The Judaean Desert lies just east ofJerusalem. TheOld City appears in the foreground, and the desert in the background.
The Judaean Desert lies east ofJerusalem and descends to theDead Sea. The Judaean Desert stretches from the northeasternNegev to the east ofBeit El, and is marked bynatural terraces withescarpments. It ends in a steep escarpment dropping to the Dead Sea and theJordan Valley. The Judaean Desert is characterized by the topography of a plateau that ends in the east in a cliff. It is crossed by numerouswadis flowing from west to east and has manyravines, most of them deep, from 366 metres (1,201 ft) in the west to 183 metres (600 ft) in the east.[6] The Judaean Desert is an area with a special morphological structure along the east of theJudaean Mountains.
A study by theHebrew University of Jerusalem of an underground water reservoir beneath the Judaean Desert known as the Judaea Group Aquifer, found that the aquifer begins in theJudaean Mountains and flows in a northeasterly direction towards the Dead Sea with outflows at the Tsukim, Kane, Samar andEin-Gedi springs. The rain-fed aquifer contains an average yearly volume of some 100 million m3 (3.5 billion cu ft) of water.[7]
Rainfall in theJudea region varies from 400–500 millimetres (16–20 in) in the western hills, rising to 600 millimetres (24 in) around western Jerusalem (in central Judaea), falling back to 400 millimetres (16 in) in eastern Jerusalem and dropping to around 100 mm (3.9 in) in the eastern parts, due to arainshadow effect. The climate ranges fromMediterranean in the west anddesert climate in the east, with a strip ofsteppe climate in the middle.
Rock hyraxes andNubian ibex live on the desert plateau and the Dead Sea cliffs. Until quite recently, there wereArabian leopards in the area, but they are now extinct in the area due toillegal hunting. For the last time, an Arabian leopard was spotted inEin Feshkha.
According to theHebrew Bible,David and his men fled into the Judaean Desert to hide fromSaul. TheBook of Samuel mentions several locations within the Judaean Desert that David visited during his escape from Saul, including the Wilderness ofZiph, Wilderness ofMa'on, the Crags of Wild Goats ("Tzuri Ya'alim") and the Wilderness ofEin Gedi. When David hides in the strongholds at Ein Gedi, Saul seeks him "even upon the most craggy rocks, which are accessible only to wild goats" (1 Samuel 24:2).Psalm 63, subtitleda Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah, has been associated with David's sojourn in the desert of En-gedi.[8]
Several desert fortresses were constructed in the Judaean Desert underHasmonean andHerodian rule.[9] These forts were constructed atop mountains or in secluded mountain range spurs.Dok, thought to be the oldest, was constructed around 167 BCE. The second fort,Hyrcania, was likely constructed byJohn Hyrcanus (ruled 134-104 BCE).Alexander Janneus, his son (r. 103 to 76 BCE), is thought to have foundedMasada. Herod later establishedHerodium, which housed a royal complex includingone of his palaces and his mausoleum. Cypros, which the Hasmoneans most likely built, was also rebuilt by Herod.Alexandrium andMachaerus, two further desert strongholds, were constructed elsewhere (Samaria andPerea, respectively).[9]
TheEssenes, anascetic Jewish sect, lived in the Judaean Desert on the Dead Sea's northwestern shore, according toPliny the Elder. Many modern scholars and archaeologists concur that the Essenes resided inQumran, anarcheological site discovered about 1.5 kilometers (1 mi) from the Dead Sea's northwest shore. According to conventional archeology, theDead Sea Scrolls, which were found in theQumran Caves, were written by Essenes.[10]
During theFirst Jewish–Roman War (67–73 CE) and theBar Kokhba revolt (132-135 CE), Jewish rebels took advantage of the Judaean Desert's natural characteristics for refuge andguerilla warfare.[11] Thesiege of Masada, which took place there circa 73 CE, was one of the pivotal battles of the conflict. According toFlavius Josephus, early in the conflict, JewishSicarii took control of Masada, and from there they launched raids against communities in the Dead Sea region. The RomanLegio X Fretensis rose on Masada in eight camps, and constructed a large siege ramp. Josephus claimed that the siege ended in amass suicide, when the 960 Sicarii rebels present decided to kill themselves rather than be sold into slavery.
During the latter phase of the Bar Kokhba revolt, Jewish refugees and their families escaped torefuge caves, especially following thefall of Betar in 135 CE. Many of these caves were found nestled in the deep ravines of the Judaean Desert, near intermittent streams.[12] As of 2019, over 30 refuge caves have been discovered in the Judaean Desert,[12] including those situated inNahal Michmas, the Almisiya cave, the Murabba'at caves inNahal Darga, the pool cave inNahal David, theCave of Horror and theCave of Letters (where the lettersSimon bar Kokhba wrote to the residents of En Gedi and theBabatha archive were discovered) inNahal Hever, and three caves inTze'elim Stream.
The Judaean Desert has been the site of many archeological discoveries. TheDead Sea Scrolls, a collection of ancient Jewish religiousmanuscripts dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE, were discovered in the 1940s at theQumran Caves.[13] They are considered to be a keystone in the history of archaeology with great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in thebiblical canons, along withdeuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts which preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in lateSecond Temple Judaism. At the same time they cast new light on the emergence ofChristianity and ofRabbinic Judaism.[14][15]
Numerous caves in the Judaean Desert have yielded significant archaeological discoveries linked to theJewish–Roman wars, as they served as shelters for Jewish rebels during that time. In theCave of Letters atNahal Hever, a plethora of artifacts from the Roman period has been unearthed, including various letters and fragments of papyri. Notable among these findings are letters exchanged betweenSimon bar Kokhba and his subordinates during theBar Kokhba revolt, and the Babatha papyri cache, a collection of legal documents belonging toBabatha, a Jewish woman landowner who lived during the 2nd century CE.[16][17] In a nearby cave close toEin Gedi, archaeologists have unearthed an inscription dating back to the 7th century BCE. This inscription, carved into astalactite, is inscribed withPaleo-Hebrew script, indicating its origin duringbiblical times. Another survey of this same cave in 2023 uncovered a unique discovery – a rare collection of 2nd century Roman weaponry, includingfour swords and apilum. This find is believed to be linked to the Bar Kokhba revolt.[18]
Finds from theNeolithic, including statues, masks, wooden and bone tools, skulls and reed basketry, were found in a cave at Nahal Heimar.[19]
^Biblical Archeology Society Staff (8 May 2022)."Who Were the Essenes?".Biblical Archaeology Society. Biblical Archeology Society. Retrieved9 May 2022.
^Ulrich, E. (1999).The Dead Sea Scrolls and the origins of the bible. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
^VanderKam, J., & Flint, P. (2005).The meaning of the Dead Sea scrolls: their significance for understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity. A&C Black.
^Yadin, Y. (1963). The finds from the Bar Kokhba period in the Cave of Letters.Judean desert studies,1.
^Bowersock, G. W. (1991). The Babatha papyri, Masada, and Rome-Naphtali Lewis (ed.), JUDEAN DESERT STUDIES: THE DOCUMENTS FROM THE BAR KOKHBA PERIOD IN THE CAVE OF LETTERS, GREEK PAPYRI [Aramaic and Nabataean Signatures and Subscriptions, ed. by Yigael Yadin and Jonas C. Greenfield](Israel Exploration Society, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1989). Pp. xii+ 149, 40 plates.ISBN965-221-009-9.-HANNAH M. COTTON AND JOSEPH GEIGER (edd.), MASADA II, THE YIGAEL YADIN EXCAVATIONS 1963-1965. FINAL REPORTS: THE LATIN AND GREEK DOCUMENTS ....Journal of Roman Archaeology,4, 336-344.