Expression that evaluates to a scalar, invariant under any Lorentz transformation in physics
In arelativistic theory ofphysics, aLorentz scalar is ascalar expression whose value isinvariant under anyLorentz transformation. A Lorentz scalar may be generated from, e.g., the scalar product of vectors, or by contracting tensors. While the components of the contracted quantities may change under Lorentz transformations, the Lorentz scalars remain unchanged.
A simple Lorentz scalar inMinkowski spacetime is thespacetime distance ("length" of their difference) of two fixed events in spacetime. While the "position"-4-vectors of the events change between different inertial frames, their spacetime distance remains invariant under the corresponding Lorentz transformation. Other examples of Lorentz scalars are the "length" of 4-velocities (see below), or theRicci curvature in a point in spacetime fromgeneral relativity, which is a contraction of theRiemann curvature tensor there.
World lines for two particles at different speeds.
Inspecial relativity the location of a particle in 4-dimensionalspacetime is given bywhere is the position in 3-dimensional space of the particle, is the velocity in 3-dimensional space and is thespeed of light.
The "length" of the vector is a Lorentz scalar and is given bywhere is the proper time as measured by a clock in the rest frame of the particle and theMinkowski metric is given byThis is a time-like metric.
Often the alternate signature of theMinkowski metric is used in which the signs of the ones are reversed.This is a space-like metric.
In the Minkowski metric the space-like interval is defined as
We use the space-like Minkowski metric in the rest of this article.
The 4-acceleration is always perpendicular to the 4-velocity
Therefore, we can regard acceleration in spacetime as simply a rotation of the 4-velocity. The inner product of the acceleration and the velocity is a Lorentz scalar and is zero. This rotation is simply an expression of energy conservation:where is the energy of a particle and is the 3-force on the particle.
Energy, rest mass, 3-momentum, and 3-speed from 4-momentum
Consider a second particle with 4-velocity and a 3-velocity. In the rest frame of the second particle the inner product of with is proportional to the energy of the first particlewhere the subscript 1 indicates the first particle.
Since the relationship is true in the rest frame of the second particle, it is true in any reference frame., the energy of the first particle in the frame of the second particle, is a Lorentz scalar. Therefore,in any inertial reference frame, where is still the energy of the first particle in the frame of the second particle.
In the rest frame of the particle the inner product of the momentum is
Therefore, the rest mass (m) is a Lorentz scalar. The relationship remains true independent of the frame in which the inner product is calculated. In many cases the rest mass is written as to avoid confusion with the relativistic mass, which is.
Scalars may also be constructed from the tensors and vectors, from the contraction of tensors (such as), or combinations of contractions of tensors and vectors (such as).