Ajuggler is a person who practicesobject manipulation for entertainment, sport or recreation. Famous professional jugglers have come from many countries and have performed their skills live incircuses, variety theatres, casinos, cruise ships, festivals, street venues and on television. The following is a list of jugglers who are notable for professional success as a performer,world records, official competition titles or the invention of patterns or tricks.
Alex Barron – holds multiple world records for number of balls juggled.
Sean Gandini – holds multiple world records for number of rings passed.[5]
Rod Laver – notable for ping pong ball juggling routine. Numerous appearances on stage and television worldwide.[6]
Haggis and Charlie – juggling performers, teachers and authors. Appearances at festivals, stage and television.[7]
Erwyd le Föl (real nameRussel Erwood) – originally from Bristol, UK, Erwyd is one of the world's few remaining officialjesters and frequently uses juggling in his shows.[8]