A variety ofmusical terms is encountered inprinted scores,music reviews, andprogram notes. Most of the termsare Italian, in accordance with the Italian origins of many European musical conventions. Sometimes, the special musical meanings of these phrases differ from the original or current Italian meanings. Most of the other terms are taken fromFrench andGerman, indicated byFr. andGer., respectively.
Unless specified, the terms are Italian or English. The list can never be complete: some terms are common, and others are used only occasionally, and new ones are coined from time to time. Some composers prefer terms from their own language rather than the standard terms listed here.
usually for orchestral string instruments, used to indicate that the player should play the passage on the second highest string; also used with the Cymbal stop on a pipe organ with the II indicating two ranks of pipes combined to make this stop's sound
usually for orchestral string instruments, used to indicate that the player should play the passage on the third-highest string; also used with the Scharf or Mixtur stop on a pipe organ with the III indicating three ranks of pipes
usually for orchestral string instruments, used to indicate that the player should play the passage on the lowest-pitched, thickest string, i.e. the fourth-highest string
mixture stop on pipe organ; the Roman numeral indicates how many ranks of pipes the stop includes
eight-foot pipe – pipe organ indication for a stop sounding at concert pitch and where the lowest note's pipe is about 8 feet long
sixteen-foot pipe – pipe organ indication calling for one octave below 8′ where the lowest note's pipe is about 16 feet long
thirty-two-foot pipe – pipe organ indication calling for two octaves below 8′ where the lowest note's pipe is about 32 feet long; also calledsub-bass
sixty-four-foot pipe – pipe organ indication calling for three octaves below 8′ where the lowest note's pipe is about 64 feet long (only a few organs in the world have this low of a pitch)
Return to normal tempo after a deviation. Not recommended in string parts, due to possible confusion withbattuto (qv.); usea tempo, which means the same thing
intended as a duet; for two voices or instruments; together; two instruments are to play in unison after a solo passage for one of the instruments
a niente
To nothing; indicating a diminuendo which fades completely away
a piacere
At pleasure (i.e. the performer need not follow therhythm strictly, for example in a cadenza)
a prima vista
lit. "at first sight".Sight-reading (i.e. played or sung from written notation without prior review of the written material; refer to the figure)
a tempo
In time (i.e. the performer should return to the stable tempo, such as after anaccelerando orritardando); also may be found in combination with other terms such asa tempo giusto (in strict time) ora tempo di menuetto (at the speed of a minuet)
A jazz term which instructs chord-playing musicians such as a jazz pianist or jazz guitarist to perform a dominant (V7) chord with at least one (often both) altered (sharpened or flattened) 5th or 9th
A liturgical or other composition consisting of choral responses, sometimes between two choirs; a passage of this nature forming part of another composition; a repeated passage in a psalm or other liturgical piece, similar to arefrain.[1]
A style of composition in which two sections of singers or instrumentalists exchange sections or music one after the other; typically the performers are on different sides of a hall or venue
The bow used for playing some string instruments (i.e. played with the bow, as opposed topizzicato, in music for bowed instruments); normally used to cancel a pizzicato direction
played like aharp (i.e. the notes of thechords are to be played quickly one after another instead of simultaneously); in music forpiano, this is sometimes a solution in playing a wide-ranging chord whose notes cannot be played otherwise; arpeggios are frequently used as an accompaniment; see alsobroken chord
Attack or attach; go straight on (i.e. at the end of amovement, a direction to attach the next movement to the previous one, without a gap or pause). Often used as "attacca subito," meaning a "sudden" movement transition (literally, "attack suddenly").
German forB flat (also in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic, Danish, Croatian, Estonian and Hungarian);H in German isB natural
(from the ItalianBallabile meaning "danceable") Inballet, a dance performed by thecorps de ballet. The termGrand ballabile is used if nearly all participants (including principal characters) of a particular scene in a full-length work perform a large-scale dance.
An instruction to string performers to play a pizzicato note to pull the string away from the fingerboard so that it snaps back percussively on the fingerboard.
The lowest of the standard four voice ranges (bass, tenor, alto, soprano); the lowest melodic line in a musical composition, often thought of as defining and supporting theharmony; in an orchestral context, the term usually refers to thedouble bass.
Continuous bass, i.e. a bassaccompaniment part played continuously throughout a piece by a chordal instrument (pipe organ, harpischord, lute, etc.), often with a bass instrument, to give harmonic structure; used especially in theBaroque period
Transitional passage connecting two sections of a composition, or between two A sections (e.g., in an A/B/A form).
Part of a violin family or guitar/lute stringed instrument that holds the strings in place and transmits their vibrations to the resonant body of the instrument.
Brilliantly, with sparkle. Play in a showy and spirited style.
Vigour; usually incon brio: with spirit or vigour
broken chord
Achord in which the notes are not all played at once, but in some more or less consistent sequence. They may follow singly one after the other, or two notes may be immediately followed by another two, for example. See alsoarpeggio, which as an accompaniment pattern may be seen as a kind of broken chord; seeAlberti bass.
An ornamental tone following a principal tone by a skip up or down, usually of a third, and proceeding in the opposite direction by a step, not to be confused with changing tone.
In a singing style. In instrumental music, a style of playing that imitates the way the human voice might express the music, with a measured tempo and flexible legato.
Meaning respectively "measured song" or "figured song". Originally used by medieval music theorists, it refers topolyphonic song with exactlymeasured notes and is used in contrast tocantus planus.[2][3]
1.capo (short forcapotasto: "nut") : A key-changing device for stringed instruments (e.g. guitars and banjos)
"A humorous, fanciful, or bizarre, composition, often characterized by an idiosyncratic departure from current stylistic norms."[4]See also:Capriccio (disambiguation)
Capricious, unpredictable, volatile
Drum, usually an orchestral bass drum. Sometimes written as Gran Cassa where Gran specifically means Bass
with the wood: for bowed strings, strike the strings with the stick of the bow (col legno battuto) or draw the stick across the strings (col legno tratto)
col pugno
With the fist (e.g., bang the piano with the fist)
With the addition of the octave note above or below the written note; abbreviated ascol 8,coll' 8, andc. 8va
colla parte
literally "with the part". An indication that another (written-out) part should be followed, i.e. accommodate the tempo, expression, phrasing, and possiblerubato of the leading part. In vocal music, also expressed by colla voce
colla voce
literally "with the voice". An instruction, in a choral or orchestral part, that a vocal part should be followed, e.g., play the same notes as the vocal part and accommodate the tempo, expression, etc. of the vocalist
Thetime signature4 4: four beats per measure, each beat aquarter note (a crotchet) in length.4 4 is often written on themusical staff as. The symbol is not a C as an abbreviation for common time, but a broken circle; the full circle at one time stood for triple time,3 4.
Comfortable (i.e. at moderate speed); also,allegro comodo,tempo comodo, etc.
1. abbreviation of accompanying, accompanying music,accompaniment
2. describes the chords, rhythms, and countermelodies that instrumental players used to support a musician's melody and improvised solos.
Brassy. Used almost exclusively as aFrench horn technique to indicate a forced, rough tone. A note marked both stopped and loud will becuivré automatically[1]
Symbol at the very end of a staff of music which indicates the pitch for the first note of the next line as a warning of what is to come. Thecustos was commonly used in handwritten Renaissance and typeset Baroque music.
Same as themeter2 2: two half-note (minim) beats per measure. Notated and executed likecommon time (4 4), except with the beat lengths doubled. Indicated by. This comes from a literal cut of the symbol ofcommon time. Thus, aquarter note in cut time is only half a beat long, and a measure has only two beats. See alsoalla breve.
Repeat to the sign and continue to thecoda sign, then play coda
dal segno al fine (D.S. al fine)
From the sign to the end (i.e. return to a place in the music designated by the sign and continue to the end of the piece)
dal segno segno alla coda (D.S.S. alla coda)
Same as D.S. alla coda, but with a double segno
dal segno segno al fine (D.S.S. al fine)
From the double sign to the end (i.e. return to place in the music designated by the double sign (see D.S. alla coda) and continue to the end of the piece)
From theLatindeesse meaningto be missing; placed after acatalogue abbreviation to indicate that this particular work does not appear in it;[5] theplural,desunt, refers to several works
Divided (i.e. in a part in which several musicians normally play exactly the same notes they are instead to split the playing of the written simultaneous notes among themselves); it is most often used for string instruments, since with them another means of execution is often possible (the return fromdivisi is markedunisono)
In jazz, a note that slides to an indefinite pitch chromatically upwards
Sweet;con dolcezza: with sweetness, sweetly
Very sweet
Sorrowful, plaintive
Pain, distress, sorrow, grief;con dolore: with sadness
Sorrowful, plaintive
doppio movimento
lit. Double movement, i.e. the note values are halved
The Italian word for "echo"; an effect in which a group of notes is repeated, usually more softly, and perhaps at a different octave, to create an echo effect
Stop (i.e. a rest or note to be held for a duration that is at the discretion of the performer or conductor) (sometimes calledpause orbird's eye); a fermata at the end of a first or intermediate movement or section is usually moderately prolonged, but the final fermata of a symphony may be prolonged for much longer than the note's value, often twice its printed length or more for dramatic effect
A jazz or rock term which instructs performers to improvise a scalar passage orriff to "fill in" the brief time betweenlyrical phrases, the lines ofmelody, or between two sections
The end, often in phrases likeal fine (to the end)
the florid embellishment of melodic lines, either notated by a composer or improvised during a performance.
A symbol (♭) that lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone. Also an adjective to describe a singer or musician performing a note in which the intonation is an eighth or a quarter of a semitone too low.
Flutelike mode; used especially for string instruments to indicate a light, rapid bowing over the fingerboard
Literally "flight"; hence a complex and highly regimentedcontrapuntal form in music; a short theme (thesubject) is introduced in one voice (or part) alone, then in others, with imitation and characteristic development as the piece progresses
Funeral; often seen asmarcia funebre (funeral march), indicating a stately and plodding tempo
Grand Pause, General Pause; indicates to the performers that the entire ensemble has a rest of indeterminate length, often as a dramatic effect during a loud section
A continuous sliding from one pitch to another (a true glissando), or an incidental scale executed while moving from one melodic note to another (an effective glissando). Seeglissando for further information; and compareportamento.
The imposition of a pattern ofrhythm orarticulation other than that implied by the time signature; specifically, in triple time (for example in3 4) the imposition of a duple pattern (as if the time signature were, for example,2 4). SeeSyncopation.
A musical texture with one voice (or melody line) accompanied by subordinate chords; also used as an adjective (homophonic). Compare withpolyphony, in which several independent voices or melody lines are performed at the same time.
An instruction to brass players to direct the bell of their instrument into the music stand, instead of up and toward the audience, thus muting the sound but without changing the timbre as a mute would[8]
A musician who plays any instrument with a keyboard. In Classical music, this may refer to instruments such as the piano, pipe organ, harpsichord, and so on. In a jazz or popular music context, this may refer to instruments such as the piano, electric piano, synthesizer, Hammond organ, and so on.
"Let ring", meaning allow the sound to continue, do not damp; used frequently in harp or guitar music, occasionally in piano or percussion. Abbreviated "lasc. suon."
Amelodic interval greater than a major 2nd, as opposed to a step. Melodies which move by a leap are called "disjunct".Octave leaps are not uncommon inflorid vocal music.
Joined (i.e. smoothly, in a connected manner) (see alsoarticulation)
Pretty, graceful
Very light and delicate
leggiero or leggiermente
Light or lightly (the different forms of this word, includingleggierezza, "lightness", are spelled without thei in modern Italian, i.e.leggero,leggerissimo,leggermente,leggerezza.)
The same tempo, despite changes of time signature, seemetric modulation
lo stesso
The same; applied to the manner of articulation, tempo, etc.
[in] place, i.e. perform the notes at the pitch written, generally used to cancel an8va or8vb direction; in string music, also used to indicate return to normal playing position (seePlaying the violin)[1]
Also "bar": the period of a musical piece that encompasses a complete cycle of thetime signature (e.g. in4 4 time, a measure has fourquarter notebeats)
medesimo tempo
Same tempo, despite changes of time signature
Piece composed from parts of existing pieces, usually three, played one after another, sometimes overlapping.
A female singer with a range usually extending from the A below middle C to the F an eleventh above middle C. Mezzo-sopranos generally have a darker vocal tone than sopranos, and their vocal range is between that of asoprano and that of acontralto.
Rapid single alternation of a note with the note immediately below or above it in the scale, sometimes further distinguished as lower mordent and upper mordent.
Dying (i.e. dying away in dynamics, and perhaps also in tempo)
Moved, moving; used with a preceding più ormeno, for faster or slower respectively
Motion; usually seen ascon moto, meaning with motion or quickly
A dance or tune of a drone-bass character, originally played by amusette
muta [in...]
Change [to...]: an instruction either to change instrument (e.g. flute to piccolo, horn in F to horn in B♭) or to change tuning (e.g. guitarmuta 6 in D). Note:muta comes from the Italian verbmutare (to change); therefore it does not mean "mute", for whichcon sordina orcon sordino is used.[1]
Interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency. Twelvesemitones equal an octave, so do the first and the eighth (hence "oct"ave) note in a major or minorscale.
In bowed string music, an indication to discontinue extended techniques such assul ponticello,sul tasto orcol legno, and return to normal playing. The same as "naturale".
In jazz or rock, a group of three musicians which includes aHammond organ player and two other instruments, often anelectric guitar player and a drummer.
In piano scores, this instructs the player to press thedamper pedal to sustain the note or chord being played. The player may be instructed to release the pedal with an asterisk marking (*). In organ scores, it tells the organist that a section is to be performed on thebass pedalboard with the feet.
Thoughtfully, meditatively
Dying away; decrease in dynamics, perhaps also in tempo
Literally 'crying' (used in Liszt's La Lugubre Gondola no. 2).
pianissimo (pp)
very gently (i.e. perform very softly, even softer thanpiano). This convention can be extended; the moreps that are written, the softer the composer wants the musician to play or sing, thusppp (pianissimissimo) would be softer thanpp. Dynamics in a piece should be interpreted relative to the other dynamics in the same piece. For example,pp should be executed very softly, but ifppp is found later in the piece,pp should be markedly louder thanppp. More than threeps (ppp) or threefs (fff) are uncommon.
A Picardy third, Picardy cadence (ˈpɪkərdi ) or, in French,tierce picarde is a harmonic device used in Western classical music. It refers to the use of a major chord of the tonic at the end of a musical section that is either modal or in a minor key.
Cymbals, generally meaning a pair of orchestral clashed cymbals
Full, as, for example,a voce piena = "in full voice"
Pinched, plucked (i.e. in music for bowed strings, plucked with the fingers as opposed to played with the bow; comparearco, which is inserted to cancel a pizzicato instruction; in music for guitar, to mute the strings by resting the palm on thebridge, simulating the sound ofpizz. of the bowed string instruments)
In jazz, a note that slides to an indefinite pitch chromatically downwards
pochettino or poch.
Very little; diminutive of poco
pochissimo or pochiss.
Very little; superlative of poco
A little, as inpoco più allegro (a little faster)
poco rall
a gradual decrease in speed
poco a poco
Little by little
Poetic discourse
Then, indicating a subsequent instruction in a sequence;diminuendo poi subito fortissimo, for example: getting softer then suddenly very loud
Pompous, ceremonious
ponticello orsul ponticello (pont.)
On the bridge (i.e. in string playing, an indication tobow or topluck very near to thebridge, producing a characteristic glassy sound, which emphasizes the higherharmonics at the expense of thefundamental); the opposite ofsul tasto
Carrying (i.e. 1. generally, sliding in pitch from one note to another, usually pausing just above or below the final pitch, then sliding quickly to that pitch. If no pause is executed, then it is a basic glissando; or 2. in piano music, anarticulation betweenlegato andstaccato, likeportato)
A musical introduction to subsequent movements during theBaroque era (1600s/17th century). It can also be a movement in its own right, which was more common in theRomantic era (mid-1700s/18th century)
Half of a semitone; a pitch division not used in most Western music notation, except in some contemporary art music or experimental music. Quarter tones are used in Western popular music forms such as jazz and blues and in a variety of non-Western musical cultures.
quasi (Latin and Italian)
Almost (e.g.quasi recitativo almost arecitative in an opera, orquasi una fantasia almost afantasia)
Suddenly slower, held back (usually more so but more temporarily than aritardando, and it may, unlike ritardando, apply to a single note); opposite ofaccelerato
Rhythm (e.g.ritmo di # battute meaning a rhythm of # measures)
A rapid series of ascending or descending musical notes which are closely spaced in pitch forming ascale,arpeggio, or other such pattern. See:Fill (music) andMelisma.
A light, "joking" or playful musical form, originally and usually in fasttriple metre, often replacing theminuet in the laterClassical period and theRomantic period, in symphonies, sonatas, string quartets and the like; in the 19th century some scherzi were independent movements for piano, etc.
Dry (sparse accompaniment, staccato, without resonance); withbasso continuo accompaniment for recitativo, this often means that a chordal instrument will play, along with one or more sustained bass instruments. This is in contrast to accompagnato recitativo, which involves the use of continuo and other instruments with their own obbligato parts.
sign, usuallyDal segno (see above) "from the sign", indicating a return to the point marked by
The smallestpitch difference between notes (in most Western music) (e.g. F–F♯) (Note: some contemporary music, non-Western music, andblues and jazz uses microtonal divisions smaller than a semitone)
A symbol (♯) that raises the pitch of the note by a semitone; also an adjective to describe a singer or musician performing a note in which the intonation is somewhat too high in pitch
A symbol in Western musical notation (generally a curved line placed over the notes) indicating that the notes it embraces are to be played without separation (that is, with legato articulation)
smorzando (smorz.)
Extinguishing or dampening; usually interpreted as a drop in dynamics, and very often in tempo as well
Alone (i.e. executed by a single instrument or voice). The instructionsoli requires more than one player or singer; in ajazzbig band this refers to an entire section playing in harmony. In orchestral works, soli refers to a divided string section with only one player to a line.
solo break
A jazz term that instructs a lead player orrhythm section member to play an improvised solocadenza for one or two measures (sometimes abbreviated as "break"), without any accompaniment. The solo part is often played in a rhythmically free manner, until the player performs a pickup or lead-in line, at which time the band recommences playing in the original tempo.
sommo (masc.), somma (fem.)
Highest, maximum;con somma passione: with the greatest passion
Amute. Note:sordina, with pluralsordine, is strictly correct Italian, but the formssordino andsordini are much more commonly used in music. Instruments can have their tone muted with wood, rubber, metal, or plastic devices (for string instruments, mutes are clipped to the bridge; for brass instruments, mutes are inserted in the bell), or parts of the body (guitar; French Horn), or fabric (clarinet; timpani), among other means. In piano music (notably in Beethoven'sMoonlight Sonata), senza sordini or senza sordina (or some variant) is sometimes used to meankeep thesustain pedal depressed, since the sustain pedal lifts the dampers off the strings, with the effect that all notes are sustained indefinitely.
Distinct, separated (i.e. a way of playing the violin and other bowed instruments by bouncing the bow on the string, giving a characteristic staccato effect)
Making each note brief and detached; the opposite of legato. Inmusical notation, a small dot under or over the head of the note indicates that it is to be articulated as staccato.
Labored, heavy, in a dragging manner, holding back each note
Originally truly 'improvised' now taken as 'appearing to be improvised,' an Italian 'folk' song, the style of which used for example by Puccini in certain of his operas
strascinando or strascicante
Indicating a passage should be played in a heavily slurred manner; in some contexts it indicates a rhythmic motion resembling shuffling
Tight, narrow (i.e. faster or hastening ahead); also, a passage in afugue in which thecontrapuntal texture is denser, with close overlapping entries of the subject in different voices; by extension, similar closely imitative passages in other compositions
Gradually getting faster (literally, tightening, narrowing) (i.e. with a pressing forward or acceleration of the tempo, that is, becomingstretto)
Immediately (e.g.subitopp, which instructs the player to suddenly drop topianissimo as an effect); often abbreviated assub.
Lit. "on the", as insul ponticello (on the bridge);sul tasto (on the fingerboard);sul E (on the E string), etc.
sul E
"on the E", indicating a passage is to be played on the E string of a violin. Also seen:sul A,sul D,sul G,sul C, indicating a passage to be played on one of the other strings of a string instrument.
suono reale
Actual sound; primarily used with notated harmonics where the written pitch is also the sounding pitch
On the fingerboard (i.e. in string playing, an indication to bow or to pluck over thefingerboard); playing over the fingerboard produces a duller, less harmonically rich, gentler tone. The opposite ofsul ponticello.
'single key'; used on abasso continuo part to indicate that only the written notes should be played, without RH chords as normally played by the harpsichordist/organist
The middle section of a double aria, commonly found in bel canto era Italian operas, especially those of Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and their contemporaries as well in many early operas by Verdi. When present, the tempo di mezzo generally signals a shift in the drama from the slow cantabile of the first part to thecabaletta of the second, and this can take the form of some dramatic announcement or action to which the character(s) react in the cabaletta finale.[15]
tempo di valzer
Waltz tempo
tempo giusto
In strict time
tempo primo, tempo uno, or tempo I (sometimes tempo I° or tempo 1ero)
The quality of a musical tone that distinguishes one tone from another
In a jazz or rock score, after a rubato or rallentendo section, the term "time" indicates that performers should return to tempo (this is equivalent to the term "a tempo")
Shaking. As used in 1) and 2) below, it is notated by a strong diagonal bar (or bars) across the note stem, or a detached bar (or bars) for a set of notes.
A rapid, measured or unmeasured repetition of the same note. String players perform this tremolo with the bow by rapidly moving the bow while the arm is tense;
A rapid, measured or unmeasured alternation between two or more notes, usually more than a whole step apart. In older theory texts this form is sometimes referred to as a "trill-tremolo" (seetrill).
A rapid, repeated alteration of volume (as on an electronic instrument);
vibrato: an inaccurate usage, since vibrato is actually a slight undulation in a sustainedpitch, rather than a repetition of the pitch, or variation in volume (seevibrato).
A rapid, usually unmeasured alternation between two harmonically adjacent notes (e.g. an interval of a semitone or a whole tone). A similar alternation using a wider interval is called atremolo.
triplet (shown with a horizontal bracket and a '3')
Three notes in the place of two, used to subdivide a beat.
Sad, wistful
tronco, tronca
Broken off, truncated
Too much; usually seen asnon troppo, meaning moderately or, when combined with other terms, not too much, such asallegro [ma] non troppo (fast but not too fast)
All; all together, usually used in an orchestral or choral score when the orchestra or all of the voices come in at the same time, also seen inBaroque-era music where two instruments share the same copy of music, after one instrument has broken off to play a more advanced form: they both play together again at the point markedtutti. See alsoripieno.
One string (i.e., inpiano music, depressing thesoft pedal, which alters and reduces the volume of the sound). For most notes in modern pianos, this results in the hammer striking two strings rather than three. Its counterpart,tre corde (three strings), is the opposite: the soft pedal is to be released.
In unison (i.e., several players in a group are to play exactly the same notes within their written part, as opposed to splitting simultaneous notes among themselves); often used to mark the return fromdivisi
A fast, lively, or increased tempo, or played or done in such a tempo;[16] it is also an umbrella term for a quick-pacedelectronic music style
Lit. "wandering":[17] the fifth part in a motet, named so most probably because it had no specific range
Improvised accompaniment, usually a repeating pattern played before next musical passage. See vamp till cue. See comp andcomping (jazz).
vamp till cue
A jazz, fusion, andmusical theatre term which instructs rhythm section members to repeat and vary a shortostinato passage,riff, or"groove" until the band leader or conductor instructs them to move on to the next section
Variations,con variazioni: with variations/changes
Speed;con velocità: with speed
As fast as possible; usually applied to acadenza-like passage or run
Away, out, off; as invia sordina orsordina via: 'mute off'
Vibrating (i.e. a more or less rapidly repeated slight variation in thepitch of a note, used as a means of expression). Often confused withtremolo, which refers either to a similar variation in thevolume of a note, or to rapid repetition of a single note.
Turn immediately (i.e. turn the page quickly). While this indication is sometimes added by printers, it is more commonly indicated by orchestral members in pencil as a reminder to quickly turn to the next page.
^Sussman, Richard;Abene, Mike (2012). "Muted Brass".Jazz Composition and Arranging in the Digital Age. Oxford University Press. p. 156.ISBN978-0-19-538099-6.
^Cole, Richard; Schwartz, Ed."M.M."Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary. Archived fromthe original on May 14, 2013.