Outside academia, Tobin was widely known for his suggestion of atax onforeign exchange transactions, now known as the "Tobin tax." This was designed to reducespeculation in the internationalcurrency markets, which he saw as dangerous and unproductive.
In 1935, on his father's advice, Tobin took the entrance exams forHarvard University. Despite no special preparation for the exams, he passed and was admitted with a national scholarship from the university. During his studies he first readKeynes'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936. Tobin graduatedsumma cum laude in 1939 with a thesis centered on a critical analysis of Keynes' mechanism for introducing equilibriuminvoluntary unemployment. His first published article, in 1941, was based on this senior thesis.[12]
Tobin immediately started graduate studies, also at Harvard, earning hisAM degree in 1940. In 1941, he interrupted graduate studies to work for theOffice of Price Administration and Civilian Supply and theWar Production Board inWashington, D.C. The next year, after the United States enteredWorld War II, he enlisted in theUS Navy, spending the war as an officer ondestroyers including (among possibly others) theUSS Kearny (DD-432).[13] At the end of the war he returned to Harvard and resumed studies, receiving his Ph.D. in 1947 with a thesis on theconsumption function written under the supervision ofJoseph Schumpeter.[14] In 1947 Tobin was elected a Junior Fellow of Harvard'sSociety of Fellows, which allowed him the freedom and funding to spend the next three years studying and doing research.
Besides teaching and research, Tobin was also strongly involved in the public life, writing on current economic issues and serving as an economic expert and policy consultant. During 1961–62, he served as a member ofJohn F. Kennedy'sCouncil of Economic Advisers, under the chairmanWalter Heller, then acted as a consultant between 1962 and 1968. Here, in close collaboration withArthur Okun,Robert Solow andKenneth Arrow, he helped design the Keynesian economic policy implemented by the Kennedy administration. Tobin also served for several terms as a member of the Board of Governors ofFederal Reserve System Academic Consultants and as a consultant of theUS Treasury Department.[16]
In August 2009 in aroundtable interview inProspectmagazine,Adair Turner supported the idea of new global taxes on financial transactions, warning that the "swollen" financial sector paying excessive salaries had grown too big for society. Lord Turner's suggestion that a "Tobin tax" – named after James Tobin – should be considered for financial transactions made headlines around the world.
Tobin'sTobit model of regression withcensored endogenous variables (Tobin 1958a) is a standard econometric technique. His"q" theory of investment (Tobin 1969), theBaumol–Tobin model of the transactions demand for money (Tobin 1956), and his model of liquidity preference as behavior toward risk (the asset demand for money) (Tobin 1958b) are all staples of economics textbooks.
In his 1958 article Tobin also led the way in showing how to deal with utility maximization under uncertainty with an infinite number of possible states. As Palda explains "One way to get out of the mess of figuring out asset prices using a model of maximizing the expected utility of investing in stocks is to make assumptions about either preferences or the probabilities of the different possible states of the world. Nobellist James Tobin (1958) took this line and discovered that in some cases you do not need to worry about the utility of income in thousands of states, and the attached probabilities, to solve the consumer's choice on how to spread income among states. When preferences contain only a linear and a squared term (a case of diminishing returns) or the probabilities of different stock returns follow a normal distribution (an equation that contains a linear and squared terms as parameters), a simple formulation of a person's investment choices becomes possible. Under Tobin's assumptions we can reformulate the person's decision problem as being one of trading off risk and expected return. Risk, or more precisely the variance of your investment portfolio creates spread in the returns you expect. People are willing to assume more risk only if compensated by a higher level of expected return. One can thus think of a tradeoff people are willing to make between risk and expected return. They invest in risky assets to the point at which their willingness to trade off risk and return is equal to the rate at which they able to trade them off. It is difficult to exaggerate how brilliant is the simplification of the investment problem that flows from these assumptions. Instead of worrying about the investor's optimization problem in potentially millions of possible states of the world, one need only worry about how the investor can trade off risk and return in the stock market."[23]
Tobin, James (1941). "A note on the money wage problem".Quarterly Journal of Economics.55 (3):508–16.doi:10.2307/1885642.JSTOR1885642.
Tobin, James (1955). "A Dynamic Aggregative Model".Journal of Political Economy.63 (2):103–15.doi:10.1086/257652.S2CID155030858.
Tobin, James (1956). "The Interest-Elasticity of Transactions Demand For Cash".The Review of Economics and Statistics.38 (3):241–47.doi:10.2307/1925776.JSTOR1925776. also:Google Scholar
Tobin, James (1961). "Money, Capital, and Other Stores of Value,"American Economic Review, 51(2), pp.26–37. Reprinted in Tobin, 1987,Essays in Economics, v. 1, pp.217–27. MIT Press.
Tobin, James (1970). "Money and Income: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?"Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(2), pp.301–17.
Tobin, James and William C. Brainard (1977a). "Asset Markets and the Cost of Capital". In Richard Nelson and Bela Balassa, eds.,Economic Progress: Private Values and Public Policy (Essays in Honor of William Fellner), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 235–62.
Tobin, James,Essays in Economics, MIT Press: v. 1 (1987),Macroeconomics. Scroll to chapter-previewlinks. v. 2Consumption and Economics.Description. v. 3 (1987).Theory and Policy (in 1989 paperback asPolicies for Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian Mode).Description andlinks. v. 4 (1996).National and International.Links.
Tobin, James, with Stephen S. Golub (1998).Money, Credit, and Capital. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.TOC.
^Nordhaus, W. and J. Tobin, 1972. Is growth obsolete?. Columbia University Press, New York.
^Vane, Howard R.; Mulhearn, Chris (2005).The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics: An Introduction to Their Careers and Main Published Works. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 121.