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Locally adapted variety of a species
"Landrace breed" redirects here. For specific standardized breeds with "Landrace" in their names, seeLandrace (disambiguation).

Alandrace is adomesticated, locally adapted,[1][2][3] often traditional[4] variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, throughadaptation to its natural and culturalenvironment ofagriculture andpastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.[1] Landraces are distinct fromcultivars and from standardbreeds.[5]

A significant proportion of farmers around the world grow landracecrops,[3] and most plant landraces are associated with traditional agricultural systems.[4] Landraces of many crops have probably been grown for millennia.[6] Increasing reliance upon modern plantcultivars that are bred to be uniform has led to a reduction inbiodiversity,[7][8][9] because most of thegenetic diversity of domesticated plant species lies in landraces and other traditionally used varieties.[8] Some farmers using scientifically improved varieties also continue to raise landraces for agronomic reasons that include better adaptation to the local environment, lower fertilizer requirements, lower cost, and better disease resistance. Cultural and market preferences for landraces include culinary uses and product attributes such as texture, color, or ease of use.[7][8]

Plant landraces have been the subject of more academic research, and the majority of academic literature about landraces is focused onbotany inagriculture, notanimal husbandry. Animal landraces are distinct from ancestral wild species of modern animal stock, and are also distinct from separate species or subspecies derived from the same ancestor as modern domestic stock. Not all landraces derive from wild or ancient animal stock; in some cases, notably dogs and horses, domestic animals have escaped in sufficient numbers in an area to breedferal populations that form new landraces throughevolutionary pressure.



There are differences between authoritative sources on the specific criteria which describe landraces, although there is broad consensus about the existence and utility of the classification. Individual criteria may be weighted differently depending on a given source's focus (e.g., governmentalregulation,biological sciences,agribusiness,anthropology and culture, environmentalconservation, pet-keeping and-breeding, etc.). Additionally, not all cultivars agreed to be landraces exhibit every characteristic of a landrace.[4] General features that characterize a landrace may include:

A basket of landrace snap melonsCucumis melo subspeciesagrestis, cultivar groupMomordica fromPemba town, northernMozambique. The landrace incorporates different colours and patterns of the fruit surface and is the only melon cultivar group in northern Mozambique.[citation needed]
  • It ismorphologically distinctive and identifiable (i.e., has particular and recognizable characteristics or properties),[4][10] yet remains "dynamic".[4]
  • It is genetically adapted to,[4][11] and has a reputation for being able to withstand,[10] the conditions of the local environment, includingclimate,disease andpests, evencultural practices.[10]
  • It is not the product of formal (governmental, organizational, or private)breeding programs,[11] and may lack systematic selection, development and improvement by breeders.[3][1][4]
  • It is maintained and fostered less deliberately than a standardized breed, with its genetic isolation principally a matter of geography acting upon whatever animals that happened to be brought by humans to a given area.[1]
  • It has a historical origin in a specific geographic area,[4] will usually have its own local name(s),[11][10] and will often be classified according to intended purpose.[10]
  • Where yield (e.g. of a grain or fruit crop) can be measured, a landrace will show high stability of yield, even under adverse conditions, but a moderate yieldlevel, even under carefully managed conditions.[6]
  • At the level ofgenetic testing, its heredity will show a degree of integrity,[10] but still somegenetic heterogeneity[11] (i.e.genetic diversity).[4][12]


See also:Breed,Cultivar, andEcotype
Look up landrace in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Landrace literally means 'country-breed' (German:Landrasse)[13] and closecognates of it are found in variousGermanic languages. The first known reference to the role of landraces asgenetic resources was made in 1890 at an agriculture and forestry congress inVienna,Austria. The term was first defined by Kurt von Rümker in 1908,[6] and more clearly described in 1909 by U. J. Mansholt, who wrote that landraces have more stable characteristics and better resistance to adverse conditions, but have lower production capacity than cultivars, and are apt to change genetically when moved to another environment.[6] H. Kiessling added in 1912 that a landrace is a mixture of phenotypic forms despite relative outward uniformity, and a great adaptability to its natural and human environment.[6]

The wordlandrace entered non-academic English in the early 1930s, by way of theDanish Landrace pig, a particular breed of lop-eared swine.[13] Many other languages do not use separate terms, likelandrace andbreed, but instead rely on extended description to convey such distinctions. Spanish is one such language.[citation needed]

Geneticist D. Phillip Sponenberg described animal breeds within these classes: the landrace, the standardized breed, modern "type" breeds, industrial strains, and feral populations. He describes landraces as an early stage of breed development, created by a combination offounder effect, isolation, and environmental pressures. Human selection for production goals is also typical of landraces.[14]

As discussed in more detail inbreed, that term itself has several definitions from various scientific and animal husbandry perspectives. Some of those senses ofbreed relate to the concept of landraces. AFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) guideline defineslandrace andlandrace breed as "a breed that has largely developed through adaptation to the natural environment and traditional production system in which it has been raised."[5] This is in contrast to its definition of astandardized breed: "a breed of livestock that was developed according to a strict programme of genetic isolation and formal artificial selection to achieve a particular phenotype."

In various domestic species (including pigs, goats, sheep and geese) some standardized breeds include "Landrace" in their names, but do not meet widely used definitions of landraces. For example, theBritish Landrace pig is a standardized breed, derived from earlier breeds with "Landrace" names.[15]

Farmers' variety, usually applied to local cultivars, or seen as intermediate between a landrace and a cultivar,[16] may also include landraces when referring to plant varieties not subjected to formal breeding programs.[11]

Autochthonous and allochthonous landraces


A landrace native to, or produced for a long time within the agricultural system in which it is found is referred to as anautochthonous landrace, while a more recently introduced one is termed anallochthonous landrace.[6][4][17]

Within academicagronomy, the termautochthonous landrace is sometimes used with a more technical, productivity-related definition, synthesized by A. C. Zeven from previous definitions beginning with Mansholt's: "an autochthonous landrace is a variety with a high capacity to tolerate biotic and abiotic stress, resulting in a high yield stability and an intermediate yield level under a low input agricultural system."[6]

The termsautochthonous andallochthonous are most often applied to plants, with animals more often being referred to asindigenous ornative. Examples of references in sources to long-term local landraces of livestock include constructions such as "indigenous landraces of sheep",[18] and "Leicester Longwool sheep were bred to the native landraces of the region".[19] Some usage ofautochthonous does occur in reference to livestock, e.g. "autochthonous races of cattle such as the Asturian mountain cattle – Ratina and Casina – and Tudanca cattle."[20]

Biodiversity and conservation

A morphologically diverse group of fruit from theZapallo Plomo landrace ofCucurbita maxima squash

A significant proportion of farmers around the world grow landracecrops.[3] However, as industrialized agriculture spreads,cultivars, which are selectively bred for high yield, rapid growth, disease and drought resistance, and other commercial production values, are supplanting landraces, putting more and more of them at risk ofextinction.[citation needed]

In 1927 at the International Agricultural Congress, organized by the predecessor of the FAO, an extensive discussion was held on the need to conserve landraces. A recommendation that members organize nation-by-nation landrace conservation did not succeed in leading to widespread conservation efforts.[6]

Landraces are often free from manyintellectual property and other regulatory encumbrances. However, in some jurisdictions, a focus on their production may result in missing out on some benefits afforded to producers of genetically selected and homogenous organisms, including breeders' rights legislation, easier availability of loans and other business services, even the right to share seed or stock with others, depending on how favorable the laws in the area are to high-yield agribusiness interests.[8]

As Regine Andersen of the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (Norway) and the Farmers' Rights Project puts it, "Agricultural biodiversity is being eroded. This trend is putting at risk the ability of future generations to feed themselves. In order to reverse the trend, new policies must be implemented worldwide. The irony of the matter is that the poorest farmers are the stewards of genetic diversity."[8] Protecting farmer interests and protecting biodiversity is at the heart of theInternational Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (the "Plant Treaty" for short), under theFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), though its concerns are not exclusively limited to landraces.[8]

Landraces played a basic role in the development of the standardized breeds but are today threatened by the market success of the standardized breeds. In developing countries, landraces still play an important role, especially in traditional production systems.[5] Specimens within an animal landrace tend to be genetically similar, though more diverse than members of a standardized or formal breed.[1]

Carosello andBarattiere, Italian landraces ofCucumis melo whose fruits are eaten unripe

In situ and ex situ landrace conservation


Two approaches have been used to conserve plant landraces:[9][21]

  • in situ where the landrace is grown and conserved by farmers on farms.
  • ex situ where the landrace is conserved in an artificial environment such as a gene-bank, using controls such as laminated packets kept frozen at −18 °C (0 °F).

As the amount of agricultural land dedicated to growing landrace crops declines, such as in the example of wheat landraces in theFertile Crescent, landraces can become extinct in cultivation. Thereforeex situ landrace conservation practices are considered a way to avoid losing the genetic diversity completely. Research published in 2020 suggested that existing ways of cataloging diversity withinex situ genebanks fall short of cataloging the appropriate information for landrace crops.[21]

Anin situ conservation effort to save theBerrettina di Lungavilla squash landrace made use ofparticipatory plant breeding practices in order to incorporate the local community into the work.[22]

Preserving cereal landraces


Preservation efforts for cereal strains are ongoing includingin situ and in online-searchablegermplasm collections (seed banks), coordinated byBiodiversity International and theNational Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB, UK).[3] However, more may need to be done, because plant genetic variety, the source of crop health and seed quality, depends on a diversity of landraces and other traditionally used varieties.[8] Efforts (as of 2008[update]) were mostly focused onIberia, theBalkans, andEuropean Russia, and dominated by species from mountainous areas.[3] Despite their incompleteness, these efforts have been described as "crucial in preventing the extinction of many of these local ecotypes".[3]

An agricultural study published in 2008 showed that landracecereal crops began to decline in Europe in the 19th century such that cereal landraces "have largely fallen out of use" in Europe.[3] Landrace cultivation in central and northwest Europe was almost eradicated by the early 20th century, due to economic pressure to grow improved, modern cultivars.[23] While many in the region are already extinct,[3] some have survived by being passed from generation to generation,[3] and have also been revived by enthusiasts outside Europe to preserve European agriculture and food culture elsewhere.[3] These survivals are usually for specific uses, such asthatch, and traditionalEuropean cuisine andcraft beer brewing.[3]



Plant landrace development

See also:Plant breeding § Evolutionary plant breeding

The labellandrace includes regionalcultigens that are geneticallyheterogeneous, but with enough characteristics in common to permit their recognition as a group. These characteristics are used by farmers to manage diversity and purity within landraces.[24]

In some cultures, the development of new landraces is typically limited to members of specific social groups, such as women or shaman. Maintaining existing landraces, like developing new landraces, requires that farmers be able to identify crop-specific characteristics and that those characteristics are passed on to following generations.[24]

Over time, the process of identifying the distinguishing characteristic or features of a new landrace is reinforced by cultivation processes; for example, descendants of a plant that is notably drought tolerant may become iteratively more so through selective breeding as farmers regard it as better for dry areas and prioritize planting it in those locations. This is one way in which farming systems can develop a portfolio of landraces over time that have specific ecological niches and uses.[24]

Conversely, modern cultivars can also be developed into a landrace over time when farmers save seed and practiceselective breeding.[11]

Although landraces are often discussed once they have become endemic to a particular geographical region, landraces have always been moved over long and short distances. Some landraces can adapt to various environments, while others only thrive within specific conditions. Self-fertilizing and vegetatively populated species adapt by changing the frequencies of phenotypes. Outbreeding crops absorb new genotypes through intentional and unintentional hybridization, or through mutation.[6]

A clear example of vegetal landrace would consist in the diverse adaptations of wheat to differential artificial selection constraints.[25]

Cultivars developed from landraces


Members of a landrace variety, selected for uniformity with regards to a unique feature over a period of time, can be developed into a farmers' variety orcultivar.[16]Traits from landraces are valuable for incorporation intoelite lines.[26]Crop disease resistance genes from landraces can provide eternally-needed resistances to more widely-used, modern varieties.[26]

Examples of plant landraces



Caparrona bean[27]Phaseolus vulgarisMonzón, ItalyAlso known by the name ofCaparrona de Monzón, characterized by highly productive plants with white beans that have a brown pattern around the hilum, medium brilliance, and oval shape. The Caparrona bean is usually used as a dry bean but can also be eaten as a green bean.[28]
Ganxet bean[27]


Carota di PolignanoDaucus carotaPolignano, ItalyMulticolored roots from yellow to purple[27][29]


Sierra Mixe cornZea maysSierra MixeUnusually tall and with aerial roots which secrete mucus which supports nitrogen-fixing bacteria


Khandahar PendiAbelmoschus esculentusAfghanistanHas green, red, pink, or white pods that have a variety of shapes and sizes.[30]


MarutiCajanus cajan[16]


Cacho de cabraCapsicum annuumMaule region ofChileConsidered to be the most popular in the region of Maule[31]
Chileno negroCapsicum baccatumMaule region ofChile[31]
Chimayó pepperChimayó,New MexicoConsidered the most well known of theNew Mexico chile landraces[32]
Santo Domingo Pueblo chiliSanto Domingo PuebloAn early-maturing landrace from the pueblo that served as a headquarters for Spanish colonial missions as well as a key location of resistance against the Spanish settlers in the 1600s.[32]


Jumli MarshiNepalA cold-tolerant and popular rice landrace grown in mountain ecosystems. Anevolutionary plant breeding program was used to increase its resistance to blast disease while maintaining landrace diversity.[33]
Kalanamak rice[27]


Berrettina di LungavillaCucurbita maximaPo river floodplain,ItalyFrom the Po floodplain in Northern Italy that nearly went extinct[22]
Cappello da prete[27]
Plato kuum,cmejen kuum,calabacita kuum,xplato,’kuumLikelyCucurbita moschataYucatán,MexicoSquash with 'pepita menuda' (Spanish) meaning 'thin seeds' Known as the 'little sister' toCucurbita moschataXnuk kuum. Xplato (Mayan-Spanish) literally translates to flat plate. Used for making a sweet calledcalabaza melada.[34]
Candy roaster[27]Cucurbita maxima Southern AppalachiaDeveloped by theCherokee people. AUnited States Department of Agriculture accession in 1960 notes that Candy Roasters had been grown for more than 100 years as of that date.[35] It is variable in size and shape with more than 40 distinct forms according to one authority.[36] Candy roasters consistently feature fine-textured orange flesh, while varying in size (from 10 lbs to more than 250 lbs); shape (including round, cylindrical, teardrop, and blocky); and color (pink, tan, green, blue, gray, and orange).[37]
Lakota squashCucurbita maximaNebraskaDeveloped from a squash landrace grown by Native Americans living along the Missouri Valley along with germplasm fromHubbard squash or a similar cultivar[38]
Nanticoke squash[27]Cucurbita maximaMaryland andDelawareCultivated by theNanticoke (or Kuskarawaok) people, one of the southernmost groups in theAlgonquin language family, who lived in the area now known asMaryland andDelaware during the American colonial period whenCucurbita maxima arrived in North America. The wide diversity of the fruit reflects the genetic diversity of the landrace.[30]
Seminole Pumpkin[27]Cucurbita moschataFloridaA landrace originally cultivated by theSeminole people of what is nowFlorida. Naturalists recorded Seminole pumpkins hanging from trees in the 18th century.[39][40]


Acorazado,Acorazonado,Queen ofMalinalco,Reina deMalinalcoPhysalis ixocarpaMalinalcoThe name translates as "heart shaped", reflecting morphology which has also been described as "pointed or torpedo shaped", which is unusual for a tomatillo. The tomatillos taste fruity and sweet.[41]


Coeur de bue tomato[42]
Corborino tomato[42]
Lucariello tomato[42]
San Marzano tomato[42]Solanum lycopersicumCampania, Italy


Enat gebs[27]
Meher gebs[27]
Sene gebs[27]
Tikur gebs[27]



Animal landrace development


Some standardized animal breeds originate from attempts to make landraces more consistent throughselective breeding, and a landrace may become a more formal breed with the creation of abreed registry or publication of abreed standard. In such a case, one may think of the landrace as a "stage" in breed development. However, in other cases, formalizing a landrace may result in the genetic resource of a landrace being lost throughcrossbreeding.[1]

While many landrace animals are associated with farming, other domestic animals have been put to use as modes of transportation, ascompanion animals, for sporting purposes, and for other non-farming uses, so their geographic distribution may differ. For example, horse landraces are less common because human use of them for transport has meant that they have moved with people more commonly and constantly than most other domestic animals, reducing the incidence of populations locally genetically isolated for extensive periods of time.[1]

Examples of animal landraces




Many standardized breeds have rather recently (within a century or less) been derived from landraces. Examples, often callednatural breeds, includeArabian Mau,Egyptian Mau,Korat,Kurilian Bobtail,Maine Coon,Manx,Norwegian Forest Cat,Siberian, andSiamese.

In some cases, such as theTurkish Angora andTurkish Van breeds and their possible derivation from the Van cat landrace, the relationships are not entirely clear.

Domestic long-haired
Domestic short-haired
ThaiThailandThe ancestor of theSiamese cat breed, among many others.
Van catTurkeyTheVan cat of modern-day Turkey is a landrace of symbolic and (disputed) cultural value to Turks, Armenians and Kurds.


Icelandic cattleIcelandAs a population dating from the era ofIcelandic settlement they are likely the oldest cattle landrace in Europe, owing to their genetic isolation for most of that time.[43]
Yakutian cattleSakha Republic,Russian FederationNoted as the northernmost cattle landrace, and the most genetically dissimilar to other cattle.[44][45] This group of cattle may represent a fourthAurochs domestication event (and a third event amongBos taurus–type aurochs) and may have diverged from the Near East group some 35,000 years ago.[46] Yakutian cattle are the last remaining native Turano-Mongolian cattle breed inSiberia,[44] and one of only a few pureTurano-Mongolian breeds remaining worldwide.[45] Studies ofDNA markers onautosomes show a high genetic distinctiveness and point to a long-term genetic isolation from other breeds; geographic isolation beyond the normal northern limit of the species range can be assumed to be the cause.[47][48]


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Dog landraces and the selectively breddog breeds that followbreed standards vary widely depending on their origins and purpose.[49]Landraces are distinguished from dog breeds which have breed standards, breed clubs and registries.[50]

Landrace dogs have more variety in their appearance than do standardized dog breeds.[50] An example of a dog landrace with a related standardized breed with a similar name is thecollie. The Scotch Collie is a landrace, while theRough Collie and theBorder Collie are standardized breeds. They can be very different in appearance, though the Rough Collie in particular was developed from the Scotch Collie by inbreeding to fix certain highly desired traits. In contrast to the landrace, in the various standardized Collie breeds,purebred individuals closely match a breed-standard appearance but might have lost other useful characteristics and have developed undesirable traits linked to inbreeding.[51]

The ancient landrace dogs of theFertile Crescent that led to theSaluki breed excels in running downgame across open tracts of hot desert, butconformation-bred individuals of the breed are not necessarily able to chase and catch deserthares.[citation needed]

AfricanisSouthern AfricaDogs that migrated with Bantu tribes into Southern Africa. The dogs were free to mates amongst themselves without any selective breeding.
Carolina Dog or Yellow DogUnited StatesDeveloped from dogs originally from Asia[52] this landrace has been the basis of theCarolina Dog standardized breed.
Scotch CollieScotlandTheRough Collie was bred from the Scotch Collie landrace.[51]
St. John's water dogNewfoundland,CanadaServed as the foundational stock for a number of purpose-bred dogs, such as theLabrador Retriever,Chesapeake Bay Retriever,Cape Shore Water Dog, andNewfoundland.
SalukiFertile Crescent



Some standardized breeds that are derived from landraces include theDutch Landrace,Swedish Landrace andFinnish Landrace goats. TheDanish Landrace is a modern mix of three different breeds, one of which was a "Landrace"-named breed.

British primitive goatBritish IslesDates to theNeolithic era and possibly has existed as feral herds continuously since that time.
Icelandic goatIcelandCan be dated to theIcelandic Age of Settlement and the population is presumed to have been genetically isolated for nearly the entirety of that time period
Spanish goatSpainThis landrace survives in larger numbers in theAmerican South as the "brush goat" or "scrub goat", among other names than in Spain.


Barbados BlackbellyBarbados
Icelandic sheepIceland
Shetland sheepShetland Isles,Scotland
Spælsau sheepNorwayDates to theIron Age
Welsh mountain sheepWales



The wild progenitor of the domestic horse is extinct.[1] It is rare for landraces amongdomestic horses to remain isolated, due to human use of horses for transportation, thus causing horses to move from one local population to another.

The heavy 'draft' type of domestic horse, developed in Europe, has differentiated into many separate landraces or breeds.[citation needed] Examples of horse landraces also include insular populations in Greece and Indonesia, and, on a broader scale, New World populations derived from the founder stock ofColonial Spanish horse.[1]

TheYakutian andMongolian Horses of Asia have "unimproved" characteristics.[53]

Icelandic horse[1]Iceland
Newfoundland ponyNewfoundland
Shetland ponyShetland



The standardized swine breeds named "Landrace" are often not actually landraces or derived from landraces. TheDanish Landrace pig breed, pedigreed in 1896 from an actual local landrace, is the principal ancestor of theAmerican Landrace (1930s). In this way, theSwedish Landrace is derived from the Danish and from other Scandinavian breeds, as is theBritish Landrace breed.

Baudin pigKangaroo Island,South AustraliaOnce a feral landrace, it is now extinct in the wild.
Mulefoot pig[1]The Mulefoot pig originated as a landrace, but has been standardized since the early 1900s.
Lindröd pigSkåne,SwedenThe breed originates from a population atSkånes Djurpark, that was found onLinderödsåsen in the 1950s. It is thought to be the last remaining population of an older breed of pigs kept in the deciduous forests of southernSweden.[54]


Danish henDenmark
Icelandic chickenIceland
Swedish flower henSweden
Shetland henScotland


Danish landrace duckDenmarkThe modern Danish landrace duck is noted to be somewhat inbred.[55]
Swedish Blue duckSwedenA modern breed of the same name is derived from the landrace.



Many standardized goose breeds named "Landrace", e.g. theTwente Landrace goose, are not actually true landraces, but may be derived from them.

Danish landrace gooseDenmark
Pilgrim gooseNew EnglandThis landrace is associated with theMayflower Pilgrims ofPlymouth Colony, and has also been standardised as a formal breed since 1939. It is thought to descend from western European stock dating of the 17th century.[56]


Gotland rabbitGotlandThis landrace is subject to conservation efforts.
Mellerud rabbitSwedenThis landrace is subject to conservation efforts.

See also

See also:Category:Dog landraces


  1. ^abcdefghijkSponenberg, D. Phillip (May 18, 2000)."Genetic Resources and Their Conservation". In Bowling, Ann T.; Ruvinsky, Anatoly (eds.).The Genetics of the Horse.Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK:CABI Publishing. pp. 392–393.ISBN 978-0-85199-429-1. RetrievedSeptember 28, 2014.
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