental plants in gardens, and are the source of numeroushybrids andcultivars in a wide range of colours, including bicolors. Aslegumes, lupins are goodcompanion plants in gardens, increasing the soil nitrogen for vegetables and other plants. As well as growing in the ground, lupins can do well in pots on balconies or patios.[52]



Like other legumes, lupines canfix nitrogen from the atmosphere[53] intoammonia via arhizobiumroot nodulesymbiosis, fertilizing the soil for other plants. This adaptation allows lupins to be tolerant of infertile soils and capable of pioneering change in barren and poor-quality soils. The genusLupinus isnodulated byBradyrhizobium soil bacteria.[5]

In the early 20th century, German scientists attempted to cultivate a sweet variety of lupin lacking the bitter taste, making it more suitable for both human and animal consumption.[54]

Many annual species of lupins are used in agriculture and most of them have Mediterranean origin.[55]While originally cultivated as agreen manure orforage, lupins are increasingly grown for their seeds, which can be used as an alternative tosoybeans. Sweet (lowalkaloid) lupins are highly regarded as astock feed, particularly forruminants, but also for pigs and poultry and more recently as an ingredient in aqua-feeds. Three Mediterranean species of lupin,blue (narrow-leafed) lupin,white lupin, andyellow lupin, are widely cultivated for livestock and poultry feed.

The market for lupin seeds for human food is currently small, but researchers believe it has great potential. Lupin seeds are considered "superior" to soybeans in certain applications and evidence is increasing for their potential health benefits. They contain similarprotein to soybean, but less fat. As a food source, they aregluten-free and high indietary fibre,amino acids, andantioxidants, and they are considered to beprebiotic.[citation needed]

About 85% of the world's lupin seeds are grown inWestern Australia.[56]


Main article:Lupin poisoning

Some lupins contain certainsecondary compounds, includingisoflavones and toxic alkaloids,[53] such aslupinine,anagyrine andsparteine. With early detection, these can be removed through processing, although lupins containing these elements are not usually selected for food-grade products.

A risk of lupin allergy exists in patients allergic topeanuts.[57] Most lupin reactions reported have been in people withpeanut allergy.[58] Because of the cross-allergenicity of peanut and lupin, theEuropean Commission, as of 2006, has required that food labels indicate the presence of "lupin and products thereof" in food.[59]

Lupin plants can be colonized by the fungusDiaporthe toxica[60] which can cause a mycotoxicosis known as lupinosis when ingested by grazing animals.


Main article:Lupin bean

Thelegume seeds of lupins, commonly called lupin beans, were popular with the Romans, who cultivated the plants throughout theRoman Empire where the lupin is still known in extantRomance languages by names such aslupini.

Seeds of various species of lupins have been used as a food for over 3,000 years around the Mediterranean[61] and for as long as 6,000 years in theAndes.[62] Lupins were also used by manyNative American peoples of North America such as theYavapai. TheAndean lupin ortarwi (Lupinus mutabilis) was a widespread food in theIncan Empire; but they have never been accorded the same status as soybeans, dry peas and other pulse crops. The pearl lupin of the Andean highlands of South America,L. mutabilis, known locally astarwi orchocho, was extensively cultivated, but no conscious genetic improvement other than to select for larger and water-permeable seeds seems to have been made. Users soaked the seed in running water to remove most of the bitter alkaloids and then cooked or toasted the seeds to make them edible,[63][full citation needed] or else boiled and dried them to makekirku,[62] reported as a pre-Columbian practice inLas Relaciones geográficas de Indias.[64] Spanish domination led to a change in the eating habits of the indigenous peoples, and only recently[65] (late 20th century onward) has interest in using lupins as a food been renewed.[66][61]: 353 

Lupinus angustifolius

Lupins can be used to make a variety of foods both sweet and savoury, including everyday meals, traditional fermented foods, baked foods, and sauces. The European white lupin (L. albus) beans are commonly sold in a salty solution in jars (likeolives andpickles) and can be eaten with or without the skin.Lupini dishes are most commonly found in Europe, especially inPortugal,Spain,Greece, andItaly. They are also common inBrazil andEgypt. In Egypt, the lupin is known in Arabic asترمسtermes, and is a popular street snack after being treated with several soakings of water, and then brined. In Portugal, Spain, and theSpanish Harlem district ofNew York, they are consumed withbeer and wine. InLebanon,Palestine,Israel,Jordan, andSyria the salty and chilled lupini beans are calledturmus (inArabic:تُرمُس,Hebrew:תורמוס) and are served as part of anapéritif or a snack. Other species, such asL. albus (white lupin),L. angustifolius (narrow-leafed lupin),[67] andL. hirsutus (blue lupin)[68] also have edible seeds.[69]


Lupinus pilosus inTel Aviv University,Israel

Consumed throughout the Mediterranean region and theAndean mountains, lupins were eaten by the early Egyptian and pre-Incan people and were known to Roman agriculturalists for their ability to improve thefertility of soils.[70]

In the late 18th century, lupins were introduced into northern Europe as a means of improvingsoil quality, and by the 1860s, the garden yellow lupin was seen across the sandy soils of the Baltic coastal plain.

The successful development of lupin varieties with the necessary "sweet gene" paved the way for the greater adoption of lupins across Europe and later Australia.[citation needed]

Further work carried out by the Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food during the 1950s and '60s has led to more sweet lupin crops being produced in Western Australia now than anywhere else in the world.[citation needed]

Bluebonnets, including theTexas bluebonnet (L. texensis), are thestate flowers ofTexas.

See also



  1. ^Both pronounced/ˈlpɪn/; the latter spelling is prevalent in North America.


  1. ^abcDrummond, C. S.; et al. (2012)."Multiple continental radiations and correlates of diversification inLupinus (Leguminosae): Testing for key innovation with incomplete taxon sampling".Systematic Biology.61 (3):443–60.doi:10.1093/sysbio/syr126.PMC 3329764.PMID 22228799. Archived fromthe original on 14 July 2016.
  2. ^abAïnouche, A. K.; Bayer, R. J. (1999). "Phylogenetic relationships inLupinus (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) based on internal transcribed spacer sequences (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA".American Journal of Botany.86 (4):590–607.doi:10.2307/2656820.JSTOR 2656820.PMID 10205079.
  3. ^Villa-Ruano, N.; et al. (2012)."Alkaloid profile, antibacterial and allelopathic activities ofLupinus jaimehintoniana BL Turner (Fabaceae)"(PDF).Archives of Biological Sciences.64 (3):1065–71.doi:10.2298/ABS1203065R.
  4. ^Planchuelo, Ana Maria; Dunn, David B. (1984)."The Simple Leaved Lupines and Their Relatives in Argentina".Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.71 (1):92–103.doi:10.2307/2399057.JSTOR 2399057.
  5. ^abKurlovich, B. S. and A. K. Stankevich. (eds.)Classification of Lupins. In:Lupins: Geography, Classification, Genetic Resources and Breeding. St. Petersburg: Intan. 2002. pp. 42–43. Accessed 2 August 2013.
  6. ^Naganowska, B., et al. (2005).2C DNA variation and relationships among New World species of the genusLupinus (Fabaceae).Plant Systematics and Evolution 256(1-4), 147-57.
  7. ^ab"Subgen. PLATYCARPOS and Subgen. LUPINUS".
  8. ^"ILDIS LegumeWeb entry forLupinus".International Legume Database & Information Service. Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics. Retrieved11 April 2014.
  9. ^USDA,ARS, National Genetic Resources Program."GRIN species records ofLupinus".Germplasm Resources Information Network—(GRIN) [Online Database].National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Archived fromthe original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved11 April 2014.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^abc"The Plant List entry forLupinus".The Plant List.Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and theMissouri Botanical Garden. 2013. Retrieved11 April 2014.
  11. ^Some sources treatLupinus alpestris as a synonym ofLupinus argenteus.
  12. ^Some sources treatLupinus aridorum as a synonym ofLupinus westianus.
  13. ^Some sources treatLupinus aridus as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  14. ^Some sources treatLupinus attenuatus as a synonym ofLupinus coriaceus.
  15. ^Some sources treatLupinus brevicaulis as a synonym ofLupinus grisebachianus.
  16. ^Some sources treatLupinus burkei as a synonym ofLupinus polyphyllus.
  17. ^Some sources treatLupinus caespitosus as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  18. ^Some sources treatLupinus confertus as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  19. ^Some sources treatLupinus crassus as a synonym ofLupinus ammophilus.
  20. ^Some sources treatLupinus cumulicola as a synonym ofLupinus diffusus.
  21. ^Some sources treatLupinus densiflorus as a synonym ofLupinus microcarpus.
  22. ^Some sources treatLupinus depressus as a synonym ofLupinus argenteus.
  23. ^Some sources treatLupinus hartwegii as a synonym ofLupinus mexicanus.
  24. ^Some sources treatLupinus heptaphyllus as a synonym ofLupinus gibertianus.
  25. ^Some sources treatLupinus hilarianus as a synonym ofLupinus gibertianus.
  26. ^Some sources treatLupinus hillii as a synonym ofLupinus argenteus.
  27. ^Some sources treatLupinus luteolus as a synonym ofLupinus luteus.
  28. ^Some sources treatLupinus lyallii as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  29. ^Some sources treatLupinus matucanicus as a synonym ofLupinus lindleyanus.
  30. ^Some sources treatLupinus minimus as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  31. ^Some sources treatLupinus montigenus as a synonym ofLupinus argenteus.
  32. ^Some sources treatLupinus oreganus as a synonym ofLupinus sulphureus.
  33. ^Some sources treatLupinus ornatus as a synonym ofLupinus sericeus.
  34. ^Some sources treatLupinus polycarpus as a synonym ofLupinus bicolor.
  35. ^Some sources treatLupinus pratensis as a synonym ofLupinus confertus.
  36. ^Some sources treatLupinus prunophilus as a synonym ofLupinus polyphyllus.
  37. ^Some sources treatLupinus ruber as a synonym ofLupinus microcarpus.
  38. ^Some sources treatLupinus sellulus as a synonym ofLupinus lepidus.
  39. ^Some sources treatLupinus subvexus as a synonym ofLupinus microcarpus.
  40. ^Some sources treatLupinus digitatus as a synonym ofLupinus cosentinii.
  41. ^Lewis, Charlton T.; Short, Charles (1879)."lupīnus".A Latin Dictionary. Perseus Digital Library.
  42. ^"Lupin definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary".
  43. ^Tietz, W., & von Minckwitz, M.-C. (2023). Plant Nutrition in the Roman empire. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 186, 479–486.
  44. ^White, Mike (3 March 2017)."Lupins: A love-hate story - North & South".Noted. Archived fromthe original on 21 April 2020. Retrieved12 July 2022.
  45. ^Mission Blue Butterfly. Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy.
  46. ^Callophrys irus. Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility.
  47. ^Erynnis persius.Archived 2 August 2013 at theWayback Machine Atlas of North Dakota Butterflies. USGS.
  48. ^Glaucopsyche lygdamus.Archived 2 August 2013 at theWayback Machine Atlas of North Dakota Butterflies. USGS.
  49. ^Plebejus melissa. Butterflies and Moths of North America.
  50. ^Eastern persius duskywing, Ontario Species at Risk
  51. ^Anweiler, G. G. (2007)."Species DetailsSchinia suetus".University of Alberta Museums. E.H. Strickland Entomological Museum. Retrieved8 November 2020.
  52. ^"How To Grow Lupins In Pots - The Ultimate Guide". 4 October 2022.
  53. ^abTaylor, Ronald J. (1994) [1992].Sagebrush Country: A Wildflower Sanctuary (rev. ed.). Missoula, MT: Mountain Press Pub. Co. p. 104.ISBN 0-87842-280-3.OCLC 25708726.
  54. ^Lupins: Geography, Classification, Genetic Resources and Breeding. Bogouslav Kourlovitch. 2002. p. 148.ISBN 586741034X.
  55. ^Langer, R.H.M. &Hill, G.D. 1991. Agricultural Plants, second edition. p 261. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.ISBN 0-521-40545-9
  56. ^Ross, K.Soy substitute edges its way into European meals.New York Times 16 November 2011.
  57. ^The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 104(4 Pt. 1), 883-88.
  58. ^Opinion of the scientific panel on dietetic products, nutrition and allergies on a request from the Commission related to the evaluation of lupin for labelling purposes.TheEuropean Food Safety Authority Journal 302 1-11. 2005.
  59. ^Commission Directive 2006/142/EC of 22 December 2006 amending Annex IIIa of Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council listing the ingredients which must under all circumstances appear on the labeling of foodstuffs.
  60. ^Williamson et al. (1994)Diaporthe toxica sp. nov., The cause of lupinosis in sheep. Mycological Research, 98 (12): 1367
  61. ^abGladstone, J. S.; Atkins, C. A.; Hamblin, J., eds. (1998).Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and Utilization. CAB International.ISBN 9780851992242.
  62. ^abUauy, Ricardo; Gattas, Vivien; Yañez, Enrique (1995)."Sweet Lupins in Human Nutrition".Plants in Human Nutrition. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics.77:75–88.doi:10.1159/000424466.ISBN 978-3-8055-6101-3.PMID 7732701.
  63. ^(Hill, 1977; Aguilera and Truer, 1978)
  64. ^López-Bellido, Luis; Fuentes, M (1986).Lupin crop as an alternative source of protein. Vol. 40. pp. 239–295 (at page 241).doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60284-9.ISBN 9780080563534.{{cite book}}:|journal= ignored (help)
  65. ^Sweetingham, Mark; Kingwell, Ross (2008)."LUPINS – REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE POSSIBILITIES".12th International Lupin Conference; Fremantle, Western Australia.
  66. ^(Hill, 1977).
  67. ^Murcia, J. and I. Hoyos. (1998).'Características y applicaciones de las plantas: Altramuz Azul (Lupinus angustifolius). [in Spanish]. Accessed 3 August 2013.
  68. ^Hedrick, U. P. (ed.)Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World. 1919. 387-88.
  69. ^Fionnuala Fallon (5 January 2019)."Pink dandelions, cucamelons, edible lupins: seeds to plant now for a delicious summer".The Irish Times. Retrieved22 April 2019.
  70. ^Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911)."Lupine" .Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 17 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 127.

Further reading

  • Eastwood, R. J., et al. 2008. Diversity and evolutionary history of lupins—insights from new phylogenies. pp. 346–54, In: Palta, J. A. and J. B. Burger. (Eds.) Lupins for Health & Wealth. Proceedings 12th International Lupin Conference, Fremantle, Australia; International Lupin Association, Canterbury, New Zealand.
  • Putnam, D. H., et al.Lupine. Alternative Field Crops Manual. University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin Extension. 1997.
  • Zhukovsky, P.M. 1929. A contribution to the knowledge of genusLupinus Tourn. Bull. Apll. Bot. Gen. Pl.-Breed., Leningrad-Moscow, XXI, I:16-294.
  • Kurlovich, B.S. 1989. On the centers of species formation of the genusLupinusL. (in Russian). Bull.N.I. Vavilov Inst. of plant Industry. Leningrad, 193:20-24.
  • Kurlovich, B.S., Rep’ev, S.I., Shchelko, L.G., Budanova, V.I., Petrova, M.V., Buravtseva, T.V., Stankevich, A.K., Kartuzova, L.T., Alexandrova, T.G., Teplyakova and T.E., Malysh, L.K. 1995. Theoretical basis of plant breeding. Vol.111. The gene bank and breeding of grain legumes (lupine, vetch, soya, and bean), St.Petersburg, VIR, 438p.
  • Kurlovich, B.S.(Ed.). 2002.Lupins. Geography, Classification, Genetic Resources and Breeding. "Intan", 468p.

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