The sect was founded by aSistani namedMuhammad ibn Karram[9] (d. 896) who was a popular preacher inKhurasan in the 9th century in the vicinity ofNishapur. He later emigrated with many of his followers toJerusalem. According to him, the Karrāmites were also called the "followers of Abū'Abdallāh"(aṣḥāb Abī'Abdallāh).[10] Its main distribution areas were inGreater Khorasan,Transoxiana and eastern peripheral areas ofIran. EarlyGhaznavids and the earlyGhurid dynasty granted the Karrāmīyan rulership. The most important center of the community remained until the end of the 11th century Nishapur. After its decline, the Karrāmīya survived only inGhazni andGhor in the area of today'sAfghanistan.
Ibn Hajar al-Haytami stated that, "They believe that Allah is a body sitting on the Throne, touching it and resting on it, and then moves down every night during the last third of the night to the heavens, and then goes back to His place at dawn."[14]
They also believed thatMunkar and Nakir angels were actually the same as guardian angels on the right and left side of every person.[12]
The Karramiyya also held the view that the world was eternal and that Allah power was limited.[11]
These beliefs were rejected by manySunni theologians asheretical and eventually disappeared. The Karramiyya operated centers of worship and propagatedasceticism.[15]
Unlike other corporealist groups, the Karramiyya emphasised use of reason to defend their beliefs.[16][17][18][19]
^Zysow: Two unrecognized Karrāmī texts. 1988, p. 580
^abLewis, B.; Menage, V.L.; Pellat, Ch.; Schacht, J. (1997) [1st. pub. 1978].Encyclopaedia of Islam. Vol. IV (Iran-Kha) (New ed.). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. p. 667.ISBN9004078193.
^Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed, Introduction inIbn Taymiyya and His Times, eds. Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010), 278
^Hashim, Abdul Quddus, and Abdull Rahman Mahmood. "Isu Melihat Allah SWT di Akhirat Antara Al-Būtī dan Salafiyyah Semasa." Fikiran Masyarakat 5.1 (2017): 41-49.
^Zysow, Aron (15 October 2011)."KARRĀMIYA".Iranica. Vol. 15. Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation. pp. 590–601. Retrieved1 October 2020.Among later Muslim thinkers Ebn Taymiya (d. 728/1328) stands out as a sympathetic, if critical, student of Karrāmi theology, and he took it upon himself to write an extensive commentary on Faḵr-al-Din Rāzi's anti-Karrāmi work Asās al-taqdis, in which he defended the traditionist and Karrāmi positions on the key points of dispute
^'Alawi ibn Abd al-Qadir as-Saqqaf[in Arabic]; et al.كتاب موسوعة الفرق المنتسبة للإسلام - الدرر السنية.وقام أيضا أبو عبدالله محمد بن كرام بسجستان ونواحيها ينصر مذهب أهل السنة والجماعة، والمثبتة للصفات والقدر وحب الصحابة وغير ذلك، ويرد على الجهمية والمعتزلة والرافضة وغيرهم، ويوافقهم على أصول مقالاتهم التي بها قالوا ما قالوا، ويخالفهم في لوازمها، كما خالفهم ابن كلاب والأشعري، لكن هؤلاء منتسبون إلى السنة والحديث، وابن كرام منتسب إلى مذهب أهل الرأي
^Ibn Taymiyyah.Bayan al-Talbis al-Jahmiyyah (in Arabic).