Almqvist was a lifelong disciple of theSwiss metaphysician and spiritual guideFrithjof Schuon. He came into close contact with the spiritual representatives of theShadhiliyya order in the beginning of the 1940s. He introduced Schuon's teachings on spirituality and transcendent unity of religions in a number of publications.[4] He also introduced the works ofRené Guénon in his writings. He was a frequent contributor to the quarterly journal,Studies in Comparative Religion, which dealt withreligioussymbolism and theTraditionalist perspective.
Almqvist received his doctorate in 1951 fromUppsala university on a dissertation concerningGuilhem Ademar,Poésies du troubadour Guilhem Adémar. He is the author of several essays and books inSwedish onreligion andmetaphysics, including four collections of poetry.
Temple of the Heart, Temple of the Body,Tomorrow, Summer 1964
The Hidden Hierarchy of Existence,Sunrise, Vol. 22, Feb. 1973.[5]
Aspects of Teilhardian Idolatry,Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 12, No. 3 & 4, 1978.
Reflexes in the Language of the Notion of the "Self",Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2, 1979.
Every Branch in Me,Sunrise August / September 1982 &Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 15, No. 3 & 4, Middlesex, 1983. Also published in the anthologyEvery Branch in Me: Essays on the Meaning of Man, ed. Barry McDonald, Bloomington, 2002.
The Three Circles of Existence,Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 17, No. 1 & 2, Middlesex, 1985.[6]
The Sun in the Tree, with Some Reflections on "Faith and Works",Religion of the Heart: Essays Presented toFrithjof Schuon on His Eightieth Birthday, eds.Seyyed Hossein Nasr andWilliam Stoddart, Washington D.C., 1991.[7]
Poésies du troubadour Guilhem Adémar / publiées avec introduction, notes et glossaires par Kurt Almqvist (dissertation), Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1951
La Fontaine de la Croix; Le Nénuphar Blanc (poems),Soleils No. 4 / 1963
Temple du coeur, Temple du corps,Études Traditionnelles, No. 378-379, 1963.
Les trois cercles de l'existence,Études Traditionnelles, No. 393, 1966.
Aspects de l'idolâtrie teilhardienne,Études Traditionnelles, No. 409-410, 1968.
Etre Soi-même,Études Traditionnelles, No. 470, 1980.[8]
Az ember – Az elfelejtett templom: A láthatatlan piramis. (Extract fromMänniskan: det glömda templet.) Ford. Szelényi Lajos.Tradíció évkönyv, (Debrecen) 2003, 9–21.
A dolgok kapuin át. Öt meditáció. (Poems fromGenom tingens portar: meditationer) Ford. Szelényi Szentjóbi Annamária.Tradíció évkönyv, (Debrecen) 2003, 211–212.
Az ember két énje. ["The Two Selves of Man".] Ford. Szelényi Lajos.Tradíció évkönyv, (Debrecen) 2005, 75-90.