Sowa invented conceptual graphs, a graphic notation for logic and natural language, based on the structures insemantic networks and on theexistential graphs ofCharles S. Peirce. He introduced the concept in the 1976 article "Conceptual graphs for a data base interface" in theIBM Journal of Research and Development.[7] He elaborated upon it in the 1983 bookConceptual structures: information processing in mind and machine.
In the 1980s, this theory had "been adopted by a number of research and development groups throughout the world.[4] International conferences on conceptual structures (ICCS) have been held since 1993, following a series of conceptual graph workshops that began in 1986.[8]
"Whenever a major organization develops a new system as an officialstandard for X, the primary result is the widespread adoption of some simpler system as ade facto standard for X."[9]
LikeGall's law, The Law of Standards is essentially an argument in favour of underspecification. Examples include:
1994.International Conference on Conceptual Structures (2nd : 1994 : College Park, Md.)Conceptual structures, current practices : Second International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'94, College Park, Maryland, USA, August 16–20, 1994 : proceedings. William M. Tepfenhart, Judith P. Dick, John F. Sowa, eds.
Sowa, J. F. (July 1976). "Conceptual Graphs for a Data Base Interface".IBM Journal of Research and Development.20 (4):336–357.doi:10.1147/rd.204.0336.
Sowa, J. F.; Zachman, J. A. (1992). "Extending and formalizing the framework for information systems architecture".IBM Systems Journal.31 (3):590–616.doi:10.1147/sj.313.0590.
1992. "Conceptual Graph Summary"; In: T.E. Nagle et al. (Eds.).Conceptual Structures: Current Research and Practice. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
1995. "Top-level ontological categories." in:International journal of human-computer studies. Vol. 43, Iss. 5–6, Nov. 1995, pp. 669–685
2006. "Semantic Networks". In:Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.. John Wiley & Sons.
^Kecheng Liu (2000)Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering. p.54 states:Conceptual graphs are devised as a language of knowledge representation by Sowa (1984), based on philosophy, psychology and linguistics. Knowledge in conceptual graph form is highly structured by modelling specialised facts that can be subjected to generalised reasoning.
^Marite Kirikova (2002)Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components, and Management. p.194. states:The original theory of conceptual graphs was introduced by Sowa (Sowa, 1984 ). A conceptual graph is a finite, connected, bipartite graph. It includes notions of concepts, relations, and actors...
^Andreas Tolk, Lakhmi C. Jain (2011)Intelligent-Based Systems Engineering. p.xxi