TheInvisible Internet Project (I2P) is an anonymous network layer (implemented as amix network) that allows forcensorship-resistant,peer-to-peer communication. Anonymous connections are achieved byencrypting the user's traffic (by usingend-to-end encryption), and sending it through a volunteer-run network of roughly 55,000 computers distributed around the world. Given the high number of possible paths the traffic can transit, a third party watching a full connection is unlikely. The software that implements this layer is called an "I2P router", and a computer running I2P is called an "I2P node". I2P isfree andopen source, and is published under multiplelicenses.[5]
The network is strictly message-based, likeIP, but alibrary is available to allow reliablestreaming communication on top of it (similar toNon-blocking IO-basedTCP, although from version 0.6, a newSecure Semi-reliableUDP transport is used[8]). All communication isend-to-end encrypted (in total, four layers of encryption are used when sending a message) throughgarlic routing,[9] and even theend points ("destinations") arecryptographic identifiers (essentially a pair ofpublic keys), so that neither senders nor recipients of messages need to reveal theirIP address to the other side or to third-party observers.
Although many developers had been a part of the Invisible IRC Project (IIP)[10] andFreenet communities, significant differences exist between their designs and concepts. IIP was an anonymous centralizedIRC server. Freenet is acensorship-resistantdistributed data store. I2P is ananonymous peer-to-peer distributed communication layer designed to runany traditional internet service (e.g.Usenet,email,IRC,file sharing,Web hosting andHTTP, orTelnet), as well as more traditional distributed applications (e.g. a distributed data store, aweb proxy network usingSquid, orDNS).
Many developers of I2P are known only underpseudonyms. While the previous main developer,jrandom, is currently on hiatus,[11] others, such aszzz,killyourtv, andComplication have continued to lead development efforts,[citation needed] and are assisted by numerous contributors.[1]
This section needs to beupdated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Last update: v1.6.1 - 2021-11-29(May 2024)
I2P has had a stable release every six to eight weeks. Updates are distributed via I2P torrents and are signed by the release manager (generallyzzz orstr4d).
I2P Versions
Release date
Release notes
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.11
Support for outproxy plugins, improves lease set lookup security, and reduces memory usage.[14]
A new version of SAM (v3.2) and numerous bug fixes and efficiency improvements. The first release to require Java 7.[28]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.25
A new version of SAM (v3.3), QR codes for sharing hidden services, identicons and router families.[29]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.26
Major upgrade to the native crypto library, a new addressbook subscription protocol with signatures, and major improvements to the Debian/Ubuntu packaging.[30]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.27
Improvements in IPv6 transports, SSU peer testing, and hidden mode.[31]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.28
Updates for a number of bundled software, fixes for IPv6 peer testing, improvements to detect and block potentially malicious peers. Preliminary fixes for Java 9.[32]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.29
Support for NTP over IPv6, preliminary Docker support, translated main pages. We now pass same-origin Referrer headers through the HTTP proxy. There are more fixes for Java 9, although we do not yet recommend Java 9 for general use.[33]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.30
Support for Debian Stretch and Ubuntu Zesty, upgraded to Jetty 9 and Tomcat 8, support for the migration of old DSA-SHA1 hidden services to the EdDSA signature type.[34]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.31
Refreshed the router console to improve readability, improved accessibility and cross-browser support, and general tidying up.[35]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.32
0.9.32 contains a number of fixes in the router console and associated webapps (addressbook, i2psnark, and susimail). We have also changed the way we handle configured hostnames for published router infos, to eliminate some network enumeration attacks via DNS. Added some checks in the console to resist rebinding attacks.[36]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.33
0.9.33 contains bug fixes for i2psnark, i2ptunnel, streaming, and SusiMail. Updates for reseed proxying, and default rate limiting.[37]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.34
0.9.34 contains bug fixes for i2ptunnel, router console, SusiMail, routing and transport along with Changes to SusiMail and UPnP.[38]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.35
0.9.35 adds support for folders in SusiMail, and a new SSL Wizard for setting up HTTPS on your Hidden Service website.[39]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.36
0.9.36 implements a new, more secure transport protocol called NTCP2. It is disabled by default, but you may enable it for testing. NTCP2 will be enabled in the next release.[40]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.37
0.9.37 enables the faster, more secure transport protocol called NTCP2.[41]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.38
0.9.38 includes a new first-install wizard with a bandwidth tester. We've added support for the latest GeoIP database format. There's a new Firefox profile installer and a new, native Mac OSX installer on our website. Work continues on supporting the new "LS2" netdb format.[42]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.39
0.9.39 includes extensive changes for the new network database types (proposal 123). We've bundled the i2pcontrol plugin as a webapp to support development of RPC applications. There are numerous performance improvements and bug fixes.[43]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.40
0.9.40 includes support for the new encrypted leaseset format. We disabled the old NTCP 1 transport protocol. There's a new SusiDNS import feature, and a new scripted filtering mechanism for incoming connections.[44]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.41
0.9.41 continues the work to implement new features for proposal 123, including per-client authentication for encrypted leasesets. The console has an updated I2P logo and several new icons. We've updated the Linux installer.[45]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.42
0.9.42 continues the work to make I2P faster and more reliable. It includes several changes to speed up our UDP transport. We have split up the configuration files to enable future work for more modular packaging. We continue work to implement new proposals for faster and more secure encryption. There are, of course, a lot of bug fixes also.[46]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.43
0.9.43 release continues work on stronger security and privacy features and performance improvements. Our implementation of the new leaseset specification (LS2) is now complete. We are beginning our implementation of stronger and faster end-to-end encryption (proposal 144) for a future release. Several IPv6 address detection issues have been fixed, and there of course are several other bug fixes.[47]
Old version, not maintained: 0.9.44
0.9.44 contains an important fix for a denial of service issue in hidden services handling of new encryption types.[48]
The website states that "funding for I2P comes entirely from donations".[58] Admins and managers of the project said that "the core project itself doesn't take donations". These should instead go to secondary applications or be spent on hiring others, to work on I2P.[59] Support for theonboarding for I2P came from theOpen Technology Fund.[60][61] In contrast toThe Tor Project, I2P has "not the financial or legal infrastructure to support a network ofexit nodes".[62] The reseed servers,[63] a sort of bootstrap nodes,[64] which connect the user with the initial set of peers to join the I2P-network, should be run by volunteers.[65]
Since I2P is an anonymizingnetwork layer, it is designed so other software can use it for anonymous communication. As such, there are a variety of tools currently available for I2P or in development.
The I2Prouter is controlled through the router console, which is a web frontend accessed through a web browser.
I2PTunnel is an application embedded into I2P that allows arbitrary TCP/IP applications to communicate over I2P by setting up "tunnels" which can be accessed by connecting to pre-determined ports onlocalhost.
SAM (Simple Anonymous Messaging) is aprotocol which allows a client application written in anyprogramming language to communicate over I2P, by using a socket-based interface to the I2P router.[66]
BOB (Basic Open Bridge) is a less complex app to router protocol similar to "SAM"[67]
AnyIRC client made for the Internet Relay Chat can work, once connected to the I2PIRC server (on localhost). I2P have the option to create tunnels that are specific for this usage, where certain commands that could de-anonymize the user are filtered out.
Several programs provideBitTorrent functionality for use within the I2P network. Users cannot connect to non-I2P torrents or peers from within I2P, nor can they connect to I2P torrents or peers from outside I2P.[72]I2PSnark, included in the I2P install package, is a port of the BitTorrent client named Snark.[73]Vuze, formerly known as Azureus, is aBitTorrent client that includes a plugin for I2P, allowing anonymous swarming through this network.[74] This plugin is still in an early stage of development, however it is already fairly stable.I2P-BT is a BitTorrent client for I2P that allows anonymous swarming forfile sharing. This client is a modified version of the original BitTorrent 3.4.2 program which runs onMS Windows and most dialects ofUnix in a GUI and command-line environment. It was developed by the individual known as 'duck' on I2P in cooperation with 'smeghead'. It is no longer being actively developed; however, there is a small effort to upgrade the I2P-BT client up to par with the BitTorrent 4.0 release.I2PRufus is an I2P port of the Rufus BitTorrent client.[75]Robert (P2P Software) is the most actively maintained I2PRufus fork. XD is a standalone BitTorrent client written in Go.[76] BiglyBT is a bittorrent client based on Vuze which also allows the use of i2p for downloading/seeding. Additionally, there exists a torrent index namedPostman, ran by the individual with the same name, its rules says that it does not allow illegal content, butwarez andpiracy is accepted.
TwoKad network clients exist for the I2P network,iMule andNachtblitz. iMule (invisible Mule) is a port ofeMule for I2P network. iMule has not been developed since 2013. iMule is made for anonymous file sharing. In contrast to othereDonkey clients, iMule only uses theKademlia for proceeding to connect through I2P network, so no servers are needed.Nachtblitz[77] is a custom client built on the .NET Framework. The latest version is 1.4.27, released on March 23, 2016. Nachtblitz includes a time lock to disable the software one year after its release date.
I2Phex is a port of the popularGnutella clientPhex to I2P. It is stable and fairly functional.
Tahoe-LAFS has been ported to I2P. This allows for files to be anonymously stored in Tahoe-LAFS grids.
MuWire is a file-sharing program inspired by the LimeWire Gnutella client that works atop the I2P network.[78]
Currently,Vuze and BiglyBT are the torrent clients that makeclearnet (connections not through I2P) torrents available on I2P and vice versa. Depending on the client settings, torrents from the internet can be made available on I2P (via announcements to I2P's DHT network) and torrents from I2P can be made available to the internet. For this reason, torrents previously published only on I2P can be made available to the entire Internet, and users of I2P can often download popular content from the Internet while maintaining the anonymity of I2P. As of August 2022, the default outproxy is exit.stormycloud.i2p which is run by StormyCloud Inc.[79][80][81]
I2P-Bote is afree, fullydecentralized and distributed anonymousemail system with a strong focus on security.[82] It supports multiple identities and does not expose emailmetadata. As of 2015[update], it is still consideredbeta software. I2P-Bote is accessible via the I2Pweb console interface or using standard email protocols (i.e.IMAP/SMTP). All bote-mails are transparently end-to-end encrypted and signed by the sender's private key, thus removing the need forPGP or other email encryption software. I2P-Bote offers additional anonymity by allowing for the use of mail relays with variable length delays. Since it is decentralized, there is no centralized email server that could correlate different email identities as communicating with each other (i.e.profiling). Even thenodes relaying the mails do not know the sender, and apart from sender and receiver, only the end of the high-latency mail route and the storing nodes will know to whom (which I2P-Bote address – the user's IP address is still hidden by I2P) the mail is destined. The original sender could have gone offline long before the email becomes available to the recipient. No account registration is necessary, all you have to do in order to use it is create a new identity. I2P-Bote can be installed as an I2P plugin .[83]
I2P also has a free pseudonymous e-mail service run by an individual calledPostman. Susimail is aweb-based email client intended primarily for use with Postman's mail servers, and is designed with security and anonymity in mind. Susimail was created to address privacy concerns in using these servers directly using traditional email clients, such as leaking the user's hostname while communicating with the SMTP server. It is currently included in the default I2P distribution, and can be accessed through the I2P router console web interface. Mail.i2p can contact both I2P email users and public internet email users.
I2P-Messenger is a simpleQt-based, serverless,end-to-end-encryptedinstant messenger for I2P.[84] No servers can log the user's conversations. No ISP can log with whom the user chats, when, or for how long. As it is serverless, it can make use of I2P's end-to-end encryption, preventing any node between two parties from having access to the plain text. I2P-Messenger can be used for fully anonymous instant communication with persons the user doesn't even know, or, alternatively, to communicate securely and untraceably with friends, family members, or colleagues. In addition to messaging,file transfer is also supported.
I2P-Talk is another simple instant messenger incompatible with I2P-Messenger, but having the same security properties
Syndie is a content distribution application, suitable forblogs,newsgroups,forums and small media attachments. Syndie is designed fornetwork resilience. It supports connections to I2P, the Tor network (Syndie does not support Socks proxies, workaround needed for Tor access), Freenet and the regular internet. Server connections are intermittent, and supporthigher-latency communications. Connections can be made to any number of known servers. Content is spread efficiently using aGossip protocol.
Aktie is an anonymous file sharing and distributedweb of trust forums system. Aktie can connect to I2P with its internal router or use an external router. To fight spam, "hash payments" (proof of CPU work) is computed for every published item.
This sectionneeds expansion with: i2pd. You can help byadding to it. Relevant discussion may be found onTalk:I2P.(May 2024)
i2pd is a light-weight I2P router written inC++, stripping the excessive applications such as e-mail, torrents, and others that can be regarded as bloat.[85][86] The I2PSnark standaloneBitTorrent client by I2P+ Team can still be used with it.
The Privacy Solutions project,[87] a new organization that develops and maintains I2P software, launched several new development efforts designed to enhance the privacy, security, and anonymity for users, based on I2P protocols and technology.
The code repository and download sections for the i2pd and Abscond project is available for the public to review and download.[90]Effective January, 2015 i2pd is operating under PurpleI2P.[91]
Release builds of an I2P Router application for Android can be found on theGoogle Play store under The Privacy Solutions Project's Google Play account or on anF-Droid repository hosted by the developers.[92]
Nightweb is an Android application that utilizes I2P and Bittorrent to share blog posts, photos, and other similar content. It can also be run as a desktop application. It is no longer in development.[93]
I2P's mascot, itoopie, who is looking through a magnifying glass.[95]
Eepsites arewebsites that are hosted anonymously within the I2P network. Eepsite names end in.i2p, such asugha.i2p orforum.i2p. EepProxy can locate these sites through thecryptographic identifier keys stored in thehosts.txt file found within the I2P program directory. Typically, I2P is required to access these eepsites.[96]
'I2p' is apseudo-top-level domain which is only valid within the I2Poverlay network scope..i2pnames are resolved by browsers by submitting requests to EepProxy which will resolve names to an I2P peer key and will handle data transfers over the I2P network while remaining transparent to the browser.[97]
The EepProxy program handles all communication between the browser and any eepsite. It functions as aproxy server that can be used by anyweb browser.
Peers, I2P nodes
Other machines using I2P that are connected to user's machine within the network. Each machine within the network shares the routing and forwarding of encryptedpackets.
Every ten minutes, a connection is established between the user's machine and another peer. Data to and from the user, along with the data for other peers (routed through the user's machine), pass through these tunnels and are forwarded to their final destination (may include morejumps).[98]
Thedistributed hash table (DHT)database based on theKademliaalgorithm that holds information on I2P nodes and I2P eepsites. This database is split up among routers known as "floodfill routers". When a user wants to know how to contact an eepsite, or where more peers are, they query thedatabase.[99][96]
Denial of service attacks are possible against websites hosted on the network, though a site operator may secure their site against certain versions of this type of attack to some extent.[100][101]
A 2017 study examining howforensic investigators might exploit vulnerabilities in I2P software to gather useful evidence indicated that a seized machine which had been running I2P router software may hold unencrypted local data that could be useful tolaw enforcement. Records of which websites a user of a later-seized machine was interested in may also be inferred. The study identified a "trusted" I2Pdomain registrar ("NO.i2p") which appeared to have been abandoned by its administrator, and which the study identified as a potential target for law enforcement takeover. It alternatively suggested waiting for NO.i2p's server to fail, only tosocial engineer the I2P community into moving to a phony replacement. Another suggestion the study proposed was to register a mirror version of a target website under an identical domain.[101]
From August 15, 2015 to August 16, 2015 an I2P convention was held inToronto, Ontario.[105] The conference was hosted by a localhackerspace, Hacklab. The conference featured presentations from I2P developers and security researchers.
^zzz (8 February 2014)."0.9.11 Release" from the original on 2 September 2016. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (31 March 2014)."0.9.12 Release" from the original on 2 September 2016. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (22 May 2014)."0.9.13 Release" from the original on 2 August 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (26 July 2014)."0.9.14 Release" from the original on 6 October 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (9 August 2014)." Release" from the original on 2 September 2016. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (20 September 2014)."0.9.15 Release" from the original on 28 June 2017. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (1 November 2014)."0.9.16 Release" from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (30 November 2014)."0.9.17 Release" from the original on 17 December 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (22 February 2015)."0.9.18 Release" from the original on 11 September 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (12 April 2015)."0.9.19 Release" from the original on 19 April 2015. Retrieved4 May 2015.
^zzz (2 June 2015)."0.9.20 Release" from the original on 11 September 2015. Retrieved15 September 2015.
^zzz (31 July 2015)."0.9.21 Release" from the original on 11 September 2015. Retrieved2 August 2015.
^zzz (12 December 2015)."0.9.22 Release" from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved13 September 2015.
^str4d (19 November 2015)."0.9.23 Release" from the original on 21 November 2015. Retrieved20 November 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
^zzz (27 January 2016)."0.9.24 Release" from the original on 2 February 2016. Retrieved29 January 2016.
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^zzz (7 June 2016)."0.9.26 Release" from the original on 2 September 2016. Retrieved7 June 2016.
^zzz (17 October 2016)."0.9.27 Release" from the original on 6 February 2017. Retrieved6 January 2017.
^zzz (12 December 2016)."0.9.28 Release" from the original on 29 August 2017. Retrieved15 July 2017.
^zzz (27 February 2017)."0.9.29 Release" from the original on 6 March 2017. Retrieved5 March 2017.
^zzz (3 May 2017)."0.9.30 Release" from the original on 3 October 2020. Retrieved14 June 2017.
^zzz (7 August 2017)."0.9.31 Release" from the original on 11 August 2017. Retrieved11 August 2017.
^zzz (11 November 2017)."0.9.32 Release" from the original on 15 November 2017. Retrieved15 November 2017.
^zzz (30 January 2018)."0.9.33 Release" from the original on 31 January 2018. Retrieved30 January 2018.
^zzz (10 April 2018)."0.9.34 Release" from the original on 12 April 2018. Retrieved11 April 2018.
^zzz (26 June 2018)."0.9.35 Release" from the original on 29 June 2018. Retrieved29 June 2018.
^zzz (23 August 2018)."0.9.36 Release" from the original on 27 March 2019. Retrieved29 January 2019.
^zzz (4 October 2018)."0.9.37 Release" from the original on 7 January 2019. Retrieved29 January 2019.
^zzz (22 January 2019)."0.9.38 Release" from the original on 29 January 2019. Retrieved29 January 2019.
^zzz (21 March 2019)."0.9.39 Release" from the original on 22 March 2019. Retrieved22 March 2019.
^zzz (7 May 2019)."0.9.40 Release" from the original on 2 August 2019. Retrieved7 December 2019.
^zzz (2 July 2019)."0.9.41 Release" from the original on 13 August 2019. Retrieved13 August 2019.
^zzz (28 August 2019)."0.9.42 Release" from the original on 3 October 2020. Retrieved27 September 2020.
^zzz (22 October 2019)."0.9.43 Release" from the original on 25 November 2019. Retrieved23 November 2019.
^zzz (1 December 2019)."0.9.44 Release" from the original on 5 December 2019. Retrieved7 December 2019.
^zzz (25 February 2020)."0.9.45 Release" from the original on 21 October 2020. Retrieved3 October 2020.
^zzz (25 May 2020)."0.9.46 Release" from the original on 20 September 2020. Retrieved3 October 2020.
^zzz (24 August 2020)."0.9.47 Release" from the original on 27 August 2020. Retrieved9 September 2020.
^zzz (30 November 2020)."0.9.48 Release" from the original on 20 January 2021. Retrieved6 January 2021.
^zzz (17 February 2021)."0.9.49 Release" from the original on 13 December 2021. Retrieved13 December 2021.
^zzz (17 May 2021)."0.9.50 Release" from the original on 26 May 2021. Retrieved1 June 2021.
^zzz (23 August 2021)."1.5.0 Release" from the original on 13 December 2021. Retrieved13 December 2021.