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IEEE 802.3

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Collection of standards for wired Ethernet
This article is about the standards working group. For Ethernet frame data format, seeEthernet frame.

IEEE 802.3 is aworking group and a collection of standards defining thephysical layer anddata link layer'smedia access control (MAC) of wiredEthernet. The standards are produced by the working group of theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This set of standards generally applies tolocal area networks (LANs) and has somewide area network (WAN) applications. Physical connections are made between network nodes and, usually, various network infrastructure devices (hubs,switches,routers) by various types of copper cables oroptical fiber.

802.3 standards support theIEEE 802.1 network architecture.

802.3 also defines a LAN access method usingcarrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD).

Communication standards

Ethernet standardIEEE approval dateDescription
1973[a][1]2.94 Mbit/s (367 kB/s) over acoaxial cable (coax)bus. A single-octet node address is unique only to an individual network.
Ethernet I
(DIX v1.0)
1980-09[b]10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thick coax. Frames have a Type field. This frame format is used on all forms of Ethernet by protocols in theInternet protocol suite. Six-octetMAC address.
Ethernet II
(DIX v2.0)
802.3-19851983-0610BASE5 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thick coax. First edition of the IEEE 802.3 standard. Approved by IEEE in 1983, approved by ANSI in 1984, and published in 1985. Same as Ethernet II (above) except Type field is replaced by Length, and an802.2 LLC header follows the 802.3 header. Based on theCSMA/CD media access method.
802.3a1985-1110BASE2 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thin coax (a.k.a.thinnet orcheapernet)
802.3c1985-1210 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) repeater specifications
802.3d1987-12Fiber-optic inter-repeater link
802.3e1987-061BASE5 orStarLAN, first use of (voice-grade)twisted pair cabling, 1 Mbit/s, maximum reach of 250 to 500 m
802.3h1990-0910 Mbit/s layer management, DTEs
802.3i1990-0910BASE-T 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over twisted pair
802.3j1992-0910BASE-F 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) overoptical fiber
802.3k1992-0910 Mbit/s layer management, repeaters
802.3q1993-06GDMO (ISO/IEC 10165-4) format for Layer Managed Objects
802.3r1996-0710BASE5 Medium Attachment Unit PICS
802.3t1995-06120 Ω informative annex for 10BASE-T
802.3u1995-06100BASE-TX,100BASE-T4,100BASE-FX Fast Ethernet at 100 Mbit/s (12.5 MB/s) withautonegotiation
802.3v1995-12150 Ω informative annex for 10BASE-T
802.3x1997-03Full duplex andflow control; also incorporates DIX framing, so there's no longer a DIX/802.3 split
802.3y1997-03100BASE-T2 100 Mbit/s (12.5 MB/s) over voice-grade twisted pair
802.3z1998-061000BASE-X 1 Gbit/s (125 MB/s) Ethernet over optical fiber
802.3-19981998-06(802.3aa) A revision of the base standard incorporating earlier amendments and errata
802.3ab1999-061000BASE-T 1 Gbit/s (125 MB/s) Ethernet over twisted pair
802.3ac1998-09Max frame size extended to 1522 bytes (to allow "Q-tag"). The Q-tag includes802.1QVLAN information and802.1p priority information.
802.3ad2000-03Link aggregation for parallel links, since moved toIEEE 802.1AX
802.3-20022002-01(802.3ag) A revision of the base standard incorporating the three prior amendments and errata
802.3ae2002-0610 Gigabit Ethernet over fiber: 10GBASE-SR, 10GBASE-LR, 10GBASE-ER, 10GBASE-SW, 10GBASE-LW, 10GBASE-EW
802.3af2003-06Power over Ethernet (15.4 W)
802.3ah2004-06Ethernet in the First Mile
802.3ak2004-0210GBASE-CX4 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet overtwinaxial cables
802.3-20052005-06(802.3am) A revision of the base standard incorporating the four prior amendments and errata
802.3an2006-0610GBASE-T 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
802.3ap2007-03Backplane Ethernet (1 and 10 Gbit/s (125 and 1,250 MB/s) overprinted circuit boards)
802.3aq2006-0910GBASE-LRM 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet over multimode fiber
P802.3arcanceledCongestion management (withdrawn)
802.3as2006-09Frame expansion
802.3at2009-09Power over Ethernet enhancements (25.5 W)
802.3au2006-06Isolation requirements for Power over Ethernet (802.3-2005/Cor 1)
802.3av2009-0910 Gbit/sEPON
802.3aw2007-06Fixed an equation in the publication of 10GBASE-T (released as 802.3-2005/Cor 2)
802.3ax2008-11Link aggregation – moved to and approved as802.1AX
802.3-20082008-12(802.3ay) A revision of the base standard incorporating the 802.3an/ap/aq/as amendments, two corrigenda and errata
802.3az2010-09Energy-Efficient Ethernet
802.3ba2010-0640 Gbit/s and 100 Gbit/s Ethernet. 40 Gbit/s over a 1 m backplane, 10 m Cu cable assembly (4×25 Gbit/s or 10×10 Gbit/s lanes) and 100 m ofmulti-mode optical fiber, and 100 Gbit/s over 10 m of Cu cable assembly, 100 m of multi-mode optical fiber and 40 km ofsingle-mode optical fiber
802.3-2008/Cor 12009-12(802.3bb) Increase Pause Reaction Delay timings which are insufficient for 10 Gbit/s (Working group name was802.3bb.)
802.3bc2009-09Move and update Ethernet-related TLVs (type, length, values), previously specified in Annex F ofIEEE 802.1AB (LLDP) to 802.3
802.3bd2011-06Priority-based Flow Control. An amendment by theIEEE 802.1Data Center Bridging Task Group (802.1Qbb) to develop an amendment to IEEE Std 802.3 to add a MAC Control Frame to support IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control.
802.3.12011-05(802.3be) MIB definitions for Ethernet. It consolidates the Ethernet-relatedMIBs present in Annex 30A&B, variousIETFRFCs, and 802.1AB annex F into one master document with a machine-readable extract. (Working group name wasP802.3be.)
802.3bf2011-05Provides an accurate indication of the transmission and reception initiation times of certain packets as required to support IEEE P802.1AS
802.3bg2011-03Provide a 40 Gbit/sPMD which is optically compatible with existing carrierSMF 40 Gbit/s client interfaces (OTU3/STM-256/OC-768/40G POS).
802.3-20122012-08(802.3bh) A revision of the base standard incorporating the 802.3at/av/az/ba/bc/bd/bf/bg amendments, corrigenda and errata.
802.3bj2014-06Defines a four-lane 100 Gbit/s backplane PHY for operation over links consistent with copper traces on "improved FR-4" (as defined by IEEE P802.3ap or better materials to be defined by the Task Force) with lengths up to at least 1 m and a four-lane 100 Gbit/s PHY for operation over links consistent with coppertwinaxial cables with lengths up to at least 5 m
802.3bk2013-08This amendment to IEEE Std 802.3 defines the physical-layer specifications and management parameters for EPON operation on point-to-multipoint passive optical networks supporting extended power budget classes of PX30, PX40, PRX40, and PR40 PMDs.
802.3bm2015-02100G/40G Ethernet for optical fiber
802.3bn2016-0910G-EPON and 10GPASS-XR, passive optical networks over coax
802.3bp2016-06[2]1000BASE-T1 – Gigabit Ethernet over a single twisted pair for automotive & industrial environments
802.3bq2016-06[3]25GBASE-T/40GBASE-T Ethernet for four-pair balanced–twisted-pair cabling with two connectors over 30 m distances
802.3br2016-06Specification and Management Parameters for Interspersing Express Traffic
802.3bs2017-12200GbE (200 Gbit/s) over single-mode fiber and400GbE (400 Gbit/s) over optical physical media
802.3bt2018-09Third generationPower over Ethernet with up to 100 W using four pairs in balanced–twisted-pair cabling (4PPoE), including 10GBASE-T, lower standby power and specific enhancements to support IoT applications (e.g. lighting, sensors, building automation).
802.3bu2016-12Power over Data Lines (PoDL) for single twisted pair Ethernet (100BASE-T1)
802.3bv2017-02Gigabit Ethernet overplastic optical fiber (POF)
802.3bw2015-10[4]100BASE-T1 – 100 Mbit/s Ethernet over a single twisted pair for automotive applications
802.3-20152015-09802.3bx – A new consolidated revision of the 802.3 standard including amendments 802.3bk/bj/bm
802.3by2016-06[5]Optical fiber, twinax and backplane25 Gigabit Ethernet[6]
802.3bz2016-09[7]2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T – 2.5 Gigabit/s and 5 Gigabit/s Ethernet overCat-5e/Cat-6 twisted-pair cable
802.3ca2020-0625G-EPON and 50G-EPON – Downstream/Upstream rates of 25/10, 25/25, 50/10, 50/25, 50/50 Gbit/s overEthernetPassive Optical Networks
802.3cb2018-092.5 Gbit/s and 5 Gbit/s Operation over Backplane
802.3cc2017-1225 Gbit/s over Single-Mode Fiber
802.3cd2018-12Media Access Control Parameters for 50 Gbit/s and Physical Layers and Management Parameters for 50, 100, and 200 Gbit/s Operation
802.3ce2017-03Multilane Timestamping
802.3.2-20192019-03802.3cf, YANG Data Model Definitions
802.3cg2019-1110BASE-T1L and10BASE-T1S – 10 Mbit/s Single–twisted-pair Ethernet
802.3ch2020-06MultiGigBASE-T1 Automotive Ethernet (2.5, 5, 10 Gbit/s) over 15 m with optional PoDL
802.3-20182018-08802.3cj – 802.3-2015 maintenance, incorporating recent amendments bn/bp/bq/br/bs/bu/bv/bw/by/bz/cc/ce
802.3ck2022-09100, 200, and 400 Gbit/s Ethernet using 100 Gbit/s lanes, chaired by Beth Kochuparambil[8]
802.3cm2020-01400 Gbit/s over multimode fiber (four and eight pairs, 100 m)
802.3cn2019-1150 Gbit/s (40 km), 100 Gbit/s (80 km), 200 Gbit/s (four λ, 40 km), and 400 Gbit/s (eight λ, 40 km and single λ, 80 km overDWDM) over single-mode fiber and DWDM
802.3cp2021-0610/25/50 Gbit/s single-strand optical access with at least 10/20/40 km reach, chaired byFrank Effenberger[8]
802.3cq2020-01Power over Ethernet over two pairs (maintenance)
802.3cr2021-02Isolation (maintenance)
802.3cs2022-09"Super-PON" – Increased-reach, 10 Gbit/s optical access with at least 50 km reach and 1:64 split ratio per wavelength pair, 16 wavelength pairs, chaired by Claudio DeSanti[8]
802.3ct2021-06100 Gbit/s over DWDM systems (80 km reach using coherent modulation), chaired by John D'Ambrosia[8]
802.3cu2021-02100 Gbit/s and 400 Gbit/s over SMF using 100 Gbit/s lanes
802.3cv2021-05Power over Ethernet maintenance, chaired by Chad Jones[8]
802.3cwcanceled400 Gbit/s over DWDM Systems – chaired by John D'Ambrosia,[8] withdrawn
802.3cx2023-03ImprovedPTP time-stamping accuracy, chaired by Steve Gorshe[8]
802.3cy2023-06MultiGigBASE-T1 25 Gbit/s electrical automotive Ethernet,[9] chaired by Steve Carlson[8]
802.3cz2023-03Multi-gigabit optical automotive Ethernet, chaired by Bob Grow[8]
802.3da(TBD)10BASE-T1S 10 Mb/s operation over single–balanced-pair multi-drop segments, extends length up to 50 m – scheduled for mid 2025, chaired by Chad Jones[8]
802.3db2022-09100 Gbit/s, 200 Gbit/s, and 400 Gbit/s operation over optical fiber using 100 Gbit/s signaling, chaired by Robert Lingle[8]
802.3-20222022-07802.3dc – 802.3-2018 maintenance, incorporating recent amendments bt/ca/cb/cd/cg/ch/cm/cn/cp/cq/cr/ct/cu/cv, chaired by Adam Healey[8]
802.3dd2022-06Power over Data Lines of single-pair Ethernet maintenance, chaired by George Zimmerman[8]
802.3de2022-09Time synchronization for point-to-point single-pair Ethernet, chaired by George Zimmerman
802.3df2024-02200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s and 800 Gb/s using 100 Gbit/s lanes, chaired by John D’Ambrosia
802.3dg(TBD)100BASE-T1L (100 Mbps over a single pair with extended length to 500 m) – scheduled for mid 2025, chaired by George Zimmerman
802.3dhcanceledMulti-gigabit-per-second automotive Ethernet over plastic optical fiber, chaired by Yuji Watanabe
802.3dj(TBD)200 Gb/s, 400 Gb/s, 800 Gb/s and 1.6 Tbit/s using 200 Gbit/s lanes – scheduled for spring 2026, chaired by John D'Ambrosia
802.3dk(TBD)Greater than 50 Gbit/s bidirectional optical access, chaired by Yuanqiu Luo
802.3dm(TBD)Asymmetrical Electrical Automotive Ethernet, chaired by Jon Lewis
802.3dn(TBD)802.3-2022/Cor 1 Multi-Gigabit Automotive MDI Return Loss, chaired by Brett McClellan
  1. ^developed atXerox PARC
  2. ^abpublished by DEC, Intel, Xerox PARC

See also



  1. ^"Ethernet Prototype Circuit Board". Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Retrieved2014-10-31.
  2. ^"IEEE P802.3bp 1000BASE-T1 PHY Task Force". 2016-07-29. Retrieved2016-10-02.
  3. ^"Approval of IEEE Std 802.3by-2016, IEEE Std 802.3bq-2016, IEEE Std 802.3bp-2016 and IEEE Std 802.3br-2016". IEEE. 2016-06-30..
  4. ^"IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 Task Force". 2015-10-27.The work of the IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 Task Force completed with the approval of IEEE Std 802.3bw-2015 by the IEEE-SA Standards Board on 27 October 2015.
  5. ^"[STDS-802-3-25G] IEEE Std 802.3by-2016 Standard Approved!". 2016-06-30.
  6. ^P802.3by 25 Gbit/s Ethernet Task Force, IEEE.
  7. ^"[802.3_NGBASET] FW: Approval of IEEE Std 802.3bz 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T". IEEE P802.3bz Task Force. Retrieved2016-09-24.
  8. ^abcdefghijklm"IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Task Force, Study Group, and Ad Hoc Officers". IEEE. 30 April 2021. Retrieved2021-05-26.
  9. ^"Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 25 Gb/s – Electrical Automotive Ethernet". IEEE. 2023-08-11. Archived fromthe original on 2023-09-01. Retrieved2023-09-01.

External links

Ethernet family oflocal area network technologies
802 series
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