Pontiff number | Pontificate | Portrait | Name: English · Latin | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/ end of papacy | Notes |
140 | 16 May 1003 – 6 November 1003 (174 days) | | John XVII IOANNES Septimus Decimus | Giovanni Sicco | c. 955 Rome, Papal States | 48 / 48 | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. |
141 | 25 December 1003 – 18 July 1009 (5 years, 205 days) | | John XVIII IOANNES Duodevicesimus | Giovanni Fasano | c. 965Rapagnano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 43 / 49 | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. First pope born after the Papal States became a state of the Holy Roman Empire in 962. |
142 | 31 July 1009 – 12 May 1012 (2 years, 286 days) | | Sergius IV SERGIVS Quartus | Pietro Martino Boccadiporco,O.S.B. | c. 970 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 39 / 42 | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. |
— | 12 June 1012 – 31 December 1012 (202 days) | | Gregory VI GREGORIVS Sextus | Gregorio | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | | Subject and later the claimant of the throne of thePapal States. In opposition toBenedict VIII. Expelled from Rome and deposed. |
143 | 18 May 1012 – 9 April 1024 (11 years, 327 days) | | Benedict VIII BENEDICTVS Octavus | Teofilatto di Tuscolo | c. 980 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 32 / 44 | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. |
144 | 14 May 1024 – 6 October 1032 (8 years, 145 days) |  | John XIX IOANNES Undevicesimus | Romano di Tuscolo | c. 975 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 57 | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Brother of Benedict VIII. |
145 | 21 October 1032 – 31 December 1044 (12 years, 71 days) | | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus | Teofilatto di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 20 / 32 (†43) | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. First term. |
146 | 13 January 1045 – 10 March 1045 (56 days) | | Sylvester III SILVESTER Tertius | Giovanni dei Crescenzi Ottaviani | c. 1000 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 45 / 45 (†63) | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Validity of election questioned; consideredantipope; deposed at theCouncil of Sutri. |
147 | 10 March 1045 – 1 May 1045 (52 days) | | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus | Teofilatto di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 33 / 33 (†43) | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Second term; deposed at theCouncil of Sutri. |
148 | 5 May 1045 – 20 December 1046 (1 year, 229 days) | | Gregory VI GREGORIVS Sextus | Giovanni GrazianoPierleoni | c. 1000 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 45 / 46 (†48) | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Deposed at theCouncil of Sutri. |
149 | 24 December 1046 – 9 October 1047 (289 days) | | Clement II CLEMENS Secundus | Suidger von Morsleben-Hornburg | c. 967Hornburg,Duchy of Saxony, Holy Roman Empire | 79 / 80 | Subject of theDuchy of Saxony. Appointed byKing Henry III at theCouncil of Sutri; crowned Henry III as emperor. |
150 | 8 November 1047 – 17 July 1048 (252 days) | | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus | Teofilatto di Tuscolo | 1012 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 35 / 36 (†43) | Subject and later the sovereign of thePapal States. Third term; deposed and excommunicated. |
151 | 17 July 1048 – 9 August 1048 (23 days) | | Damasus II DAMASVS Secundus | Poppo de Curagnoni | c. 1000 Pildenau,Duchy of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 48 | Subject of theDuchy of Bavaria. |
152 | 12 February 1049 – 19 April 1054 (5 years, 66 days) |  | StLeo IX LEO Nonus | Bruno vonEgisheim-Dagsburg | 21 July 1002Eguisheim,Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire | 47 / 51 | Subject of theDuchy of Swabia. In 1054, the mutualexcommunications of Leo IX's legate, cardinalHumbert of Silva Candida, and PatriarchMichael I Cerularius of Constantinople started theEast–West Schism. The mutualanathematizations were rescinded byPope Paul VI andPatriarch Athenagoras in 1965.[17] |
153 | 13 April 1055 – 28 July 1057 (2 years, 106 days) |  | Victor II VICTOR Secundus | Gebhard II von Calw-Dollnstein-Hirschberg | c. 1018Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 39 | Subject of theDuchy of Swabia. |
154 | 2 August 1057 – 29 March 1058 (239 days) | | Stephen IX STEPHANVS Nonus | Frederic Gozzelon de Lorraine,O.S.B. | c. 1020Duchy of Lorraine, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 38 | Subject of theDuchy of Lorraine. Sometimes called Stephen X. Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. |
— | 4 April 1058 – 24 January 1059 (295 days) | | Benedict X BENEDICTVS Decimus | Giovanni Mincio di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | | Subject and later the claimant of the throne of thePapal States. In opposition toNicholas II. Captured and deposed. |
155 | 6 December 1058 – 27 July 1061 (2 years, 233 days) |  | Nicholas II NICOLAVS Secundus | Gerald de Bourgogne | c. 980Château de Chevron,County of Savoy, Holy Roman Empire | 78 / 81 | Subject of theCounty of Savoy. Was of French ethnicity. Designated the College of Cardinals as the sole body of pope electors in the bullIn nomine Domini (1059). |
— | 30 September 1061 – 1072 (10 years, 185 days) | | Honorius II HONORIVS Secundus | Pietro Cadalo | 1010Verona,March of Verona, Holy Roman Empire | 61 / 72 | Subject of theMarch of Verona. Was of Italian ethnicity (born after thePlaciti Cassinesi was written). In opposition toAlexander II. |
156 | 30 September 1061 – 21 April 1073 (11 years, 203 days) | | Alexander II ALEXANDER Secundus | Anselmo da Baggio | c. 1018Baggio,Free Commune of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 46 / 58 | Citizen of theFree Commune of Milan. Authorized theNorman conquest of England in 1066. |
157 | 22 April 1073 – 25 May 1085 (12 years, 33 days) |  | StGregory VII GREGORIVS Septimus | IldebrandoAldobrandeschi di Soana,O.S.B. | c. 1015Sovana,March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 60 | Subject of theMarch of Tuscany. Was of Lombard ethnicity. Initiated theGregorian Reforms. Restricted the use of the papal title to the bishop of Rome.[6] Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. Political struggle withEmperor Henry IV, who had to go toCanossa (1077). |
— | 25 June 1080 – 8 September 1100 (20 years, 75 days) |  | Clement III CLEMENS Tertius | Guibert of Ravenna | 1029Ravenna, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 51 / 71 | Subject and later the claimant of the throne of thePapal States. In opposition toGregory VII,Victor III,Urban II, andPaschal II. |
158 | 24 May 1086 – 16 September 1087 (1 year, 115 days) |  | Bl.Victor III VICTOR Tertius | Dauferio Epifani Del Zotto,O.S.B. | c. 1026Benevento,Duchy of Benevento | 60 / 61 | Subject of theDuchy of Benevento. Was of Lombard ethnicity. Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. Called the Synod of Benevento (1087), condemning lay investiture. |
159 | 12 March 1088 – 29 July 1099 (11 years, 139 days) |  | Bl.Urban II VRBANVS Secundus | Odon de Lagery,O.S.B. | c. 1042Châtillon-sur-Marne,County of Champagne, France | 46 / 57 | Subject of theKingdom of France. Preached and started theFirst Crusade. Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. |
160 | 13 August 1099 – 21 January 1118 (18 years, 161 days) |  | Paschal II PASCHALIS Secundus | Rainero Ranieri,O.S.B. | c. 1050Bleda,March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 68 | Subject of theMarch of Tuscany. Was of Lombard ethnicity. Member of theOrder of Saint Benedict. Ordered the building of the basilica ofSanti Quattro Coronati. |
— | 8 September 1100 – January 1101 (115 days) | | Theodoric THEODORICVS | Teodorico | c. 1030 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 70 / 71 | Subject and later the claimant of the throne of thePapal States. Was of Lombard ethnicity. In opposition toPaschal II. Captured and sent to a monastery. |