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Letta government

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62nd government of the Italian Republic

Letta government

62ndCabinet of Italy
Date formed28 April 2013 (2013-4-28)
Date dissolved22 February 2014 (2014-2-22) (301 days)
People and organisations
Head of stateGiorgio Napolitano
Head of governmentEnrico Letta
No. of ministers22(incl. Prime Minister)
Member partiesUntil November 2013:
After November 2013:
Status in legislatureUntil November 2013:
Supermajority (Grand coalition)
Chamber of Deputies:
457 / 630 (73%)
242 / 320 (76%)

After November 2013:
Majority (coalition)
Chamber of Deputies:
388 / 630 (62%)
173 / 320 (54%)
Opposition partiesM5S,LN,SEL,FdI,FI(after Nov. 2013)
Election2013 election
Legislature termXVII Legislature (2013–2018)
PredecessorMonti government
SuccessorRenzi government
This article is part of
a series about

Enrico Letta

  • Political career

  • Prime Minister of Italy

  • Secretary of the Democratic Party

  • Academic career

TheLetta government was the 62nd government of theItalian Republic. In office from 28 April 2013 to 22 January 2014, it comprised ministers of theDemocratic Party (PD),The People of Freedom (PdL),Civic Choice (SC), theUnion of the Centre (UdC), one of theItalian Radicals (RI) and three non-partyindependents.

The government was referred to by journalists as aGrand coalition (Italian:Grande coalizione)[1] orGovernment of broad agreements (Italian:Governo di larghe intese).[2] At formation, the government benefited from asupermajority in theItalian Parliament, one of the largest in thehistory of the Italian Republic. It was the youngest government to date, with a median age of 53.[3] It was sworn in on 28 April 2013 and won the confidence vote in both theChamber of Deputies on 29 April[4] and theSenate on 30 April.[5][6]

Formation and end

Letta's government during the oath.

The2013 general election, held on 24–25 February, saw the rise of theFive Star Movement (M5S) and the lack of a common majority in both houses of Parliament. More specifically, thecentre-left coalition (Italy. Common Good) was ahead of thecentre-right coalition, but controlled a majority only in the Chamber of Deputies. The election was followed by weeks of deadlock, including various failed attempts either to elect aPresident to succeedGiorgio Napolitano and form a government, the establishment of a panel of experts by the President himself (the so-called "wise men") in order to outline priorities and formulate an agenda to deal with the persistent economic hardship and growing unemployment, and, ultimately, the resignation ofPier Luigi Bersani from secretary of theDemocratic Party (PD).

On 22 April 2013 Napolitano, after beingre-elected for an unprecedented second term, immediately started consultations. Two days later, the President gaveEnrico Letta, deputy-secretary of the PD, the task of forming a government, having determined that Bersani could not.[7][8] Letta succeededMario Monti, who had resigned on 21 December 2012, but whosegovernment remained in charge for ordinary administration until 28 April 2013, the day the new government was sworn in. During the ceremony, a man fired shots outsidePalazzo Chigi and wounded twoCarabinieri.[9] The cabinet was composed mainly by four parties: the PD,The People of Freedom (PdL),Civic Choice (SC) and theUnion of the Centre (UdC). The fact that the new Prime Minister was a nephew ofGianni Letta, one of the most trusted advisors toSilvio Berlusconi, the leader of the PdL, was perceived as a way of overcoming the bitter hostility between the two opposing camps.[10]

However, on 28 September, Berlusconi asked his party's five ministers to resign from the government over a tax hike.[11] On 15 November 2013, Berlusconi, who would be soon stripped of his seat in the Senate with PD's votes due to his conviction for tax fraud,[12] announced the re-foundation ofForza Italia (FI), in opposition to the government, and the PdL split.[13] In fact, all five PdL ministers, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the InteriorAngelino Alfano, joined theNew Centre-Right (NCD) party.[14] The same week, also SC suffered a split, with its ministerMario Mauro leaving the party, founding thePopulars for Italy (PpI) and, nevertheless, keeping his post.[15]

The Letta government lasted until 22 February 2014 (for a total of 300 days). The government fell apart after the PD retired its support. Since December 2013 the party had been led byMatteo Renzi, the 39-year-old mayor of Florence nicknamed "the scrapper". Renzi succeeded Letta and formed theRenzi government.

Investiture votes

29–30 April 2013
Investiture votes for the Letta Cabinet
House ofParliamentVotePartiesVotes
Chamber of Deputies[16]
(Voting: 623[a] of 629,
Majority: 304)
checkY YesPD (291),FI (97),CeI (45),LN (2), Others (18)
453 / 623
☒N NoM5S (109),SEL (35),FdI (8),LN (1), Others (2)
153 / 623
AbstentionLN (17)
17 / 623
Senate of the Republic[17]
(Voting: 310[b] of 319,
Majority: 156)
checkY YesPD (106),FI (89),CeI (21),Aut (9),GALUDC (8)
233 / 310
☒N NoM5S (53), Others (6)
59 / 310
AbstentionLN (16),GALUDC (2)
18 / 310
  1. ^Absent (6):CeI (2), PD (2), FdI (1), SI–SEL–P (1)
  2. ^Absent (4):FI (1), M5S (1), PD (1), Others (1)
    On institutional leave (4):FI (1), PD (1), Aut (1), Others (1)
    President (1)

Party breakdown


Beginning of term




Ministers and other members


End of term




Ministers and other members


Council of Ministers

Prime MinisterEnrico LettaPD2013–2014
Deputy Prime MinisterAngelino AlfanoPdL /NCD2013–2014
Minister of Foreign AffairsEmma BoninoRI2013–2014
Minister of the InteriorAngelino AlfanoPdL /NCD2013–2014
Minister of JusticeAnna Maria CancellieriIndependent2013–2014
Minister of DefenceMario MauroSC /PpI2013–2014
Minister of Economy and FinanceFabrizio SaccomanniIndependent2013–2014
Minister of Economic DevelopmentFlavio ZanonatoPD2013–2014
Minister of Infrastructure and TransportMaurizio LupiPdL /NCD2013–2014
Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry PoliciesNunzia De GirolamoPdL /NCD2013–2014
Enrico Letta(ad interim)PD2014
Minister of the EnvironmentAndrea OrlandoPD2013–2014
Minister of Labour and Social PoliciesEnrico GiovanniniIndependent2013–2014
Minister of Education, University and ResearchMaria Chiara CarrozzaPD2013–2014
Minister of Culture and TourismMassimo BrayPD2013–2014
Minister of HealthBeatrice LorenzinPdL /NCD2013–2014
Minister of European AffairsEnzo Moavero MilanesiSC2013–2014
Minister of Regional AffairsGraziano DelrioPD2013–2014
Minister of Territorial CohesionCarlo TrigiliaPD2013–2014
Minister for Parliamentary RelationsDario FranceschiniPD2013–2014
Minister for IntegrationCécile KyengePD2013–2014
Minister of Equal Opportunities,Sport and Youth PoliciesJosefa IdemPD2013
Minister of Public AdministrationGianpiero D'AliaUDC2013–2014
Minister for Constitutional ReformsGaetano QuagliarielloPdL /NCD2013–2014
Secretary of the Council of MinistersFilippo Patroni GriffiIndependent2013–2014


OfficePortraitNameTerm of officeParty
Prime MinisterEnrico Letta28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Deputy Prime MinisterAngelino Alfano28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Minister of Foreign AffairsEmma Bonino28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Italian Radicals
Deputy Ministers
Minister of the InteriorAngelino Alfano28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Deputy Minister
Minister of JusticeAnna Maria Cancellieri28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Independent
Minister of DefenceMario Mauro28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Populars for Italy
before 23 November 2013:
Civic Choice
Minister of Economy and FinanceFabrizio Saccomanni28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Independent
Deputy Ministers
Minister of Economic DevelopmentFlavio Zanonato28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Deputy Ministers
Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry PoliciesNunzia De Girolamo28 April 2013 – 27 January 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Enrico Letta
27 January 2014 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of the EnvironmentAndrea Orlando28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of Infrastructure and TransportMaurizio Lupi28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Deputy Minister
Minister of Labour and Social PoliciesEnrico Giovannini28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Independent
Deputy Minister
Minister of Education, University and ResearchMaria Chiara Carrozza28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and TourismMassimo Bray28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of HealthBeatrice Lorenzin28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Minister for Parliamentary Relations and Coordination of Governmental Activity
(without portfolio)
Dario Franceschini28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of Public Administration
(without portfolio)
Gianpiero D'Alia28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Union of the Centre
Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies
(without portfolio)
Graziano Delrio28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister of European Affairs
(without portfolio)
Enzo Moavero Milanesi28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Civic Choice
Minister of Regional Affairs and Territorial Cohesion
(without portfolio)
Carlo Trigilia28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister for Equal Opportunities,Sportand Youth Policies
(without portfolio)
Josefa Idem28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister for Integration
(without portfolio)
Cécile Kyenge28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Democratic Party
Minister for Constitutional Reforms
(without portfolio)
Gaetano Quagliariello28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014New Centre-Right
before 15 November 2013:
The People of Freedom
Secretary of the Council of Ministers
(Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers)
Filippo Patroni Griffi28 April 2013 – 22 February 2014Independent
  1. ^abcdefghijklbefore 16 November 2013: PdL
  2. ^before 10 December 2013: SC
  3. ^before 16 November 2013: GS
  4. ^before 16 November 2013: MIR


  1. ^"Letta: Grande coalizione, bisogna farsene una ragione". Archived fromthe original on 8 October 2016. Retrieved28 January 2019.
  2. ^Colarusso, Gabriella (20 April 2013)."Napolitano bis: verso un governo di larghe intese".Lettera43. Archived fromthe original on 30 January 2019.
  3. ^Dionisi, Brenda (9 May 2013)."It's a governissimo!".The Florentine (183). Archived fromthe original on 10 December 2014. Retrieved12 May 2013.
  4. ^"Premier Enrico Letta wins confidence vote in House".ANSA. 29 April 2013. Retrieved20 June 2013.
  5. ^"Letta wins Senate confidence too".ANSA. 30 April 2013. Retrieved20 June 2013.
  6. ^"Factbox: Key ministers in Enrico Letta's new Italian government".Reuters. 27 April 2013. Retrieved27 April 2013.
  7. ^Frye, Andrew (24 April 2013)."Letta Named Italian Prime Minister as Impasse Ends".Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved26 April 2013.
  8. ^"Italy PM-designate Enrico Letta agrees new government". BBC. 27 April 2013. Retrieved27 April 2013.
  9. ^"New Italian 'grand coalition' government sworn in". BBC News. 28 April 2013. Retrieved28 April 2013.
  10. ^"Bridge-builder Enrico Letta seals Silvio Berlusconi deal".The Australian. 29 April 2013. Retrieved8 June 2013.
  11. ^Berlusconi fa dimettere i ministri Letta: gesto folle per motivi personaliCorriere della Sera
  12. ^"Berlusconi expelled from Italian parliament over tax fraud".Reuters. 27 November 2013.
  13. ^"Silvio Berlusconi's heir Angelino Alfano forms new party in Italy",The Independent, 15 November 2013,archived from the original on 14 June 2022
  14. ^"Alfano lancia il Nuovo centrodestra: "No a Fi per me scelta dolorosa. No a decadenza Berlusconi"",Il Messaggero, 16 November 2013
  15. ^"Mauro presenta i Popolari per l'Italia: "Elettori in comune con Ncd, ma idee diverse"",Corriere della Sera, 23 November 2013
  16. ^"XVII Legislatura – XVII Legislatura – Lavori – Resoconti Assemblea – Dettaglio sedute" (in Italian). Retrieved2 August 2019.
  17. ^"Legislatura 17ª – Aula – Resoconto stenografico della seduta n. 017 del 30/04/2013" (in Italian). Retrieved2 August 2019.

External links

Constituent Assembly (1946–1948)
Legislature I (1948–1953)
Legislature II (1953–1958)
Legislature III (1958–1963)
Legislature IV (1963–1968)
Legislature V (1968–1972)
Legislature VI (1972–1976)
Legislature VII (1976–1979)
Legislature VIII (1979–1983)
Legislature IX (1983–1987)
Legislature X (1987–1992)
Legislature XI (1992–1994)
Legislature XII (1994–1996)
Legislature XIII (1996–2001)
Legislature XIV (2001–2006)
Legislature XV (2006–2008)
Legislature XVI (2008–2013)
Legislature XVII (2013–2018)
Legislature XVIII (2018–2022)
Legislature XIX (2022–present)
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