The natural harbour and strategic location have given Køge a long history as amarket town. Today, that past is evident in a well-preserved old town centre with manyhalf-timbered houses.
Køge is located in theCopenhagen metropolitan area and is connected to downtown Copenhagen by theE line of theS-train commuter rail system. Køge is also on theCopenhagen-Ringsted Line that was opened in June 2019. The new line positioned Køge as a central hub in Denmark's transport system.[3]
Like most Danish cities, the origins of Køge precedewritten history. Køge was first recognized as an officialmarket town in 1288, as a contrast to the ecclesiastical center at that time –Roskilde – and was an important merchant town during the late Middle Ages.
During the local witchhunt, calledKøge Huskors (1608–1615), at least 15 people were convicted of witchcraft and burned at the stake.Køge suffered during the wars between Denmark and Sweden (1643–1720, →Battle of Køge Bay). In 1807, the town and surrounding area was the scene of theBattle of Køge between British and Danish troops. Køge remained a small town until the late 19th century, when industrial development and population growth began. Today, Køge forms the core of the 18th most populousurban area in Denmark.
Køge is located at the back ofBay of Køge, demarcated by Copenhagen to the north and theStevns Peninsula to the south, where Køge Å (Køge Creek) meets the sea.
Apart from Køge proper, the town'surban area consists of the suburbs of Køge Nord (Ølby Lyng and Ølsemagle Lyng) to the north andHastrup andHerfølge to the south.
The port is directly connected with theScandinavian Transport Centre, a large business park on the northwestern outskirts of Køge, where – among others – the headquarters and the Danish distribution centre of the multinational, Danish-founded, discount supermarket chainNetto is located.
Køge Museum is located at 4 Nørregade in apreserved former merchant's house from the year 1619. Further down the street, in No. 29, liesKØS Museum of art in public spaces. It is the only art museum in Denmark dedicated specifically to sketches and models for art works in the public realm. Among its holdings is the original model forThe Little Mermaid in Copenhagen.
The historical architecture of the town centre is one of the major attractions of Køge. The oldest datedhalf-timbered house in Denmark, which is also the oldest dated non-nobility and non-religious building of thenordic countries, can be found in Køge. It was built in 1527. Originally a section of a row ofhovels, it is now a part of the public library. Pictures can be found in the gallery. The Third largestViking Ring Fortress was found near the city of Køge, Denmark.[4]
Near the house is Sankt Nicolai Church. The tower of the church contains a lighthouse, which was the first to be built in Denmark.
Køge Town Hall dates from 1552 and is the oldest town hall in Denmark still in use as such.
Køge Torv, themarket square, is, with an area of almost 1hectare (2.5acres), the largesttown square in Denmark outside Copenhagen and the largest and best-preserved medieval town square in Denmark. There are fair days on the square Wednesday and Saturday.
Kjøge Miniby[5] (Kjøge Mini-Town) is a historically correct model of the town from the year 1865 – built to a scale of 1:10.
The partial Yinterchange, where the Danish part of the motorwayE20 meet the Danish part of the motorwayE47 andE55, is located only few kilometers northwest of Køge.
The Port of Køge[9] is one of the oldest ports in Denmark but has been modernised over the last few years. Since 2002, there has been a ferry connection toRønne on the Baltic island ofBornholm, operated byBornholmerFærgen.