Edmund John Millington Synge (/sɪŋ/; 16 April 1871 – 24 March 1909), popularly known asJ. M. Synge, was an Irish playwright, poet, writer, collector offolklore, and a key figure in theIrish Literary Revival. He is regarded among the greatestdramatists of the early 20th century,[1][2] and by several of his peers, includingW. B. Yeats, as the most prolific dramatist inIrish literature.[3][4] His plays were known for their realistic depiction of Irish societies, and included themes, landscapes, and settings from places he visited during his travels.[5]
Synge, from a wealthyAnglo-Irish background, mainly wrote about working-class Catholics in rural Ireland, and what he saw as the essentialpaganism of their worldview. Owing to his ill health, he was schooled at home. His early interest was in music, leading to a scholarship and degree atTrinity College Dublin, and he went to Germany in 1893 to study music. In 1894, he moved to Paris where he took up poetry and literary criticism and met Yeats, and returned to Ireland.
Synge suffered fromHodgkin's disease. He died aged 37 from Hodgkin's-related cancer while writing what becameDeirdre of the Sorrows,[6] considered by some as his masterpiece, though unfinished during his lifetime. His relatively few works are widely regarded as of high cultural significance.
Synge's father died fromsmallpox at the age of 49 and was buried on his son's first birthday. His mother moved the family to the house next door to her mother's house in Rathgar, County Dublin. Although often ill, Synge had a happy childhood. He developed an interest in bird-watching along the banks of theRiver Dodder,[10] and during family holidays at the seaside resort ofGreystones, County Wicklow, and the family estate at Glanmore.[11]
He was home-educated at schools in Dublin andBray,[12] and studied piano, flute, violin,music theory andcounterpoint at theRoyal Irish Academy of Music. He travelled to the continent to study music but later decided to focus on literature.[7] He was a talented student and won a scholarship in counterpoint in 1891. The family moved to the suburb of Kingstown (nowDún Laoghaire) in 1888, and Synge enteredTrinity College, Dublin, the following year. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1892, having studiedIrish andHebrew, as well as continuing his music studies and playing with the Academy Orchestra in the Antient Concert Rooms.[13] Between November 1889 and 1894 he took private music lessons withRobert Prescott Stewart.[14]
Synge later developed an interest in Irish antiquities and theAran Islands, and became a member of theIrish League for a year.[15] He left the League because, as he toldMaud Gonne, "my theory of regeneration for Ireland differs from yours ... I wish to work on my own for the cause of Ireland, and I shall never be able to do so if I get mixed up with a revolutionary and semi-military movement."[16] In 1893 he published his first known work, a poem influenced byWordsworth, inKottabos: A College Miscellany.
After graduating, Synge moved to Germany to study music. He stayed inCoblenz during 1893 before moving toWürzburg in January 1894.[17] Because of his shyness about performing in public, coupled with his doubt about his own ability, he abandoned music to pursue his literary interests. He returned to Ireland in June 1894 before moving to Paris in January 1895 to study literature and languages at theSorbonne.[18] He met Cherrie Matheson during summer breaks with his family in Dublin. He proposed to her in 1895 and again the next year, but she turned him down on both occasions because of their differing views on religion. The rejections greatly affected him and reinforced his determination to move abroad.[19]
In 1896, he visited Italy to study the language before returning to Paris. He planned on a career in writing about French authors.[20] That year he metW. B. Yeats who encouraged him to spend time on theAran Islands, after which he returned to Dublin. In 1899 he joined Yeats,Augusta, Lady Gregory andGeorge William Russell to form the Irish National Theatre Society, which later established the Abbey Theatre.[21][15] He wrote some pieces of literary criticism for Gonne'sIrlande Libre and other journals, as well as unpublished poems and prose in a decadentfin de siècle style.[22] (These writings were eventually gathered in the 1960s for hisCollected Works.[23]) He also attended lectures at the Sorbonne by the noted Celtic scholarHenri d'Arbois de Jubainville.[24]
John Millington Synge: A resident of the island of Inishmaan (1898)
In 1897, Synge suffered his first attack of Hodgkin's, after which an enlarged gland was removed from his neck.[25] He visitedLady Gregory's home, at Coole Park near Gort, County Galway, where he met Yeats again and alsoEdward Martyn. He spent the following five summers there, collecting stories and folklore, perfecting his Irish, but living in Paris for most of the rest of each year.[26] He also visitedBrittany regularly.[27] During this period he wrote his first play,When the Moon Has Set which he sent to Lady Gregory for theIrish Literary Theatre in 1900, but she rejected it. The play was not published until it appeared in hisCollected Works.[28]
Synge's first account of life on the Aran Islands was published in theNew Ireland Review in 1898 and his book,The Aran Islands, completed in 1901 and published in 1907 with illustrations byJack Butler Yeats.[7] Synge considered the book "my first serious piece of work".[7] Lady Gregory read the manuscript and advised Synge to remove any direct naming of places and to add more folk stories, but he declined to do either because he wanted to create something more realistic.[29] The book conveys Synge's belief that beneath the Catholicism of the islanders, it was possible to detect a substratum of the pagan beliefs of their ancestors. His experiences in the Arans formed the basis for the plays about Irish rural life that Synge went on to write.[30]
Synge left Paris for London in 1903. He had written two one-act plays,Riders to the Sea andThe Shadow of the Glen, the previous year. These met with Lady Gregory's approval andThe Shadow of the Glen was performed at the Molesworth Hall in October 1903.[31]Riders to the Sea was staged at the same venue in February the following year.The Shadow of the Glen, under the titleIn the Shadow of the Glen, formed part of the bill for the opening run of the Abbey Theatre from 27 December 1904 to 3 January 1905.[31] Both plays were based on stories that Synge had collected in the Arans, and Synge relied on props from the Arana to help set the stage for each of them.[31] He also relied on Hiberno-English, the English dialect of Ireland, to reinforce its usefulness as a literary language, partly because he believed that the Irish language could not survive.[32]
Poster for opening of Abbey Theatre featuringIn the Shadow of the Glen
The Shadow of the Glen is based on a story about an unfaithful wife, and was criticised by theIrish nationalist leaderArthur Griffith as "a slur on Irish womanhood".[32] Years later Synge wrote: "When I was writingThe Shadow of the Glen some years ago I got more aid than any learning could have given me from a chink in the floor of the old Wicklow house where I was staying, that let me hear what was being said by the servant girls in the kitchen."[33] Griffith's criticism encouraged more attacks alleging that Synge described Irish women in an unfair manner.[32]Riders to the Sea was also attacked by nationalists, this time includingPatrick Pearse, who decried it because of the author's attitude to God and religion. Pearse, Griffith and other conservative-minded Catholics claimed Synge had done a disservice to Irish nationalism by not idealising his characters,[34] but later critics have stated he idealised the Irish peasantry too much.[34] A third one-act play,The Tinker's Wedding, was drafted around this time, but Synge initially made no attempt to have it performed, largely because of a scene in which a priest is tied up in a sack, which, as he wrote to the publisherElkin Mathews in 1905, would probably upset "a good many of our Dublin friends".[35]
When the Abbey Theatre was established, Synge was appointed literary adviser and became one of the directors, along with Yeats and Lady Gregory. He differed from Yeats and Lady Gregory on what he believed the Irish theatre should be, as he wrote toStephen MacKenna:
I do not believe in the possibility of "a purely fantastic, unmodern, ideal, breezy, spring-dayish,Cuchulainoid National Theatre" ... no drama can grow out of anything other than the fundamental realities of life, which are never fantastic, are neither modern nor unmodern and, as I see them, rarely spring-dayish, or breezy or Cuchulanoid.[36]
Synge's next play,The Well of the Saints, was staged at the Abbey in 1905, again to nationalist disapproval, and then in 1906 at theDeutsches Theater in Berlin.[37] The critic Joseph Holloway asserted that the play combined "lyric and dirt".[38]
Synge's widely regarded masterpiece,The Playboy of the Western World, was first performed on 26 January 1907, at the Abbey Theatre. A comedy about apparentpatricide, it attracted a hostile reaction from sections of the Irish public. TheFreeman's Journal described it as "an unmitigated, protracted libel upon Irish peasant men, and worse still upon Irish girlhood".[39] Arthur Griffith, who believed that the Abbey Theatre was insufficiently politically committed, described the play as "a vile and inhuman story told in the foulest language we have ever listened to from a public platform",[40] and perceived a slight on the virtue of Irish womanhood in the line "... a drift of chosen females, standing in theirshifts ..."[41] At the time, a shift was known as a symbol representingKitty O'Shea and her adulterous relationship withCharles Stuart Parnell.[42]
A section of the audience at the opening rioted, causing the third act to be acted out indumbshow.[43] The disturbances continued for a week, interrupting the following performances.[44] Years later, after a similar disturbance at the opening ofThe Plough and the Stars bySeán O'Casey, Yeats said the audience had "disgraced yourselves again. Is this to be an ever-recurring celebration of the arrival of Irish genius? Synge first and then O'Casey?"[45][46]
The writing ofThe Tinker's Wedding began at the same time asRiders to the Sea andIn the Shadow of the Glen. It took Synge five years to complete and was not finished until 1907.[35]Riders was performed in the Racquet Court theatre in Galway on 4–8 January 1907, but not performed again until 1909, and then only in London. The first critic to respond to the play wasDaniel Corkery, who said, "One is sorry Synge ever wrote so poor a thing, and one fails to understand why it ever should have been staged anywhere".[47]
Synge died fromHodgkin lymphoma at the Elpis Nursing Home in Dublin on 24 March 1909, aged 37,[48][49][50] and was buried inMount Jerome Cemetery,Harold's Cross, Dublin.[51] A collected volume,Poems and Translations, with a preface by Yeats, was published by theCuala Press on 8 April 1909. Yeats and actress and one-time fiancée Molly Allgood (Maire O'Neill)[52] completed Synge's unfinished final play,Deirdre of the Sorrows, and it was presented by the Abbey players on Thursday 13 January 1910, with Allgood as Deirdre.[34]
John Masefield, who knew Synge, wrote that he "gave one from the first the impression of a strange personality".[53] Masefield said that Synge's view of life originated in his poor health. In particular, Masefield said "His relish of the savagery made me feel that he was a dying man clutching at life, and clutching most wildly at violent life, as the sick man does".[54]
Yeats described Synge as timid and shy, who "never spoke an unkind word" yet his art could "fill the streets with rioters".[55]Richard Ellmann, the biographer of Yeats andJames Joyce, stated that Synge "built a fantastic drama out of Irish life.[20]
Yeats described Synge in the poem "In Memory of Major Robert Gregory":
Synge was a political radical, immersed in the socialist literature ofWilliam Morris, and in his own words "wanted to change things root and branch". Much to the consternation of his mother, he went to Paris in 1896 to become more involved in radical politics, and his interest in the topic lasted until his dying days when he sought to engage his nurses on the topic of feminism.[57]
The cottage where Synge lodged onInis Meáin, now the Teach Synge museum
Yeats said that Synge was "the greatest dramatic genius of Ireland".[58] While Yeats and Lady Gregory were "the centrepieces of the Irish theatrical renaissance, it was Synge ... who gave the movement its national quality ..."[59] His plays helped set the dominant style at the Abbey Theatre until the 1940s. The stylisedrealism of his writing was reflected in the training given at the theatre's school of acting, and plays of peasant life were the main staple of the repertoire until the end of the 1950s. Sean O'Casey, the next major dramatist to write for the Abbey, knew Synge's work well and attempted to do for the Dublin working classes what Synge had done for the rural poor.Brendan Behan,Brinsley MacNamara, andLennox Robinson were all indebted to Synge.[60]
The Irish literary criticVivian Mercier was among the first to recogniseSamuel Beckett's debt to Synge.[61] Beckett was a regular member of the audience at the Abbey in his youth and particularly admired the plays of Yeats, Synge and O'Casey. Mercier points out parallels between Synge's casts of tramps, beggars and peasants and many of the figures in Beckett's novels and dramatic works.[62]
Synge's cottage in the Aran Islands has been restored as a tourist attraction. An annual Synge Summer School has been held every summer since 1991 in the village ofRathdrum, County Wicklow.[63] Synge is the subject of Mac Dara Ó Curraidhín's 1999 documentary film,Synge agus an Domhan Thiar (Synge and the Western World).Joseph O'Connor wrote a novel,Ghost Light (2010), loosely based on Synge's relationship with Molly Allgood.[64][65]
Synge's correspondence with his cousin, composerMary Helena Synge, is archived at Trinity College Dublin.
Burke, Mary. 'Tinkers': Synge and the Cultural History of the Irish Traveller. Oxford University Press, 2009.}
Clesham, Bridgid (2013). "The Province of Armagh: Tuam, Killala and Achonry". In Costecalde, Claude; Walker, Brian (eds.).The Church of Ireland: An illustrated history. Dublin: Booklink. p. 262.ISBN978-1-906886-56-1.
Price, Alan. "Synge and Anglo-Irish Drama". London: Methuen, 1961.
Price, Alan. "A Survey of Recent Work on J. M. Synge" inA Centenary Tribute to J. M. Synge 1871–1909. Ed. S. B. Bushrui. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1972.ISBN0-389-04567-5.
Smith, Alison. "Introduction" inCollected Plays, Poems, and The Aran Islands. Ed. Alison Smith. London: Everyman, 1996.
Synge, John Millington.Collected Works. Ed. Robin Skelton, Alan Price, and Ann Saddlemeyer. Gerrards Cross: Smythe, 1982.ISBN0-86140-058-5
Synge, John Millington.Some Letters of John M. Synge to Lady Gregory and W. B. Yeats. Cuala Press, 1971.
Yeats, William Butler.The Autobiography of William Butler Yeats. Macmillan, 1965.
Watson, George.Irish Identity and the Literary Revival. London: Croom Helm, 1979.