Libreflix is a free online Brazilian service that offers access to audiovisual productions with permissive distribution licenses throughstreaming.[1] The platform is open and its development is done collaboratively[2] and it is open source, following the philosophy offree software.[3]
The service went live on 11 August 2017[4] and can be accessed through the official website or applications forWindows andAndroid systems.[1]
Although the service does not require registration to be accessed, in April 2018 the platform had 14 thousand registered users.[5] Registration is mandatory for sending movie suggestions.
The Libreflix, initially designed and developed by Brazilianhacktivist Guilmour Rossi,[6] is written inNode.js and licensed under theGNU Affero General Public License.[7] The development is done using git versioning through a public repository.[8]
The service catalogue includes feature films, short films and series, whether fictional or not.[10] In a presentation in July 2018, the service listed more than 250 works registered in the collection, where 75% of the catalog was of non-fictional works. By location, 62% of the content was produced in Brazil, 8% in the rest of Latin America. American and European works represented 17% and 8% of the catalogue respectively. As for the duration of the content, 40% was composed of feature films.[11]