Slogans andcatchphrases are used by politicians, political parties, militaries, activists, and protestors to express or encourage particular beliefs or actions.
International usage [ edit ] Better dead than Red – anti-Communist sloganBlack is beautiful – political slogan of a cultural movement that began in the 1960s byAfrican Americans Black Lives Matter – decentralized social movement that began in 2013 following theacquittal ofGeorge Zimmerman inthe shooting death of African American teen Trayvon Martin; popularized in the United States following 2014protests in Ferguson, Missouri , and internationally following 2020George Floyd protests Black power – slogan and a name for various associated ideologies associated withself-determination forblack people ; popularized byStokely Carmichael in the 1960sBlood and soil – nationalist slogan forNazi Germany's racial policies ; later adopted bywhite nationalist andalt-right movements in North AmericaBread and roses – slogan, poem, and song associated withsuffrage andlabor movementsEat the rich – political slogan associated withanti-capitalism andleft-wing politics ; originally traced toJean-Jacques Rousseau , who is reputed to have said, "When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich."[This quote needs a citation ] From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs – Marxist sloganGive me liberty or give me death! – slogan coined byPatrick Henry prior to theAmerican Revolutionary War ; various versions and translations have been used around the worldGod made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve – anti-LGBTQ slogan used byChristians who oppose homosexuality on religious grounds ; used bytelevangelist andMoral Majority leaderJerry Falwell Inquilab Zindabad (Hindustani for 'Long live the revolution') – phrase used by communist parties in India and Pakistan[ 1] Khela Hobe (Bengali for 'The game is on') – slogan used inBangladesh andIndia Kuknalim (Naga for 'Victory to the People and Land' or 'Long Live the Land') – slogan used byNagas Lal Salam (Hindustani for 'Red Salute') – Hindustani phrase translating to 'Red Salute'; used bycommunists in theIndian subcontinent as a salute, greeting, or code wordMake love, not war – anti-war slogan began during theWar in Vietnam No gods, no masters – phrase associated withanarchist philosophy and the leftistlabor movement One man, one vote – slogan used worldwide foruniversal suffrage , most notably in the United Kingdom, the United States, and South AfricaPiss On Pity – slogan that has primarily been deployed in protest of charities that fundraise by portrayingdisabled people as burdensome and helplessPower to the people – ananti-establishment slogan used in a variety of contexts by different political groupsSí se puede (Spanish for 'Yes, we can') – motto of theUnited Farm Workers ; used in English and Spanish by theBarack Obama 2008 presidential campaign Stop the boats – an anti-immigration slogan used byTony Abbott during the2013 Australian federal election , and later during thepremiership of Rishi Sunak againstEnglish Channel migrant crossings to the United KingdomThe rich get richer and the poor get poorer – aphorism attributed toPercy Bysshe Shelley ; used frequently to describewealth concentration andeconomic inequality No such thing as a free lunch – popularadage communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothingThe whole world is watching – phrase used byanti-war demonstrators and othersThey shall not pass – slogan used to express a determination to defend a position against an enemy; most notably used by France inWorld War I ; also used during theSpanish Civil War by theRepublican factionThink globally, act locally – phrase used in various contexts, includingurban planning White power – slogan and chant ofwhite supremacists White Lives Matter slogan and chant of white nationalistsIt's okay to be white slogan and chant of white nationalistsTheFourteen Words (We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children). slogan and chant of white nationalists Workers of the world, unite! (German :Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch! , literally' Proletarians of all countries, unite! ' ) – working-class rallying cry originating from the 1848Communist Manifesto byKarl Marx andFriedrich Engels ; slogan used by socialist states and communist parties, including those of theSoviet Union Trump's "Make America Great Again !" sign used during his 2024 presidential campaign before Trump selectedJD Vance as his vice presidential running mate Believe women – slogan used to encourage people to believe the testimony of women regarding violence and sexual assaultBuild Back Better – name of the economic recovery plan put forward by theJoe Biden 2020 presidential campaign Build The Wall – slogan used byDonald Trump as a chant to build theborder wall between Mexico and United States Come and take it – phrase used in 1778 atFort Morris during the American Revolutionary War and in laterlast stands ; later used in regard to theright to keep and bear arms Compassionate conservatism – slogan of theGeorge W. Bush 2000 presidential campaign [ 4] Defund the police – slogan calling for the reallocation of funds from police departments to non-policing forms of public safetyDon't Mess with Texas – slogan that began as anti-littering campaign; later adopted for political and other purposesDrill, baby, drill – slogan used by theRepublican Party to call for increasingdomestic oil and gas production Every Man a King – slogan ofLouisiana Governor and United States SenatorHuey Long as part of the broaderwealth redistribution programShare Our Wealth ; also the title of a 1935 song cowritten by Long andCastro Carazo Fifty-Four Forty or Fight – slogan used during the 19th-centuryOregon boundary dispute I like Ike – slogan for theDraft Eisenhower movement , the only successfulpolitical draft of the 20th century; the movement persuaded former GeneralDwight D. Eisenhower to run for president in 1952Let's Go Brandon – slogan used as aeuphemism for "FuckJoe Biden " byRepublican politicians and those opposed to President Joe BidenMake America Great Again – slogan used by various conservative political candidates in the United States since 1980, most notablyRonald Reagan andDonald Trump New Nationalism – slogan ofTheodore Roosevelt 's 1912 presidential campaign with theProgressive Party ; derived fromHerbert Croly 's pamphletThe Promise of American Life and adopted by Roosevelt after an August 1910 speech inOsawatomie, Kansas The New Freedom – slogan ofWoodrow Wilson 's 1912 presidential campaignNo taxation without representation – slogan first used during theAmerican Revolutionary War ; later used by advocates ofwomen's suffrage ,District of Columbia voting rights , student inclusion inhigher education governance , and theTea Party movement Peace with Honor – phrase used by several notable authors and politicians; used by PresidentRichard Nixon in 1973 to describe theParis Peace Accords to end theVietnam War Read my lips: no new taxes – most prominentsound bite from American presidential candidateGeorge H. W. Bush 's speech at the1988 Republican National Convention ; later cited by Bush opponents as a brokenpromise Remember Pearl Harbor – slogan and song created after the 1941 Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor Stay the course – slogan popularized by PresidentRonald Reagan while campaigning for Republicans during the1982 mid-term elections and later used by his Vice PresidentGeorge H.W. Bush .Stop the Steal – slogan created in 2016 byRepublican political operativeRoger Stone in anticipation of potential election losses that could be portrayed as stolen by allegedfraud The buck stops here – phrase popularized by PresidentHarry S. Truman in reference togovernment accountability The personal is political – slogan associated with 1960ssecond wave feminism Tippecanoe and Tyler Too – campaign song of theWilliam Henry Harrison 1840 presidential campaign ; the slogan referencesWhig candidatesWilliam Henry Harrison (the "hero ofTippecanoe ") andJohn Tyler United We Stand America – citizen action organization created byRoss Perot after his unsuccessful1992 presidential campaign ; later adopted as a slogan by theReform Party [ 5] War on women – phrase used to describe certainRepublican policies and legislation that restrictwomen's rights , especiallyreproductive rights including abortionWe are the 99% – slogan coined and widely used during the 2011Occupy Wall Street ; the slogan refers toincome andwealth inequality in the United States When the looting starts, the shooting starts – statement byWalter E. Headley on the eve of the1968 Republican National Convention in response to unrest;[ 6] [ 7] re-introduced byDonald Trump in response toprotests relating to themurder of George Floyd Whip inflation now (WIN) – initiative by theGerald Ford presidential administration to combatstagflation during the1970s recession by voluntary measures as opposed to theminimum wage andprice controls pursued by his predecessors; the campaign was widely ridiculed by the public and contributed to theDemocratic Party 's victory in the1974 congressional elections and the1976 presidential election , and it was abandoned during the1976 Republican Party presidential primaries in favor of a program oftax cuts [ 8] Bangladesh Zindabad (Bengali for 'Long live Bangladesh') – expression of Bangladeshi patriotism often used in political speeches and atcricket matchesJoy Bangla (Bengali for 'Victory for Bengal' or 'Hail Bengal') – slogan andwar cry used in Bangladesh and the Indian state ofWest Bengal to indicatenationalism towards the geopolitical, cultural and historical region ofBengal andBangamata ; made national slogan of Bangladesh in 2022"Tui Ke? Ami Ke? Razakar! Razakar! Ke boleche, ke boleche, sairachar-sairachar!" [ 9] (Who are you? Who am I? Razakar! Razakar! Who says? Who says? The Dictator! The Dictator!). The slogan was used by protestors asSheikh Hasina [ 10] referred to students as "razakar" for protesting the quota system. In retaliation, they labeled her a dictator for securing her fourth term as Prime Minister, igniting allegations of electoral rigging - 2024Za dom spremni (For the homeland - ready!) – - Croatian nationalist slogan most known for its usage by theUstaše ^ Chattopadhyay, Suhrid Sankar (October 18, 2019)."CPI(M) kick-starts centenary celebrations with call to resist communal forces" . ^ "Closing press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the end of the 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius" .NATO . 2023-07-12. Retrieved2023-11-17 .^ Janetsky, Megan (2021-07-13)." 'Patria y Vida' – Homeland and Life – Watchwords in Cuba's Protests" .The New York Times .ISSN 0362-4331 . Retrieved2021-07-18 . ^ Roberts, Robert North, et al. "Compassionate Conservatism".Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms :The Complete Encyclopedia , vol. 1: Slogans, Issue, Programs, Personalities, and Strategies, Greenwood, 2012, pp. 98–100.Gale eBooks ^ Roberts, Robert North, et al. "United We Stand America."Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms :The Complete Encyclopedia , vol. 1: Slogans, Issue, Programs, Personalities, and Strategies, Greenwood, 2012, p. 503.Gale eBooks . ^ "Words Fail; Miami Cops Get Tough with Negro Thugs" .Standard-Speaker . December 27, 1967. p. 1. RetrievedMay 29, 2020 – .^ "How three violent days gripped a black Miami neighborhood as Nixon was nominated in 1968 – The Washington Post" .The Washington Post .^ Roberts, Robert North, et al. "Whip Inflation Now (WIN)."Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms :The Complete Encyclopedia , vol. 1: Slogans, Issue, Programs, Personalities, and Strategies, Greenwood, 2012, pp. 531–532.Gale eBooks ^ bangladesh ^ "Bangladesh: Release Facebook user who criticised Prime Minister" .Human Rights Documents Online .doi :10.1163/2210-7975_hrd-9211-2016191 . Retrieved2024-08-07 .^ Gamble, Andrew (3 August 2018)."Taking back control: the political implications of Brexit" .Journal of European Public Policy .25 (8):1215– 1232.doi :10.1080/13501763.2018.1467952 .ISSN 1350-1763 .S2CID 158602299 .