The village's name means the "hermitage of Ronan", from the Bretonlok ("hermitage") of SaintRonan. It was previously known asSaint-René-du-Bois.
Saint Ronan, greatly venerated in Brittany, was a 6th-centuryIrishChristianmissionary who came to the region to teach the people. As his association with Locronan is close, some of hisrelics are kept in theparish church.
Locronan is a small town built at the foot of a hill. It was granted town status in 1505 byAnne of Brittany, who went there on a pilgrimage.
Since the 15th century,hemp has naturally grown in the area (seeHemp in France). It was cultivated and processed in a hemp industry in the town at the time, and it was widely used. The town was quite prosperous. Its hemp was exported internationally, as it was used for rigging the ships, both commercial and military, that operated from Brittany's many ports. TheSaint Ronanchurch was built in this period, as well as the small chapel of Penity.
Troménie is a pilgrimage festival that includes a large procession, whose participants carry thebanners of participating parishes.
Held every six years between the second and third Sundays in July, the Grande Troménie is a pilgrimage of about 12 km, traversing the wider sacred area around Locronan. In the intervening five years, the Petite Troménie is held on the second Sunday in July. It is based in the town and church of Locronan. These are among the majorpardons or ceremonies of the traditional Breton festal calendar.