TheDepartment of Lima (Spanish pronunciation:[ˈlima]), known as theDepartment of the Capital (Spanish:Departamento de la Capital) until 1823,[1] is a department and region located in the central coast ofPeru; the seat of theregional government isHuacho.
Lima Province, which contains the city ofLima, the country's capital, is located west of the department; this province is autonomous and not under the jurisdiction of the regional government since 2003.
The remains of early Andean inhabitants,hunters and harpoon fishermen from more than 6500 years ago, are to be found in the department of Lima. These remains were found inChivateros, near theChillón River, and in various other places. These persons incorporated nets, hooks, farming, ceramics and weaving to their everyday objects. The inhabitants of the coast lived in thelomas and the valleys, where they built temples and dwelling complexes, leading to huge ceremonial centres, such as theHuacoy on theChillón River;Garagay andLa Florida on theRímac River,Manchay on theLurín River; andChancay,Supe and many other valleys to the north and south. There are finely ornamented temples with figures modelled in clay.
Lithic prehistoric projectile points ofPaijan type were found atAncón, 40 kilometres northeast of Lima in the Chillón River Valley.
The 5,000-year-old ruins known asEl Paraíso are also located in this area. A temple at the site is believed to be about 5,000 years old.
From 1784 to 1821, the area was administered as theIntendancy of Lima. After independence, its northern area was administered as theDepartment of the Coast.[2] When the department was created in 1821 as theDepartment of the Capital, the aforementioned department was annexed into it in 1823.[3]
In 2006, a team ofarcheological researchers led by Robert Benfer announced their findings from a four-year excavation atBuena Vista in theChillón River valley a few kilometres north of present-day Lima. They had discovered a 4200-year-old observatory constructed by an early Andean civilization, a three-dimensional sculpture, unique for the time period in this region, and sophisticated carvings. The observatory is on top of a 10-meterpyramidalmound and has architectural features for sighting the astronomicalsolstices. The discovery pushes back the time for the development of complex civilisation in the area and has altered scholars' understanding ofPreceramic period cultures in Peru.[4]
TheLima culture (100 A.D. to 650 A.D.) arose in this area, specially in the central valleys fromChancay toLurín. It was distinguished by painted adobe buildings.
During this time, theHuari conquest took place, thus giving rise to Huari-style ceramics, together with a local style known as Nievería. As the population grew, their culture changed. With the decline of the Huari, whose most important center wasCajamarquilla, new local cultures arose. TheChancay are the most well-known. They developed large urban centers and a considerable textile production, as well as mass-produced ceramics.
At this stage in the mid-15th century, theIncas arrived from their base in the Andes. They conquered and absorbed the regional cultures and occupied important sites such asPachacamac, turning it into an administrative centre.
The department has a coastal and anAndean zone, and has a great diversity of natural regions: the Coast orChala (0 to 500 meters above sea level) up to theJanka orMountain range (Spanish:Cordillera, over 4800 meters). The predominating regions are theYunga (500 to 2300 meters above sea level) andQuechua (2300 to 3500 meters)
Huacho is the capital of the Lima Region and the most populous city of the department (excludingLima which is administered by anautonomous government, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima). Sitting at the bottom of a wide bay, it has a pleasant and dry climate. In its vicinity is theHuaura River where rice, cotton, sugar cane and different fruits and cereals are grown. This has given rise to an important cotton industry as well as soap and oil factories.[5]
Lunahuaná District ofCañete Province, is located 38 km (24 mi) away from the south city ofSan Vicente de Cañete. TheIncahuasi Archeological complex is located there.Lunahuaná has a dry climate and the sun shines during most of the year. Lately, Lunahuaná has become an adventure sports paradise, such as:Canotaje (Whitewater Rafting),Parapente &Ala Delta. Whitewater rafting is possible due to theCañete River, which has rapids up to level 4. The main settlement in this district is the town ofLunahuaná.