Ajughandle is a type of ramp orslip road that changes the way traffic turns left at anat-grade intersection (in a country where traffic drives on the right). Instead of a standard left turn being made from the left lane, left-turning traffic uses a ramp on the right side of the road. In a standardforward jughandle ornear-side jughandle, the ramp leaves before the intersection, and left-turning traffic turns left off of it rather than the through road; right turns are also made using the jughandle. In areverse jughandle orfar-side jughandle, the ramp leaves after the intersection, and left-turning traffic loops around to the right and merges with the crossroad before the intersection.
The jughandle is also known as aJersey left due to its high prevalence within theU.S. state ofNew Jersey (though this term is also locally used for an illegalabrupt left at the beginning of a green light cycle).[1] TheNew Jersey Department of Transportation defines three types of jughandles. "Type A" is the standard forward jughandle. "Type B" is a variant with no cross-street intersected by the jughandle; it curves 90 degrees left to meet the main street, and is either used at a"T" intersection or for a U-turn only. "Type C" is the standard reverse jughandle.[2]
A 1956 article in theAsbury Park Press cited a suggestion by the state's top highway planner to add a "jug-handle" onRoute 35 to facilitate the flow of traffic.[3] One of the earliest mentions of jughandles inThe New York Times is on June 14, 1959, referring to jughandles having been built in New Jersey onU.S. Route 46 inMontville,U.S. Route 22 betweenNorth Plainfield andBound Brook, and Route 35 atMonmouth Park Racetrack, with the article citing the addition of "jug-handle exits" as a way to reduce accidents.[4] By the beginning of 1960, New Jersey had 160 jughandles, most if not all standard before-intersection jughandles. The 160th one was onU.S. Route 1 betweenNew Brunswick andTrenton.[5] Jughandles had been introduced in the 1940s as a way to keep turning vehicles away from the flow of traffic on main roads, but by 2013 a bill to ban the jughandle had made it to the floor of theNew Jersey Senate.[6]
OnNew Jersey State Highways andPennsylvania State Highways, a white sign is placed before a jughandle or at the beginning of a stretch of jughandles saying "All turns from right lane", or a similar message. Each jughandle is marked with a white sign below the standard green sign, saying "All turns", or "U and left turns" in the case of a reverse jughandle.
On locally maintained roads, and in other states, jughandle signage can appear to be haphazard and confusing to out of state drivers.
Removes left-turning vehicles from travel lanes, particularly from higher-speed left lanes.
Pedestrian crossing distance is reduced across the mainline.
Reduced left-turn conflict points as compared to a standard four-leg intersection.
Removes conflicts with right-turning vehicles and pedestrians/bicyclists at the primary intersection.
Reduced average delays, total travel time, and number of stops through the intersection in near saturated traffic conditions.[10]
Higher intersection capacity for left turning vehicles.[10]
Provides u-turn opportunity for larger vehicles on roadways with narrow median[11]
Reduced signal phases due to the elimination of the associated left-turn phase(s).
Shorter pedestrian crossing distance across the mainline may provide for shorter cross street signal phases.
Reduced need for rights-of-way acquisition when there is not any room for a left turning lane; focuses land requirement near intersection rather than a long stretch that is often highly developed.
Driver confusion, due to left-turns being made from the right side of the roadway – an uncommon configuration outside of the northeastern United States. Expectancy issues may be compounded due to inconsistency between intersections, where some intersections may be jughandles and others may be standard intersections. These issues can be reduced through advance signing.
Pedestrian conflict is increased along the cross street due to the addition of an additional intersecting approach.
Creates a higher-speed conflict between vehicles and pedestrians/bicyclists at the divergence point of the jughandle ramp.
Potential for increased travel time and delay for left-turning motorists redirected through jughandle.[11]
Potential for queues along the cross street to block the exit terminal of the jughandle, increasing stops, delays, and travel time of left-turning motorists.[11]
Increased overall percentage of vehicles stopped at the intersection.
With reverse jughandles, motorists travel through the intersection twice: adding to the net movement demand.
Motorists wishing to perform a U-turn maneuver at a reverse jughandle must perform a weaving maneuver across all cross-street lanes to travel from the jughandle terminus to the left-turn lane (unless another reverse jughandle is located on the other corner on the side of the cross street ahead of the motorist's original direction, in which case the motorist stays on the right but must cross through the intersection three times).
To provide for motorist safety, the Federal Highway Administration recommends locating transit stops further from the intersection, outside of the jughandle ramps. This can reduce pedestrian demand due to the additional travel distance to access the transit stop.
"Type A" standard forward jughandles can encourage drivers to try beating (bypassing) the stopped redlight traffic by driving into the jughandle, turning left, and then turning right onto the original roadway to proceed in the original direction of travel prior to that roadway's light turning green again and releasing the stopped traffic.
Additional right-of-way may be required alongside the roadway, unless the existing street network can be utilized.
^"State Promises Better Road Signs at Shore",Asbury Park Press, March 10, 1956. Accessed February 19, 2023, viaNewspapers.com. "Otto Fritzsche, chief highway planner, said it might be best at Shore to place a 'jug-handle' approach there to facilitate movement of southbound traffic from Route 35 to Sunset Avenue."
^Wright, George Cable."New Jersey Roads; $200,000,000 Improvement Program Is Being Carried Out In State",The New York Times, June 14, 1959. Accessed February 19, 2023. "Also, a fourteen-mile stretch of U. S. 22 between North Plainfield and Bound Brook has been resurfaced, provided with a concrete center barrier and equipped with jug-handle exits to eliminate a former major cause of accidents in that vicinity."
^Flegenheimer, Matt."Bill to Squelch Convoluted Left Turns Gains in New Jersey Senate",The New York Times, February 4, 2013. Accessed February 19, 2023. "After more than a half-century, though, the jughandle — so intertwined with the Garden State that it is also called a “Jersey left” — faces a threat. On Monday, a proposal to ban future jughandles cleared the State Senate’s transportation committee, allowing for a full vote and prompting a zealous debate over the state’s signature driving quirk.... Officials said construction of the state’s hundreds of jughandles dated to the 1940s and grew as part of an effort to keep traffic clusters off main drags."