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Report Program Generator programming language by IBM
Report Program Generator
First appeared1959; 66 years ago (1959)
Stable release
RPG IV version 7 release 4 / October 6, 2020 (2020-10-06)
Typing disciplineStrong,static
RPG,RPG II,RPG III, RPG 400,RPG IV, RPG/ILE; RPG/Free, Baby/36, Baby/400, Lattice RPG, VAX RPG II
Influenced by

RPG is ahigh-level programming language forbusiness applications, introduced in 1959 for theIBM 1401. It is most well known as the primary programming language of IBM'smidrange computer product line, including theIBM ioperating system.[1] RPG has traditionally featured a number of distinctive concepts, such as the program cycle, and the column-oriented syntax.[2] The most recent version isRPG IV, which includes a number of modernization features, including free-form syntax.[3]



The RPG programming language originally was created by IBM for their 1401 systems. IBM later produced implementations for the7070/72/74[4][5] andSystem/360;[6] RPG II became the primary programming language for theirmidrange computer product line, (theSystem/3,System/32,System/34,System/38,System/36 andAS/400). There have also been implementations forDECVAX, Sperry Univac BC/7, Univac system 80, SiemensBS2000, Burroughs B700,B1700, Hewlett PackardHP 3000, theICL 2900 series, Honeywell 6220 and 2020, Four-Phase IV/70 and IV/90 series,Singer System 10 andWANG VS, as well as miscellaneous compilers and runtime environments for Unix-based systems, such as Infinite36 (formerly Unibol 36), and PCs (Baby/400, Lattice-RPG).

RPG II applications are still supported under theVSE[7] andz/OS operating systems,[8]UnisysMCP,[9]Microsoft Windows[10] andOpenVMS.[11]





Originally developed byIBM in 1959, the nameReport Program Generator was descriptive of the purpose of the language: generation of reports from data files.[12]FOLDOC accredits Wilf Hey with work at IBM that resulted in the development of RPG.[13]FARGO (Fourteen-o-oneAutomaticReportGenerationOperation) was the predecessor to RPG on theIBM 1401.

Both languages were intended to facilitate ease of transition for IBMtabulating machine (Tab)unit record equipment technicians to the then-new computers. Tab machine technicians were accustomed to plugging wires intocontrol panels to implement input, output, control and counter operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Tab machines programs were executed by impulses emitted in a machine cycle; hence, FARGO and RPG emulated the notion of the machine cycle with the program cycle. RPG was superior to and rapidly replaced FARGO as the report generator program of choice.

IBM later implemented RPG(7070-RG-902), but not FARGO, on theIBM 7070/72/74.[14][15]

The alternative languages generally available at the time wereAssembler,COBOL orFORTRAN. Assembler and COBOL were more common in mainframe business operations (System/360 models 30 and above) and RPG more commonly used by customers who were in transition from tabulating equipment (System/360 model 20).


Main article:RPG II

RPG II was introduced about 1969 with theSystem/3 series of computers. It was later used onSystem/32,System/34, andSystem/36, with an improved version of the language. RPG II was also available for larger systems, including theIBM System/370 mainframe runningDOS/VSE (thenVSE/SP,VSE/ESA, andz/VSE).ICL also produced a version on itsVME/K operating system.

In the early days of RPG, its major strength was theprogram cycle. A programmer would write code to process an individual record, and the program cycle would execute the change against every record of a file, taking care of the control flow. At that time each record (individual punched card) would be compared to each line in the program, which would act upon the record, or not, based upon whether that line had an "indicator" turned "on" or "off". The indicator consisted of a set of logical variables numbered 01–99 for user-defined purposes, or other smaller sets based upon record, field, or report processing functions. The concept of level breaks and matching records is unique to the RPG II language, and was originally developed with card readers in mind. The matching record feature of the cycle enabled easy processing of files having a header-to-detail relationship. RPG programs written to take advantage of the program cycle could produce complex reports with far fewer lines of computer code than programs written inCOBOL and other business-centric languages.

The program File Specifications, listed all files being written to, read from or updated, followed byData Definition Specifications containing program elements such as Data Structures and dimensional arrays, much like a "Working-Storage" section of a COBOL program. This is followed by Calculation Specifications, which contain the executable instructions. Output Specifications can follow which can be used to determine the layout of other files or reports. Alternatively files, somedata structures and reports can be defined externally, mostly eliminating the need to hand code input and output ("I/O") specifications.


Main article:RPG III

RPG III was created for theSystem/38 and its successor theAS/400. RPG III significantly departed from the original language, providing modern structured constructs like IF-ENDIF blocks, DO loops, andsubroutines. RPG III was also available for larger systems including theIBM System/370 mainframe runningOS/VS1. It was also available fromUnisys for theVS/9 operating system running on theUNIVAC Series 90 mainframes.

Since the introduction of theIBM System/38 in 1979 most RPG programmers discontinued use of the cycle in favor of controlling program flow with standard looping constructs, although IBM has continued to provide backward compatibility for the cycle.



DE/RPG or Data Entry RPG was exclusively available on theIBM 5280 series of data-entry workstations in the early '80s. It was similar to RPG III but lacking external Data Descriptions (DDS) to describe data(files) like on the System/38 and its successors. Instead, the DDS part had to be included into the RPG source itself.



RPG/400 was effectively RPG III running on AS/400. IBM renamed the RPG compiler as "RPG/400" but at the time of its introduction it was identical to the RPG III compiler on System/38. Virtually all IBM System/38 products were rebranded as xxx/400 and the RPG compiler was no exception. RPG III compiled with the RPG/400 compiler offered nothing new to the RPG III language until IBM began development of new operation codes, such as SCAN, CAT and XLATE after several years of AS/400 availability. These enhancements to RPG III were not available in the System/38 version of RPG III.



RPG IV, a.k.a.RPG ILE,[16] was released in 1994 as part of the V3R2 release ofOS/400 (now known as IBM i).[17][18]

With the release of RPG IV, the RPG name was officially no longer aninitialism. RPG IV offered a greater variety of expressions within its Extended Factor-2 Calculation Specification and, later in life, its free-format Calculation Specifications and Procedure syntax.RPG IV in theIntegrated Language Environment framework is known as ILE RPG, and user guides explain the nuances of both.[19][20][21] RPG IV and ILE RPG are supported by IBM in the current IBM i platform.[22]

In 2001, with the release ofOS/400 V5R1, RPG IV offered greater freedom for calculations than offered by the Extended Factor-2 Calculation Specification: afree-format text-capable source entry, as an alternative to the original column-dependent source format. The "/FREE" calculation did not require the operation code to be placed in a particular column; the operation code is optional for the EVAL and CALLP operations; and syntax generally more closely resembles that of mainstream, general-purpose programming languages. Until November 2013, the free format applied exclusively to the calculation specifications.[23] With theIBM i V7R1 TR7 upgrade to the language, the "/free" and "/end-free" calculations are no longer necessary, and the language has finally broken the ties to punched cards.

IBM Rational Developer for i (RDi),[24] anEclipse-basedIntegrated Development Environment, is recommended by IBM for RPG development.[25] The Source Entry Utility (SEU) text editor is no longer recommended for RPG development, and development ceased after IBM i 6.1.[26] Other legacy developer tools include CODE/400 (based on IBM WorkFrame/2) andVisualAge for RPG.

Continuing language enhancements


IBM continues to enhance the RPG language[27] via software releases and intra-release “technology refreshes” (TRs).[28][29] More built-in functions (BIFs) have been added. It has the ability to link toJava objects,[30] and IBM iAPIs; it can be used to writeCGI programs with the help of IBM'sCgidev2 Web toolkit,[31] theRPG Toolbox, and other commercial Web-enabled packages. Even with the changes, it retains a great deal of backward compatibility, so an RPG program written 37 years ago could run today with little or no modification.

The SQL precompiler allows current RPG developers to take advantage of IBM's cost-based SQE (SQL Query Engine). With the traditional F-Spec approach a developer had to identify a specific access path to a data set, now they can implement standard embedded SQL statements directly in the program. When compiled, the SQL precompiler transforms SQL statements into RPG statements which call the database manager programs that ultimately implement the query request.

The RPG IV language is based on theEBCDIC character set, but also supports UTF-8, UTF-16 and many other character sets. The threadsafe aspects of the language are considered idiosyncratic by some as the compiler team has addressed threads by giving each thread its own static storage, rather than make the RPG run-time environment re-entrant. This has been noted to muddle the distinction between a thread and a process (making RPG IV threads a kind of hybrid between threads and processes).

In 2010, IBM launchedRPG Open Access, also known asRational Open Access: RPG Edition. It allows new I/O handlers to be defined by a programmer - enabling data to be read from and written to sources which RPG does not provide inbuilt support for.[32]

Data types


RPG supports the following data types.

The character in thedata type column is the character that is encoded on the Definition Specification in the column designated for data type. To compare, in a language like C where definitions of variables are free-format and would use a keyword such asint to declare an integer variable, in RPG, a variable is defined with a fixed-format Definition Specification. In the Definition Specification, denoted by a letterD in column6 of a source line, the data type character would be encoded in column40. Also, if thedata type character is omitted, that is, left blank, the default isA if no decimal positions are specified, P when decimal positions are specified for stand-along fields, andS (ZONED) when decimal positions are specified within a data structure.

Data typeNameLengthDescription
AAlphanumeric character1 to 16,773,104 bytes (fixed)
1 to 16,773,100 bytes (varying-length)
Alphanumeric character
BBinary numeric1 byte (8-bit)
2 byte (16-bit)
4 bytes (32-bit)
8 bytes (64-bit)
Signed binary integer
CUCS-2 character1 to 8,386,552 characters (fixed)
1 to 8,386,550 characters (varying)
16-bit UCS-2 character (DBCS or EGCS)
DDate10 bytesDate: year, month, day
FFloating point numeric4 bytes (32-bit)
8 bytes (64-bit)
Signed binary floating-point real
GGraphic character1 to 8,386,552 characters (fixed)
1 to 8,386,550 characters (varying)
16-bit graphic character (DBCS or EGCS)
IInteger numeric1 byte (8-bit)
2 bytes (16-bit)
4 bytes (32-bit)
8 bytes (64-bit)
Signed binary integer
NCharacter indicator1 byte'1' = TRUE
'0' = FALSE
OObjectSize undisclosedObject reference
PPacked decimal numeric1 to 63 digits,
2 digits per byte plus sign
Signed fixed-point decimal number with integer and fraction digits
SZoned decimal numeric1 to 63 digits,
1 digit per byte
Signed fixed-point decimal number with integer and fraction digits
TTime8 bytesTime: hour, minute, second
UInteger numeric1 byte (8-bit)
2 bytes (16-bit)
4 bytes (32-bit)
8 bytes (64-bit)
Unsigned binary integer
ZTimestamp26 bytesDate and time:
  year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microseconds
16 bytesAddress to Data
Address to Activated Procedure
Address to Object

Example code


The following program receives a customer number as an input parameter and returns the name and address as output parameters.This is the most primitive version of RPG IV syntax. The same program is shown later with gradually more modern versions of the syntax and gradually more relaxed rules.

      * Historically RPG was columnar in nature, though free-formatting      * was allowed under particular circumstances.      * The purpose of various lines code are determined by a      * letter code in column 6.      * An asterisk (*) in column 7 denotes a comment line      * "F" (file) specs define files and other i/o devices     F ARMstF1   IF   E       K     Disk    Rename(ARMST:RARMST)      * "D" (data) specs are used to define variables     D pCusNo          S              6p     D pName           S             30a     D pAddr1          S             30a     D pAddr2          S             30a     D pCity           S             25a     D pState          S              2a     D pZip            S             10a      * "C" (calculation) specs are used for executable statements      * Parameters are defined using plist and parm opcodes     C     *entry        plist     C                   parm                    pCusNo     C                   parm                    pName     C                   parm                    pAddr1     C                   parm                    pAddr2     C                   parm                    pCity     C                   parm                    pState     C                   parm                    pZip      * The "chain" command is used for random access of a keyed file     C     pCusNo        chain     ARMstF1      * If a record is found, move fields from the file into parameters     C                   if        %found     C                   eval      pName  = ARNm01     C                   eval      pAddr1 = ARAd01     C                   eval      pAddr2 = ARAd02     C                   eval      pCity  = ARCy01     C                   eval      pState = ARSt01     C                   eval      pZip   = ARZp15     C                   endif      * RPG makes use of switches.  One switch "LR" originally stood for "last record"      * LR flags the program and its dataspace as removable from memory     C                   eval      *InLR = *On

The same program using free calculations available starting in V5R1:

      * "F" (file) specs define files and other i/o devices     FARMstF1   IF   E        K     Disk    Rename(ARMST:RARMST)      * "D" (data) specs are used to define variables and parameters      * The "prototype" for the program is in a separate file      * allowing other programs to call it      /copy cust_pr      * The "procedure interface" describes the *ENTRY parameters     D getCustInf      PI     D  pCusNo                        6p 0   const     D  pName                        30a     D  pAddr1                       30a     D  pAddr2                       30a     D  pCity                        25a     D  pState                        2a     D  pZip                         10a      /free        // The "chain" command is used for random access of a keyed file        chain pCusNo ARMstF1;        // If a record is found, move fields from the file into parameters        if %found;           pName  = ARNm01;           pAddr1 = ARAd01;           pAddr2 = ARAd02;           pCity  = ARCy01;           pState = ARSt01;           pZip   = ARZp15;        endif;      // RPG makes use of switches.  One switch "LR" originally stood for "last record"      // LR actually flags the program and its dataspace as removable from memory.        *InLR = *On;      /end-free

Assume the ARMSTF1 example table was created using the following SQL Statement:


The same program using free calculations and embedded SQL:

      * RPG IV no longer requires the use of the *INLR indicator to terminate a program.      * by using the MAIN keyword on the "H" (Header) spec, and identifying the "main" or      * entry procedure name, the program will begin and end normally without using the      * decades-old RPG Cycle and instead a more "C like" begin and end logic.     H  MAIN(getCustInf)      * "D" (data) specs are used to define variables and parameters      * The "prototype" for the program is in a separate file      * allowing other programs to call it      /copy cust_pr      * The "procedure interface" describes the *ENTRY parameters     P getCustInf      B     D getCustInf      PI     D  pCusNo                        6p 0   const     D  pName                        30a     D  pAddr1                       30a     D  pAddr2                       30a     D  pCity                        25a     D  pState                        2a     D  pZip                         10a      /free        exec sql select arName, arAddr1, arAdd2, arCity, arStte, arZip                 into  :pName, :pAddr1, :pAddr2, :pCity, :pState, :pZip                 from   ARMstF1                 where  arCNum = :pCusNo                 for fetch only                 fetch first 1 row only                 optimize for 1 row                 with CS;      /end-free     P GetCustInf      E

As of V7R1 of the operating system, the above program would not necessarily need the prototype in a separate file, so it could be completely written as:


Lastly, if you apply the compiler PTFs related Technology Refresh 7 (TR7) to your 7.1 operating system, then the above program can be coded completely in free-form, as follows:



  1. ^"RPG ILE Introduction". IBM. June 2012.Archived from the original on 2024-02-29. Retrieved2021-03-16.
  2. ^Tony Baritz; David Dunne (1991).AS/400--concepts and Facilities. McGraw-Hill.ISBN 978-0-07-018301-8.Archived from the original on 2024-02-29. Retrieved2021-03-16.
  3. ^Alex Woodie (2020-08-24)."Is It Time To Rename RPG?" from the original on 2021-04-23. Retrieved2021-03-16.
  4. ^7070/7074 Compiler Systems: Report Program Generator.IBM. C28-6113.
  5. ^Programming Systems Analysis Guide - IBM 7070 Series Report Program Generator(PDF).IBM. 1962. C28-6192.Archived(PDF) from the original on January 19, 2024. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2024.
  6. ^IBM System/360 - Operating System - RPG Language Specifications - Program Number 380S-RG-038 (OS)(PDF) (Seventh ed.).IBM. July 1973. GC24-3337-6.Archived(PDF) from the original on January 19, 2024. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2024.
  7. ^"21CS VSEn". 21st Century Software. Retrieved2025-02-22.
  8. ^"Supported product list". IBM. 2021-03-16. Archived fromthe original on 2021-05-02. Retrieved2021-03-17.
  9. ^"ClearPath MCP Express"(PDF). Unisys. 2017.Archived(PDF) from the original on 2020-11-12. Retrieved2021-03-17.
  10. ^"Visual RPG for .NET" ASNA.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  11. ^"Migration RPG" from the original on 2021-05-17. Retrieved2021-03-17.
  12. ^"...IBM 1401 and the Report Program Generator (RPG) contributed significantly to this success..."Archived 2012-01-24 at theWayback Machine, IBM 1401 Data Processing System / 1959
  13. ^but it says 1965, rather than the 1959 mentioned here.
  14. ^7070/7074 Compiler Systems: Report Program Generator.IBM. C28-6113.
  15. ^Programming Systems Analysis Guide - IBM 7070 Series Report Program Generator(PDF).IBM. 1962. C28-6192.Archived(PDF) from the original on January 19, 2024. RetrievedJanuary 19, 2024.
  16. ^"Generating Random Numbers in ILE RPG Using the CEERAN0 API",
  17. ^"How did we miss RPG IV's Coming of Age?"Archived 2017-03-03 at theWayback Machine,
  18. ^"RPG/400" International Business Machines Corporation. 8 May 2018.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  19. ^"ILE RPG Reference" International Business Machines Corporation. June 2012.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  20. ^"ILE RPG Programmer's Guide" International Business Machines Corporation. June 2012.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  21. ^"Who Should Use This Guide" International Business Machines Corporation. June 2012.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  22. ^"High Level Languages" International Business Machines Corporation. 8 May 2018.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  23. ^Paris, Jon; Gantner, Susan."Totally Free RPG". IBM Systems Magazine.Archived from the original on 8 March 2014. Retrieved8 March 2014.
  24. ^"IBM Rational Developer for i" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  25. ^"5770-WDS IBM Rational Development Studio for i V7.4" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  26. ^"5770-WDS IBM Rational Development Studio for i V7.4" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved4 April 2022.
  27. ^IBM."RPG Cafe" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  28. ^IBM."IBM i Technology Updates" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 12 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  29. ^IBM."IBM i Technology Refresh" International Business Machines Corporation.Archived from the original on 3 April 2022. Retrieved3 April 2022.
  30. ^"RPG/400 User's Guide"(PDF) from the original on 7 August 2017. Retrieved6 August 2017.
  31. ^"EASY400 CGIDEV2" from the original on 26 March 2019. Retrieved26 March 2019.
  32. ^"Rational Open Access: RPG Edition". IBM.Archived from the original on 2024-02-29. Retrieved2021-03-17.

Further reading


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