Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) related organizations and conferences range from social and support groups to organizations that are political in nature. Some groups are independent, while others are officially recognizedadvocacy groups within mainstream religious organizations.
OutRight Action International – international human rights organization dedicated to improving the lives of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression
PrimeTimers Worldwide - the world's largest international network of nonprofit Chapters providing social, educational and cultural activities and events for mature adults (21+) who self-identify as gay, bisexual or transgender men.https://theprimetimersww.com/
Q Christian Fellowship – global membership and attendance, but conference has only been hosted in the United States
Queers in Science – a Melbourne-based initiative aiming to build community and improve support for LGBTQIA+ people working in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) in Australia
East meets West – a network of LGBTIQ professionals from Western & (primarily) Eastern Europe founded in 2013. It acts as the LGBTIQ Business Chamber for CEE Region (Central & Eastern Europe).
BVT* – Der Bundesverband Trans* setzt sich für eine Gesellschaft ein, in der alle trans* Personen in Würde leben. Sicher, selbstbewusst und selbstbestimmt.
Casa Kuà – Trans*Inter*Queer Community Health Center
GGLBC German LGBTIQ+ Business Chamber – GGLBC German LGBTIQ+ Business Chamber was founded as part of a ceremony in the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2019
QueerJS Berlin
Quaurteera – Russian-speaking queer community in Germany
Hirschfeld Centre – an LGBT community centre operating in Dublin, Ireland, from 1979 to 1997
House of STEM – a community-led initiative to improve LGBTQ+ support, visibility and representation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) and STEM-related fields in Ireland
Albany Trust – educational and counseling organization
BiCon (UK) – organization for bisexuals that hosts an annual convention.
Broken Rainbow – charity and support group for victims of same-sex domestic violence
InterEngineering – a professional network aiming to connect, inform and empower lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender engineers and their straight allies
The 519 – serving both the Church and Wellesley neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, and the broader lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities in the Toronto area
Grace Gospel Chapel – an LGBT friendly Evangelical Christian church in Seattle, Washington
Greater Seattle Business Association – a.k.a. GSBA, the largest regional LGBT & allied chamber of commerce in the United States and second-largest chamber of commerce in Washington State
Horizon Services – alcohol and drug recovery organization based in theSan Francisco Bay Area – which operates some programs specifically targeting the LGBT community
TransTech Summit – The TransTech Summit provides attendees with tools to grow their existing careers, interact with new media technology, network with otherLGBTQ people.