Theindex case orpatient zero is the first documentedpatient in adisease epidemic within a population,[1] or the first documented patient included in anepidemiological study.[2] It can also refer to the first case of a condition or syndrome (not necessarily contagious) to be described in the medical literature, whether or not the patient is thought to be the first person affected.[citation needed] An index case can achieve the status of a "classic" case study in the literature, as didPhineas Gage, the first known person to exhibit a definitive personality change as a result of a brain injury.[3]
The index case may or may not indicate the source of thedisease, the possible spread, or which reservoir holds the disease in betweenoutbreaks, but may bring awareness of an emerging outbreak.[4][5] Earlier cases may or may not be found and are labeled primary or coprimary, secondary, tertiary, etc.[4] The term primary case can only apply to infectious diseases that spread from human to human, and refers to the person who first brings a disease into a group of people.[5] In epidemiology, the term is often used by both scientists and journalists alike to refer to the individual known or believed to have been the first infected or source of the resulting outbreak in a population as the index case, but such would technically refer to the primary case.[5][6]
"Patient zero" was used to refer to the supposed source ofHIV outbreak in theUnited States, flight attendantGaëtan Dugas in the popular press, but the term's use was based on a misunderstanding (and Dugas was not the index case).[7] In the 1984 study ofCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one of the earliest recorded HIV-patients was code-named "patient O", which stands for "patientout of California". The letterO, however, was interpreted by some readers of the report as the numeral0. The designationpatient zero (for Gaëtan Dugas) was subsequently propagated by theSan Francisco Chronicle journalistRandy Shilts in his bookAnd the Band Played On in 1987. William Darrow, behavioral scientist of CDC responsible to figure out why gay men in Los Angeles were dying of a strange illness, said: "That's correct. I never labeled him Patient Zero".[8]
The term has been expanded into general usage to refer to an individual identified as the first carrier of a communicable disease in a population (the primary case) orpandemics, or the first incident in the onset of a catastrophic trend.[9][10] In some cases, a known or suspected patient zero may be informally referred to as an index case for the purpose of a scientific study, such as the two-year-old boy in a remote village inGuinea who was thought to be the source of thelargest Ebola virus outbreak in history,[2][11] or an unknown one, such as themysterious patient zero ofCOVID-19.[12][13]
In genetics, the index case is the case of the original patient (i.e.propositus orproband) that stimulates investigation of other members of the family to discover a possible genetic factor.[14]
The term can also be used in non-medical fields to describe the first individual affected by something negative that since propagated to others, such as the first user on a network infected bymalware.[15]
A 1984 paper[16] linked 40 AIDS patients by sexual contact. Of those patients, Dugas was supposedly the first to experience an onset of symptoms of AIDS. In the above graph, Dugas is represented by the circle labeled 0, highlighted in red.
In the early years of theAIDSepidemic, apatient zero transmission scenario was compiled byWilliam Darrow and colleagues at the United StatesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[17] This epidemiological study showed how patient zero had infected multiple partners withHIV, and they, in turn, transmitted it to others causing rapid spread of thevirus to locations all over the world (Auerbach et al., 1984). The CDC identifiedGaëtan Dugas as a carrier of the virus from Europe to the United States, who spread it to other men he had sexual contact with atgay bathhouses.[18]
JournalistRandy Shilts subsequently wrote about patient zero, based on Darrow's findings,[17] in his 1987 bookAnd the Band Played On, which identified patient zero as being Gaëtan Dugas.[19] Dugas was a flight attendant who was sexually promiscuous in several North American cities, according to Shilts' book. He was vilified for several years as a "mass spreader" of HIV, and was seen as the original source of the HIV epidemic amonghomosexual men. Four years later, Darrow repudiated the study's methodology and how Shilts had represented its conclusions.[17]
The phrase patient zero is now used in the media to refer to the primary case for infectious disease outbreaks, as well as for computer virus outbreaks, and more broadly, as the source of ideas or actions that have far-reaching consequences.[23][24][25][26][27]
David Heymann, professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and formerly with theWorld Health Organization (WHO),[28] has questioned the importance of finding patient zero, stating, "Finding patient zero may be important in some instances, but only if they are still alive and spreading the disease; and more often than not, especially in large disease outbreaks, they're not."[29]
Mary Mallon ("Typhoid Mary") was an index case of atyphoid outbreak in the early 1900s. An apparently healthy carrier, she infected at least 47 people while working as acook. She eventually was isolated to prevent her from spreading the disease to others.[30]
The first recorded victim ofEbola was a 44-year-old schoolteacher named Mabalo Lokela, who died on 8 September 1976, 14 days after symptom onset.[31]
A baby in the Lewis House at 40 Broad Street, named Frances Lewis, is considered the index patient in the1854 cholera outbreak inLondon, England.[34]
Édgar Enrique Hernández may be patient zero of the2009 flu pandemic.[35] He recovered, and a bronze statue has been erected in his honor.[36] Maria Adela Gutierrez, who contracted the virus about the same time as Hernández, became the first officially confirmed fatality.
There are many known "patient zeros" across the world for theCOVID-19 pandemic, known for different symptoms and stories. Out of Los Angeles, patient zero Gregg Garfield spent 64 days in the hospital, including 30 days of coma-state after contracting the virus on a ski trip. Doctors said he had a 1% chance to live. He survived, but had fingers and toes amputated.[39]
Another patient zero of the COVID-19 pandemic includes an elderly man who was diagnosed on 1 December 2019, someone who had no contact with theHuanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Three other people experienced symptoms in the following days who also did not have contact with the Market.[40]
The term is used to identify the first computer or user to be infected withmalware on a network, which then infected other systems.[15][41]
Monica Lewinsky has described herself as the "patient zero" of online harassment, meaning that she was the first person to receive widespread public harassment via the internet.[42]
^ab"Search for patient zero: uncovering malware infection at the source".Infosecurity Magazine. 10 July 2012.Archived from the original on 31 March 2017. Retrieved31 March 2017.Medical researchers look for patient zero to find out where a virus outbreak started and what places and people patient zero came into contact with in order to contain the outbreak and prevent further infections. Similarly, infosec researchers need to look for the user who first introduced the malware into the network, which application was carrying the malware, and the files that are causing it to spread in order to contain it, eliminate it, and prevent reinfection, explained Huger, vice president of development at Sourcefire's cloud technology group.
^Pence, G. E. (2008). Preventing the Global Spread of AIDS. In Medical Ethics Accounts of the Cases That Shaped and Define Medical Ethics (p. 331). New York, USA, McGraw-Hill.
^Mohammadi D (15 January 2015)."Finding patient zero".The Pharmaceutical Journal.294 (7845).Archived from the original on 24 January 2015. Retrieved16 January 2015.
^Savitz E (5 June 2012)."Finding Patient Zero: The Key To Responding To Malware Attacks".Forbes.Archived from the original on 31 March 2017. Retrieved31 March 2017.In the physical world, the first thing researchers look for during an outbreak is patient zero. Where did the virus start and where are all of the places and who are all of the people it could have touched? In the cyber world this almost never happens. But it is just as fundamental.