TheJavan tiger was aPanthera tigris sondaica population native to theIndonesian island ofJava. It was one of the threetiger populations that colonized theSunda Islands during thelast glacial period 110,000–12,000 years ago. It used to inhabit most of Java, but its naturalhabitat decreased continuously due to conversion for agricultural land use and infrastructure. By 1940, it had retreated to remote montane and forested areas. Since no evidence of a Javan tiger was found during several studies in the 1980s and 1990s, it was assessed as being extinct in 2008.
In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force of the Cat Specialist Group revised felid taxonomy and now recognizes the Javan tiger together with theSumatran tiger and theBali tigers as onesubspecies,P. t. sondaica.[5]
Results ofmitochondrial DNA analysis of 23 tiger samples from museum collections indicate that the tiger colonized the Sunda Islands during thelast glacial period 110,000–12,000 years ago.[6]
The Javan tiger was small compared to other subspecies of the Asian mainland, but larger than the Bali tiger, and similar in size to the Sumatran tiger.[4] It usually had long and thin stripes, which were slightly more numerous than those of the Sumatran tiger. Its nose was long and narrow, theoccipital plane remarkably narrow, andcarnassials were relatively long. Based on thesecranial differences, the Javan tiger was proposed to be assigned to a distinct species, with thetaxonomic namePanthera sondaica.[7]
Males had a mean body length of 248 cm (98 in) and weighed between 100 and 141 kg (220 and 311 lb). Females were smaller than males and weighed between 75 and 115 kg (165 and 254 lb).[4]The smaller body size of the Javan tiger is attributed toBergmann’s rule and the size of the available prey species in Java, which are smaller than thedeer andbovid species on the Asian mainland. However, the diameter of its tracks is larger than that of theBengal tiger.[8]
The Javan tiger was said to be strong enough to break the legs of horses orwater buffaloes with its paws.[9]
The Javan tiger used to inhabit most of Java but had retreated to remote montane and forested areas by 1940. Around 1970, the only known tigers lived in the region ofMeru Betiri, the highest mountain in Java's southeast. This rugged region with sloping terrain had not been settled. An area of 500 km2 (190 sq mi) was gazetted as a wildlife reserve in 1972. The last tigers were sighted there in 1976.[10][11]
The Javan tiger preyed onJavan rusa (Rusa timorensis),banteng (Bos javanicus), andwild boar (Sus scrofa); and less often onwaterfowl and reptiles. Nothing is known about its gestation period or life span in the wild or captivity. Up toWorld War II, some Javan tigers were kept in a few Indonesian zoos that were closed during the war. After the war, it was easier to obtain Sumatran tigers.[8]
A group of men and children poses with a killed tiger in Malingping in Banten, West Java, 1941
Bounties for hunting the Javan tiger were issued in the 1830s. Around 1850, people living in rural areas considered it a plague. The killing of tigers increased at the beginning of the 20th century when 28 million people lived in Java and the production of rice was insufficient to adequately supply the growing human population. Within 15 years, 150% more land was cleared for rice fields. In 1938, natural forest covered 23% of the island. By 1975, only 8% of the forest remained, and the human population had increased to 85 million people.[8] In this human-dominated landscape, the extirpation of the Javan tiger was intensified by the conjunction of several circumstances and events:[10]
Tigers and their prey were poisoned in many places during the period when their habitat was rapidly being reduced.
Natural forests were increasingly fragmented afterWorld War II for plantations ofteak (Tectona grandis),coffee, andrubber (Hevea brasiliensis), which were unsuitable habitats for wildlife.
TheJavan rusa, the tiger's most important prey species, was lost to disease in several reserves and forests during the 1960s.
During the period ofcivil unrest after1965, armed groups retreated to reserves, where they killed the remaining tigers.
In 1960, the tiger population inUjung Kulon National Park was estimated to comprise 10–12 individuals.[12] Until the mid-1960s, tigers survived in three protected areas that had been established during the 1920s to 1930s: Leuweng Sancang Nature Reserve, Ujung Kulon, andBaluran National Parks. Following the period of civil unrest, no tigers were sighted there. In 1971, an older female was shot in a plantation near Mount Betiri in Java's southeast. The area was upgraded to a wildlife reserve in 1972, a small guard force was established, and four habitat management projects were initiated. The reserve was severely disrupted by two large plantations in the major river valleys, occupying the most suitable habitat for the tiger and its prey. In 1976, tracks were found in the eastern part of the reserve, indicating the presence of three to five tigers. Only a few bantengs survived close to the plantations, but tracks of Javan rusa were not sighted.[13]
A tiger killed along with sevenJavan leopards duringRampokan in Kediri, East Java,circa 1900
After 1979, no more sightings of tigers inMeru Betiri National Park were confirmed. In 1980, it was recommended to extend the wildlife reserve and eliminate the disruptive influence of humans on the fragile ecosystem. The Indonesian Nature Conservation Authority implemented these recommendations in 1982 by gazetting the reserve as a national park. These measures were too late to save the few remaining tigers in the region.[10] In 1987, a group of 30 students ofBogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor) conducted an expedition to Meru Betiri. They searched the area in groups of five and found tiger scat and tracks.[14]
In the west of Java lies the Halimun Reserve, today integrated into theMount Halimun Salak National Park. A tiger was killed there in 1984, and pugmarks found in 1989 were the size of a tiger's. However, an expedition of six biologists conducted in 1990 did not yield any definite, direct evidence for the presence of a tiger.[14] A subsequent survey was planned in Meru Betiri National Park in the autumn 1992 with the support of WWF Indonesia, deployingcamera traps for the first time. From March 1993 to March 1994, cameras were deployed at 19 locations but did not yield a picture of a tiger. During this period, no tracks indicating the presence of tigers were discovered.[15] After the final report of this survey had been published, the Javan tiger was declared extinct.[16]
Rumors and indications of the possible presence of tigers in Meru Betiri National Park prompted the park's Chief Warden Indra Arinal to initiate another search. With support of theSumatran Tiger Project, 12 park staff members were trained in autumn 1999 to set up camera traps and map their observations. The CanadianThe Tiger Foundation providedinfrared cameras.[17] Despite a year of work, they did not photograph a tiger, but few prey and many poachers.[18]
In 2008, the Javan tiger was assessed as being extinct.[19]
Occasional, unofficial reports of Javan tigers surface from enthusiasts who believe the tiger still exists in Java.[20]In November 2008, an unidentified body of a female mountain hiker was found inMount Merbabu National Park inCentral Java, who allegedly died from a tiger attack. Villagers who discovered the body also claimed some tiger sightings in the vicinity.[21]In January 2009, some villagers claimed to have seen a tigress with two cubs wandering near a village adjacent to Lawu Mountain. Local authorities found several fresh tracks in the location. However, by that time, those animals had already vanished.[22]Following the October 2010 eruption ofMount Merapi, two Indonesian villagers claimed sightings of a big cat paw print in the residual ash, which sparked rumors that a tiger or leopard was roaming abandoned farms in search of food. Personnel of the nearby national park did not think it was likely that the paw print belonged to a tiger.[23]In 2016, a Javan tiger was allegedly photographed inMount Arjuno in East Java.[24] However, it was later proven to be a hoax, and the photo was actually of aBengal tiger taken atTaman Safari Prigen, a zoo located on the slope of Mount Arjuno.[25]In August 2017, a wildlife ranger photographed an alleged Javan tiger inUjung Kulon National Park. A tiger expert later identified the animal as aJavan leopard.[26]
A reported sighting of a Javan tiger in 2019 near Cipendeuy village in the south ofSukabumi Regency reignited the debate over its possible survival. A single hair found on a fence near the sighting location was thought to belong to the same group aszoological specimens of the Javan tiger bygenetic analysis in 2024.[27] This claim was shown to be faulty in a subsequent analysis.[28]
In 1890, Dutch author Jan Gerhard ten Bokkel noted how the fear of tigers brought the people to use superstitious language: "A Javan will never speak about a tiger without calling him 'Mister', it's always: Mr. Tiger. The beast might hear him once, and take revenge at him for merely saying tiger in a familiar way!"[29]
^Temminck, C. J. (1844)."Aperçu général et spécifique sur les mammifères qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dépendent". In von Siebold, F.; Temminck, C. J.; Schlegel, H; de Haan, W.; Kiichi Nakazawa; Shigeho Tanaka; Nagamichi Kuroda; Yaichirō Okada (eds.).Fauna Japonica sive Descriptio animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam, jussu et auspiciis superiorum, qui summum in India Batava imperium tenent, suscepto, annis 1825 - 1830 collegit, notis, observationibus et adumbrationibus illustravit Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Mammalia. Lugduni Batavorum: Arnz et Socius. pp. 1–59.
^Pocock, R. I. (1929)."Tigers".Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.33:505–541.
^Pocock, R. I. (1939)."Panthera tigris".The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia: Volume 1. London: T. Taylor and Francis, Ltd. pp. 197–210.
^Kitchener, A. C.; Breitenmoser-Würsten, C.; Eizirik, E.; Gentry, A.; Werdelin, L.; Wilting, A.; Yamaguchi, N.; Abramov, A. V.; Christiansen, P.; Driscoll, C.; Duckworth, J. W.; Johnson, W.; Luo, S.-J.; Meijaard, E.; O'Donoghue, P.; Sanderson, J.; Seymour, K.; Bruford, M.; Groves, C.; Hoffmann, M.; Nowell, K.; Timmons, Z.; Tobe, S. (2017)."A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group"(PDF).Cat News. Special Issue 11:66–68.
^Treep, L. (1973). On the Tiger in Indonesia (with special reference to its status and conservation. Report no. 164 (Report). Wageningen, The Netherlands: Department of Nature Conservation and Nature Management.
^Hoogerwerf, A. (1970). "Part IV. The Javan Tiger".Udjung Kulon: The Land of the Last Javan Rhinoceros. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 241–272.
^Seidensticker, J.; Suyono, I. (1980).The Javan Tiger and the Meri-Betiri Reserve, a plan for management. Gland: International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
^abIstiadi, Y.; Panekenan, N.; Novendri, Y.; Mathys, A.; Mathys, Y. & Priatna, D. (1991). "Untersuchung über die Carnivoren des Gunung Halimun Naturschutzgebietes".Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz.7 (2):3–5.
^Rafiastanto, A. (1994). Camera trapping survey of Javan tiger and other wild animals in Meru Betiri National Park. Project ID 0084-02 (Report). WWF Indonesia Programme.
^Jackson, P. & Kemf, E. (1994). Wanted alive! Tigers in the wild: 1994 WWF species status report (Report). Gland: WWF.