TheHouse of Savoy (Italian:Casa Savoia) is an Italian royal house (formally adynasty) that was established in 1003 in the historicalSavoy region. Through gradual expansions, the family grew in power, first ruling theCounty of Savoy, a small Alpinecounty northwest of Italy, and later gaining absolute rule of theKingdom of Sicily. During the years 1713 to 1720, they were handed theKingdom of Sardinia and would exercise direct rule from then onward asPiedmont–Sardinia, which was the legalpredecessor state of theKingdom of Italy, which in turn is the predecessor of the present-dayItalian Republic.[1][2]
The name derives from the historical region of Savoy in theAlps between what is now France and Italy. Over time, the House of Savoy expanded its territory and influence through judicious marriages and international diplomacy.[4] The house descended fromHumbert I, Count of Sabaudia, also known as Umberto I "Biancamano" (1003–1047 or 1048). The ancestry of Humbert is uncertain, as contemporary documents make no mention of his father. His family was traditionally believed to have come from Saxony;[5] more recent investigations into the 21st century pointed to theCounty of Vienne, where both Humbert and his relatives held extensive possessions, as a more plausible origin.[6][7]
AlthoughSabaudia was originally a poor county, latercounts were diplomatically skilled, and gained control over strategic mountain passes in theAlps. Two of Humbert's sons were commendatory abbots at theAbbey of St. Maurice, Agaunum, on the riverRhône east ofLake Geneva, andSaint Maurice is still the patron of the House of Savoy. Humbert's son,Otto of Savoy, succeeded to the title in 1051 after the death of his elder brotherAmadeus I of Savoy. Otto married the Marchioness Adelaide ofTurin, bringing theMarquessate of Susa, with the towns of Turin and Pinerolo, into the House of Savoy's possession.[8] They once had claims on the moderncanton of Vaud, where they occupied theChâteau of Chillon in Switzerland; their access to it was cut byGeneva during theProtestant Reformation, after which it was conquered by theCanton of Bern. Meanwhile,Piedmont was later joined with Sabaudia, and the name evolved intoSavoy (Italian:Savoia).
WhenEmmanuel Philibert came to power in 1553, most of his family's territories were in French hands, so he offered to serve France's leading enemy theHouse of Habsburg in the hope of recovering his lands. He servedPhilip II of Spain as Governor of the Netherlands (then part of theSeventeen Provinces) from 1555 to 1559.[13] In this capacity, he led the Spanish invasion of northern France and won a victory in thebattle of St. Quentin in 1557.[14] He took advantage of various squabbles in Europe to slowly regain territory from both the French and the Spanish, including the city of Turin. He moved the capital of the duchy fromChambéry to Turin.
The 17th century brought about economic development to the Turin area and the House of Savoy took part in and benefitted from that.Charles Emmanuel II developed the port ofNice and built a road through the Alps towards France, and through skillful political manoeuvres the territorial expansion continued. In the early 18th century during theWar of the Spanish Succession, future KingVictor Amadeus II switched sides to assist the Habsburgs, and via theTreaty of Utrecht they rewarded him with large pieces of land in northeastern Italy and a Crown in Sicily.Savoy rule over Sicily lasted only seven years (1713–1720).
The Kingdom of Italy was the first Italian state to include the Italian peninsula since the fall of theRoman Empire. WhenVictor Emmanuel was crowned King of Italy in 1861, his realm did not include theVenetia region (subject to Habsburg governance),Lazio (with Rome),Umbria,Marche, andRomagna (with thePapal town ofBologna). Yet the House of Savoy continued to rule Italy for several decades through the Italian independence wars as Italian unification proceeded and even as theFirst World War raged on in the early 20th century.
In April 1655, based on perhaps false reports of resistance by theWaldensians, aProtestant religious minority, to a plan to resettle them in remote mountain valleys,Charles Emmanuel II ordered their general massacre, which became known as thePiedmontese Easter. The massacre was so brutal it aroused indignation throughout Europe.Oliver Cromwell, then ruler in England, began petitioning on behalf of the Waldensians, writing letters, raising contributions, calling a general fast in England, and threatening to send military forces to the rescue. The massacre promptedJohn Milton's famous sonnet, "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont".
In 1898, theBava Beccaris massacre in Milan involved the use of cannons against unarmed protesters (including women and the elderly) during riots over the rising price of bread. KingUmberto I of the House of Savoy congratulated GeneralFiorenzo Bava Beccaris for the massacre and decorated him with the medal of Great Official of Savoy Military Order, greatly outraging a large part of the public opinion. As a result, Umberto I was assassinated in July 1900 inMonza byGaetano Bresci, the brother of one of the women massacred in the crowd, who had traveled back to Italy from the United States for the assassination. The king had previously been the target of failed assassination attempts by anarchistsGiovanni Passannante andPietro Acciarito.
When theFirst World War ended, theTreaty of Versailles fell short of what had been promised in theLondon Pact to Italy. As the economic conditions in Italy worsened after the war, popular resentment and along with it the seeds ofItalian fascism began to grow and resulted in theMarch on Rome byBenito Mussolini. GeneralPietro Badoglio advised KingVictor Emmanuel III that he could easily sweep Mussolini and his rag-tagBlackshirt army to one side but Victor Emmanuel decided to tolerate Mussolini and appointed him asprime minister of Italy on 28 October 1922. The king remained silent as Mussolini engaged in one abuse of power after another from 1924 onward, and did not intervene in 1925–1926 when Mussolini dropped all pretense of democracy. By the end of 1928, the king's right to remove Mussolini from office was, at least theoretically, the only check on his power. Later, the king's failure, in the face of mounting evidence, to move against the Mussolini regime's abuses of power led to much criticism and had dire future consequences for Italy and for themonarchy itself.
After their invasion in 1935, Italy conquered Ethiopia in theSecond Italo-Ethiopian War and Victor Emmanuel was crowned as Emperor of Ethiopia. He also added the Albanian crown 1939 but lost Ethiopia as part of theEast African campaign in 1941; however, as Mussolini and theAxis powers failed in theSecond World War in 1943, several members of the Italian court began putting out feelers to theAllies of World War II, who in turn let it be known that Mussolini had to go. After Mussolini received a vote of no confidence from theFascist Grand Council on 24 July, Victor Emmanuel dismissed him from office, relinquished the Ethiopian and Albanian crowns, and appointedPietro Badoglio as prime minister. On 8 September, the new government announced it had signed an armistice with the Allies five days earlier; however, Victor Emmanuel made another blunder when he and his government fled south toBrindisi, leaving his army without orders.
As the Allies and theItalian Resistance gradually chased theNazis and fascists off the peninsula, it became apparent that Victor Emmanuel was too tainted by his earlier support of Mussolini to have any postwar role. Accordingly, Victor Emmanuel transferred most of his powers to his son, Crown Prince Umberto, in April 1944. Rome was liberated two months later, and Victor Emmanuel transferred his remaining powers to Umberto and named himLieutenant General of the Realm. Within a year, public opinion pushed for areferendum to decide between retaining the monarchy or becoming arepublic. On 9 May 1946, in a last-ditch attempt to save the monarchy, Victor Emmanuel formally abdicated in favour of his son, who becameUmberto II. It did not work as the1946 Italian institutional referendum was won by republicans with 54% of the vote. Victor Emmanuel went into exile inEgypt, dying there a year later.
On 12 June 1946, the Kingdom of Italy formally came to an end asUmberto II transferred his powers to the prime ministerAlcide de Gasperi and called for the Italian people to support the new republic. He then went into exile inPortugal, never to return; he died in 1983. TheConstitution of the Italian Republic includes theentrenched clause that the republican form of government cannot be changed byconstitutional amendment, thus forbidding any attempt to restore the monarchy short of adoption of an entirely newconstitution. The Constitution of Italy also forbade male descendants of the House of Savoy from entering Italy.[15] This provision was removed in 2002;[16] as part of the deal to be allowed back into Italy,Vittorio Emanuele, the last claimant to the House of Savoy, renounced all claims to the throne.[17] He died in 2024.[18]
Controversies, damage claims against Italy, and internal disputes
TheResidences of the Royal House of Savoy in Turin and the neighbourhood are protected as aWorld Heritage Site. Although the titles and distinctions of the Italian royal family are not legally recognised by the Italian Republic, the remaining members of the House of Savoy, like dynasties of other abolished monarchies, still use some of the various titles they acquired over the millennium of their reign prior to the republic's establishment, including Duke of Savoy; Prince of Naples, previously conferred byJoseph Bonaparte to be hereditary on his children and grandchildren;Prince of Piedmont; andDuke of Aosta. Previously, the leadership of the House of Savoy was contested by two cousins:Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, who used to claim the title of King of Italy, andPrince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, who claimed the title of Duke of Savoy. Their rivalry was not always peaceful. On 21 May 2004, following a dinner held by KingJuan Carlos I of Spain on the eve of the wedding of his sonFelipe, Prince of Asturias, Vittorio Emanuele punched Amedeo twice in the face.[19]
In 1969, Vittorio Emanuele made his unilateral declaration of kingship, arguing that by agreeing to submit to a referendum on his place as head of state, his father (Umberto II) had thereby abdicated. Vittorio Emanuele took this action after his father allegedly called for Amedeo to visit him in Portugal to name him his heir. Under his self-assumed powers as King of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele conferred the title of Duchess of Sant'Anna di Valdieri on his then-fiancéeMarina Doria.[20][21][22] In 1983, after the death of his father, with the support of theItalian Freemasonry (like many personalities of the Italian ruling class who promoted the repeal of the transitional provisions and the return to Italy, he was registered withLicio Gelli's Masonic lodgePropaganda Due with membership number 1621),[23][24][25] as well as scattered pieces of the Italian Monarchist Party, Vittorio Emanuele proclaimed himself King of Italy as Vittorio Emanuele IV and became the historical and political reference of the House of Savoy.[26] In 2002, statements were published in which he accepted the end of the monarchy,[27] and both Vittorio Emanuele and his sonEmanuele Filiberto of Savoy swore loyalty to the Italian Republic and its president.[28]
In 1997, Vittorio Emanuele said onTG2 that theantisemitic laws passed under Mussolini's regime were "not so bad".[29][30] Vittorio Emanuele reconsidered his words the day after and spoke of a "grave mistake",[31] but he did not apologize.[32] In 2002, with a statement issued from Geneva on the same day theItalian racial laws of 1938 had been givenroyal assent by the king,[33] for the first time in the history of the House of Savoy, Vittorio Emanuele officially distanced himself from the antisemitic laws,[28] and since then had tried to repair the damage by saying that the antisemitic laws had left "an indelible stain" and were the "darkest chapter" in his family's history.[29] The 2002 statement read: "The date of 10 November, which until now represented for us the memory of an indelible stain on the history of the family, now constitutes, by a singular twist of fate, a new, fundamental stage towards the long-awaited return to the Homeland."[33] When the Savoys returned to Italy in 2003, they were met with complaints that Vittorio Emanuele and his family had made no attempt at reconciliation with the Jewish community, which was not satisfied and continued to demand a "clear sign that they have rejected that period of history".[29] In an interview with theCorriere della Sera, theUnion of Italian Jewish Communities presidentAmos Luzzatto stated: "I'm not saying it was he who signed the racial laws in 1938. But, as a Savoy heir, [Vittorio Emanuele] has never distanced himself from them."[34] On 27 January 2005, in a letter published by theCorriere della Sera, Vittorio Emanuele issued an apology to Italy's Jewish population, asking forgiveness from theItalian Jewish community, and declaring that it was an error for theItalian royal family to have signed the racial laws of 1938.[35]
On 20 September 2018, during a celebration for the 100th anniversary of the Great War, Emanuele Filiberto stated: "The racial laws are a disgrace for Italy, for what happened."[33] This was seen as a timid admission of guilt and was criticised by the local Jewish community.Shalom, the organ of the Jewish Community of Rome, commented: "We don't like the words of Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy because they are ambiguous... and they want to water down responsibility. The racial laws are first and foremost a disgrace—not for Italy—but first and foremost for the House of Savoy which allowed without batting an eyelid—just to give an example—that dozens of Jewish officers who had served during the First World War, and who had been awarded Medals of Military Valor and who held positions of great responsibility, were expelled from the Royal Army."[33] In January 2021, ahead ofHolocaust Memorial Day in Italy, Emanuele Filiberto wrote a letter to Italy's Jewish community in which he said his family's role in rubber-stamping Mussolini's antisemitic laws caused "a wound still open for the whole of Italy", that he and his relatives "dissociate ourselves firmly" from Victor Emmanuel III who approved Mussolini's rise to power and gave the antisemitic laws royal assent, and asked for forgiveness for the king's actions. The letter was dismissed by historians as "too little too late", and was criticised by Jewish groups who condemned the family's lengthy reluctance to acknowledge its role inthe Holocaust.[36][37] In the letter, Emanuele Filiberto stated: "I condemn the 1938 racial laws, all of whose weight I still feel on my shoulders to this day, and with me the whole royal house ... they are a disgrace for the entire Royal House of Savoy. ... We firmly dissociate ourselves, an unacceptable document, a wound still open for the entire country."[38][39] Emanuele Filiberto toldTG5 that he was writing with "an open heart" a difficult letter whose contents "may surprise you and that perhaps you did not expect", and the time had come "once and for all" to "come to terms with the history and the past" of the Savoy family.[40]
Some of the activities, actions, and accusations of members of the House of Savoy, especially those of Vittorio Emanuele and his legal troubles,[26][41][42] evoked media coverage disappointing to Italianroyalists, including among its family members.[43][44] Vittorio Emanuele was a business intermediary on behalf ofAgusta and thanks to his friendship withMohammad Reza Pahlavi concluded sales of helicopters between Italy, Iran, and other Arab countries. In the 1970s, he was investigated inVenice andTrento for international arms trafficking to some Middle Eastern countries under embargo. This case was later transferred toRome but was later closed.[28] Most notably, in November 1991, after thirteen years of legal proceedings, the ParisAssize Court acquitted Vittorio Emanuele of the fatal wounding andunintentional homicide in August 1978 ofDirk Hamer (who was shot and killed while asleep on a yacht offCavallo),[45] finding him guilty of unauthorised possession of a firearm during the incident;[41] this proved to be his one and only conviction of all his legal troubles.[41]
On 16 June 2006, Vittorio Emanuele was arrested inVarenna, as investigators said he had contacts with the Mafia,[46] and imprisoned inPotenza on charges ofpolitical corruption and recruitment of prostitutes for clients of theCasinò di Campione ofCampione d'Italia,[47][48][49] from which it emerged theVallettopoli scandal.[50][51] After seven days in jail,[52] Vittorio Emanuele was released and placed under house arrest instead; both Vittorio Emanuele and his family denied any wrongdoings.[53][54][55] He was released from house arrest on 20 July but was required to remain within the territory of the Italian Republic; he was eventually acquitted of all charges,[56] including that ofcriminal association aimed at corruption,[57] gambling,[58] forgery ("against public administration, public faith, and property"),[59] exploitation of prostitution,[60] and aiding and abetting,[61] in the Savoiagate trial,[62][63] and in February 2015 obtained €40,000 in damages for his time in jail.[64]
When incarcerated in June 2006, Vittorio Emanuele was recorded admitting,[65] with regard to the killing of Hamer, that "I was in the wrong, but I put one over on those French judges",[66][67] leading to a call from Hamer's sister Birgit for Vittorio Emanuele to be retried in Italy for the killing;[68] in response to this and his father's arrest and charges in 2006, Emanuele Filiberto distanced himself from Vittorio Emanuele, saying that he does not share or support everything his father did,[69] while Amedeo of Savoy stated that Vittorio Emanuele's claims to the Headship of House Savoy were "in presence of facts that can injure the Royal House".[70] After a long legal fight, Birgit Hamer obtained the full video.[71][72] The story was broken in the press byIl Fatto Quotidiano with an article by aristocratic journalistBeatrice Borromeo, who also wrote the preface for a book on the murderDelitto senza castigo by Birgit Hamer.[73] Vittorio Emanuele sued the newspaper for defamation, claiming the video had been manipulated.[74] In March 2015, a court judgement ruled in favour ofIl Fatto Quotidiano.[73] In August 2017, Italy'sSupreme Court of Cassation acquittedLa Repubblica journalists Maurizio Crosetti andEzio Mauro of a defamation lawsuit brought by Vittorio Emanuele, who had been referred to by Crosetti and Mauro as "the one who used" with ease the rifle at Cavallo, "killing a man". Crosetti and Mauro, who was also sued for omitted control due to being the then editor-in-chief, had been convicted in the first-instance trial but were acquitted on appeal, a sentence that the Supreme Court of Cassation confirmed.[75] In the summer of 2023,The Prince, a docuseries directed by Borromeo and focused on the death of Hamer, was released onNetflix.[76][77] The docuseries concluded with Vittorio Emanuele declaring that he had no regrets and that he would do everything he had done in his life again "except Cavallu", referencing the events at Cavallo.[26]
In late 2007, lawyers representing Vittorio Emanuele and his son Emanuele Filiberto wrote a seven-page letter to then Italian presidentGiorgio Napolitano and Italian prime ministerRomano Prodi seeking damages for their years in exile (€260 million without consideringinterest) and the return of their seized property after the war.[78][79][80] This was confirmed during an interview on theRai 3 popular affairs programmeBallarò, where Emanuele Filiberto also stated that the seized property including Roman landmarks, such as theQuirinale palace andVilla Ada, should be returned to the Savoy family.[81] The Italian prime minister's office released a statement stating that the Savoys are not owed any damages and suggesting that Italy may demand damages from the Savoys for their collusion with Mussolini and its wartime conduct.[82] The Italian Constitution contains a clause stripping the Savoys of their wealth on exile. Emanuele Filiberto acknowledged that his fiancée, whose pregnancy was revealed at the time of the couple's engagement, belonged to a more leftist milieu than his own, a fact that initially displeased his father.[83] On 17 December 2017, the body of Victor Emmanuel III returned to Italy to be buried at theSanctuary of Vicoforte in Piedmont.[84][85]
Judicially separated since 1976, civilly divorced in 1982, and their marriage religiously annulled in 1987, Amedeo of Aosta's first wife,Princess Claude of Orléans, revealed that she was aware that her husband fathered a child by another woman during their marriage.[86] Aosta acknowledged paternity of another child, born out-of-wedlock in 2006 during his second marriage but agreed to contribute financially to the child's care only after being directed to do so by court order.[87] Thepatrilineal lineage of the House of Savoy was reduced to four males between 1996 and 2009. In 2008,Aimone of Savoy-Aosta marriedPrincess Olga Isabelle of Greece, his second cousin, and they became the parents of sons Umberto and Amedeo, who were born respectively in 2009 and 2011. In 2019, Vittorio Emanuele issued a formal decree that modified the medieval law restricting succession to male heirs to place his granddaughter,Vittoria Cristina Chiara Adelaide Marie, in the line of succession.Prince Aimone declared the change illegitimate, meaning the title would remain in male succession and transfer to the Savoy-Aosta branch led by Aimone.[88][89] As of 2022, the House of Savoy was in the process of trying to reclaim family jewels that have been owned by the Italian government since the abolition of the monarchy.[90] Vittorio Emanuele died in February 2024,[18] and the House of Savoy announced: "Surrounded by his family, he passed away peacefully in Geneva."[41]
The House of Savoy has held twodynastic orders since 1362,[91] which were brought into the Kingdom of Italy as national orders. Although the kingdom ceased to exist in 1946, King Umberto II did not abdicate his role asfons honorum over the two dynastic orders over which the family has long held sovereignty and grand mastership. In the 21st century, following the dispute, both Prince Emanuele Filiberto and Prince Aimone claim to be hereditary Sovereign and Grand Master of the following orders of the House of Savoy:
In February 2006, all three ofVittorio Emanuele's sisters (Princess Maria Pia,Princess Maria Gabriella, andPrincess Maria Beatrice) resigned from the Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation and the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, alleging that memberships in the orders had been sold to unworthy candidates, a newfound practice they could not abide.[95]
In 1396, the title and privileges of the final king of theArmenian Kingdom of Cilicia,Levon V, were transferred toJames I, his cousin and king of Cyprus. The title of King of Armenia was thus united with the titles of King of Cyprus and King of Jerusalem.[96] The title was held to the modern day by the House of Savoy.[citation needed]
Male-line, legitimate, non-morganatic members of the house who either lived to adulthood, or who held a title as a child, are included. Heads of the house are inbold.
^Sandulli, Aldo; Vesperini, Giulio (2011)."L'organizzazione dello Stato unitario"(PDF).Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (in Italian):47–49. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2 November 2018. Retrieved19 March 2013.
^Casùla, Francesco Cesare (2012).Italia. Il grande inganno. 1861–2011 (in Italian) (e-book ed.). Sassari; Ussana: Carlo Delfino Editore; Logus mondi interattivi (e-book). pp. 32–49.ISBN978-88-98062-13-3. Retrieved20 December 2024 – via Google Books.... 1479, Regno di 'Sardegna e Corsica' malgrado non rappresentasse tutta la Sardegna e malgrado la Corsica non fosse interessata ma considerata solo ambita (non sarà mai conquistata). Poi, dal 1479, si chiamo solo Regno di Sardegna ... poi solo Regno di Sardegna (fino al 1861), poi Regno d'Italia (fino al 1946), e, finalmente, Repubblica Italiana. E, tutto questo, senza alcuna soluzione di continuità. [... 1479, Kingdom of 'Sardinia and Corsica' even though it did not represent all of Sardinia and even though Corsica was not interested but only considered coveted (it will never be conquered). Then, from 1479, it was called only the Kingdom of Sardinia ... then only the Kingdom of Sardinia (until 1861), then the Kingdom of Italy (until 1946), and, finally, the Italian Republic. And, all this, without any solution of continuity.]
^Cox, Eugene (1999). McKitterick, Rosamond; Abulafia, David (eds.).The kingdom of Burgundy, the land of the house of Savoy and adjacent territories. The New Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. 5,C.1198 –C.1300.Cambridge University Press. pp. 365–366.
^Administrative charters of Humbert's family are studied in the thesis Laurent Ripart, « Les fondements idéologiques du pouvoir des comtes de la maison de Savoie (de la fin du Xe au début du XIIIe siècle) », Université de Nice, 1999, 3 volumes, Tome II, p. 496-695.
^Introduction:The Sabaudian Lands and Sabaudian Studies, Matthew Vester, Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory (1400–1700), ed. Matthew Vester, (Truman State University Press, 2013), 1.
^Sabaudian Studies, Matthew Vester, Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory (1400–1700), (Truman State University Press, 2013), 6.
^Michael Mallett and Christine Shaw,The Italian Wars, 1494-1559, (Pearson Educational Limited, 2012), 154.
^abMichael Mallett and Christine Shaw,The Italian Wars, 1494-1559, 230-231.
^Henry Kamen,Philip of Spain, (Yale University Press, 1997), 64.
^Buonomo, Giampiero (2000)."Né l'Unione europea, né i diritti dell'uomo possono aprire le frontiere a Casa Savoia".Diritto&Giustizia. Archived fromthe original on 11 December 2019. Retrieved19 March 2016. [In order to prevail the thirteenth final provision of the Italian Constitution ... international law provides for the special instrument of 'reserves' duly stamped by the Italian State at the time of its instrument of ratification deposit of the fourth Protocol.]
^Feroldi, Alessandro (2002).Lampi di vita. Storia di un principe in esilio. Milan: Rizzoli. pp. 161, 207, 216.ISBN978-8-81787-047-4.'Io sono il primo ad accettare che in Italia ci sia la repubblica e non più la monarchia', [page 162, lines 9–10] ... 'Oggi come oggi non vedo l'utilità di riportare in Italia una corona' [page 207, lines 8–9] ... 'Sappiamo tutti che l'Italia non può più tornare ad essere una monarchia' [page 207, line 26] ... 'Ormai la monarchia in Italia non ha più ragione d'essere' [page 216, line 17]. ["I am the first to accept that in Italy there is a republic and no longer a monarchy" ... "Today I do not see the point of bringing a crown back to Italy" ... "We all know that Italy can no longer go back to being a monarchy" ... "By now the monarchy in Italy no longer has any reason to exist" ... .]
Katz, Robert (1972).The Fall of the House of Savoy. A Study in the Relevance of the Commonplace or the Vulgarity of History. London: Macmillan.
Mack Smith, Denis (1992).Italy and its Monarchy. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.ISBN978-0-27473-438-2.
Osborne, Toby (2002).Dynasty and Diplomacy in the Court of Savoy. Political Culture and the Thirty Years' War. Cambridge Studies in Italian History and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-0-52165-268-1.