Jesenice was attested in written sources in 1337 asvilla de Jesenicza (and asAssnigkh andAsnigkh in 1381, andJasnickh andAisnstnick in 1493–1501). The name is derived from*Jesen(ьn)icě, a locative singular form ofJesenik (<*Esenьnikъ). The suffix-ě became-i in the local dialect and was reinterpreted as a nominative masculine plural, the accusative of which (in-e) was subsequently reinterpreted as today's feminine nominative plural. The name is derived from the common noun*jesenik 'ash woods' (<jesen 'ash tree'), thus originally meaning 'in the ash woods' and referring to the local vegetation.[4] The modern German name of the town isAßling.[3]
Jesenice was first mentioned asAssling in a 1004 deed of donation issued by KingHenry II of Germany, in which nearbyBled (Veldes at the time) was also mentioned. There were no settlements there at that time, and the name Assling only marked an area on the banks of Jesenica Creek.[5] Later, a settlement slowly started to grow around the area now known as Murova, whereSt. Leonard's Church is today. With theMarch of Carniola it passed to the AustrianHouse of Habsburg upon theBattle on the Marchfeld in 1278.
There are few sources for the early history of Jesenice; most of them focus on ironworks. The oldest is a set of mining rights issued to theCarinthiancounts of Ortenburg, dating to 1381. According to the document, the first settlements in the area (likePlanina pod Golico) were founded on the southern slopes of the Karawanks due to need for wood, flowing water for mills, and iron ore.[6] With the development of new techniques of extraction of iron from ore, the need for water energy grew, and the small streams on the slopes of the Karawanks were no longer sufficient. The ore-extracting industry was thus relocated to the valley in 1538, when Bernardo Bucellini fromBergamo gained permission from the Habsburg KingFerdinand I to move the ironworks to a larger water source, theSava Dolinka River,[7] creating a settlement that was to become Jesenice. The ironworks continued to mine ore from the slopes of the Karawanks.
Members of the House of Ortenburg were the most prominent landowners in the area from the 11th century onwards. They were at their apex in the 13th century in terms of land, encompassing almost all of theSava Valley from its source to itsconfluence with theSora River. The House of Ortenburg promotedcolonization of theUpper Sava Valley, especially in ore-rich areas. Throughout the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, small settlements ofPlavž,Sava, Murova, andSlovenski Javornik were founded. Bydecree of KingAlexander I of Yugoslavia, all of these settlements were amalgamated into the town of Jesenice on March 20, 1929.[8]
The settlements evolved independently of each other and, until the arrival of the railway at the end of the 19th century, they were only connected by a gravel road. In addition to mining and ironworking, locals made a living from agriculture and stockbreeding. Different ironfoundries belonged to different owners - the Zois, Ruard and Bucelleni families. Compared to other foundries around the world at the time, the Jesenice ironworks were out of date because modernization required substantial investmentfunds, beyond what the Zoises, the Ruards and the Bucellenis could raise. Help was offered by the Luckmann family ofbankers fromLjubljana, who agreed to modernize the iron foundries in return for the foundation of a new shareholder company.
The company, named the Carniolan Industrial Company (Slovene:Kranjska Industrijska Družba, KID) was founded by the Luckmann family on September 18, 1869. The Zois family was the first to join the company, with the Ruards following three years later. The company soon expanded its activities to theTržič ironworks, and toTopusko inCroatia. This was the first time that all of theUpper Carniolan ironworks had been joined under a single administration, with central management inLjubljana, and business administration in Jesenice. The greatest achievement was thescientific discovery of a process for obtainingferromanganese in asmelting furnace, which brought KID a gold medal at the World Exhibition inVienna in 1873, and worldwide fame. The Jesenice ironworks achieved a status as a pioneering center of technical invention in the history of ironworking. KID was also the basis for the new ironworks facility, which expanded quickly, frommedieval-style iron foundries to up-to-date modern ironworks facilities in just a few years. The town of Jesenice grew fast, with a great influx of people attracted to new jobs.
The first railway tracks were laid through Jesenice in 1870, and construction of a railway station followed soon after. This made Jesenice better connected with the world, and facilitated its export trade. Construction of theKarawanks-Bohinj Railway was started in 1905, which was a very complicated project because it required drilling two tunnels: one to Austria through the Karawanks, and the other through Mount Kobla in Bohinj to allow faster access to the seaport ofTrieste, then inAustria-Hungary. When the tunnels were completed, the railway line was opened to traffic in a special ceremony attended byArchduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.[9] The rolling mills were relocated from Jesenice toSlovenski Javornik in 1904. Stockholders wanted to cover the expenses of relocation by lowering workers' wages, which led to the first strike in Jesenice, involving around 400 workers. The strike lasted for six weeks, with strikers only partially achieving their goal.
DuringWorld War I, Jesenice ironworks were mainly converted to the manufacture of materiel for the Central Powers. With the front lines being some distance to the south, the war did not reach Jesenice, which only suffered one bombing attack byItalian aircraft, with no casualties. With the end of World War I came major political changes; on December 1, 1918, theKingdom of Yugoslavia was formed, opening up new markets. Due to its border position, Jesenice became an important traffic junction. Between the wars, the first grammar school was established in 1914. The first "boys' and girls' school" was established in 1920, offering higher education. Jesenice was also the center of various kinds of craft and small trade. A tradesman's union was formed in 1920. Development of the ironworks continued; 4,567 workers were affiliated to a greater or lesser extent with KID by 1937.
Italyoccupied Jesenice on April 11, 1941, with the Germans taking over eight days later. This resulted in immediate arrests of some of the workers' leaders, educated and culture-affiliated individuals, and all of theRomany people. Forced mobilization andrecruitment followed soon after. The Germans were aware of the strategic and industrial importance of Jesenice, so they soon began with a program of assimilation, introducing school teaching in theGerman language only, while they also Germanized public signs, and more. These measures led to the formation of thePartisan movement in Jesenice, including theCankar Brigade.
Jesenice Railway Station
The steel industry was again diverted to German military needs, and theGerman management started importingFrench workers, followed by Italian workers after Italiancapitulation in 1943. Sabotage of the German-led steel industry was problematic, because people were more sympathetic to the resistance, which by the end of the second world war proved to be ineffective. Before the end ofWorld War II, Jesenice had undergone a severe sabotage-bombing byAllied forces, which came in two waves on March 1, 1945. There were many casualties, and great damage was done to the town's center, including the destruction of the train station. The ironworks secondary school was founded by KID on November 19, 1938. The first high school was established at the end of the war in 1945, for which KID also founded a staff-apprenticeship school in 1938.
With the end of World War II followed a new economic golden age. Soon after the war, two more smelting furnaces were put into operation. The Jesenice ironworks became one of the main steel manufacturers, charged with the rebuilding of the newly foundedSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and started employing more people than ever before. Many more industrial plants were built to increase production, while Jesenice began to develop into its present shape. As the population also increased with new immigrant workers, massive building of apartment blocks, and residential sections took place. Cultural, sports, school, medical and trafficinfrastructure was built. Jesenice became the center of blackmetallurgy in Slovenia. Introduction of electrical steel processing marked the era of manufacturing steel of higher quality, and in greater quantities. At its economic peak in the 1970s, the ironworks employed more than 8,000 people.
After the collapse of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, economic policies changed, and the Jesenice ironworks could not compete with the better developed Western metallurgy. Another problem was the loss of access to raw material resources, which are located in the other, now separately independent republics of what had beenYugoslavia. This led to massive layoffs, and the emigration of people in search of new jobs. In the years since the declaration of Slovenian independence in 1991, Jesenice has become much less dependent on its metallurgic industry, and has started to develop other aspects of its economy.
With Slovenia joining theEuropean Union and its funding resources in 2004, Jesenice began a massive urban reconstruction.[13] Current projects include rebuilding some old parts of Jesenice, building a second high school and improvements to existing sporting facilities.
Almost all of the 1950s steelmill buildings were demolished. The existing ironworks has undergone massive modernization, and it currently employs around 1,350 workers. A new town-center with a newseat of local government was built in the former industrial part of town. Two shopping centers were also constructed, one in the new town-center, and a larger one inPlavž.
Jesenice is an important railway junction, linking the town with neighboring Austria. There are daily trains going toNova Gorica and further on to Italy, while international trains fromZagreb stop in Jesenice before continuing their way to Germany andSwitzerland.[15]
Bus and coach traffic is also well developed, with numerous stops and connections to other places in Slovenia. Tickets can be purchased in the local travel agency Alpetour,[16] or directly from the bus or coach driver. Jesenice is only 48 kilometers away fromLjubljana Airport.[17]
Jesenice has one college, two secondary schools, two primary schools, as well asmusic schools.
Jesenice College of Nursing (Slovene:Visoka šola za zdravstveno nego Jesenice) is a nursing college, established in 2006.[18] It is the first such program in Slovenia, accredited by the state Council for Higher Education in line withEuropean directives, and theBologna declaration.
Jesenice Secondary School (Slovene:Srednja Šola Jesenice) offers 4-year vocational courses in technical and medicinal subjects.[19] It was established in 1938, and is locally known by its former name of Ironworks Education Center (Slovene:Železarski Izobraževalni Center, ŽIC).
Jesenice High School (Slovene:Gimnazija Jesenice) is a preparatory school that was founded in 1945.[20]
Tone Cufar Primary School (Slovene:Osnovna šola Toneta Čufarja Jesenice) is named after the local writerTone Čufar.
Prezihov Voranc Primary School (Slovene:Osnovna šola Prežihovega Voranca Jesenice) is named after the writer and activistPrežihov Voranc.
The largest religious community in Jesenice areCatholics, though due to the need of labor force for the steel industry in the past, there is a large portion of otherex-Yugoslav immigrants, including manyMuslims who migrated fromBosnia and Herzegovina. There are also manyOrthodox Christians, who migrated fromSerbia. A significant portion of Jesenice's populace today describe themselves asatheists.[21]
There are several religious buildings in Jesenice, including theparish church dedicated toSt. Leonard in Murova, the parish church dedicated to St. Barbara in Plavž,Assumption and St. Roch Church in Old Sava, and theMosque on Viktor Kejžar Street. There are also several non-traditionalhouse churches of various affiliations, established just before Slovenian independence in 1991.
One of the towering smokestacks of the old steel mill has been preserved as a landmark; the illuminated red star that formerly decorated its side has been replaced by advertising billboards.
There are numerous scenic places in the nearby countryside: one can hike or cycle up toPlanina pod Golico orPristava, where swathes of whitedaffodils bloom in springtime. Planina pod Golico is also a good starting point for hikes further up into the mountains, toGolica,Rožca,Španov vrh, or the municipality's highest mountainVajnež (at 2,104 meters).