The followingoutline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to life forms:
Alife form (also spelledlife-form orlifeform) is anentity that isliving,[1][2] such as plants (flora), animals (fauna), and fungi (funga). It is estimated that more than 99% of all species that ever existed on Earth, amounting to over five billion species,[3] areextinct.[4][5]
Earth is the only celestial body known to harbor life forms. No form of extraterrestrial life has yet been discovered.[6]
Archaea – a domain of single-celled microorganisms, morphologically similar to bacteria, but they possess genes and several metabolic pathways that are more closely related to those of eukaryotes, notably the enzymes involved in transcription and translation. Many archaea are extremophiles, which means living in harsh environments, such as hot springs and salt lakes, but they have since been found in a broad range of habitats.
Thermoproteota – a phylum of the Archaea kingdom. Initially
Fungi – any member of the group ofeukaryotic organisms that includes unicellular microorganisms such asyeasts andmolds, as well as multicellular fungi that produce familiar fruiting forms known asmushrooms.