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Football league
Regional Soccer Associations in Germany
Organising bodiesState associations of theDFB
State15 states
Level on pyramidLevel 6, 7 and 8
Promotion toOberliga
Relegation toVarious

TheLandesliga (English:Football State League) is a tier offootball in some states of theGerman football league system.

InBavaria,Saxony,Thuringia,Bremen,Lower Saxony andHamburg, the Landesligas are set right below theOberliga and therefore are the sixth tier. The reason for this is that Bavaria, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, and Bremen are the only places in Germany where the Oberliga, theState, and theVerband are geographically the same, while the other two states simply chose to call their leaguesLandesligas when establishing them in 1990. In the Middle Rhine and Lower Rhine regions ofNorth Rhine-Westphalia it is also, since 2012, the sixth tier.

InBaden-Württemberg,Rhineland-Palatinate (southwestern part only),North Rhine-Westphalia (Westphalia),Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,Brandenburg,Saxony-Anhalt, andBerlin, the Landesliga is the seventh tier, below theVerbandsliga. In theSaarland, the Landesligas are set as the eighth tier.[1][2][3]

Typically, in eachBundesland, theLandesligas are divided into differentStaffeln or "divisions". In Bavaria, theLandesliga is divided into five divisions, South-West, South-East, Central, North-West, and North-East. In Saxony, Bremen, and Thuringia, the Landesliga is in a single division format. In Hamburg, it consists of two divisions.[2]

In 2017,Schleswig-Holstein introduced Landesligas at the sixth tier,[4] leavingHesse as the only German state not to have Landesligas. The Rheinland region ofRhineland-Palatinate also operates without such a league.[2]

In Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia the league below the Landesligas is the Landesklasse (English:State Class).[2] Also in 2017, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reduced the number of Landesligas and Landesklasses to 2 and 4 divisions respectively,[5] but temporarily reverted them to 3 and 5 divisions for two seasons in 2020.[6]


The Landesligas: Tier six (red) seven (yellow) and eight (blue) leagues. White denotes areas without Landesligas.

Tier-VI Landesligas


Of the 69Landesligas in Germany 20 are set at tier six of theGerman football league system, these being:[2]

LeagueStateRegionPromotion toRelegation to
SachsenligaSaxonyNOFV-Oberliga SüdLandesklasse Mitte
Landesklasse Nord
Landesklasse Süd
Landesklasse West
ThüringenligaThuringiaLandesklasse Nord
Landesklasse Ost
Landesklasse Süd
Landesliga Bayern-SüdwestBavariaSouthwestBayernligaBezirksliga
Landesliga Bayern-SüdostSoutheast
Landesliga Bayern-MitteCentral
Landesliga Bayern-NordwestNorthwest
Landesliga Bayern-NordostNortheast
Landesliga BremenBremenBremen-LigaBezirksliga Bremen
Bezirksliga Bremerhaven
Landesliga Hamburg-HammoniaHamburgOberliga HamburgBezirksliga Nord
Bezirksliga Ost
Bezirksliga Süd
Bezirksliga West
Landesliga Hamburg-Hansa
Landesliga Niederrhein 1
Landesliga Niederrhein 2
Landesliga Niederrhein 3
North Rhine-WestphaliaLower RhineOberliga NiederrheinBezirksliga
Landesliga Mittelrhein 1
Landesliga Mittelrhein 2
Middle RhineOberliga Mittelrhein
Landesliga BraunschweigLower SaxonyBraunschweigNiedersachsenligaBezirksliga Braunschweig 1
Bezirksliga Braunschweig 2
Bezirksliga Braunschweig 3
Bezirksliga Braunschweig 4
Landesliga HannoverHannoverBezirksliga Hannover 1
Bezirksliga Hannover 2
Bezirksliga Hannover 3
Bezirksliga Hannover 4
Landesliga LüneburgLüneburgBezirksliga Lüneburg 1
Bezirksliga Lüneburg 2
Bezirksliga Lüneburg 3
Bezirksliga Lüneburg 4
Landesliga Weser-EmsWeser-EmsBezirksliga Weser-Ems 1
Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 2
Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 3
Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 4
Bezirksliga Weser-Ems 5
Landesliga Schleswig-HolsteinSchleswig-HolsteinSchleswig
Oberliga Schleswig-HolsteinVerbandsliga Nord
Verbandsliga Ost
Verbandsliga Süd-West
Verbandsliga Süd-Ost
Verbandsliga West
  • The Landesligas of Thuringia and Saxony are unique in their naming as every other league in Germany of this standing carries the nameVerbandsliga. This was done so simply by choice of the localfootball associations in Saxony and Thuringia and the name could be changed toVerbandsliga if they wish to do so. Bavaria does not have this option however, since itsLandesligas are not the highest leagues in theVerband. This position is held by theOberligas in this state.

Tier VII-Landesligas


Apart from the above-mentioned states, Landesligas also exist in the states ofBaden-Württemberg,Rhineland-Palatinate (in the southwest part only),North Rhine-Westphalia (Westphalia),Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,Brandenburg,Saxony-Anhalt,Berlin and as Landesklasse, inSaxony andThuringia as tier seven leagues, below the Verbandsligas:[2]

LeaguesStateRegionPromotion toRelegation to
Landesliga Württemberg 1
Landesliga Württemberg 2
Landesliga Württemberg 3
Landesliga Württemberg 4
Baden-WürttembergWürttembergVerbandsliga WürttembergBezirksliga
Landesliga Mittelbaden
Landesliga Odenwald
Landesliga Rhein/Neckar
Baden(North)Verbandsliga BadenKreisliga
Landesliga Südbaden 1
Landesliga Südbaden 2
Landesliga Südbaden 3
Baden(South)Verbandsliga SüdbadenBezirksliga
Landesliga Südwest Ost
Landesliga Südwest West
Rhineland-PalatinateSouthwestVerbandsliga Südwest
Landesliga Westfalen 1
Landesliga Westfalen 2
Landesliga Westfalen 3
Landesliga Westfalen 4
North Rhine-WestphaliaWestphaliaWestfalenliga 1
Westfalenliga 2
Landesliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-Ost
Landesliga Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-West
Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaVerbandsliga Mecklenburg-VorpommernLandesklasse
Landesliga Brandenburg-Nord
Landesliga Brandenburg-Süd
Landesliga Sachsen-Anhalt-Nord
Landesliga Sachsen-Anhalt-Mitte
Landesliga Sachsen-Anhalt-Süd
Saxony-AnhaltVerbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt
Landesliga Berlin 1
Landesliga Berlin 2
Landesklasse Mitte
Landesklasse Nord
Landesklasse Ost
Landesklasse West
Landesklasse Thüringen 1
Landesklasse Thüringen 2
Landesklasse Thüringen 3

Tier VIII-Landesligas


Uniquely, theSaarland has the Landesligas as the eighth tier of its league system; in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Saxony-Anhalt the equivalent tier is Landesklasse.[2]

LeaguesStateRegionPromotion toRelegation to
Landesliga Nord
Landesliga Ost
Landesliga Süd
Landesliga West
SaarlandVerbandsliga Saarland Nordost
Verbandsliga Saarland Südwest
Landesklasse Nord
Landesklasse Ost
Landesklasse Süd
Landesklasse West
Landesklasse 1
Landesklasse 2
Landesklasse 3
Landesklasse 4
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Landesklasse 1
Landesklasse 2
Landesklasse 3
Landesklasse 4
Landesklasse 5
Landesklasse 6
Landesklasse 7
Landesliga Braunschweig (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Hannover (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Lüneburg (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Weser-Ems (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Sachsenliga (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Thüringenliga (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Bayern-Südost (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Bayern-Südwest (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Note: Unterhaching II is a guest team, whose matches and their results would still be counted in the Südwest division table, and thus not an official Landesliga competitor.
Landesliga Bayern-Mitte (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Bayern-Nordost (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Bayern-Nordwest (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Bremen (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Hamburg-Hansa (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Hamburg-Hammonia (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Mittelrhein 1 (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Mittelrhein 2 (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Niederrhein 1 (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Niederrhein 2 and 3 (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Group 2
Group 3
Landesliga Holstein (VI) 2022–23 clubs
Landesliga Schleswig (VI) 2022–23 clubs


  1. ^Das deutsche Fußball-Archiv(in German) Historical German domestic league tables
  2. ^ - Ergebnisse(in German) Tables and results of all German football leaguesArchived 7 December 2011 at theWayback Machine
  3. ^Amateurligen(in German) The German amateur leagues
  4. ^"Neue Ligenstruktur und Verjüngung" [New league structure and rejuvenation] (in German). 31 May 2016.
  5. ^"Reform für neue Struktur steht" [Reform for new structure goes on] (in German). 7 March 2016.
  6. ^"Flexible Lösung: Staffeln für den Herren-Spielbetrieb 2020/2021 stehen fest". Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State FA. 1 July 2020.

External links


German level-VI football leagues
Other leagues
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National teams
By city
Sixth-levelfootball leagues of Europe (UEFA)
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