Alipoprotein is abiochemical assembly whose primary function is to transporthydrophobiclipid (also known asfat) molecules in water, as inblood plasma or otherextracellular fluids. They consist of atriglyceride andcholesterol center, surrounded by aphospholipid outer shell, with thehydrophilic portions oriented outward toward the surrounding water andlipophilic portions oriented inward toward the lipid center. A special kind of protein, calledapolipoprotein, is embedded in the outer shell, both stabilising the complex and giving it a functional identity that determines its role.
Plasma lipoprotein particles are commonly divided into five main classes, based on size, lipid composition, and apolipoprotein content. They are, in increasing size order:HDL,LDL,IDL,VLDL andchylomicrons. Subgroups of these plasma particles are primary drivers or modulators ofatherosclerosis.[1]
Manyenzymes,transporters, structural proteins,antigens,adhesins, andtoxins are sometimes also classified as lipoproteins, since they are formed by lipids and proteins.
Some transmembraneproteolipids, especially those found inbacteria, are referred to as lipoproteins; they are not related to the lipoprotein particles that this article is about.[2] Suchtransmembrane proteins are difficult to isolate, as they bind tightly to the lipid membrane, often require lipids to display the proper structure, and can be water-insoluble.Detergents are usually required to isolate transmembrane lipoproteins from their associated biological membranes.
Because fats are insoluble in water, they cannot be transported on their own in extracellular water, including blood plasma. Instead, they are surrounded by a hydrophilic external shell that functions as a transport vehicle. The role of lipoprotein particles is to transport fat molecules, such astriglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol within the extracellular water of the body to all the cells and tissues of the body. The proteins included in the external shell of these particles, called apolipoproteins, are synthesized and secreted into the extracellular water by both thesmall intestine andliver cells. The external shell also contains phospholipids and cholesterol.
Allcells use and rely on fats and cholesterol as building blocks to create the multiplemembranes that cells use both to control internal water content and internal water-soluble elements and to organize their internal structure and protein enzymatic systems. The outer shell of lipoprotein particles have the hydrophilic groups of phospholipids, cholesterol, and apolipoproteins directed outward. Such characteristics make them soluble in the salt-water-based blood pool.Triglycerides andcholesteryl esters are carried internally, shielded from the water by the outer shell. The kind of apolipoproteins contained in the outer shell determines the functional identity of the lipoprotein particles. The interaction of these apolipoproteins with enzymes in the blood, with each other, or with specific proteins on the surfaces of cells, determines whether triglycerides and cholesterol will be added to or removed from the lipoprotein transport particles.
Lipoproteins are complex particles that have a central hydrophobic core of non-polar lipids, primarily cholesteryl esters and triglycerides. This hydrophobic core is surrounded by a hydrophilic membrane consisting of phospholipids, free cholesterol, and apolipoproteins. Plasma lipoproteins, found inblood plasma, are typically divided into five main classes based on size, lipid composition, and apolipoprotein content:HDL,LDL,IDL,VLDL andchylomicrons.[4]
The handling of lipoprotein particles in the body is referred to aslipoprotein particle metabolism. It is divided into two pathways,exogenous andendogenous, depending in large part on whether the lipoprotein particles in question are composed chiefly of dietary (exogenous) lipids or whether they originated in the liver (endogenous), throughde novo synthesis of triglycerides.
Thehepatocytes are the main platform for the handling of triglycerides and cholesterol; the liver can also store certain amounts ofglycogen and triglycerides. Whileadipocytes are the main storage cells for triglycerides, they do not produce any lipoproteins.
Simplified flowchart showing the essentials of lipoprotein metabolism.
Bile emulsifies fats contained in thechyme, thenpancreatic lipase cleaves triglyceride molecules into two fatty acids and one 2-monoacylglycerol.Enterocytes readily absorb the small molecules from the chymus. Inside of the enterocytes, fatty acids andmonoacylglycerides are transformed again into triglycerides. Then these lipids are assembled withapolipoprotein B-48 intonascentchylomicrons. These particles are then secreted into thelacteals in a process that depends heavily on apolipoprotein B-48. As they circulate through thelymphatic vessels, nascent chylomicrons bypass the liver circulation and are drained via thethoracic duct into the bloodstream.
In the blood stream,nascent chylomicron particles interact with HDL particles, resulting in HDL donation ofapolipoprotein C-II andapolipoprotein E to the nascent chylomicron. The chylomicron at this stage is then considered mature. Via apolipoprotein C-II, mature chylomicrons activatelipoprotein lipase (LPL), an enzyme onendothelial cells lining the blood vessels. LPL catalyzes thehydrolysis of triglycerides that ultimately releases glycerol andfatty acids from the chylomicrons. Glycerol and fatty acids can then be absorbed in peripheral tissues, especiallyadipose andmuscle, for energy and storage.
The hydrolyzed chylomicrons are now calledchylomicron remnants. The chylomicron remnants continue circulating the bloodstream until they interact via apolipoprotein E with chylomicron remnant receptors, found chiefly in the liver. This interaction causes theendocytosis of the chylomicron remnants, which are subsequently hydrolyzed withinlysosomes. Lysosomalhydrolysis releases glycerol and fatty acids into the cell, which can be used for energy or stored for later use.
The liver is the central platform for the handling of lipids: it is able to store glycerols and fats in its cells, thehepatocytes. Hepatocytes are also able to create triglycerides via de novo synthesis. They also produce the bile from cholesterol. The intestines are responsible for absorbing cholesterol. They transfer it over into the blood stream.
In the hepatocytes, triglycerides and cholesteryl esters are assembled withapolipoprotein B-100 to formnascent VLDL particles. Nascent VLDL particles are released into the bloodstream via a process that depends upon apolipoprotein B-100.
In the blood stream,nascent VLDL particles bump with HDL particles; as a result, HDL particles donateapolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein E to the nascent VLDL particle. Once loaded with apolipoproteins C-II and E, the nascent VLDL particle is considered mature. VLDL particles circulate and encounter LPL expressed onendothelial cells. Apolipoprotein C-II activates LPL, causing hydrolysis of the VLDL particle and the release of glycerol and fatty acids. These products can be absorbed from the blood by peripheral tissues, principally adipose and muscle. The hydrolyzed VLDL particles are now calledVLDL remnants orintermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs). VLDL remnants can circulate and, via an interaction between apolipoprotein E and the remnant receptor, be absorbed by the liver, or they can be further hydrolyzed byhepatic lipase.
Hydrolysis by hepatic lipase releases glycerol and fatty acids, leaving behindIDL remnants, calledlow-density lipoproteins (LDL), which contain a relatively high cholesterol content[5] (see native LDL structure at 37°C onYouTube). LDL circulates and is absorbed by the liver and peripheral cells. Binding of LDL to its target tissue occurs through an interaction between theLDL receptor and apolipoprotein B-100 on the LDL particle. Absorption occurs throughendocytosis, and the internalized LDL particles are hydrolyzed within lysosomes, releasing lipids, chiefly cholesterol.
Plasma lipoproteins may carry oxygen gas.[6] This property is due to the crystalline hydrophobic structure of lipids, providing a suitable environment for O2 solubility compared to an aqueous medium.[7]
Inflammation, a biological system response to stimuli such as the introduction of apathogen, has an underlying role in numerous systemic biological functions and pathologies. This is a useful response by the immune system when the body is exposed to pathogens, such as bacteria in locations that will prove harmful, but can also have detrimental effects if left unregulated. It has been demonstrated that lipoproteins, specifically HDL, have important roles in the inflammatory process.[8]
When the body is functioning under normal, stable physiological conditions, HDL has been shown to be beneficial in several ways.[8] LDL contains apolipoprotein B (apoB), which allows LDL to bind to different tissues, such as the artery wall if theglycocalyx has been damaged by highblood sugar levels.[8] If oxidised, the LDL can become trapped in the proteoglycans, preventing its removal by HDL cholesterol efflux.[8] Normal functioning HDL is able to prevent the process of oxidation of LDL and the subsequent inflammatory processes seen after oxidation.[8]
Lipopolysaccharide, or LPS, is the major pathogenic factor on the cell wall ofGram-negative bacteria.Gram-positive bacteria has a similar component namedLipoteichoic acid, or LTA. HDL has the ability to bind LPS and LTA, creating HDL-LPS complexes to neutralize the harmful effects in the body and clear the LPS from the body.[9] HDL also has significant roles interacting with cells of the immune system to modulate the availability of cholesterol and modulate the immune response.[9]
Under certain abnormal physiological conditions such as systeminfection orsepsis, the major components of HDL become altered,[9][10] The composition and quantity of lipids and apolipoproteins are altered as compared to normal physiological conditions, such as a decrease in HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), phospholipids, apoA-I (a major lipoprotein in HDL that has been shown to have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties), and an increase inSerum amyloid A.[9][10] This altered composition of HDL is commonly referred to as acute-phase HDL in an acute-phase inflammatory response, during which time HDL can lose its ability to inhibit the oxidation of LDL.[8] In fact, this altered composition of HDL is associated with increased mortality and worse clinical outcomes in patients with sepsis.[9]
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) carry 3,000 to 6,000 fat molecules (phospholipids, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) around the body. LDL particles are sometimes referred to as "bad" lipoprotein because concentrations of two kinds of LDL (sd-LDL and LPA), correlate with atherosclerosis progression. In healthy individuals, most LDL is large and buoyant (lb LDL).
large buoyant LDL (lb LDL) particles
small dense LDL (sd LDL) particles
Lipoprotein(a) (LPA) is a lipoprotein particle of a certain phenotype
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) collect fat molecules from the body's cells/tissues and take them back to the liver. HDLs are sometimes referred to as "good" lipoprotein because higher concentrations correlate with low rates of atherosclerosis progression and/or regression.
For young healthy research subjects, ~70 kg (154 lb), these data represent averages across individuals studied, percentages represent % dry weight:
It is also possible to classify lipoproteins as "alpha" and "beta", according to the classification of proteins inserum protein electrophoresis. This terminology is sometimes used in describing lipid disorders such asabetalipoproteinemia.
Lipoproteins, such as LDL and HDL, can be further subdivided into subspecies isolated through a variety of methods.[14][15] These are subdivided by density or by the protein contents/ proteins they carry.[14] While the research is currently ongoing, researchers are learning that different subspecies contain different apolipoproteins, proteins, and lipid contents between species which have different physiological roles.[14] For example, within the HDL lipoprotein subspecies, a large number of proteins are involved in general lipid metabolism.[14] However, it is being elucidated that HDL subspecies also contain proteins involved in the following functions:homeostasis,fibrinogen,clotting cascade, inflammatory and immune responses, including thecomplement system,proteolysis inhibitors,acute-phase response proteins, and theLPS-binding protein,heme and iron metabolism,platelet regulation, vitamin binding and general transport.[14]
High levels of lipoprotein(a) are a significantrisk factor foratheroscleroticcardiovascular diseases via mechanisms associated withinflammation andthrombosis.[16] The links of mechanisms between different lipoprotein isoforms and risk for cardiovascular diseases, lipoprotein synthesis, regulation, and metabolism, and related risks forgenetic diseases are under active research, as of 2022.[16]
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