Lawrence Finsen is a professor of philosophy atUniversity of Redlands in California, specializing inanimal ethics. With his wifeSusan Finsen, he is the author ofThe Animal Rights Movement in America: From Compassion to Respect (1994).[1]
Finsen attended public schools inNewton, Massachusetts. He obtained his BA in philosophy in 1973 fromLake Forest College, and his PhD in philosophy in 1982 from theState University of New York at Buffalo for a thesis onRoderick Chisholm and themind-body problem. He became interested inanimal rights after readingPeter Singer'sAnimal Liberation (1975). He joined the philosophy department at Redlands in 1979, and has taught courses in England on the animal rights movement, in mainland Europe on theHolocaust, and in 2004 spent a semester teaching atReitaku University in Japan.[2]
Finsen focuses in particular on the issue of collective responsibility in relation to the treatment of animals, the extent to which individual actors feel impotent in the face of industrial processes such asfactory farming, and whether such situations nevertheless confer on those individuals a moral responsibility.[2]