The caves near Pula (in latiniumPietas Julia),Lim bay,Šandalja, andRoumald's cave, houseStone Age archaeological remains. Less ancientStone Age sites, from the period between 6000 and 2000 BC can also be found in the area. More than 400 locations are classified asBronze Age (1800–1000 BC) items. Numerous findings includingweapons,tools, andjewelry) which are from the earlieriron era around the beginning ofcommon era.
The Istrian peninsula was known toRomans as theterra magica. Its name is derived from theHistri, anIllyrian tribe who as accounted by the geographerStrabo lived in the region. Romans described them aspirates who were hard to conquer due to the difficulty of navigating the territory. After two military campaigns, Roman legions finally subdued them in 177 BC.
In 1267 theRepublic of Venice annexed the western and southern coast of the Istrian peninsula because of the strong presence of the autochthonous Italian community; during this period the region prospered. The major Istrian cities were reborn under Venetian government; it was in this half millennium that they developed architecturally and culturally.[citation needed] The eastern half of Istria was administered by the Habsburgs, and was referred to as "Imperial Istria" with its capital at Pisino (German: Mitterburg).
After World War I, according to the peace treaty ofRapallo Istria became part of Italy in 1920.Fascism and laterNazi occupation spoiled otherwise tolerant ethnic relations in the area. AfterWorld War II Istria was assigned toYugoslavia and many ethnicItalians (Istrian Italians) left in theIstrian–Dalmatian exodus. With thecollapse of Communist Yugoslavia Istria became part of an independent Croatia and the region saw no fighting in theensuing war. Today it is one of the most economically developed parts of Croatia. Currently, some people ask for a higher degree of autonomy for the county. This is part of theIstrian regionalist movement.
Its coastline is 445 km (277 mi) long with islands making up 539.9 km (335 mi). A smaller part of Istria also belongs to thePrimorje-Gorski Kotar County of Croatia. Mirroring the bay ofVenice across theAdriatic and theQuarnaro Gulf, the region is not far from theJulian Alps. The westernmost point is atSavudrija while the southernmost is nearPremantura, on the localpromontory of Kamenjak.
There are so called "bijela", "siva", and "crvena" Istra (white, grey and red Istria). White Istria is around the mountain peaks, Grey Istria is the fertile inner lands while Red Istria is the blood-red painted lands ofterra rossa or "crljenica" near the coastline.
Sites such as theGrotto of Baredine near Poreč, the underground riverPazinčica, and thekarstPazin pit (Pazinska jama) nearPazin are geologic attractions. TheLimski Kanal is the only structure resembling afjord in continental Europe outside ofScandinavia (though actually it is not a fjord, but aria). Thequarry nearRovinj has been designed for studying geology. The longest river, theMirna is only 32 km (20 mi) long and its mouth is nearNovigrad. Other rivers that pass through Istria include theDragonja River and theRaša River.
The continental plains and valleys are primarily utilized for agriculture, such as growing cereals and vegetables. Closer to the sea, red lands are used for cultivation ofgrapes,vine, olives, andfigs. Agriculture and the production of ecological food, theolive gardens, and the production of quality wines is the focus of Istria'sagriculture sector. The coastline and nearby islands are rich in themaquis shrubland (mostlyholm oak andstrawberry tree). Woods, mostlyoak andpine trees, cover a third of the territory.
TheBrijuninational park and theUčkanature park are well-known natural reservations and legally protected landscapes. This mountain range feeds the rivers and lakes from eastern Istria to the Raša river in theLabinština peninsula. Other interesting localities areLim Bay, the wood nearMotovun, park woodsZlatni Rt andŠijana near Pula, the protected landscape ofKamenjak in the extreme south of Istria, and the reservation Palud with anornithology nearRovinj. The Brijuniarchipelago is an interesting habitat of about 680 plant species and also decorated by the most diverse vegetation and olive groves.
Protected from the north by the mountain chain ofAlps as well the inner highland, theclimate isborderline Mediterranean andhumid subtropical with wetter winters and drier summers, but not completely dry. Overall a very pleasant climate with the highestair temperature averaging 24 °C during August, and the lowest air temperature averaging 5 °C in January. Summers are usually warm during the day and cooler near the evening, although strange heat wave patterns are common. The weather ranges from humid to dry with over 10 hours of sunshine daily. Primarily, there is a lot of moisture in the air especially in the coastal towns of Istra such as Poreč, Vrsar, Rovinj, Pula, and others. Temperatures above 10 °C last for more than 240 days a year. Excessive heat (above 30 °C) lasts for three weeks at the most. Despite air temperatures being lower than those inDalmatia, theAdriatic Sea is warmer reaching up to 26 °C in August, coldest in March, (9-11 °C), while the freezing even in small, shallow bays is quite rare. There are two kinds of winds - thebora is bringing cold and clear weather from the north in winters, and the southernjugo bringing rain in summer. Themaestral is a summer breeze blowing from the inland to the sea. Thesalinity of the sea water is 0.37%.
According to the 2021 census the total population of Istria County is 195,794 which amounts to approximately 4.8% of Croatia's entire population. The county's population density is approximately 70 inhabitants per km2 with an average age of 45 years.
Istria county is administratively subdivided into 41 local units of government - 10 of these are officially designated as cities/towns and 31 are largely rural municipalities. More than 70 percent of the county's population lives in these ten urban areas:
The Italian tricolour as flag of theautochthonous Italian minority is displayed alongside the Croatian and the Istrian flags on government buildings
Besides official Croatian, theChakavian dialect ofCroatian is often in use, as in most coastal counties.Italian is also recognized in the county as an official language.
In 2021 the population was 195,237 and the main ethnic groups were as follows:[5]
Due to its traditional bond with Europe and its level of international integration, in 1994 Istria County was the first Croatian region to become a member of theAssembly of European Regions.[6]
Istria is well connected with the rest of Croatia and Europe. Due to its connection with a wider European area, road development suitably covers all needs and contributes to a balanced development of the coastal area and the Istrian interior.
Initially, the need forrailroads in Istria was based upon fast development of industrial activities;shipbuilding, construction material, machine and electric industries, as well as Austrian military interests. AfterVienna andTrieste were connected in 1876, the railway betweenDivača, (in today'sSlovenia) and Pula, (122 km (76 mi) long with 21 km (13 mi) long branchKanfanar - Rovinj), was opened. Despite numerous initiatives, the western parts of Istria have been connected with the railroad only in 1902, with construction of theParenzana narrow-gauge railway. The 123.1 km (76 mi) long railway, was dismantled in 1935. To this day, Istria County's rail connections are only towardsSlovenia, and despite the fact that some plans to build railroad tunnel throughUčka mountain date from decades ago,[7] there are no projections about financing and works are not scheduled to start any time soon.The connection to the rest of Croatian rail network is byHŽ national railways' bus service from theLupoglav junction to theRijeka Station viaUčka road tunnel
Croatian Istria County's highway system is callen the "Istrian Y".A8 motorway connects the county to the rest of Croatia fromMatulji (A7/ furtherA6) interchange through Učka Tunnel toKanfanar interchange, andA9 motorway connects Pula viaKanfanar toUmag, connecting the county toSlovenian Istria and further to Italy.
The only significantairport with scheduled commercial service isPula Airport. Large majority of flights are only seasonal.
Various bottles ofTeran, red wine with controlled geographical origin, produced in specified region of Western Istria
Well-developed areprocessing industry, with traditionalagriculture, sea fishing and growing, construction and production of construction materials (lime,cement, brick, stone), trade andtransport. Most developed branches of industry areshipbuilding (In the early 1970s itsUljanikshipyard was building the biggest ships in the world asBerge Adria and others), metal processing, wood industry, furniture industry, automotive components industry, electric machines and appliances industry, glass, plastic, textile, tobacco industry. According to economic indicators, the leading activities are processing industry, tourism, and trade.
Great attention is being given to agriculture and the production of ecologic food, the wine and olive growing. Historically cultivated local wine varieties includeMalvasia (white) andTeran (red).
Istrian olive growers are being included in the first internationalextra virgin olive oil guideFlos Olei since 2000s, with Istria being both second and then first in the world by number of the included olive growers for 8 years respectively.[8] Istria was declared world's best olive oil region by this guide for 8 years in a row (2017-2024).[9]
Organized tourism in Istria goes back to the Romans, when emperorVespasian, for theentertainment of that time, built thePula Arena. During the reign ofAustro-Hungarian Empire in (1866), Austrian and Hungarian royalty and aristocracy started visiting local resorts and discovered Poreč.
Significant efforts were made afterWorld War II to develop the tourist infrastructure and to accentuate its importance. In combination with the natural environment, history andcultural heritage, investments resulted in developed and competitive service all along the western coast in Poreč, Pula, Rovinj, Umag, Novigrad, and Vrsar.
One growing trend among the centrally located cities, especiallyKanfanar, isagritourism. Beginning with La Casa di Matiki in 1994 after the war, a number of eccentric agritouristic Bed and Breakfasts have sprung up in central Istria, providing opportunities for individuals, couples, and families to experience a very authentic Istrian experience while learning about the Istrian agricultural lifestyle.
In the eastern part, as part of another county, there are resorts likeRabac,Opatija. Istria was and still is the most important tourist destination in Croatia, hosting the western and central European visitors, mostly from Germany, Slovenia, Austria and Italy.[10] Area is the most visited tourist region with 27% of all visitors and 35% of time spent in all of Croatia.
Directly elected minority councils and representatives are tasked with consulting tasks for the local or regional authorities in which they are advocating for minority rights and interests, integration into public life and participation in the management of local affairs.[12] At the2023 Croatian national minorities councils and representatives electionsAlbanians,Bosniaks,Montenegrins (electing 22 members),Roma,Slovenes (electing 24 members),Serbs andItalians of Croatia each fulfilled legal requirements to elect 25 members minority councils of the Istria County whileCzechs,Hungarians,Macedonians andUkrainians of Croatia elected individual representatives withGerman,Russian andSlovak representatives remained unelected due to the lack of candidates.[13] Numerous municipalities, towns or cities in the county elected their own local minority councils as well.[13]