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List of human microbiota

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Human microbiota are microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea) found in a specific environment. They can be found in the stomach, intestines, skin, genitals and other parts of the body.[1] Various body parts have diverse microorganisms. Some microbes are specific to certain body parts and others are associated with many microbiomes. This article lists some of the species recognized as belonging to thehuman microbiome and focuses on the oral, vaginal, ovarian follicle, uterus and the male reproductive tract microbiota.

Categories of bacteria


The "reference" 70 kg human body is estimated to have around 39 trillion bacteria with a mass of about 0.2 kg.[2][3][4][5] These can be separated into about 10,000 microbial species, about 180 of the most studied is listed below here. However, these can broadly be put into three categories:[6]

Spheres or ball-shaped (cocci bacteria)


Cocci are usually round or spherical in shape. They can form clusters and are non-motile.[7] Examples includeStaphylococcus aureus,Streptococcus pyogenes, andNeisseria gonorrhea.

Staphylococcus aureus

Rod-shaped bacteria (bacilli)


Bacilli usually have a rod or cylinder shape. Examples includeListeria,Salmonella typhimurium,Yersinia enterocolitica, andEscherichia coli.

Yersinia enterocolitica colonies growing on XLDagar plates
Escherichia coli
Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph showingSalmonella typhimurium (red) invading cultured human cells

Spirals or helixes (spirochetes)


Spirochetes are usually spiral or corkscrew shaped and move using axial filament. Examples includeTreponema pallidum andLeptospira borgpetersenii.[8]

[9] various forms of spirals
Binomial nameLocationPathological?% of total Microbiome?
Acinetobacter calcoaceticusWhole-body distributed
Burkholderia cepaciaWhole-body distributed
Peptostreptococcus sppWhole-body distributed
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenesWhole-body distributed
Eubacterium sppNatural cavities
Fusobacterium necrophorumNatural cavities
Microbacterium sppNatural cavities
Acinetobacter sppSkin
Bacillus sppSkin
Candida albicansSkin
Candida parapsilosisSkin
Corynebacterium parvumSkin
Corynebacterium sppSkin
Cutibacterium acnesSkin
Demodex folliculorumSkin
Enterobacter cloacaeSkin
Epidermophyton floccosumSkin
Malassezia ovaleSkin
Micrococcus luteusSkin
Micrococcus sppSkin
Mycobacterium sppSkin
Neisseria sppSkin
Peptostreptococcus sppSkin
Propionibacterium sppSkin
Pseudomonas aeruginosaSkinMostly
Sarcina sppSkin
Staphylococcus aureusSkin
Staphylococcus epidermidisSkinSometimes, mostly not
Staphylococcus haemolyticusSkin
Streptococcus viridansSkin
Trichophyton sppSkin
Staphylococcus aureusHair follicles
Corynebacterium sppExternal ear
Staphylococcus aureusExternal ear
Staphylococcus epidermidisExternal ear
Chlamydia trachomatisMucous membranes
Hemophilus influenzaeMucous membranes
Staphylococcus aureusMucous membranes
Staphylococcus epidermidisMucous membranes
Chlamydophila pneumoniaeEye
Haemophilus aegyptiusEye
Haemophilus influenzaeEye
Moraxella sppEye
Neisseria sppEye
Staphylococcus aureusEye
Staphylococcus epidermidisEye
Streptococcus viridansEye
Achromobacter sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Acidaminococcus fermentansLarge intestine
Acinetobacter calcoaceticusLarge intestine
Actinomyces sppMouth, small and large intestine
Actinomyces viscosusMouth
Actinomyces naeslundiiMouth
Aeromonas sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitansMouth
Anaerobiospirillum sppFeces
Alcaligenes faecalisLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Arachnia propionicaMouth
Bacillus sppLarge intestine
Bacteroides sppMouth, GI tract
Bacteroides gingivalisMouth
Bacteroides fragilisGeneral distribution
Bacteroides intermediusMouth
Bacteroides melaninogenicusMouth, feces
Bacteroides pneumosintesPharynx
Bacterionema matruchotii

(Corynebacterium matruchotii, new combination 1983 IJSB 33:438)

Bifidobacterium sppLarge intestine, feces
Buchnera aphidicolaMouth
Butyriviberio fibrosolvensLarge intestine
Campylobacter sppLarge intestine
Campylobacter coliGeneral distribution
Campylobacter sputorumMouth
Campylobacter upsaliensisMouth
Candida albicansMouth
Capnocytophaga sppMouth
Clostridium sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Citrobacter freundiiSputum
Clostridioides difficileLarge intestine
Clostridium sordelliiStomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectus, anus channel
Corynebacterium sppMouth
Cutibacterium acnesGeneral distribution
Eikenella corrodensGeneral distribution, mouth
Enterobacter cloacaeGeneral distribution
Enterococcus sppMouth, GI tract
Enterococcus faecalisGeneral distribution
Enterococcus faeciumGeneral distribution
Escherichia coliGeneral distribution
Eubacterium sppMouth, GI tract
Faecalibacterium sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Flavobacterium sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Fusobacterium sppMouth, GI tract
Fusobacterium nucleatumMouth
Gordonia sppSputum
Haemophilus parainfluenzaeMouth
Haemophilus paraphrophilusMouth
Lactobacillus sppMouth, Saliva, GI tract (known probiotic)
Leptotrichia buccalisMouth
Methanobrevibacter smithiiIntestines
Morganella morganiiFeces
Mycobacteria sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Mycoplasma sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Micrococcus sppMouth
Mycoplasma sppMouth
Mycobacterium chelonaeSputum
Neisseria sppMouth
Neisseria siccaSaliva, sputum
Peptococcus sppMouth, large intestine
Peptostreptococcus sppMouth, GI tract
Plesiomonas shigelloidesGeneral distribution
Porphyromonas gingivalisMouth
Propionibacterium sppLarge intestine
Providencia sppFeces
Pseudomonas aeruginosaLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Roseburia sppLarge intestine
Rothia dentocariosaMouth
Ruminococcus sppCecum, large intestine
Ruminococcus bromiiLarge intestine
Sarcina sppLarge intestine
Staphylococcus aureusMouth, large intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Staphylococcus epidermidisMouth
Streptococcus anginosusGeneral distribution
Streptococcus mutansTeeth: dental plaque
Streptococcus oralisTeeth: dental plaque
Streptococcus pneumoniaeNasopharynx
Streptococcus sobrinusTeeth: dental plaque
Streptococcus viridansMouth, large intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Torulopsis glabrataMouth
Treponema denticolaMouth
Treponema refringensMouth
Veillonella sppMouth, large Intestine
Vibrio sppLarge intestine, small intestine (Ileon)
Vibrio sputorumMouth
Wolinella succinogenesMouth
Yersinia enterocoliticaLarge intestine
Acinetobacter sppNasopharynx
Burkholderia cepacia complexLung
Campylobacter sputorumNasopharynx
Candida albicansPharynx
Cardiobacterium sppNose
Chlamydophila pneumoniaeLung
Citrobacter freundiiThroat
Eikenella corrodensGeneral distribution
Haemophilus sppNasopharynx
Haemophilus parainfluenzaePharynx
Haemophilus paraphrophilusPharynx
Kingella sppUpper respiratory tract
Kingella kingaeUpper respiratory tract
Moraxella sppNasopharynx
Moraxella catarrhalisNasopharynx
Mycoplasma oraleOropharynx
Mycoplasma pneumoniaeRespiratory epithelium
Neisseria sppNasopharynx
Neisseria cinereaNasopharynx
Neisseria elongataPharynx
Neisseria gonorrhoeaePharynx[citation needed]
Neisseria lactamicaNasopharynx
Neisseria meningitidisNasopharynx
Neisseria mucosaNasopharynx
Neisseria siccaNasopharynx
Peptococcus sppUpper respiratory tract
Peptostreptococcus sppPharynx
Pseudomonas aeruginosaLung
Selenomonas sputigenaNasopharynx
Staphylococcus aureusNose
Streptobacillus sppThroat, nasopharynx
Streptococcus constellatusOropharynx
Streptococcus intermediusOropharynx
Streptococcus mitisGeneral distribution
Streptococcus pyogenesUpper respiratory tract
Streptococcus viridansPharynx
Acinetobacter sppAnterior urethra
Bacteroides sppExternal genitalia
Candida albicansAnterior urethra, external genitalia
Corynebacterium sppAnterior urethra, external genitalia
EnterobacteriaceaeAnterior urethra, external genitalia
Streptococcus viridansAnterior urethra, external genitalia
Eikenella corrodensGeneral distribution
Streptococcus anginosusGeneral distribution
Staphylococcus aureusPerineum

Naming convention for the table

Binomial nameName of the species, Ideally including the shape of the bacteria
LocationWhere it can be found in the body
Pathological?Can it harm humans or is it useful? the scale goes Not, Mostly not, Sometimes, Useful
% of total Microbiome?How many % does the bacteria in number of organisms make out of the entire human microbiome


Main article:Vaginal flora

The vaginal microbiota is shaped by puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Vaginal microbiota including someLactobacillus species protect the vagina from harmful pathogens.[10] They convert glucose to lactic acid and this acidic environment kills harmful pathogens. Thevaginal microbiota in pregnancy varies markedly during the entire time of gestation. The species and diversity of the microorganisms may be related to the various levels of hormones during pregnancy. Vaginal flora can be transmitted to babies during birth. Vaginal dysbiosis can lead to vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis which makes one relatively susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Good personal hygiene and probiotics promote a healthy vaginal microbiota.[11]



The healthy uterine microbiome has been identified and over 278 genera have been sequenced. Bacteria species likeFusobacterium are typically found in the uterus.[12] AlthoughLactobacillus may be beneficial in the vagina, “increased levels in the uterus through a breach in the cervical barrier” may be harmful to the uterus.[13]

Ovarian follicle


The ovarian follicle microbiome has been studied using standard culturing techniques. It has been associated with the outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies and birth outcomes. Positive outcomes are related to the presence ofLactobacillus spp while the presence ofPropionibacterium andActinomyces were related to negative outcomes. The microbiome can vary from one ovary to the other. Studies are ongoing in the further identification of those bacteria present.[13]

Male reproductive tract


The microbiome present inseminal fluid has been evaluated. Using traditional culturing techniques the microbiome differs between men who have acuteprostatitis and those who havechronic prostatitis. Identification of the seminal fluid microbiome has become one of the diagnostic tools used in treating infertility in men that do not display symptoms of infection or disease. The taxaPseudomonas,Lactobacillus, andPrevotella display a negative effect on the quality of sperm. The presence ofLactobacillus spp in semen samples is associated with a very high normal sperm count.[13]


Further information:Oral microbiology

The oral microbiota consists of all the microorganisms that exist in the mouth. It is the second largest of the human body and made of various bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.[14] These organisms play an important role in oral and overall health. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to view these organisms using a microscope he created.[14] The temperature and pH of saliva makes it conducive for bacteria to survive in the oral cavity. Bacteria in the oral cavity includeStreptococcus mutans,Porphyromonas gingivalis, andStaphylococcus.[15]S. mutans is the main component of the oral microbiota.[15]

A healthy oral microbiome decreases oral infections and promotes a healthy gut microbiome. However, when disturbed, it can lead to gum inflammations and bad breath.[16] Dental plaque is formed when oral microorganisms form biofilms on the surfaces of teeth. Recommended practices to maintain a healthy oral microbiome include practicing good oral hygiene (brushing twice and flossing, replacing toothbrush often), eating healthy diet (food with little or no added sugars and ultra processed foods), drinking lots of water and taking probiotics.

See also


Other lists of the human body's contents and building bricks



  1. ^Hou K, Wu ZX, Chen XY, Wang JQ, Zhang D, Xiao C, et al. (April 2022)."Microbiota in health and diseases".Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy.7 (1): 135.doi:10.1038/s41392-022-00974-4.PMC 9034083.PMID 35461318.
  2. ^Sender R, Fuchs S, Milo R (August 2016)."Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body".PLOS Biology.14 (8): e1002533.doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002533.PMC 4991899.PMID 27541692.
  3. ^Abbott A (2016-01-08)."Scientists bust myth that our bodies have more bacteria than human cells".Nature.doi:10.1038/nature.2016.19136.ISSN 1476-4687.
  4. ^"Do our bodies contain far more bacteria than human cells?" 2022-01-10. Retrieved2023-07-16.
  5. ^"NIH Human Microbiome Project defines normal bacterial makeup of the body".National Institutes of Health (NIH). 2015-08-31. Retrieved2023-07-16.
  6. ^"Bacteria: Definition, Types, Benefits, Risks & Examples".Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved2023-07-16.
  7. ^"Cocci or Cocus Bacteria: Structure, Types and Examples".Toppr-guides. 2019-10-31. Retrieved2024-05-04.
  8. ^Krieg NR, Padgett PJ (2011), "Phenotypic and Physiological Characterization Methods",Taxonomy of Prokaryotes, Methods in Microbiology, vol. 38, Elsevier, pp. 15–60,doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-387730-7.00003-6,ISBN 978-0-12-387730-7
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  10. ^Kovachev S (February 2018). "Defence factors of vaginal lactobacilli".Critical Reviews in Microbiology.44 (1):31–39.doi:10.1080/1040841X.2017.1306688.PMID 28418713.
  11. ^Fox C, Eichelberger K (December 2015)."Maternal microbiome and pregnancy outcomes".Fertility and Sterility.104 (6):1358–1363.doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.09.037.PMID 26493119.
  12. ^Baker JM, Chase DM, Herbst-Kralovetz MM (2018-03-02)."Uterine Microbiota: Residents, Tourists, or Invaders?".Frontiers in Immunology.9: 208.doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.00208.PMC 5840171.PMID 29552006.
  13. ^abcFranasiak JM, Scott RT (December 2015)."Reproductive tract microbiome in assisted reproductive technologies".Fertility and Sterility.104 (6):1364–1371.doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.10.012.PMID 26597628.
  14. ^abDeo PN, Deshmukh R (2019)."Oral microbiome: Unveiling the fundamentals".Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology.23 (1):122–128.doi:10.4103/jomfp.JOMFP_304_18.PMC 6503789.PMID 31110428.
  15. ^abLu M, Xuan S, Wang Z (March 2019)."Oral microbiota: A new view of body health".Food Science and Human Wellness.8 (1):8–15.doi:10.1016/j.fshw.2018.12.001.
  16. ^Strużycka I (2014)."The Oral Microbiome in Dental Caries".Polish Journal of Microbiology.63 (2):127–135.doi:10.33073/pjm-2014-018.ISSN 2544-4646.
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