TheLebombo bone is abone tool made of a baboonfibula with incised markings discovered inBorder Cave in theLebombo Mountains located betweenSouth Africa andEswatini.[1] Changes in the section of the notches indicate the use of different cutting edges, which the bone's discoverer, Peter Beaumont, views as evidence for their having been made, like other markings found all over the world, during participation in rituals.
The bone is between 43,000 and 42,000 years old, according to 24radiocarbon datings.[2] This is far older than theIshango bone with which it is sometimes confused. Other notched bones are 80,000 years old but it is unclear if the notches are merely decorative or if they bear a functional meaning.[3] The bone has been conjectured to be atally stick.[4]
[Layer] 1BS Lower B-C [is dated] between 43 ka and 42 ka.