The town is located in the Iławskie Lake District, on the longest lake in Poland –Jeziorak.[1] It is located in the area of historicalPomesania. The rivers Iławka and Tynwałd flow through Iława. Within the town's administrative area there is the largest inland island in Poland –Wielka Żuława, which has a permanent ferry connection with the town. The town is located in the area of the Green Lungs of Poland - an area characterized by clean air and diversity of the natural system. From the west and north, Iława is surrounded by theIława Lake District Landscape Park. Iława is a holiday, paralympic and tourist resort. In the forest just outside Iława there are twoPolish Television holiday resorts (Sarnówek andTłokowisko)[2] to which journalists come for a holiday. From Iława, theBaltic Sea can be accessed throughJeziorak Lake and the historic, unique in the worldElbląg Canal.
At Lake Silm, one of the world's several training centres for skippers and port pilots, they learn to manoeuvre seagoing ships on miniaturised models. The town is called the summer capital of traditional jazz because of the oldest festival of this music genre in Europe - Old Jazz Meeting "Złota Tarka". In Iława there is the Pope's Calvary of the Iława Lake District, whose canoe-shaped Stations of the Cross refer to and commemorateKarol Wojtyła's two visits to Jeziorak, after which the future Pope was kayaking with young people. Iława lies on theRoad of St. James (one of the most important Christian pilgrimage routes in the world) which leads to theCathedral of Santiago de Compostella in Spain.
As of January 1, 2009, the area of the city is 21. 88 km²,[3] placing the city on the third position in the province. The town is also the fifth largest in the Warmia and Mazury region and the fifth in the population.
Iława and its surroundings lie on undulatingmoraine and sandstone areas, distinguished by varied forms of sculpture. Within the city, on Lake Jeziorak (the longest lake in Poland and the sixth largest) is the island ofWielka Żuława with relics of an Old Prussian town. In the vicinity of the city, in the sand terrain, there are lakes, mainlygutter lakes, surrounded by significant forest complexes. In Iława itself, apart from the mentioned Jeziorak, there are a dozen or so smaller lakes (i.e. Little Jeziorak, Iławskie, Dół). The lakes and rivers of the Iławskie Lake land form, together with theElbląg Canal, a wide system of inland navigation, connecting the surrounding water bodies. This channel makes it possible to reach the Baltic Sea from Iława.
The city existed originally as an Old Prussian settlement and was recorded by Teutonic Knights inPrussia in 1305. It is documented in a manuscript byLuther von Braunschweig in 1317 and its first names are known as Ylavia, Ylaw, and Ilow.[4] It was located on theIławka River between LakesJeziorak andIławskie. The town was under the jurisdiction of thekomtur ofChristburg (Dzierzgoń) and since 1340 underOsterode (Ostróda).
At the start of theThirteen Years’ War (1454–1466) in February 1454, Iława sided with thePrussian Confederation, at the request of which KingCasimir IV Jagiellon signed the act of incorporation of the region to Poland.[5][6] In April 1454 the town pledged allegiance to the Polish King. After Poland's loss at theBattle of Chojnice, in November 1454 it was taken over by the Teutonic Knights,[5] who handed over its defence toCzech mercenaries. In 1457, the unpaid Czech mercenariessold the town to Poland. After thepeace treaty signed inToruń in 1466 the town was a part of Poland as afief.[5][7] In 1520 Polish KingSigismund I the Old granted Iława the right to collect tolls on the bridge over Jeziorak.
In 1525 the town became part of theDuchy of Prussia, a vassal state of thePolish Crown,[5] and in 1701 it became part of theKingdom of Prussia. Administered within the new province ofWest Prussia in 1773, it became part of theGerman Empire in 1871. During theSeven Years' War, the town was occupied byRussia between 1758 and 1762. In October–December 1831, several Polish infantry units of theNovember Uprising stopped in the town on the way to their internment places.[8]
Town view from theJeziorak Lake in the early 20th century
According to the German census of 1910, the town had a population of 10,087, of which 9,566 (94.8%) wereGermans and 380 (3.8%) werePoles.[9][10] After Poland regained its independence in 1918, theEast Prussian plebiscite of 1920 allowed the residents to cast votes either in favor of remaining inGermany or becoming a part ofPoland. The vote took place amid persecution of Polish activists by the German side.[11] Ultimately the town voted to remain in Germany by 4,746 to 235 votes. It became part ofRegierungsbezirk West Prussia in theProvince of East Prussia.
DuringWorld War II, the Germans operated a penal subcamp of the prison inSztum.[12] Its prisoners were mostlyPoles, and many either died of hunger or cold, or were executed.[12] There was also aforced labour camp for some 1,200 people,[12] and Poles were also enslaved as forced labour in the town's vicinity.[13] ThePolish resistance movement was active and one of the region's main smuggling points for underground Polish press was located in the area.[14] Towards the end of the war, most population left the town, and the Soviet Army destroyed approximately 85% of the town.[15] After World War II, the town became again part of Poland in accordance with thePotsdam Agreement. The historic Polish nameIława was adopted to replace the Germanized name.
The name Iława is thought to originate from the ancient Prussian wordilis, meaning black. The related Baltic-Slavic wordilo orilu means the black colour but also mud. The name might refer to the swampy area where the city lies, or to the dark water of the lake Jeziorak.[15]
The oldest written form of the name Iława is Latin Ylavia. This form appeared on a location document from 1317. Later documents of 1333 and 1334 mention Ylav, while the variety Ylau is mentioned in 1338. In the fifteenth century, the form Ylow and Ylow Thethonicalis appeared. In the years 1430 and 1438, the documents issued by the Dzierzgon command post spoke of Deutschen Ylaw. In the years 1443, 1457 and 1458 the town was named Ylau, and in 1456 it took the form of Ilau, then in 1459 it was changed to Eylaw. The name Deutze Eylau is used in 1457 and its other form Dwetsch Eylau in 1468. Between the 16th and 17th centuries, the names Teutschen Eylau, Deutscheneylau and Theuto Ilavia appear. In the 18th century, the Deutsch Eylau form was adopted, valid until 1933. On 1 January 1934 the name was changed to Stadt Deutsch Eylau (Stadt - en. The town), and since 1945 the Polish name of the town is Iława, which was officially approved on 7 May 1946.[16]
On the coat of arms of Iława there is the figure of the Mother of God with the Child in her arms, who sits on the throne at the city gate. The coat of arms of Iława was amended by the resolution of the City Council of May 28, 1998.[17]
Iława's city bugle-call was approved by the resolution of the City Council of August 29, 1996. It is played every day at 12.00 on the trumpet from the town hall tower. It was composed in 1995 by Henryk Majewski - a well-known jazz musician, one of the organizers of the Złota Tarka festival held annually in Iława.[17]
Notes of the bugle-call
The flag of Iława was approved by a resolution of the City Council of April 24, 1997. It depicts the coat of arms of Iława and ten alternately arranged wavy stripes in white and blue, which symbolize waves of Jeziorak lake.[17]
In Iława County there is the second lowest unemployment rate in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (5. 8%) just after Olsztyn County (5. 1%) - data as of the end of August 2016. Iława is a subzone of the Warmia and Mazury Special Economic Zone.[19]
The town holiday is June 11, commemorating the location of Ilawa in 1305.[20] Most of the cultural events in the city are under the patronage of the Iława Culture Centre. At the ICK there is the "Pasja"; cinema, where DKF "Kadr"; operates. There is the Municipal Public Library[21] in Iława, as well as the District Pedagogical Library, which is a part of the District Centre for Education Development[22] in Iława, and a branch of the Warmia and Mazury Pedagogical Library of Iława. The Karol Wojtyła Foundation in Elbląg. There are several art galleries in the city.[23]
Charming - a newspaper for children and young people published by the Iława Lakeland and Dylewskie Hills Landscape Parks Complex, published three times a year[33]
In 1974, the film Gniazdo directed by Jan Rybkowski was recorded onWielka Żuława Island, telling the story of the first years of the Polish state.[34] The action of two adventures of "Pan Samochodzik"; -Nowe przygody Pana Samochodzika[35] andPan Samochodzik i złota rękawica byZbigniew Nienacki - took place in Iława and atJeziorak. In November 1995.Volker Schlöndorff (author of, "Blaszany bębenek";) shot scenes for his film King Olch[36] withJohn Malkovich in the ruins of Szymbark Castle (8 km from Iława). In 1989, TVP recorded a documentary film Bloody Ilawa[37] about the Ilawa prison famous for its rebellion, pacification and self-mutilation, as well as for the beating of the interned in spring 1982.
The Jewish cemetery in Iława was established shortly after 1812 and covered an area of 0. 44 hectare.[38] It was devastated by theNazis and then liquidated by the communist authorities between 1975 and 1976. The land and the remains of the people buried there were used to renovate the IKS Jeziorak stadium. Currently in its place there is anIKS Jeziorak training pitch.
Iława is a centre of water sports. The city has many marinas, water equipment and bicycle rentals. The town has a sports stadium, a sportsand entertainment hall, a sports swimming pool (Sports and Recreation Centre), a bowling alley, aPump track extreme cycling track, a skatepark, an indoor ice rink, a traffic town, 2 guarded beaches, 3 Orlik pitches, a motocross-bike and bicycle track, a forest shootingrange, a rowing track, a mini-golf course, and several gyms. On November 18, 1992 at the Municipal Stadium in Iława a friendly football match between Poland and Latvia took place.[39]
The Iława Sports Centre for Tourism and Recreation operates in Iława, which supports various sports sections. In the city there is a sports clubJeziorak Iława, consisting of several sections, among others football, handball, table tennis and taekwondo. Moreover, there are local clubs, institutions andassociations in Iława which bring together people who practice, amongothers martial arts, rowing, volleyball, tennis, athletics, swimming, shooting and cycling.[40]
There is a troop of the PolishScouting Association in Iława. There aretwo multi-level teams, three teams of hikers (16–21 years old), oneteam of older scouts (13–16 years old), four teams of scouts (19-13years old) and four teams of chefs.[41]
The Sir Charles Canoeing Trail. John Paul II - Ostróda - Miłomłyn - Siemiany - Gizerek - IŁAWA
The Old Apple Canoeing Trail - Miłomłyn - IŁAWA (length. 63,4 km) - Stare Jabłonki - J. Szeląg M. - J. Szeląg W. - J. Pauzeńskie - Ostróda - J. Drwęckie - K. Elbląski - Miłomłyn - K. Iławski - J.Jeziorak - Chmielówka - Makowo - Szałkowo - IŁAWA
Kayak Trail IŁAWA - Stare Jabłonki (length: 1. 5 km) (73,3 km) -IŁAWA - Iławka - Drwęca - J. Drwęckie - Ostróda - J. Pauzeńskie - J.Szeląg W. i M. - S. Jabłonki
Canoe trail IŁAWA - IŁAWA (length. 136. 7 km) - Reich. Iławka - Rz. Drwęca - J. Drwęckie - Ostróda - J. Szeląg Wielki - J. Szeląg M. - Stare
Jabłonki - K. Elbląski - Miłomłyn - K. Iławski - J. Dauby - J. Jeziorak - IŁAWA
^Czubiel, Lucjan; Domagała, Tadeusz (1969). "Żołnierze polscy w Prusach po upadku powstania listopadowego. Powroty do kraju i wyjazdy na emigrację".Zabytkowe ośrodki miejskie Warmii i Mazur (in Polish). Pojezierze. p. 149.
^Kasparek, Norbert (2014). "Żołnierze polscy w Prusach po upadku powstania listopadowego. Powroty do kraju i wyjazdy na emigrację". In Katafiasz, Tomasz (ed.).Na tułaczym szlaku... Powstańcy Listopadowi na Pomorzu (in Polish). Koszalin: Muzeum w Koszalinie, Archiwum Państwowe w Koszalinie. p. 138.
^Wardzyńska, Maria (2017).Wysiedlenia ludności polskiej z okupowanych ziem polskich włączonych do III Rzeszy w latach 1939-1945 (in Polish). Warszawa:IPN. p. 104.ISBN978-83-8098-174-4.
^Chrzanowski, Bogdan (2022).Polskie Państwo Podziemne na Pomorzu w latach 1939–1945 (in Polish). Gdańsk: IPN. p. 57.ISBN978-83-8229-411-8.