Luftflotte 3[1] (Air Fleet 3) was one of the primary divisions of the GermanLuftwaffe in World War II. It was formed on 1 February 1939 fromLuftwaffengruppenkommando 3 inMunich and redesignatedLuftwaffenkommando West (Air Command West) on 26 September 1944. This Luftwaffe detachment was based in German-occupied areas of Northern France, the Netherlands, Belgium, andVichy France, to support theAxis power's forces in area. Its command offices were in Paris, France (on 26 June 1944).
Luftwaffe V-1 fixed/mobile ramps units; operated nearCalais (France), and in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Untergruppenbezeichnung FZG (Flakzielgerät) 76 (also known as5th Flak Division (W), later as Armeekorps zur Vergeltung)
I./155 Artillerie Abt (W)
II./155 Artillerie-Abt (W)
III./155 Artillerie-Abt (W)
Luftwaffe special transport units(1944–45); based in Muhldorf, Bavaria, and composed of Helicopters:
Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drachen
Flettner Fl 265
Flettner 282B Kolibri
Heer/Luftwaffe V-2 mobile ramps sections
Division zur Vergeltung(Div.z.V.); led by Heer and SS Commanders, working along with Luftwaffe personnel and facilities. They operated in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
"Div.z.V." Nordgruppe
444° Artillerie-Abt
485° Artillerie- Abt (also known as Artillerie Regiment z. V. 902)
2°./485° Artillerie-Abt
"Div.z.V." Südgruppe
500° Waffen SS Artillerie-Abt (also known as 500° SS Werfer Abt.)
836° Artillerie-Abt (also known as Artillerie Regiment zur Vergeltung 901)