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Italic type

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Font style with cursive typeface and slanted design
This article is about printing. For the handwriting style, seeItalic script.
"Italics" redirects here. For the similar wordItalian, seeItalian (disambiguation). For other uses, seeItalic (disambiguation).
"Italicization" redirects here; not to be confused withItalianization.
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Aldus Manutius' italic, in a 1501 edition ofVirgil. Italic is only used for the lower case and not for capitals.[1]

Intypography,italic type is acursivefont based on a stylised form of calligraphichandwriting.[2][3][4] Along withblackletter androman type, it served as one of the major typefaces in thehistory of Western typography.

Owing to the influence fromcalligraphy, italics normally slant slightly to the right,like so. Differentglyph shapes from roman type are usually used – another influence from calligraphy – and upper-case letters may haveswashes, flourishes inspired by ornate calligraphy.

Historically, italics were a distinct style of type used entirely separately fromroman type, but they have come to be used in conjunction—most fonts now come with a roman type and anoblique version (generally called "italic" though often not true italics). In this usage, italics are a way to emphasise key points in a printed text, to identify many types of creative works, to cite foreign words or phrases, or, when quoting a speaker, a way to show which words they stressed. One manual of English usage described italics as "the print equivalent ofunderlining"; in other words, underscore in a manuscript directs a typesetter to use italic.[5]

In fonts which do not have true italics,oblique type may be used instead. The difference between true italics and oblique type is that true italics have some letterforms different from the roman type, but in oblique type letters are just slanted without changing the roman type form.

The name comes from the fact that calligraphy-inspiredtypefaces were first designed inItaly, to replace documents traditionally written in a handwriting style calledchancery hand.Aldus Manutius andLudovico Arrighi (both between the 15th and 16th centuries) were the main type designers involved in this process at the time.


Sample ofNiccoli's cursive script, which developed into Italic type.
Catherine of Siena,Epistole ("Letters"), published in Venice byAldo Manuzio in September 1500:[6] illustrated table in which appear the first words ever printed in italics:iesus, inside the heart in the left hand andiesu dolce iesu amore inside the book in the right hand.[7]
A page from La Operina byLudovico Vicentino degli Arrighi, showing early "chancery italic" typeface

Italic type was first used byAldus Manutius and hispress in Venice in 1500.[8]

Manutius intended his italic type to be used not for emphasis but for the text of small, easily carried editions of popular books (often poetry), replicating the style of handwritten manuscripts of the period. The choice of using italic type, rather than theroman type in general use at the time, was apparently made to suggest informality in editions designed for leisure reading.[a] Manutius' italic type was cut by hispunchcutterFrancesco Griffo (who later, following a dispute with Manutius, claimed to have conceived it). It replicated handwriting of the period following from the style ofNiccolò de' Niccoli, possibly even Manutius' own.[9][10]

The first use in a complete volume was a 1501 edition ofVirgil dedicated to Italy, although it had been briefly used in the frontispiece of a 1500 edition ofCatherine of Siena's letters.[11] In 1501, Aldus wrote to his friend Scipio:

We have printed, and are now publishing, theSatires of Juvenal and Persius in a very small format, so that they may more conveniently be held in the hand and learned by heart (not to speak of being read) by everyone.

Manutius' italic was different in some ways from modern italics, being conceived for the specific use of replicating the layout of contemporary calligraphers like Pomponio Leto andBartolomeo Sanvito. The capital letters were upright capitals on the model ofRoman square capitals, shorter than the ascending lower-case italic letters, and were used at the start of each line followed by a clear space before the first lower-case letter.[12] While modern italics are often more condensed thanroman types, historianHarry Carter describes Manutius' italic as about the same width as roman type.[13] To replicate handwriting, Griffo cut at least sixty-five tied letters (ligatures) in the Aldine Dante and Virgil of 1501.[12] Italic typefaces of the following century used varying but reduced numbers of ligatures.[12]

Italic type rapidly became very popular and was widely (and inaccurately) imitated. TheVenetian Senate gave Aldus exclusive right to its use, a patent confirmed by three successivePopes, but it was widely counterfeited as early as 1502.[14] Griffo, who had left Venice in a business dispute, cut a version for printerGirolamo "Gershom" Soncino, and other copies appeared in Italy and inLyons. The Italians called the character Aldino, while others called it Italic. Italics spread rapidly; historianH. D. L. Vervliet dates the first production of italics in Paris to 1512.[8][12] Some printers of Northern Europe used home-made supplements to add characters not used in Italian, or mated it to alternative capitals, including Gothic ones.[8][12][15]

Jan van Krimpen'sCancelleresca Bastarda, a twentieth-century revival of the chancery italic style.

Besides imitations of Griffo's italic and its derivatives, a second wave appeared of"chancery" italics, most popular in Italy, which Vervliet describes as being based on "a more deliberate and formal handwriting [with] longer ascenders and descenders, sometimes with curved or bulbous terminals, and [often] only available in the bigger sizes."[8][16][17] Chancery italics were introduced around 1524 by Arrighi, a calligrapher and author of a calligraphy textbook who began a career as a printer in Rome, and also byGiovanni Antonio Tagliente of Venice, with imitations rapidly appearing in France by 1528.[13] Chancery italics faded as a style over the course of the sixteenth century, although revivals were made beginning in the twentieth century.[b] Chancery italics may have backward-pointing serifs or round terminals pointing forwards on the ascenders.[16]

Italic capitals with a slope were introduced in the sixteenth century. The first printer known to have used them was Johann or Johannes Singriener in Vienna in 1524, and the practice spread to Germany, France and Belgium.[8][24] Particularly influential in the switch to sloped capitals as a general practice wasRobert Granjon, a prolific and extremely precise French punchcutter particularly renowned for his skill in cutting italics.[8] Vervliet comments that among punchcutters in France "the main name associated with the change is Granjon's."[8]

The evolution of use of italic to show emphasis happened in the sixteenth century and was a clear norm by the seventeenth. The trend of presenting types as matching in typefounders' specimens developed also over this period.[25] Italics developed stylistically over the following centuries, tracking changing tastes in calligraphy and type design.[26][27][28] One major development that slowly became popular from the end of the seventeenth century was a switch to an open formh matching then, a development seen in theRomain du roi type of the 1690s, replacing the folded, closed-formh of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century italics, and sometimes simplification of the entrance stroke.[29][30]


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True italic styles are traditionally somewhat narrower than roman fonts. Here is an example ofnormal (roman) andtrue italics text:

Example text set in bothroman and italic type

Inoblique text, the same type is used as in normal type, but slanted to the right:

The same example text set inoblique type


A common view of when to use italics and bold text. An additional option for emphasis is to usesmall capitals for a word or name to stand out.[31][32]
  • Emphasis: "Smith wasn't theonly guilty party, it's true". This often corresponds withstress in speech.
  • The titles of works that stand by themselves, such as books (including those within a larger series),albums,paintings,plays,television shows,movies, andperiodicals: "He wrote his thesis onThe Scarlet Letter". Works that appear within larger works, such as short stories, poems, newspaper articles, songs, and television episodes are not italicised, but merely set off inquotation marks. When italics are unavailable, such as on a typewriter or websites that do not support formatting, an underscore or quotes are often used instead.[33]
  • The names of ships: "TheQueen Mary sailed last night."
  • Foreign words, including the Latinbinomial nomenclature in the taxonomy of living organisms: "A splendidcoq au vin was served"; "Homo sapiens".
  • The names ofnewspapers andmagazines: "My favorite magazine isPsychology Today, and my favorite newspaper is theChicago Tribune."
  • Mentioning a word as an example of a word rather than for its semantic content (seeuse–mention distinction): "The wordthe is an article".
    • Using a letter or number mentioned as itself:
      • John was annoyed; they had forgotten theh in his name once again.
      • When she saw her name beside the1 on the rankings, she finally had proof that she was the best.
  • Introducing or defining terms, especially technical terms or those used in an unusual or different way:[34] "Freudian psychology is based on theego, thesuper-ego, and theid."; "Aneven number is one that is a multiple of 2."
  • Sometimes in novels to indicate a character's thought process: "This can't be happening, thought Mary."
  • Italics are used in theKing James Version tode-emphasise words "that have no equivalent in the original text but that are necessary in English":[35] "And God saw the light, thatit was good".[36]
  • Algebraic symbols (constants and variables) are conventionally typeset in italics: "The solution isn = 2."
  • Symbols forphysical quantities andmathematical constants: "The speed of light,c, is approximately equal to 3.00×108 m/s."[37][38][39]
  • In biology,gene names (for example,lacZ) are written in italics whereas protein names are written in roman type (e.g.β-galactosidase, which thelacZ gene codes for).[40][41]
  • Italics are frequently used incomics. Aletterer may opt to use italic text for a variety of situations, such asinternal monologues, captions, words from other languages, and text rendered inside certain types ofspeech balloons (such as thought balloons). Bolded words are commonly also rendered in italic.[42]
  • In older English usage, writers italicised words much more freely, for emphasis, for instanceJohn Donne:[43]
    No man is anIland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of theContinent, a part of themaine; if aClod bee washed away by theSea,Europe is the lesse, as well as if aPromontorie were ...
  • In numberingUK Acts of Parliament within a given year (prior to 1963, a givensession),personal acts have italic Arabic numerals, whereaspublic general acts have plain Arabic numerals andlocal acts have lowercase Roman numerals.[44]

Oblique type compared to italics

Three sans-serif italics.News Gothic, a 1908grotesque design, has anoblique 'italic', like many designs of the period. Gothic Italic no. 124, an 1890s grotesque, has a crisp true italic resemblingDidone serif families of the period.[45]Seravek, a modern humanist family, has a more informal italic in the style of handwriting.

Oblique type (or slanted roman, sloped roman) is type that is slanted, but lacking cursive letterforms, with features like a non-descendingf and double-storeya, unlike "true italics". Manysans-serif typefaces use oblique designs (sometimes called "sloped roman" styles) instead of italic ones; some have both italic and oblique variants. Type designers have described oblique type as less organic and calligraphic than italics, which in some situations may be preferred.[46] Contemporary type designerJeremy Tankard stated that he had avoided a true italica ande in his sans-serifBliss due to finding them "too soft", whileHoefler andFrere-Jones have described obliques as more "keen and insistent" than true italics.[47][48]Adrian Frutiger has described obliques as more appropriate to the aesthetic of sans-serifs than italics.[49] In contrast,Martin Majoor has argued that obliques do not contrast enough from the regular style.[50]

Almost all modern serif fonts have true italic designs. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a number of type foundries such asAmerican Type Founders andGenzsch & Heyse offered serif typefaces with oblique rather than italic designs, especially display typefaces but these designs (such as Genzsch Antiqua) have mostly disappeared.[51][52][53] An exception is American Type Founders'Bookman, offered in some releases with the oblique of its metal type version.[54] An unusual example of an oblique font from the inter-war period is the display faceKoch Antiqua. With a partly oblique lower case, it also makes the italic capitals inline in the style of blackletter capitals in the larger sizes of the metal type. It was developed by Rudolph Koch, a type designer who had previously specialised inblackletter font design (which does not use italics);Walter Tracy described his design as "uninhibited by the traditions of roman and italic".[55]

The printing historian and artistic directorStanley Morison was for a time in the inter-war period interested in the oblique type style, which he felt stood out in text less than a true italic and should supersede it. He argued in his articleTowards an Ideal Italic that serif book typefaces should have as the default sloped form an oblique and as a complement ascript typeface where a more decorative form was preferred.[56] He made an attempt to promote the idea by commissioning the typefacePerpetua fromEric Gill with a sloped roman rather than an italic, but came to find the style unattractive; Perpetua's italic when finally issued had the conventional italica,e andf.[57][58] Morison wrote to his friend, type designerJan van Krimpen, that in developing Perpetua's italic "we did not give enough slope to it. When we added more slope, it seemed that the font required a little more cursive to it."[51][c] A few other type designers replicated his approach for a time: Van Krimpen's Romulus andWilliam Addison Dwiggins'Electra were both released with obliques.[d] Morison'sTimes New Roman typeface has a very traditional true italic in the style of the late eighteenth century, which he later wryly commented owed "more toDidot than dogma".[61]

Some serif designs primarily intended for headings rather than body text are not provided with an italic, Engravers and some releases ofCooper Black andBaskerville Old Style being common examples of this. In addition, computer programmes may generate an 'italic' style by simply slanting the regular style if they cannot find an italic or oblique style, though this may look awkward with serif fonts for which an italic is expected. Professional designers normally do not simply tilt fonts to generate obliques but make subtle corrections to correct the distorted curves this introduces. Many sans-serif families have oblique fonts labelled as italic, whether or not they include "true italic" characteristics.

More complex usage


Italics within italics

Straight italic type within normal italics (Latin and Cyrillic)

If something within a run of italics needs to be italicised itself, the type is normally switched back to non-italicized (roman) type: "I thinkThe Scarlet Letter had a chapter about that, thought Mary." In this example, the title ("The Scarlet Letter") is within an italicised thought process and therefore this title is non-italicised. It is followed by the main narrative that is outside both. It is also non-italicised and therefore not obviously separated from the former. The reader must find additional criteria to distinguish between these. Here, apart from using the attribute of italic–non-italic styles, the title also employs the attribute of capitalization.Citation styles in which book titles are italicised differ on how to deal with a book title within a book title; for example,MLA style specifies a switch back to roman type, whereasThe Chicago Manual of Style (14.94) specifies the use of quotation marks (A Key to Whitehead's "Process and Reality"). An alternative option is to switch to an 'upright italic' style if the typeface used has one; this is discussed below.

Left-leaning italics

A 'backslanted' italicfat face typeface, made for display use by theFiggins foundry of London. The typeface is an example of the increasingly attention-grabbing, bold and dramatic fonts becoming popular in British display typography in the early nineteenth century.

Left-leaning italics are now rare inLatin script, where they are mostly used for the occasional attention-grabbing effect.[62][63] They were once more common, however, for example in legal documents.[64]

4 shapes of Adobe Arabic font (Normal, Iranic, Bold, Bold-Iranic)

In the 1950s,Gholamhossein Mosahab invented theIranic font style, a back-slanted italic form to go with the right-to-left direction ofthe script.[65] Some modernArabic fonts (e.g.: Adobe Arabic, Boutros Ads) support this, and use it when italics is requested.[citation needed]

Some font families, such asVenus, Roemisch, Topografische Zahlentafel, include left leaning fonts and letters designed for German cartographic map production, even though they do not support Arabic characters.[66]

Upright italics

Computer Modern's 'upright italic' font.

Since italic styles clearly look different from regular (roman) styles, it is possible to have 'upright italic' designs that have a cursive style but remain upright. In Latin-script countries, upright italics are rare but are sometimes used in mathematics or in complex texts where a section of text already in italics needs a 'double italic' style to add emphasis to it.Donald Knuth'sComputer Modern has an alternate upright italic as an alternative to its standard italic, since its intended use is mathematical typesetting.

Font families with an upright or near-upright italic only includeJan van Krimpen's Romanée,Eric Gill'sJoanna,Martin Majoor'sFF Seria andFrederic Goudy'sDeepdene. The popular book typefaceBembo has been sold with two italics: one reasonably straightforward design that is commonly used today, and an alternative upright'Condensed Italic' design, far more calligraphic, as a more eccentric alternative.This italic face was designed byAlfred Fairbank and named "Bembo Condensed Italic",Monotype series 294.[67][19][20] SomeArts and Crafts movement-influenced printers such asGill also revived the original italic system of italic lower-case only from the nineteenth century onwards.[68]


Monotype Garamond's italic replicates the work of 17th-century punchcutterJean Jannon quite faithfully, with a variable slant on the italic capitals.[69]

The Chicago Manual of Style suggests thatparentheses andbrackets surrounding text that begins and ends in italic oroblique type should also be italicised(as in this example), to avoid problems such as overlapping and unequally spaced characters. An exception to this rule applies when only one end of the parenthetical is italicised (in which caseroman type is preferred,as on the right of this example).

InThe Elements of Typographic Style, however, it is argued that, since Italicdelimiters are not historically correct, the upright versions should always be used, while paying close attention tokerning.



In media where italicization is not possible, alternatives are used as substitutes:

  • In typewritten or handwritten text,underlining is typically used.
  • In plain-text computer files, includinge-mail communication, italicised words are often indicated by surrounding them withslashes or other matcheddelimiters. For example:
    • I was /really/ annoyed.
    • They >completely< forgot me!
    • I had _nothing_ to do with it. (Commonly interpreted as underlining, which is an alternative to italics.)
    • It was *absolutely* horrible. (Commonly interpreted as bold. This and the previous example signify italic inMarkdown, where bolding uses **double asterisks**, and underlining uses __double underscores__.)
  • Where the italics do not indicate emphasis, but are marking a title or where aword is being mentioned, quotation marks may be substituted:
    • The word "the" is an article.
    • The term "even number" refers to a number that is a multiple of 2.
    • The novel "Fahrenheit 451" was written byRay Bradbury.



OpenType has theital feature tag to substitute a character to italic form with single font. In addition, the OpenType Font Variation hasital axis for the transition between italic and non-italic forms andslnt axis for the oblique angle of characters.

Web pages


InHTML, the<i>element is used to produce italic (oroblique) text. When the author wants to indicate emphasised text, modern Web standards recommend using the<em> element, because it conveys that the content is to be emphasised, even if it cannot be displayed in italics. Conversely, if the italics are purely ornamental rather than meaningful, thensemantic markup practices would dictate that the author use theCascading Style Sheets declarationfont-style: italic; along with an appropriate, semanticclass name instead of an<i> or<em> element.



InUnicode, theMathematical Alphanumeric Symbols block includes Latin and Greek letters in italics and boldface. However, Unicode expressly recommends against using these characters in general text in place ofpresentational markup.[70]

See also



  1. ^It has been suggested that his choice to publish such small, cheap editions was the result of a recession beginning in 1500, the result of war with the Ottoman Empire.
  2. ^Notable revivals includeBembo Narrow Italic,Centaur Italic or Arrighi,Poetica andRequiem.[18][19][20][21][22][23]
  3. ^Spelling modernised to avoid confusion–Morison wrote 'fount', the usual spelling in British English at the time.
  4. ^Electra was later reissued–although not in Britain–with a true italic, which is the only form most digitisations include. An exception isJim Parkinson's Aluminia revival, which includes both.[59] Romulus was issued on Morison's plan with an oblique a script typeface companion,Cancelleresca Bastarda, which has longer ascenders and descenders than Romulus does. Digital period type designer James Puckett describes the obliques on both Romulus and Electra as "spectacular failures [which] pretty much killed the idea for serifed types."[60]


  1. ^"Aldus Manutius".Pioneers of Print.University of Manchester. Retrieved6 April 2017.
  2. ^Ewan Clayton (5 September 2013).The Golden Thread: The Story of Writing. Atlantic Books. pp. 104–6.ISBN 978-1-78239-034-3.
  3. ^Gaultney, Victor."Designing Italics: Approaches to the design of contemporary secondary text typefaces (PhD thesis)".Victor Gaultney.University of Reading. Retrieved30 September 2021.
  4. ^Hoefler, Jonathan."Italics Examined".Hoefler & Co. Retrieved10 February 2017.
  5. ^Truss, Lynne (2004),Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, New York: Gotham Books, p. 146,ISBN 978-1-59240-087-4
  6. ^Bühler, Curt (1970)."False Information in the Colophons of Incunabula".Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.114 (5): 405.ISBN 9781422371374. Retrieved8 June 2020.Manutius dated his 15 September 1500, but included in the volume is a letter...with date of September 19.
  7. ^"Type to Print: The Book & The Type Specimen Book - Saint Catherine".Columbia University Libraries Online Exhibitions. Retrieved18 December 2018.
  8. ^abcdefgHendrik D. L. Vervliet (2008).The Palaeotypography of the French Renaissance: Selected Papers on Sixteenth-century Typefaces. BRILL. pp. 287–319.ISBN 978-90-04-16982-1.
  9. ^Oxford University Press (1 June 2010).Aldo Manuzio (Aldus Manutius): Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide. Oxford University Press, USA. pp. 10–11.ISBN 978-0-19-980945-5.
  10. ^Berthold Louis Ullman,The origin and development of humanistic script, Rome, 1960, p. 77
  11. ^"Roman vs Italic".Type to Print: The Book & The Type Specimen Book. Columbia University Libraries. Retrieved27 October 2014.
  12. ^abcdeKaufmann, Ueli (11 October 2015)."The design and spread of Froben's early Italics".Department of Typography & Graphic Communication. University of Reading. Archived fromthe original on 2 November 2016. Retrieved5 April 2017.
  13. ^abCarter, Harry (1969).A View of Early Typography. Clarendon Press. pp. 117–126.ISBN 978-0-19-818137-8.If Aldus hoped, as it is commonly said that he did, but he never said, that cursive letterforms would save space, he must have been disappointed by the result: a Roman type on the same body gets in just as much. It is a beautiful and legible typeface.
  14. ^Updike, D.B. (1927),Printing Types: Their History, Form and Use, Harvard University
  15. ^Nakano, Shotaro (19 November 2023)."Reviving Unknown 16th-century Dutch Type: Shotaro Nakano, ATypI 2023 Paris".YouTube.ATypI. Retrieved11 January 2024.A type cut by an unknown punchcutter whose matrix is numbered MA174 in an inventory of Plantin Moretus Museum…is not completely italic but has traces of blackletter, which must be rare in the history of type although there are many roman types like that.
  16. ^abMorison, Stanley; Johnson, Alfred (2009)."3: The Chancery Types of Italy and France". In McKitterick, David John (ed.).Selected essays on the history of letter-forms in manuscript and print. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 30–45.ISBN 978-0-521-18316-1. Retrieved28 December 2015.
  17. ^Morison, Stanley (1973).A Tally of Types. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 41–60.ISBN 978-0-521-09786-4.
  18. ^Hoefler, Jonathan."Requiem".Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Retrieved6 April 2017.
  19. ^ab"Fairbank". Monotype. Retrieved30 June 2015.
  20. ^ab"Fairbank".MyFonts. Monotype.
  21. ^"Fairbanks Italic specimen"(PDF). Monotype. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 11 June 2016. Retrieved14 May 2016.
  22. ^"Alfred Fairbank"(PDF).Klingspor Museum. Retrieved14 May 2016.
  23. ^"Poetica".MyFonts. Adobe Systems. Retrieved6 April 2017.
  24. ^Clair, Colin (1969).A Chronology of Printing. New York, Praeger. p. 43.
  25. ^Lane, John (1983). "The Types of Nicholas Kis".Journal of the Printing Historical Society:47–75.
  26. ^Johnson, Alfred F. (1930). "The Evolution of the Modern-Face Roman".The Library. s4-XI (3):353–377.doi:10.1093/library/s4-XI.3.353.
  27. ^Dreyfus, John (1950). "The Baskerville Punches 1750–1950".The Library.s5-V (1):26–48.doi:10.1093/library/s5-V.1.26.
  28. ^Ewan Clayton (11 February 2014).The Golden Thread: A History of Writing. Counterpoint LLC. pp. 205–210.ISBN 978-1-61902-242-3.[permanent dead link]
  29. ^Morison, Stanley (1937)."Type Designs of the Past and Present, Part 3".PM:17–81. Archived fromthe original on 4 September 2017. Retrieved4 June 2017.
  30. ^Mosley, James."Comments on Typophile thread". Archived fromthe original on 27 March 2017. Retrieved27 March 2017.One of the distinctive things about French calligraphy of [the 1680s] is that the lead-in stroke of letters like i, m, n and so on have flat, rather 'roman', serifs, making them look a bit like a'sloped roman'…Fournier used it fifty years later in his 'new style' italics, and later so did Firmin Didot. And that French flat serif also turns up in…the italic toTimes New Roman.
  31. ^Butterick, Matthew."Bold or italics?".Practical Typography. Retrieved29 July 2015.
  32. ^Butterick, Matthew."Small caps".Practical Typography. Retrieved29 July 2015.
  33. ^"Formatting Book Titles in the Digital Age" 18 August 2014.
  34. ^University of Minnesota Style Manual,University of Minnesota, 18 July 2007, archived fromthe original on 24 March 2010, retrieved22 October 2009
  35. ^Norton, David (2005).A Textual History of the King James Bible.Cambridge University Press. p. 162.ISBN 9780521771009. Retrieved18 October 2016.
  36. ^Genesis 1:4
  37. ^Mills, I. M.; Metanomski, W. V. (December 1999),On the use of italic and roman fonts for symbols in scientific text(PDF),IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols, retrieved9 November 2012. This document wasslightly revised in 2007* and full text included in theGuidelines For Drafting IUPAC Technical Reports And Recommendations and also in the3rd edition of the IUPAC Green BookArchived 19 September 2018 at theWayback Machine. *Refer to Chemistry International. Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 23–24, ISSN (Online) 1365-2192, ISSN (Print) 0193-6484, DOI: 10.1515/ci-2014-0529, September 2014
  38. ^See alsoTypefaces for Symbols in Scientific ManuscriptsArchived 19 September 2018 at theWayback Machine, NIST, January 1998. This cites the family ofISO standards 31-0:1992 to 31-13:1992.
  39. ^"More on Printing and Using Symbols and Numbers in Scientific and Technical DocumentsArchived 29 June 2007 at theWayback Machine". Chapter 10 of NIST Special Publication 811 (SP 811):Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI). 2008 Edition, by Ambler Thompson and Barry N. Taylor. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, US. March 2008. 76 pages. This cites theISO standards 31-0:1992 and 31-11:1992, but notes "Currently ISO 31 is being revised [...]. The revised joint standards ISO/IEC 80000-1—ISO/IEC 80000-15 will supersede ISO 31-0:1992—ISO 31-13".
  40. ^"The NCBI Style Guide: Style Points and Conventions".National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved28 April 2016.
  41. ^"Guidelines for Formatting Gene and Protein Names". BioScience Writers. Retrieved28 April 2016.
  42. ^"Comic Book Grammar & Tradition".Blambot Comic Book Fonts. Retrieved14 March 2022.
  43. ^Meditation XVII (1624)
  44. ^"Introduction to Private and Personal Acts" p. 6. Listing, Numbering and Annotations of Acts. Retrieved22 July 2024.
  45. ^Specimens of type, borders, ornaments, brass rules and cuts, etc. : catalogue of printing machinery and materials, wood goods, etc. American Type Founders Company. 1897. p. 340. Retrieved17 August 2015.
  46. ^Majoor, Martin."Inclined to be dull".Eye magazine. Retrieved20 June 2015.
  47. ^Tankard, Jeremy."Bliss". Jeremy Tankard Typography. Retrieved16 December 2016.
  48. ^Frere-Jones, Tobias; Hoefler, Jonathan."Whitney".Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Retrieved16 December 2016.
  49. ^Frutiger, Adrian (8 May 2014).Typefaces: The Complete Works (2nd ed.). Walter de Gruyter. p. 260.ISBN 978-3038212607.
  50. ^Majoor, Martin (29 November 2004)."My Type Design Philosophy".Typotheque. Retrieved12 November 2015.
  51. ^abWalter Tracy (January 2003).Letters of Credit: A View of Type Design. D.R. Godine. pp. 61–4.ISBN 978-1-56792-240-0.
  52. ^"Typophile discussion".Typophile. Archived fromthe original on 8 November 2014. Retrieved8 November 2014.
  53. ^Devroye, Luc."Friedrich Bauer".Type Design Information. Retrieved8 November 2014.
  54. ^Simonson, Mark."Bookmania". Retrieved23 September 2014.
  55. ^Tracy, Walter.Letters of Credit. pp. 162–3.
  56. ^Morison, Stanley.Towards an Ideal Italic.
  57. ^"Monotype Imaging: Perpetua". Archived fromthe original on 10 January 2012. Retrieved8 November 2014.
  58. ^Lo Celso, Alejandro."Serial Type Families"(PDF). Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 8 November 2014.
  59. ^"Recasting Electra as Aluminia".Letterform Archive. 11 September 2017. Retrieved10 November 2017.
  60. ^Puckett, James (22 November 2016)."Draughtsman's Alphabets published by Keuffel & Esser".dailytypespecimen. Retrieved10 November 2017.
  61. ^Morison, Stanley."Changing the Times".Eye. Retrieved28 July 2015.
  62. ^William E. Ryan; Theodore E. Conover (2004).Graphic Communications Today. Cengage Learning. p. 98.ISBN 978-0-7668-2075-3.
  63. ^"Nitro & Turbo - Overview".Hoefler & Frere-Jones. Retrieved29 February 2016.
  64. ^"Reverse italics at StudioType". Archived fromthe original on 19 July 2021. Retrieved4 October 2020.
  65. ^Esfahbod, Behdad; Roozbeh Pournader (March 2002)."FarsiTeX and the Iranian TeX Community"(PDF).TUGboat.23 (1):41–45. Retrieved3 January 2013.
  66. ^"Venus".Fonts in Use. Retrieved13 January 2017.
  67. ^Bixler, M & W."Bembo Condensed Italic specimen". Retrieved30 June 2015.
  68. ^Harling, Robert (1975).The Letter Forms and Type Designs of Eric Gill (1st U.S. ed.). Westerham, Kent: Published by Eva Svensson, and printed by the Westerham Press. pp. 51–8.ISBN 978-0-903696-04-3.
  69. ^Warde, Beatrice (1926)."The 'Garamond' Types".The Fleuron:131–179.
  70. ^"22.2 Letterlike Symbols".The Unicode Standard, Version 13.0(PDF). Mountain View, CA: Unicode, Inc. March 2020.

External links

Look upitalic orAppendix:Italic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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